The First Christmas: The Story of Jesus’ Birth in History and Tradition

Interested in the Christmas story and what it meant to the earliest Christians?

In this free eBook, expert Bible scholars and archaeologists offer glimpses of the first Christmas as recounted and understood by those who first told the beloved story.

Discover what Bible experts have to say about the Gospel stories of Jesus’ birth, the history of Christmas, the three wise men, the adoration of the magi, the star of Bethlehem, the date of Jesus’ birth, shepherds and angels at the nativity, the location of Jesus’ birth, the magi in art and literature and early Christian Christmas traditions.

The time-honored traditions of Christmas are dear to the hearts of Christians today. The story of the first Christmas recaptures the imagination as it is retold year after year in Bible readings, carols, Christmas pageants, live manger scenes and crèche displays, to name a few. Perhaps in the midst of all this, we might wonder what the story of Jesus’ birth meant to the earliest Christians. How did their story differ from the one we tell today, and what significance did they give to each member of the cast of characters?

Chapter 1
Witnessing the Divine: The Magi in Art and Literature

Early and modern-day Christians alike have been captivated in particular by the three magi in the Christmas story. Author Robin Jensen tells us that early Christian art contains more representations of the adoration of the magi than of the infant Jesus in the manger. What key theological message did the early Christians see in the story of the magi? Jensen uncovers the answer by tracing the magi’s numerous appearances in art and literature from the period in “Witnessing the Divine: The Magi in Art and Literature.”

Chapter 2
The Magi and the Star: Babylonian Astronomy Dates Jesus’ Birth

Perhaps the most mystifying part of the magi’s journey is the star that guides them. Scholars and astronomers have tried for some time to identify a celestial event that corresponds with the magi’s guiding star, in part because it would also pinpoint the date of Jesus’ birth. Where modern science fails to explain the mysterious star, Babylonian astronomy gives better clues in “The Magi and the Star: Babylonian Astronomy Dates Jesus’ Birth” by Simo Parpola.

Chapter 3
What Was the Star that Guided the Magi?

Author Dale C. Allison, Jr. does not look to astronomy for an explanation of the magi’s star, though he does look heavenward. In “What Was the Star that Guided the Magi,” he suggests that another sort of celestial entity was the bright light that guided the magi’s journey to pay homage to the infant Jesus.

Chapter 4
Where Was Jesus Born? O Little Town of ... Nazareth?

The star, tradition tells us, led the magi to the tiny Judean town of Bethlehem. However, many scholars of the New Testament have come to the conclusion that Jesus was born in Nazareth, not Bethlehem. Steve Mason’s “O Little Town of … Nazareth?” explores the the passages in the Biblical text that suggest Nazareth was Jesus’ birthplace.

Chapter 5
Where Was Jesus Born? Bethlehem ... Of Course

Despite the belief held by some researchers that Jesus was born in Nazareth, other prominent New Testament scholars remain convinced that the first Christmas took place in Bethlehem. Jerome Murphy O’Connor supports the Bethlehem tradition using archaeology, the gospels and other ancient texts in “Bethlehem … Of Course.”

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58 Responses

  1. edu says:

    es interesante saber el estudio que se requiere para saber mas claramente la aparicion de dicha estrella, la bibia señala que se aparecieron angeles para anunciar el nacimiente de jesus esto suena mas importante que el hecho que tres astrologos. no magos, fueran a ver a jesus por la razon de ver una anomalía en el cielo a saber una estrella que de paso se movia y los guiaba y no en este caso angeles, pues este hecho nos muestra q no era algo divino que guiaba a estos astrologos pues mas tarde los guia a herodes quien sabe del por que viajaban y quiere matar a jesus.

  2. darlene burrow says:

    I really enjoyed reading this site and learning more things about the good lord our god

  3. David Akers says:

    I would likebthis book.

  4. Hans Wust says:

    It mesmerizes me how stubbornly people call Magi ‘wise men’ when the original Greek uses the former term.
    They are not synonims, Magi were a priest class in Persian Kingdom inherited from the merge of Media in the North-West corner between the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea.
    Additionally, they were Medes as Israelite priests were Levites, trade inherited by blood.
    By the time of Jesus, the original Medes’ religion had evolved and had been systematized by Zarathustra 6 centuries ago, the god Mitra had gained a foothold in the Roman pantheon, especially in the Army.
    But the most important feature, covered with the false translation ‘wise men’, is that those Magi were pagan priests that had learned magic from their Babylonian colleagues and gazed the stars.
    I just wonder how many more things are warped with false translations.

  5. Gerry says:

    People rarely read what the gospels say about the birth of Jesus and prefer the myths of Christmas Day and the three wise men etc. The purpose of the “star” was to facilitate the murder of the Messiah. That this had anything to do with God is nonsense. If anything, it is a diabolical p,ot.

  6. John says:

    Chapter 2 of this book says: ” Scholars and astronomers have tried for some time to identify a celestial event that corresponds with the magi’s guiding star, in part because it would also pinpoint the date of Jesus’ birth.”
    Suggestions have been made that it could have been a comet, meteor, supernova or conjunction of planets.One could ask – How come any one of these bodies, remained stationary, over one house in Bethlehem? As 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 says, Satan can use very powerful works and lying signs, and mislead and delude many into believing lies. John 8:44 describes the religious leaders of his day as being like Satan, the father of the lie……….and this no doubt was a reason that only the astrologers ‘saw’ this star.

  7. John says:

    BAR says: “……….particular by the three magi in the Christmas story.”
    Who stated that there were three astrologers (magi), it certainly does not mention it in the Bible……….only based on assumption because there were three gifts mentioned.
    BAR says: “….the adoration of the magi than of the infant Jesus in the manger.”
    Matthew 2:7, 8 tells us that Herod sent the astrologers, (NOT wise men – although they may have been considered ‘wise men’ by those practicing astrology), to look for a YOUNG CHILD, not an infant………that of course, that is why Herod wanted all males up to the age of two killed.
    Also in this book it says: “Author Dale C. Allison, Jr. does not look to astronomy for an explanation of the magi’s star,”………….of course he couldn’t look to ASTRONOMY, because, what is being dealt with is ASTROLOGY……….because it was only the astrologers that saw the star.

    1. John says:

      Another little interesting point on this is, if the astrologers had been present when Jesus was an an infant, why does the Bible at, Luke 2:22-24 that Joseph and Mary offered a pair of turtle doves or pigeons, instead of a bull, (when the time came for their purifying, when Jesus was 40 days old)……..which they would have done, had they already received the gifts from the astrologers

  8. Skye Cosentino says:

    Donald, you are right,I do not agree with you….How could someone be a true follower of Christ and only believe some of what the bible tells us …..It would be like saying that I believe in God but not His son Jesus….only believing some or half of what is the truth….For God says that all His words in the bible are His truths….

