Spring 2020 Issue Is Coming Soon!

Available on Thursday (2/27) online for digital and all access subscribers

Dig into several archaeological mysteries in the Spring 2020 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review. Although archaeologists have been searching for biblical sites for centuries, certain places remain elusive. The New Testament Bethsaida is one of them. Two locations have been proposed as candidates for the fishing village on the Sea of Galilee, which was later transformed into a Roman city. Explore the cases for the two contenders, el-Araj and et-Tell, and cast your vote for the best candidate. Then move south to the site of Qumran on the Dead Sea to solve another mystery. Many believe that Qumran was a celibate community, home to the Jewish sect of the Essenes. However, female skeletons uncovered at the local cemetery call this theory into question. After unraveling that conundrum, step further south to Egypt and detect the type of structures referenced in the Book of Exodus as being built by the Israelite slaves. Also, explore when literacy emerged in Judah, search for Judean refugees in the Galilee, and analyze interpretations of the biblical figures of Eve and Aseneth. Step inside the el-Jazzar mosque and read an interview with Pnina Shor of the Israel Antiquities Authority. See all this and more in the Spring 2020 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review, available on Thursday (2/27) online for Digital and All Access subscribers, and in homes shortly thereafter for print subscribers!

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Also on the site at Bible History Daily, see the latest news in biblical archaeology or delve into additional articles, eBooks, and videos about key Bible and archaeology topics, including an exclusive interview with R. Steven Notley and Mordechai Aviam, directors of the el-Araj excavation. See why they believe their site is the best candidate for biblical Bethsaida. Then peruse Leonard J. Greenspoon’s updated eBook The Holy Bible: A Buyer’s Guide. If you’re in the market for a Bible, this free guide is the book for you! This Easter, dig deeper into the Gospels’ narrative of the death of Jesus and his ultimate resurrection with the free eBook Easter: Exploring the Resurrection of Jesus. Explore the BAS Library, which features every article ever published in BAR, Bible Review, and Archaeology Odyssey, as well as Special Collections of articles curated by BAS editors.

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