About Biblical Archaeology Review Magazine

The BAR Editorial Focus

Articles follow the major issues in the field—from the historical reliability of the Bible to the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls—and are written by the world’s greatest archaeologists, most distinguished scholars, leading researchers and world-renowned experts.

Each story is supplemented with high-resolution color photographs, informative maps and diagrams. BAR’s unique departments provide even greater depth and variety to its fascinating coverage of the biblical world. The biblical and archaeology magazine features an annual dig guide of archaeological excavations to help match volunteers with digs in Israel, Jordan and beyond. With a commitment to accuracy, independence and openness, BAR welcomes the contributions of its readers and strives to make the current insights of professional archaeology and biblical scholarship available and understandable to the general public.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who writes for Biblical Archaeology Review?

The world’s most renowned biblical scholars and archaeologists. We work closely with them to produce articles that represent the finest, most enticing and understandable journalism.

Is it all serious?

We believe that a good archaeology magazine should make learning fun as well as mind-expanding. In each issue of BAR, we have a Biblical archaeology cartoon caption contest, a look at the Bible in the news, trivia questions, a one-page look at what’s especially beautiful beyond the biblical world in places like Timbuktu and China and much more fun.

Does BAR have a particular theological orientation?

No, BAR is nonsectarian. BAR appeals to people of all religions and of no religion. Our readers—and writers—include Christians and Jews, people of deep faith and people who are skeptics, Catholics and Protestants, evangelicals and mainliners, and sprinklings of people who are of many other religious orientations. The most important thing is to be respectful of differences.

Who reads BAR?

Biblical Archaeology Review articles have been used in a variety of settings—from Bible study groups to Ivy League classrooms. Most of our readers enjoy BAR in their homes, learning about a subject dear to them.

The readers of Biblical Archaeology Review are generally an adult, well-educated audience. Our subscribers are mostly college-educated professionals, many with graduate degrees. Users of the BAS website and Facebook page are more diverse, with audiences of all age groups from across the planet. The allure of biblical and archaeological scholarship tends to attract a mature audience, yet our digital editions bring our best features into the hands of the enthusiastic new generation of Biblical Archaeology Society members.

Each Issue of Biblical Archaeology Review Features:

  • First Person: BAR Editor Glenn Corbett’s editorial page, where he gives his own unique take on current events in the world of archaeology and biblical studies.
  • Queries & Comments: Letters to the editor. Readers respond with questions, plus with what they do and don’t like about BAR.
  • Strata: A collection of short pieces covering news, art, trivia and human interest stories related to the Bible and archaeology. Fun sections, including What Is It? is included in Strata.
  • Epistles: biblical content and other ancient texts in the form of essay writer, facts, and interpretations from renowned scholars.
  • Biblical Views: biblical scholars write a column interpreting a Biblical passage or topic for each issue.
  • Archaeological Views: Archaeologists write a column on archaeological methods, theories or debates for each issue.
  • Features: Usually four major articles per issue on topics ranging from epigraphy to biblical interpretation to major archaeological projects. BAR takes great pride in the accessible scholarly content put forth in each issue’s features, and encourages a scholarly dialogue to develop around each.
  • Reviews: Scholars and experts review the latest books about the Bible and archaeology.
  • Worldwide: A close-up look at a beautiful piece of art from areas of the ancient Mediterranean world that aren’t usually covered in BAR.
  • Cartoon Caption Contest: A one-frame cartoon from a Bible verse just awaiting your clever caption to vie for a BAS All-Access Membership and BAR gift subscriptions.

BAR’s annual volunteer dig guide to archaeological excavations in the Middle East and the Classical world is the only resource of its kind. Each Winter, BAR explores the upcoming summer dig opportunities.