  9. Racquel says:

    Why celebrate Christmas, when the Bible already told us what to celebrate? The Bible stated that we should celebrate the Lord’s death until he comes. KJV 1 Corinthians 11
    26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.

  10. John says:

    “The time-honoured traditions of Christmas are dear to the hearts of Christians today.”
    ………however, the unfortunate thing is that it is not backed up in the Bible.
    One could ask! How so?…………because christmas is a man-made, pagan custom, even reputable encyclopaedias will back that up, and that’s apart from the Bible itself, which has no mention of christmas, nor does it even allude to the fact that the birth of Jesus should be celebrated……….think about it! That is probably why the birth date was not included…….yet the date of Jesus death is clearly discernible from scripture.

    1. Just a voice says:

      Your Right! We ate taught by Christ Jesus to follow his examples. He kept the Passover, Days of Unleaved Bread, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and The Last Great day.
      They were given by God for ever to keep!
      The Ten Commandments were given forever!
      Lets not forget The Sabbath Day a sign that we belong to our God.
      Friday sunset to Saturday sunet.
      This time is Holy and it does not belong to man.

      1. John says:

        Matthew 5:17 says of Jesus, that He came to fufill the Law, that is the Mosaic Law.
        After Jesus death, Christians were no longer under that Law, Colossians 2:13, 14
        Acts 15:28, 29 tells us what the older men in Jerusalem said concerning the Law.
        Interesting also is the book of Hebrews, here Paul explains in great detail how Jesus changed or, really did away with that Law.
        By the way Just, the 10 commandments, were just part of that Law that contained over 600 commands.
        Galatians 4:9-11 we find here that Paul said it was of no use keeping those special days that were once observed when the Jews were under the Law……Why?…….because they were no longer under the Mosaic Law.
        Colossians 2:13, 14 point out that the Law was virtually put ‘to death’ when Jesus was put to death.

  11. John says:

    Whilst I may not agree with you, we all have that freedom of choice to decide for ourselves what we do; what we believe, etc.
    I believe the words penned at 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 that points out that ALL scripture is inspired of god; and at Revelation 22:18, 19 which basically points out that we cannot pick and choose as to what we accept, or do not accept from His Word.

  12. Donald Rich says:

    You might not agree with me but it is possible to be a Christian and not believe every word of the Bible.

    1. Oliver says:

      Be specific on what is not true in the Bible and quote the verse if you want us to take your arguments seriously.

      1. Bern says:

        Agree…just because one doesn’t understand HOW something could happen….doesn’t mean that it didn’t.

    2. Skye Cosentino says:

      Donald,you are right, I do not agree with you..How can someone be a true follower of Christ and not believe the whole bible to be true…..It would be like me saying I believe in God and not His Son Jesus…Only believing some or half of what is the truth….God tells us that the whole bible are all Gods truths…..

  13. John says:

    “…….other prominent New Testament scholars remain convinced that the first Christmas took place in Bethlehem.”

    There was no “first christmas”………that did not rear its ugly head until hundreds of years after the death of Jesus Christ……….maybe I have missed something in God’s Word that tells us about the “celebration of christmas”………If I have, perhaps you can tell me where it is……….BUT, please do not use spurious scripture that is not part of the Bible canon.

  14. John says:

    May I quote your opening sentence: “…… Bible scholars and……..”
    If you do have “expert” Bible scholars I think that you should present more views as to what the Bible really says, rather than what the so-called expert scholars THINK.
    “The Bible Historical Daily”seems to me to be a misnomer.

  15. John says:

    Hi Bonnie,
    Good comments, however, if I am not mistaken, (and I often have been), were some of the points you made concerning christmas from the book “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop…….if so, we really need to be careful quoting him, because he really had an axe to grind about the popes and the catholic church, he had such a hatred that some of the points he made are fabricated and far from the truth. agape

  16. John says:

    Revrd, WHAT is well researched documentation………I certainly hope you did not mean the book………..if you did, may I suggest that you carry out some careful research of the subject of christmas.
    However if you were referring to Bonnie’s comments, they certainly are very good comments.

  17. John says:

    Where modern science fails to explain the mysterious star, Babylonian astronomy gives better clues in “The Magi and the Star: Babylonian Astronomy Dates Jesus’ Birth” by Simo Parpola. (Chapter 2 The First Christmas)

    Let us get our facts straight, first there was no christmas concerning the birth of Jesus.
    The celebration of christmas never came into being until the fourth century. also if the birth of Jesus was to be so important, as it is made out to be, (by men), one would have to agree that it would be clearly shown in the Bible, the same as Jesus’ death, which is well documented, and also how the memorial of his death was to be observed.
    The quote from the book says that modern science has not been able to explain the star that ONLY the astrologers (magi) saw, which guided them to Herod first, who then ordered the murder of all male children up to 2 years of age. This star certainly was not a sign from God……….the star was a sign from the archenemy of God, Satan the devil.
    Satan certainly did not want Jesus to fulfill his purpose on earth, he wanted to prevent the first prophecy in the Bible to become true, which is recorded at Genesis 3:15 and try as he might, God was not going to let Satan have his wish.

    Interesting how christmas cards show the star over Bethlehem as part of the nativity scene……….as I mentioned earlier the star led the Babylonian astrologers to Herod, in Jerusalem FIRST and then showed the astrologers where the YOUNG BOY Jesus was in Bethlehem………..he was not an infant in a manger (Matthew 3:9-12) …..note that verse 11 says he was a young child, NOT a baby. This explains why Herod ordered the death of male children up to the age of 2.
    This is just another Bible account that shows what christmas really is……….a pagan celebration.

    1. Mark says:

      Excellent. I have the same understanding as yourself.

    2. John says:

      Just another point that I overlooked was that these astrologers would not have travelled straight across from Babylon to Jerusalem…….it was normal in those days to travel via the fertile crescent, following the Euphrates River, rather than face the harsh land that they would have encountered, had they journeyed “as the crow flies” ………this would have meant a trip of about 1 600km and this was no overnight trip using “express camels”

  18. John says:

    “…….two renowned scholars, Steve Mason and Jerome Murphy O’Connor, provide differing takes on where Jesus was born—Bethlehem, as traditionally held, or Nazareth. Mason explores those passages in the Bible that suggest Nazareth was Jesus’ birthplace, while O’Connor offers archaeological, historical and Biblical evidence supporting the Bethlehem tradition.”
    The Bible clearly states that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea the reason why he was called a Nazarene or a Galilean was because after Joseph’s return from Egypt, after Herod’s death, he took his family to Nazareth in the district of Galilee. Matthew 2:22,23
    As a Christian one should ALWAYS accept what the Bible says rather than what so called Bible scholars or historians have to say on a matter……….it is the Bible that is God’s word.

  19. John says:

    I am at a bit of a loss………….I cannot find the word christmas in the Bible……..maybe I missed it????

