Expert Discusses Archaeology of Qumran Site in Israel 75 Years After Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery


Alicia Bregon, Travel/Study Manager
[email protected]
1-800-221-4644 ext. 216


WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 30, 2022)—The 2022 BAS Scholars Series continues September 15 at 8 pm Eastern with the live, online presentation of The Archaeology of Qumran 75 Years after the Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls by renowned scholar Dr. Jodi Magness of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

In this slide-illustrated lecture, Magness explores the archaeological remains of Qumran, a site in Israel’s West Bank region once inhabited by members of a Jewish sect who deposited the scrolls in nearby caves.

She examines the meaning and significance of the approximately 1,000 scrolls found by experts since the first discovery by young Bedouin shepherds in 1947, considered by many to be the greatest archaeological find of the 20th Century.

Magness, a frequent speaker at BAS Travel/Study events, holds the endowed chair of the Kenan Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence in Early Judaism in the Religious Studies department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a past president of the Archaeological Institute of America.

“I love sharing the excitement of archaeology with others,” Magness said.

The BAS Scholars Series is a quarterly program of BAS, the Biblical Archaeology Society, a nonprofit educational organization that bridges the gap between academia and the public in the field of biblical archaeology. Each hour-long talk via Zoom is $10 and focuses on a subject of the speaker’s expertise in archaeology and the Bible.

To register for this event and other BAS Travel/Study offerings, go to its award-winning website:

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