Preserving Ephesus

Bible and archaeology news

The Library of Celsus is one of the many monumental structures preserved from the Roman-era Ephesus.

The ancient city of Ephesus is a stunning site. Located next to modern Selçuk on the west coast of Turkey, Ephesus was one of the largest cities of the Roman world. Paul lived and wrote in the early Christian center, and today the site is frequently visited for its spectacularly preserved remains, which include the Library of Celsus, the Basilica of St. John, an extensive Roman city and the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world.

In its November meeting, the Selçuk Municipality Assembly approved a reconstruction and protection plan for the site, aiding tourist access with new entrance gates and walking lanes, as well as preservation efforts, including work on the Basilica of St. John, Justinian I’s 6th-century construction over the possible burial site of John the Apostle. The reconstruction plans will be put in place alongside the “Ephesus Reunion with the Sea” project, a Turkish effort to recreate the Ephesian harbor to allow tourists to reach the site by boat from the Aegean.

Interested in Ephesus? BAS Library Members can read more about the site in full articles from Archaeology Odyssey, Bible Review and Biblical Archaeology Review.

Read Cole, Dan P. “Corinth & Ephesus: Why did Paul spend half his journeys in these cities?” as it appeared in Bible Review, Dec 1988, 20-30.

Read Scherrer, Peter. “Ephesus Uncovered: From Latrines to Libraries” as it appeared in Archaeology Odyssey, Mar/Apr 2001, 26-37.

Read Friesen, Steven. “Ephesus: Key to a Vision in Revelation” as it appeared in Biblical Archaeology Review, May/Jun 1993, 24-37.

2 Responses

  1. Stretch says:

    Visited years ago when stationed at Cigli AB near Izmir. Recall strolling up on a hillside and coming back down, ended
    up walking down through an excavation trench. Interesting to see the layers of past civilization on the sides of the
    trench. Many good memories from my time manning our missile sites in Turkey.

  2. Article: Preserving Ephesus « The Ginger Jar says:

    […] Preserving Ephesus […]

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2 Responses

  1. Stretch says:

    Visited years ago when stationed at Cigli AB near Izmir. Recall strolling up on a hillside and coming back down, ended
    up walking down through an excavation trench. Interesting to see the layers of past civilization on the sides of the
    trench. Many good memories from my time manning our missile sites in Turkey.

  2. Article: Preserving Ephesus « The Ginger Jar says:

    […] Preserving Ephesus […]

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