  20. John says:

    The magi…….witnessing the divine!!!!
    I think not, the magi were astrologers and under the Mosaic Law and delving into astrology or having anything to do with it was strictly forbidden. Exodus 20:3,4 and Deuteronomy 18:10-12 are just two scriptures that point this out……..and note that the Bible says that the astrologers were guided by the star, first to King Herod (Herod the Great), who was in Jerusalem and wanted to kill Jesus………not to Jesus who was in Bethlehem Matthew 2:7-12.
    The Bible also clearly states that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, NOT Nazareth as some so called “scholars” would have one believe, they fall into the category of those mentioned in Revelation 22:18,19.
    First and second century Christians never celebrated birthdays and in the two birthdays mentioned in the Bible men lost their lives, Genesis 40:18-22; Matthew 14:6-11.
    Interesting too, is a comment in Encyclopedia Britannica “During the first two centuries of Christianity there was strong opposition to recognising birthdays of martyrs or, for that matter, of Jesus,” ……….it wasn’t until the 4th century that christmas was celebrated at the behest of the Catholic Church and the customs celebrated during this festival are virtually all of pagan origin.

  21. Micahyah Ben Eloah says:

    Was born in a cave man! Shalom

  22. Bobby Beeman says:

    Christmass Day?
    Hippolytus A Saint born about the year of 175 AD, fixed the Christmass date upon Dec. 25 based on the following.
    He had reached the conviction that Jesus’s life from conception to crucifixion was precisely thirty-three years and that both events occurred on Mar. 25. By calculating nine months from the annunciation or conception he arrived at Dec. 25 as the day Of Christ ‘s birth.
    If Jesus was conceived on March 25 and died on The Cross march 25th then he would have went full circle. Full Circle a never ending God.
    33 years old at death, the number 33 means promise. Jesus is our promise. Jeremiah 33 is the promise chapter of the messiah. Esp verse 14
    As well the number 25 is the number for forgiveness of sins.
    Jeremiah 52.31 is a Prophetic allegory of the Messiahs birth.
    The Chapter # 52 represents how many weeks are in a year. The fifty second week starts on the 25th day of the twelfth month, or 12.25.
    12 is the number representing Governmental Perfection.
    Verse 31 represents: Offspring Luke 1.31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
    31 is as well the number for covenant
    Jeremiah 31.31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
    Jeremiah 31 as well tells of Christmass’ coming.
    Jeremiah 52.31 And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the first year of his reign lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and brought him forth out of prison,
    More later.

    1. John says:

      “Jeremiah 52.31 is a Prophetic allegory of the Messiahs birth.” et al
      Jehoiachin only ruled for 3 moths and 10 days and did what was bad in God’s eyes.

      Numerology as you are applying it leaves a lot to be desired, because the Bible was not divided into Chapters and verses until many centuries after the last book of Revelation was completed in 98 AD. The Masoretes divided it into verses, the in the 13th century chapters were added. In 1553 Robert Estienne’s edition of the French Bible was published as the first complete Bible with the present chapter and verse divisions.
      Secondly numerology, as you are applying it is akin to a form of divination, which of course is incompatible with the teachings and principles contained in the Bible.

  23. Zachery says:

    Doing this is simply enough to lift your pulse a little.
    You’ll understand the common myhs regarding most lose weight fast diets.
    Youu must eeat fewer than youyr burn in calories and energy.

  24. Joshua says:

    the fact he’s that God he there so let as pray God will give us answers

    1. John says:

      “the fact he’s that God……”
      I assume that you are trying to say Jesus IS God???
      Joshua, please read what the Bible says of God and Jesus…….Jesus is clearly God’s son, NOT God. John 1:14, 18……….particularly verse 18 which says “….no man has seen God at any time,”… then points out that it was Jesus who explained him……..
      Jesus therefore cannot be God………..there are many scriptures and prophecies that also back up this particular point.

      1. John says:

        Interesting too, is the content of John 1:1 from the ASV……”In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God,”……an oxymoron to say the least……”the Word was with God, and the Word was God”……was the Word with God,,,,,,or, was the Word God. Which of those two statements are correct? You cannot be with someone and also be that someone!!!!!
        That is why the correct translation of the last section is, ‘…..and the Word was A God’……NOT God……..the rest of John Chapter 1 then makes sense…… does the the rest of the Bible concerning Jesus

        (or as it should read,

        1. Terry Brandli says:

          The way I understand it is, God is similar to identical triplets. They each have identical powers but they each have a specialty. God the I am is the Father, Jesus the Word is the son and our Savior, the Holy Spirit is the Guide of Holy thoughts. In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God.

  25. Stephen Ricks says:

    The only miraculous birth of Jesus that interests me is his second birth. Following the action in John’s gospel, I believe Jesus was just an ordinary man ( all right, a man with a destiny) until he showed up at John the Baptist’s water baptism ‘audition’ event.
    John was sent to baptise with water in order that he who was to be manifest to Israel could be found. John bare witness saying he saw the Spirit who was with God and was God coming down and abiding with Jesus. This was Jesus’s second birth, his born from above event.
    I think our Christian theology has gotten muddled through time. I think we are denying the power of this spiritual baptism which Jesus said is necessary to see and to enter into the Kingdom of God.
    Jesus was forever changed by this momentous happening. He was raised from the dead. The dead was everyone not born of God’s Spirit, even John the Baptist. So you see the resurrection occurred before the death of the body on the cross or however.
    Jesus claimed to be the prophet promised by Moses in Deuteronomy 18: 15-18. Thus he came speaking God’s words in God’s name. No wonder he is thought to have been claiming to be God.
    Read more of this way of understanding Jesus in Will To Kingdom, a fictional story of events leading to the Second Coming.
    Thanks for hearing me out.

    1. John says:

      “……. I believe Jesus was just an ordinary man …..”
      Jesus was never “just an ordinary man” as you put it; He was “the only begotten son God,” in other words he was unique and the only direct creation of God John 1:14.
      You would/should also know that God created Adam and Eve perfect…….they lost perfection by their disobedience……… accordance with the Mosaic Law a sacrifice of equal value was required to remove the effects of that original sin, 1 Corinthians 15:22. Therefore Jesus had to be perfect which meant that the sin atoning sacrifice of Jesus was acceptable in God’s eyes, so that all mankind has the opportunity of ever-lasting life……… the not, too distant future.

  26. kel says:

    i agree with Bonnie. i was just reading similar.

  27. Bonnie says:

    If the contents of a cup is contaminated, it doesn’t become clean and pure because it’s poured into a new cup!
    Jesus was born a Jew. Jews did not celebrate birthdays. Neither did the early Christians. If Jesus’ birth was meant to be ‘celebrated,’ why is there NO mention of it in Scripture? The apostle, John, penned the Book of Revelation in 98 C.E., 65 years after Jesus’ death! Wouldn’t a reasoning person expect to find some mention of a birthday celebration for him somewhere in the Bible? Instead, Jesus INSTRUCTED his followers to celebrate his DEATH… and this IS recorded! This is in keeping with what Solomon said at Ecclesiastes 7:1: “A good name is better than good oil, and the day of death is better than the day of birth.” Why? Because by the time a man dies, he has made a ‘name’ for himself. He has proven, by the way he lived, what he truly is. Jesus did not provide the ransom sacrifice until he died. It was his life course, not the day of his birth that he focused on when he said… at the age of 33: “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is on the side of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him: “What is truth?” John 18:37, 38. Yes, What is TRUTH?

    If you really want to know… “Long before the fourth century, and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among pagans, at the precise time of the year as “Christmas,” in honor of the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may fairly be presumed that in order to gain acceptance by the pagan, and to swell the number of nominal adherents of Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman Church and given the name of ‘Christ.’ This tendency on the part of Christendom (not true Christianity) to meet Paganism half-way was very early developed; and we find the historian, Tertullian, even in his day, about the year 230, bitterly lamenting the inconsistency of the so-called disciples of Christ in this respect, and contrasting it with the strict fidelity of the Pagans to their own superstition. “By us,” says he, “who are strangers to Sabbaths, and new moons, and festivals once acceptable to God, the Saturnalia, the feasts of January, the Brumalia, and Matronalia, are now frequented; gifts are carried to and fro, new year’s day presents are made with din, and sports and banquets are celebrated with uproar; oh, how much more faithful are the heathen to their religion, who take special care to adopt no solemnity from the Christians.”

    Upright men tried to stem the tide, but in spite of all their efforts, the APOSTASY went on till the Church, with the exception of a small remnant, was submerged in Pagan superstition. That Christmas was originally a pagan festival is beyond all doubt! The time of the year, and the ceremonies with which it is still celebrated, prove its origin.

    In Egypt, the son of Isis, the Egyptian title for the queen of heaven, was born at this very time, “about the time of the winter solstice.” The name by which Christmas is popularly known, Yule-Day, proves its pagan Babylonian origin. “Yule” is the Chaldee word for “infant” or “little child”; * and as the 25th of December was called by the Pagan Anglo-Saxons, “Yule-day,” or the “Child’s day,” and the night that preceded it, “Mother-night,” long before coming in contact with Christendom, that sufficiently proves its origin. This pagan festival not only commemorated the figurative birthday of the sun in the renewal of its course, but it also was celebrated on December 24 among the Sabeans of Arabia, as the birthday of the “Lord Moon.”

    In Babylon, where the sun (Baal) was the object of worship, Tammuz was considered the incarnation of the Sun.
    There are many other Christmas counterparts of the Babylonian winter solstice festival, such as:
    1) Candles lighted on Christmas eve, and used throughout the festival season, were lighted by Pagans on the eve of the festival of the Babylonian god, to do honor to him.
    2) The Christmas tree was equally common in Pagan Rome and Pagan Egypt. In Egypt the tree was a palm; in Rome it was the fir. The tree denoted the Pagan Messiah.
    3) “The mother of Adonis, the Sun God and great mediatorial divinity, was mystically said to have been changed into a tree, and when in that state to have brought forth her divine son. If the mother was a tree, the son must have been recognized as the “Man of the branch.”
    4) The Yule log was considered the dead stock of Nimrod (or Tammuz, depending on the nation involved), deified as the sun god, but cut down by his enemies; the Christmas tree is Nimrod revived – the slain god come to life again. The Yule occultic colors are red and green!
    5) The Mistletoe branch symbolized “the man, the branch” and was regarded as a divine branch – a corrupt Babylonian representation of the true Messiah. Both mistletoe and holly were considered fertility plants by the pagans.”

    “Babylon was, at that time, the center of the civilized world; and thus Paganism, corrupting the Divine symbol as it ever has done, had opportunities of sending forth its debased counterfeit of the truth to all the ends of the earth, through the Mysteries that were affiliated with the great central system in Babylon.”

    The Apostle, Paul, said this to those who chose to remain enslaved by ‘the traditions of men:’ “Nevertheless, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those who are not really gods.  But now that you have come to know God or, rather, have come to be known by God, how is it that you are turning back again to the weak and beggarly elementary things and want to slave for them over again? You are scrupulously observing days and months and seasons and years. I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.” Galatians 4:8-11

  28. Irine says:

    Shalom,nd praise Jesus,i guese its a matter of understanding the jewish perspective verses gentile view,,one thing is sure that the only way to salvation is to believe that Yashuah Hamashach was born died and resurrected and is seated at the right hand of God when,why,how is not my concern if this differences affects it..lets incorporate peace and share salvation…

  29. Frank Peters says:

    No one knows the birth date of Jesus. It isn’t written in the gospels. In fact not much is written about Jesus except possibly his sayings and parables. The gospels are not biography. The only date could possibly be the death of Jesus just before the first night of Passover. He had to be buried in a hurry before sunset, but there’s no date or year.
    The 25th of December is arbitrary, being the Roman festival of Sol Invictus, the winter solstice.
    It really wasn’t important in ancient times.
    We have no dates of the emperors’ births, so why Jesus’? It’s a western idea.

  30. oscar says:

    isnt it possible that when dec. 25 was chosen to celebrate jesus’ birth is god’s will in itself.? because as the bible readers always says that when you read and study the bible you are being guided by the holy spirit. right..?

    1. John says:

      Oscar I am not sure what Bible you are reading, but, it certainly has nothing to do with the will of God concerning the 25th December…….as pointed out in previous posts, this date was the date of a pagan festival of sun worshippers celebrating the return of the sun on the winter solstice on the 21st December and everyone gave gifts to one another on the 25th

  31. Bokov says:

    Thanks! Hi from Paris and Happy New Year.

  32. Augustine says:

    My questions are is it good or bad to for us to choose a day out of twelve month and celebrate our savior’s birth ? 2 is it right or wrong to celebrate our Messiah in the day which our God created the same day which pagen r celebrating their god too?

  33. buddy says:

    Everything important that happened in the Bible, happened on a Jewish feast day. Yeshua(Jesus) was born on the Jewish Feast day, The Feast of Tabernacles(Sukkot). Yeshua lived out the Jewish feasts in his lifetime! Read what Feast Of Tabernacle is all about and compare Yeshuas name as mentioned in the book Of Matthew 1:23 – EMMANUEL(GOD WITH US). December 25 was set up by the catholic church to accommadate the pagens to worship their pagen god Mytheia, and for the catholics to do it together.

  34. Irene says:

    Christmas is a medium of showing the love of christ, It is also a time of giving.

    1. John says:

      Sorry to disappoint you Irene……….christmas is not worshipping Jesus Christ………it is a pagan festival and you are worshipping the sun………not only the Bible, but, any reputable encyclopaedia will tell you that.

  35. Merit says:

    Christmas celebration is neither a sin nor men’s imagination, but is a medium of thanks giving and for us to remember our saviour who died for us to be save and draw us closer to our heavenly father.

    1. John says:

      ……….Jesus himself said that Christians should observe his death…….please show me from the Bible where it says that we should celebrate his birth????

  36. Krzysztof says:

    R.E.Brown, The Birth of the Messiah, 1977 is a classic one;what’s new?

  37. Alembe Asukulu says:

    We cannot remember the death of someone without remembering his birth! if we accept Jesus was crucified because of our sin, we must accept also his birth.the very important thing his born!

  38. Br Okolo Amos says:

    Jesus didn’t for celebration. He came that we might be saved from our sin. The only way we can celebrate CHRIST is to live the life of CHRIST. ( Mathew 1vs21; Romans 13 vs 11-13). Other things are just human imagination. People has forsaken Christ command to “preach the gospel to every creature and are following after traditions of men.

  39. mary claire cayetano says:

    thank you! , my uncle Romy and Auntie Georgie Solina are astrologers who also mentioned about charting Jesus’ birthdate approximates it around august .. now am excited in receiving my free ebook ..

  40. Tom T. says:

    Nowhere in The Bible does it say there were three wise men. Men’s traditions, why do people cling to them over what God commands?

  41. J. Waribo says:

    Jesus was born on an Appointed Time, one of the Feasts of the LORD. Christ was never a part of Christmas until men’s traditions forced Him there. Celebrate The LORD’s Holy Days which completely revolve around The Messiah in the Old Testament, New Testament and when Jesus returns. What a glorious time that will be!

  42. Tom says:

    Yeah… Except he wasn’t born during the pagan festival of Christmas. Not even in the same month. I’m not certain if its touched in this book, but this title slams the validity of this book for me.

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58 Responses

  1. edu says:

    es interesante saber el estudio que se requiere para saber mas claramente la aparicion de dicha estrella, la bibia señala que se aparecieron angeles para anunciar el nacimiente de jesus esto suena mas importante que el hecho que tres astrologos. no magos, fueran a ver a jesus por la razon de ver una anomalía en el cielo a saber una estrella que de paso se movia y los guiaba y no en este caso angeles, pues este hecho nos muestra q no era algo divino que guiaba a estos astrologos pues mas tarde los guia a herodes quien sabe del por que viajaban y quiere matar a jesus.

  2. darlene burrow says:

    I really enjoyed reading this site and learning more things about the good lord our god

  3. David Akers says:

    I would likebthis book.

  4. Hans Wust says:

    It mesmerizes me how stubbornly people call Magi ‘wise men’ when the original Greek uses the former term.
    They are not synonims, Magi were a priest class in Persian Kingdom inherited from the merge of Media in the North-West corner between the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea.
    Additionally, they were Medes as Israelite priests were Levites, trade inherited by blood.
    By the time of Jesus, the original Medes’ religion had evolved and had been systematized by Zarathustra 6 centuries ago, the god Mitra had gained a foothold in the Roman pantheon, especially in the Army.
    But the most important feature, covered with the false translation ‘wise men’, is that those Magi were pagan priests that had learned magic from their Babylonian colleagues and gazed the stars.
    I just wonder how many more things are warped with false translations.

  5. Gerry says:

    People rarely read what the gospels say about the birth of Jesus and prefer the myths of Christmas Day and the three wise men etc. The purpose of the “star” was to facilitate the murder of the Messiah. That this had anything to do with God is nonsense. If anything, it is a diabolical p,ot.

  6. John says:

    Chapter 2 of this book says: ” Scholars and astronomers have tried for some time to identify a celestial event that corresponds with the magi’s guiding star, in part because it would also pinpoint the date of Jesus’ birth.”
    Suggestions have been made that it could have been a comet, meteor, supernova or conjunction of planets.One could ask – How come any one of these bodies, remained stationary, over one house in Bethlehem? As 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 says, Satan can use very powerful works and lying signs, and mislead and delude many into believing lies. John 8:44 describes the religious leaders of his day as being like Satan, the father of the lie……….and this no doubt was a reason that only the astrologers ‘saw’ this star.

  7. John says:

    BAR says: “……….particular by the three magi in the Christmas story.”
    Who stated that there were three astrologers (magi), it certainly does not mention it in the Bible……….only based on assumption because there were three gifts mentioned.
    BAR says: “….the adoration of the magi than of the infant Jesus in the manger.”
    Matthew 2:7, 8 tells us that Herod sent the astrologers, (NOT wise men – although they may have been considered ‘wise men’ by those practicing astrology), to look for a YOUNG CHILD, not an infant………that of course, that is why Herod wanted all males up to the age of two killed.
    Also in this book it says: “Author Dale C. Allison, Jr. does not look to astronomy for an explanation of the magi’s star,”………….of course he couldn’t look to ASTRONOMY, because, what is being dealt with is ASTROLOGY……….because it was only the astrologers that saw the star.

    1. John says:

      Another little interesting point on this is, if the astrologers had been present when Jesus was an an infant, why does the Bible at, Luke 2:22-24 that Joseph and Mary offered a pair of turtle doves or pigeons, instead of a bull, (when the time came for their purifying, when Jesus was 40 days old)……..which they would have done, had they already received the gifts from the astrologers

  8. Skye Cosentino says:

    Donald, you are right,I do not agree with you….How could someone be a true follower of Christ and only believe some of what the bible tells us …..It would be like saying that I believe in God but not His son Jesus….only believing some or half of what is the truth….For God says that all His words in the bible are His truths….

  9. Racquel says:

    Why celebrate Christmas, when the Bible already told us what to celebrate? The Bible stated that we should celebrate the Lord’s death until he comes. KJV 1 Corinthians 11
    26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.

  10. John says:

    “The time-honoured traditions of Christmas are dear to the hearts of Christians today.”
    ………however, the unfortunate thing is that it is not backed up in the Bible.
    One could ask! How so?…………because christmas is a man-made, pagan custom, even reputable encyclopaedias will back that up, and that’s apart from the Bible itself, which has no mention of christmas, nor does it even allude to the fact that the birth of Jesus should be celebrated……….think about it! That is probably why the birth date was not included…….yet the date of Jesus death is clearly discernible from scripture.

    1. Just a voice says:

      Your Right! We ate taught by Christ Jesus to follow his examples. He kept the Passover, Days of Unleaved Bread, Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and The Last Great day.
      They were given by God for ever to keep!
      The Ten Commandments were given forever!
      Lets not forget The Sabbath Day a sign that we belong to our God.
      Friday sunset to Saturday sunet.
      This time is Holy and it does not belong to man.

      1. John says:

        Matthew 5:17 says of Jesus, that He came to fufill the Law, that is the Mosaic Law.
        After Jesus death, Christians were no longer under that Law, Colossians 2:13, 14
        Acts 15:28, 29 tells us what the older men in Jerusalem said concerning the Law.
        Interesting also is the book of Hebrews, here Paul explains in great detail how Jesus changed or, really did away with that Law.
        By the way Just, the 10 commandments, were just part of that Law that contained over 600 commands.
        Galatians 4:9-11 we find here that Paul said it was of no use keeping those special days that were once observed when the Jews were under the Law……Why?…….because they were no longer under the Mosaic Law.
        Colossians 2:13, 14 point out that the Law was virtually put ‘to death’ when Jesus was put to death.

  11. John says:

    Whilst I may not agree with you, we all have that freedom of choice to decide for ourselves what we do; what we believe, etc.
    I believe the words penned at 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 that points out that ALL scripture is inspired of god; and at Revelation 22:18, 19 which basically points out that we cannot pick and choose as to what we accept, or do not accept from His Word.

  12. Donald Rich says:

    You might not agree with me but it is possible to be a Christian and not believe every word of the Bible.

    1. Oliver says:

      Be specific on what is not true in the Bible and quote the verse if you want us to take your arguments seriously.

      1. Bern says:

        Agree…just because one doesn’t understand HOW something could happen….doesn’t mean that it didn’t.

    2. Skye Cosentino says:

      Donald,you are right, I do not agree with you..How can someone be a true follower of Christ and not believe the whole bible to be true…..It would be like me saying I believe in God and not His Son Jesus…Only believing some or half of what is the truth….God tells us that the whole bible are all Gods truths…..

  13. John says:

    “…….other prominent New Testament scholars remain convinced that the first Christmas took place in Bethlehem.”

    There was no “first christmas”………that did not rear its ugly head until hundreds of years after the death of Jesus Christ……….maybe I have missed something in God’s Word that tells us about the “celebration of christmas”………If I have, perhaps you can tell me where it is……….BUT, please do not use spurious scripture that is not part of the Bible canon.

  14. John says:

    May I quote your opening sentence: “…… Bible scholars and……..”
    If you do have “expert” Bible scholars I think that you should present more views as to what the Bible really says, rather than what the so-called expert scholars THINK.
    “The Bible Historical Daily”seems to me to be a misnomer.

  15. John says:

    Hi Bonnie,
    Good comments, however, if I am not mistaken, (and I often have been), were some of the points you made concerning christmas from the book “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop…….if so, we really need to be careful quoting him, because he really had an axe to grind about the popes and the catholic church, he had such a hatred that some of the points he made are fabricated and far from the truth. agape

  16. John says:

    Revrd, WHAT is well researched documentation………I certainly hope you did not mean the book………..if you did, may I suggest that you carry out some careful research of the subject of christmas.
    However if you were referring to Bonnie’s comments, they certainly are very good comments.

  17. John says:

    Where modern science fails to explain the mysterious star, Babylonian astronomy gives better clues in “The Magi and the Star: Babylonian Astronomy Dates Jesus’ Birth” by Simo Parpola. (Chapter 2 The First Christmas)

    Let us get our facts straight, first there was no christmas concerning the birth of Jesus.
    The celebration of christmas never came into being until the fourth century. also if the birth of Jesus was to be so important, as it is made out to be, (by men), one would have to agree that it would be clearly shown in the Bible, the same as Jesus’ death, which is well documented, and also how the memorial of his death was to be observed.
    The quote from the book says that modern science has not been able to explain the star that ONLY the astrologers (magi) saw, which guided them to Herod first, who then ordered the murder of all male children up to 2 years of age. This star certainly was not a sign from God……….the star was a sign from the archenemy of God, Satan the devil.
    Satan certainly did not want Jesus to fulfill his purpose on earth, he wanted to prevent the first prophecy in the Bible to become true, which is recorded at Genesis 3:15 and try as he might, God was not going to let Satan have his wish.

    Interesting how christmas cards show the star over Bethlehem as part of the nativity scene……….as I mentioned earlier the star led the Babylonian astrologers to Herod, in Jerusalem FIRST and then showed the astrologers where the YOUNG BOY Jesus was in Bethlehem………..he was not an infant in a manger (Matthew 3:9-12) …..note that verse 11 says he was a young child, NOT a baby. This explains why Herod ordered the death of male children up to the age of 2.
    This is just another Bible account that shows what christmas really is……….a pagan celebration.

    1. Mark says:

      Excellent. I have the same understanding as yourself.

    2. John says:

      Just another point that I overlooked was that these astrologers would not have travelled straight across from Babylon to Jerusalem…….it was normal in those days to travel via the fertile crescent, following the Euphrates River, rather than face the harsh land that they would have encountered, had they journeyed “as the crow flies” ………this would have meant a trip of about 1 600km and this was no overnight trip using “express camels”

  18. John says:

    “…….two renowned scholars, Steve Mason and Jerome Murphy O’Connor, provide differing takes on where Jesus was born—Bethlehem, as traditionally held, or Nazareth. Mason explores those passages in the Bible that suggest Nazareth was Jesus’ birthplace, while O’Connor offers archaeological, historical and Biblical evidence supporting the Bethlehem tradition.”
    The Bible clearly states that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Judea the reason why he was called a Nazarene or a Galilean was because after Joseph’s return from Egypt, after Herod’s death, he took his family to Nazareth in the district of Galilee. Matthew 2:22,23
    As a Christian one should ALWAYS accept what the Bible says rather than what so called Bible scholars or historians have to say on a matter……….it is the Bible that is God’s word.

  19. John says:

    I am at a bit of a loss………….I cannot find the word christmas in the Bible……..maybe I missed it????

  20. John says:

    The magi…….witnessing the divine!!!!
    I think not, the magi were astrologers and under the Mosaic Law and delving into astrology or having anything to do with it was strictly forbidden. Exodus 20:3,4 and Deuteronomy 18:10-12 are just two scriptures that point this out……..and note that the Bible says that the astrologers were guided by the star, first to King Herod (Herod the Great), who was in Jerusalem and wanted to kill Jesus………not to Jesus who was in Bethlehem Matthew 2:7-12.
    The Bible also clearly states that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, NOT Nazareth as some so called “scholars” would have one believe, they fall into the category of those mentioned in Revelation 22:18,19.
    First and second century Christians never celebrated birthdays and in the two birthdays mentioned in the Bible men lost their lives, Genesis 40:18-22; Matthew 14:6-11.
    Interesting too, is a comment in Encyclopedia Britannica “During the first two centuries of Christianity there was strong opposition to recognising birthdays of martyrs or, for that matter, of Jesus,” ……….it wasn’t until the 4th century that christmas was celebrated at the behest of the Catholic Church and the customs celebrated during this festival are virtually all of pagan origin.

  21. Micahyah Ben Eloah says:

    Was born in a cave man! Shalom

  22. Bobby Beeman says:

    Christmass Day?
    Hippolytus A Saint born about the year of 175 AD, fixed the Christmass date upon Dec. 25 based on the following.
    He had reached the conviction that Jesus’s life from conception to crucifixion was precisely thirty-three years and that both events occurred on Mar. 25. By calculating nine months from the annunciation or conception he arrived at Dec. 25 as the day Of Christ ‘s birth.
    If Jesus was conceived on March 25 and died on The Cross march 25th then he would have went full circle. Full Circle a never ending God.
    33 years old at death, the number 33 means promise. Jesus is our promise. Jeremiah 33 is the promise chapter of the messiah. Esp verse 14
    As well the number 25 is the number for forgiveness of sins.
    Jeremiah 52.31 is a Prophetic allegory of the Messiahs birth.
    The Chapter # 52 represents how many weeks are in a year. The fifty second week starts on the 25th day of the twelfth month, or 12.25.
    12 is the number representing Governmental Perfection.
    Verse 31 represents: Offspring Luke 1.31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
    31 is as well the number for covenant
    Jeremiah 31.31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
    Jeremiah 31 as well tells of Christmass’ coming.
    Jeremiah 52.31 And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the first year of his reign lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and brought him forth out of prison,
    More later.

    1. John says:

      “Jeremiah 52.31 is a Prophetic allegory of the Messiahs birth.” et al
      Jehoiachin only ruled for 3 moths and 10 days and did what was bad in God’s eyes.

      Numerology as you are applying it leaves a lot to be desired, because the Bible was not divided into Chapters and verses until many centuries after the last book of Revelation was completed in 98 AD. The Masoretes divided it into verses, the in the 13th century chapters were added. In 1553 Robert Estienne’s edition of the French Bible was published as the first complete Bible with the present chapter and verse divisions.
      Secondly numerology, as you are applying it is akin to a form of divination, which of course is incompatible with the teachings and principles contained in the Bible.

  23. Zachery says:

    Doing this is simply enough to lift your pulse a little.
    You’ll understand the common myhs regarding most lose weight fast diets.
    Youu must eeat fewer than youyr burn in calories and energy.

  24. Joshua says:

    the fact he’s that God he there so let as pray God will give us answers

    1. John says:

      “the fact he’s that God……”
      I assume that you are trying to say Jesus IS God???
      Joshua, please read what the Bible says of God and Jesus…….Jesus is clearly God’s son, NOT God. John 1:14, 18……….particularly verse 18 which says “….no man has seen God at any time,”… then points out that it was Jesus who explained him……..
      Jesus therefore cannot be God………..there are many scriptures and prophecies that also back up this particular point.

      1. John says:

        Interesting too, is the content of John 1:1 from the ASV……”In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God,”……an oxymoron to say the least……”the Word was with God, and the Word was God”……was the Word with God,,,,,,or, was the Word God. Which of those two statements are correct? You cannot be with someone and also be that someone!!!!!
        That is why the correct translation of the last section is, ‘…..and the Word was A God’……NOT God……..the rest of John Chapter 1 then makes sense…… does the the rest of the Bible concerning Jesus

        (or as it should read,

        1. Terry Brandli says:

          The way I understand it is, God is similar to identical triplets. They each have identical powers but they each have a specialty. God the I am is the Father, Jesus the Word is the son and our Savior, the Holy Spirit is the Guide of Holy thoughts. In the beginning was Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God.

  25. Stephen Ricks says:

    The only miraculous birth of Jesus that interests me is his second birth. Following the action in John’s gospel, I believe Jesus was just an ordinary man ( all right, a man with a destiny) until he showed up at John the Baptist’s water baptism ‘audition’ event.
    John was sent to baptise with water in order that he who was to be manifest to Israel could be found. John bare witness saying he saw the Spirit who was with God and was God coming down and abiding with Jesus. This was Jesus’s second birth, his born from above event.
    I think our Christian theology has gotten muddled through time. I think we are denying the power of this spiritual baptism which Jesus said is necessary to see and to enter into the Kingdom of God.
    Jesus was forever changed by this momentous happening. He was raised from the dead. The dead was everyone not born of God’s Spirit, even John the Baptist. So you see the resurrection occurred before the death of the body on the cross or however.
    Jesus claimed to be the prophet promised by Moses in Deuteronomy 18: 15-18. Thus he came speaking God’s words in God’s name. No wonder he is thought to have been claiming to be God.
    Read more of this way of understanding Jesus in Will To Kingdom, a fictional story of events leading to the Second Coming.
    Thanks for hearing me out.

    1. John says:

      “……. I believe Jesus was just an ordinary man …..”
      Jesus was never “just an ordinary man” as you put it; He was “the only begotten son God,” in other words he was unique and the only direct creation of God John 1:14.
      You would/should also know that God created Adam and Eve perfect…….they lost perfection by their disobedience……… accordance with the Mosaic Law a sacrifice of equal value was required to remove the effects of that original sin, 1 Corinthians 15:22. Therefore Jesus had to be perfect which meant that the sin atoning sacrifice of Jesus was acceptable in God’s eyes, so that all mankind has the opportunity of ever-lasting life……… the not, too distant future.

  26. kel says:

    i agree with Bonnie. i was just reading similar.

  27. Bonnie says:

    If the contents of a cup is contaminated, it doesn’t become clean and pure because it’s poured into a new cup!
    Jesus was born a Jew. Jews did not celebrate birthdays. Neither did the early Christians. If Jesus’ birth was meant to be ‘celebrated,’ why is there NO mention of it in Scripture? The apostle, John, penned the Book of Revelation in 98 C.E., 65 years after Jesus’ death! Wouldn’t a reasoning person expect to find some mention of a birthday celebration for him somewhere in the Bible? Instead, Jesus INSTRUCTED his followers to celebrate his DEATH… and this IS recorded! This is in keeping with what Solomon said at Ecclesiastes 7:1: “A good name is better than good oil, and the day of death is better than the day of birth.” Why? Because by the time a man dies, he has made a ‘name’ for himself. He has proven, by the way he lived, what he truly is. Jesus did not provide the ransom sacrifice until he died. It was his life course, not the day of his birth that he focused on when he said… at the age of 33: “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is on the side of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him: “What is truth?” John 18:37, 38. Yes, What is TRUTH?

    If you really want to know… “Long before the fourth century, and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among pagans, at the precise time of the year as “Christmas,” in honor of the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may fairly be presumed that in order to gain acceptance by the pagan, and to swell the number of nominal adherents of Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman Church and given the name of ‘Christ.’ This tendency on the part of Christendom (not true Christianity) to meet Paganism half-way was very early developed; and we find the historian, Tertullian, even in his day, about the year 230, bitterly lamenting the inconsistency of the so-called disciples of Christ in this respect, and contrasting it with the strict fidelity of the Pagans to their own superstition. “By us,” says he, “who are strangers to Sabbaths, and new moons, and festivals once acceptable to God, the Saturnalia, the feasts of January, the Brumalia, and Matronalia, are now frequented; gifts are carried to and fro, new year’s day presents are made with din, and sports and banquets are celebrated with uproar; oh, how much more faithful are the heathen to their religion, who take special care to adopt no solemnity from the Christians.”

    Upright men tried to stem the tide, but in spite of all their efforts, the APOSTASY went on till the Church, with the exception of a small remnant, was submerged in Pagan superstition. That Christmas was originally a pagan festival is beyond all doubt! The time of the year, and the ceremonies with which it is still celebrated, prove its origin.

    In Egypt, the son of Isis, the Egyptian title for the queen of heaven, was born at this very time, “about the time of the winter solstice.” The name by which Christmas is popularly known, Yule-Day, proves its pagan Babylonian origin. “Yule” is the Chaldee word for “infant” or “little child”; * and as the 25th of December was called by the Pagan Anglo-Saxons, “Yule-day,” or the “Child’s day,” and the night that preceded it, “Mother-night,” long before coming in contact with Christendom, that sufficiently proves its origin. This pagan festival not only commemorated the figurative birthday of the sun in the renewal of its course, but it also was celebrated on December 24 among the Sabeans of Arabia, as the birthday of the “Lord Moon.”

    In Babylon, where the sun (Baal) was the object of worship, Tammuz was considered the incarnation of the Sun.
    There are many other Christmas counterparts of the Babylonian winter solstice festival, such as:
    1) Candles lighted on Christmas eve, and used throughout the festival season, were lighted by Pagans on the eve of the festival of the Babylonian god, to do honor to him.
    2) The Christmas tree was equally common in Pagan Rome and Pagan Egypt. In Egypt the tree was a palm; in Rome it was the fir. The tree denoted the Pagan Messiah.
    3) “The mother of Adonis, the Sun God and great mediatorial divinity, was mystically said to have been changed into a tree, and when in that state to have brought forth her divine son. If the mother was a tree, the son must have been recognized as the “Man of the branch.”
    4) The Yule log was considered the dead stock of Nimrod (or Tammuz, depending on the nation involved), deified as the sun god, but cut down by his enemies; the Christmas tree is Nimrod revived – the slain god come to life again. The Yule occultic colors are red and green!
    5) The Mistletoe branch symbolized “the man, the branch” and was regarded as a divine branch – a corrupt Babylonian representation of the true Messiah. Both mistletoe and holly were considered fertility plants by the pagans.”

    “Babylon was, at that time, the center of the civilized world; and thus Paganism, corrupting the Divine symbol as it ever has done, had opportunities of sending forth its debased counterfeit of the truth to all the ends of the earth, through the Mysteries that were affiliated with the great central system in Babylon.”

    The Apostle, Paul, said this to those who chose to remain enslaved by ‘the traditions of men:’ “Nevertheless, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those who are not really gods.  But now that you have come to know God or, rather, have come to be known by God, how is it that you are turning back again to the weak and beggarly elementary things and want to slave for them over again? You are scrupulously observing days and months and seasons and years. I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.” Galatians 4:8-11

  28. Irine says:

    Shalom,nd praise Jesus,i guese its a matter of understanding the jewish perspective verses gentile view,,one thing is sure that the only way to salvation is to believe that Yashuah Hamashach was born died and resurrected and is seated at the right hand of God when,why,how is not my concern if this differences affects it..lets incorporate peace and share salvation…

  29. Frank Peters says:

    No one knows the birth date of Jesus. It isn’t written in the gospels. In fact not much is written about Jesus except possibly his sayings and parables. The gospels are not biography. The only date could possibly be the death of Jesus just before the first night of Passover. He had to be buried in a hurry before sunset, but there’s no date or year.
    The 25th of December is arbitrary, being the Roman festival of Sol Invictus, the winter solstice.
    It really wasn’t important in ancient times.
    We have no dates of the emperors’ births, so why Jesus’? It’s a western idea.

  30. oscar says:

    isnt it possible that when dec. 25 was chosen to celebrate jesus’ birth is god’s will in itself.? because as the bible readers always says that when you read and study the bible you are being guided by the holy spirit. right..?

    1. John says:

      Oscar I am not sure what Bible you are reading, but, it certainly has nothing to do with the will of God concerning the 25th December…….as pointed out in previous posts, this date was the date of a pagan festival of sun worshippers celebrating the return of the sun on the winter solstice on the 21st December and everyone gave gifts to one another on the 25th

  31. Bokov says:

    Thanks! Hi from Paris and Happy New Year.

  32. Augustine says:

    My questions are is it good or bad to for us to choose a day out of twelve month and celebrate our savior’s birth ? 2 is it right or wrong to celebrate our Messiah in the day which our God created the same day which pagen r celebrating their god too?

  33. buddy says:

    Everything important that happened in the Bible, happened on a Jewish feast day. Yeshua(Jesus) was born on the Jewish Feast day, The Feast of Tabernacles(Sukkot). Yeshua lived out the Jewish feasts in his lifetime! Read what Feast Of Tabernacle is all about and compare Yeshuas name as mentioned in the book Of Matthew 1:23 – EMMANUEL(GOD WITH US). December 25 was set up by the catholic church to accommadate the pagens to worship their pagen god Mytheia, and for the catholics to do it together.

  34. Irene says:

    Christmas is a medium of showing the love of christ, It is also a time of giving.

    1. John says:

      Sorry to disappoint you Irene……….christmas is not worshipping Jesus Christ………it is a pagan festival and you are worshipping the sun………not only the Bible, but, any reputable encyclopaedia will tell you that.

  35. Merit says:

    Christmas celebration is neither a sin nor men’s imagination, but is a medium of thanks giving and for us to remember our saviour who died for us to be save and draw us closer to our heavenly father.

    1. John says:

      ……….Jesus himself said that Christians should observe his death…….please show me from the Bible where it says that we should celebrate his birth????

  36. Krzysztof says:

    R.E.Brown, The Birth of the Messiah, 1977 is a classic one;what’s new?

  37. Alembe Asukulu says:

    We cannot remember the death of someone without remembering his birth! if we accept Jesus was crucified because of our sin, we must accept also his birth.the very important thing his born!

  38. Br Okolo Amos says:

    Jesus didn’t for celebration. He came that we might be saved from our sin. The only way we can celebrate CHRIST is to live the life of CHRIST. ( Mathew 1vs21; Romans 13 vs 11-13). Other things are just human imagination. People has forsaken Christ command to “preach the gospel to every creature and are following after traditions of men.

  39. mary claire cayetano says:

    thank you! , my uncle Romy and Auntie Georgie Solina are astrologers who also mentioned about charting Jesus’ birthdate approximates it around august .. now am excited in receiving my free ebook ..

  40. Tom T. says:

    Nowhere in The Bible does it say there were three wise men. Men’s traditions, why do people cling to them over what God commands?

  41. J. Waribo says:

    Jesus was born on an Appointed Time, one of the Feasts of the LORD. Christ was never a part of Christmas until men’s traditions forced Him there. Celebrate The LORD’s Holy Days which completely revolve around The Messiah in the Old Testament, New Testament and when Jesus returns. What a glorious time that will be!

  42. Tom says:

    Yeah… Except he wasn’t born during the pagan festival of Christmas. Not even in the same month. I’m not certain if its touched in this book, but this title slams the validity of this book for me.

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