New Huqoq Mosaics: Noah’s Ark and Exodus Scenes

Bible and archaeology news

Working at a fifth-century C.E. synagogue in Israel’s Lower Galilee this summer, excavators uncovered fascinating Huqoq mosaics displaying two well-known Biblical stories. Archaeologists have been unearthing extraordinary mosaics at the site of Huqoq, an ancient Jewish village, since 2012.

While excavating the nave of the Late Roman synagogue during the 2016 season, the archaeologists discovered a mosaic depicting Noah’s ark (Genesis 6:19–20): pairs of animals, including donkeys, elephants, leopards and snakes, entering the enormous boat before the great flood.


Vibrant new Huqoq mosaics were uncovered during the 2016 excavation. Shown here is a pair of donkeys from the mosaic of Noah’s ark revealed this season. Photo: Jim Haberman.

Next, the excavators found a mosaic showing a scene from the Israelite Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 14:26): Egyptian soldiers gripping their shields and spears while the fish-filled waters of the Red Sea descend on them, their horses and their chariots.


The recently discovered Huqoq mosaics include a scene depicting the Israelite Exodus from Egypt. As Huqoq dig director Jodi Magness told National Geographic, “You can see the pharaoh’s soldiers with their chariots and horses drowning, and even being eaten by large fish.” This is a unique take on the iconic parting of the Red Sea. Photo: Jim Haberman.

“These scenes are very rare in ancient synagogues,” said Jodi Magness, Huqoq dig director and the Kenan Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence in Early Judaism at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “The only other examples that have been found are at Gerasa/Jerash in Jordan and Mopsuestia/Misis in Turkey (Noah’s Ark), and at Khirbet Wadi Hamam in Israel and Dura Europos in Syria (the parting of the Red Sea).”

In past seasons at Huqoq, mosaics of Samson (Judges 15:4; 16:3), a Hebrew inscription and a meeting of men accompanied by soldiers and war elephants were uncovered in the eastern aisle of the synagogue.

As the point where three of the world’s major religions converge, Israel’s history is one of the richest and most complex in the world. Sift through the archaeology and history of this ancient land in the free eBook Israel: An Archaeological Journey, and get a view of these significant Biblical sites through an archaeologist’s lens.


Read more about the Huqoq excavations in Bible History Daily:

A Samson Mosaic from Huqoq: A Bible History Daily introduction to the Huqoq excavations.

Mosaic Inscription from a Synagogue at Horvat Huqoq: Huqoq excavator David Amit provides a translation of the mosaic text between two female faces in the Huqoq synagogue.

The Huqoq Synagogue Mosaics: Huqoq mosaics specialist Karen Britt provides a detailed artistic analysis of a Huqoq mosaic featuring an inscription and two female faces.

New Huqoq Mosaics: The 2013 excavations revealed additional depictions of Samson in the Bible and a possible portrayal of a scene from the Apocrypha.

Huqoq 2014: Update from the Field: Huqoq excavation director Jodi Magness and mosaics specialist Karen Britt discuss a new mosaic discovered during the 2014 excavation season. Could the mosaic be a depiction of the legendary meeting between Alexander the Great and the Jewish high priest?

Jodi Magness Reflects on a Lucky Discovery: In her Archaeological Views column “A Lucky Discovery Complicates Life” in the March/April 2015 issue of BAR, Jodi Magness reflects on the consequences of discovering stunning mosaics at Huqoq.

Huqoq 2015: New Mosaics Unearthed at Huqoq Synagogue: The Huqoq Excavation Project has uncovered more stunning mosaics during the 2015 excavations in a fifth-century C.E. synagogue in the Galilee.

Huqoq 2017: Mosaics of Jonah and the Whale, the Tower of Babel and More: The 2017 excavation season at Huqoq unearthed more stunning mosaics depicting Greco-Roman and Biblical scenes, including the story of Jonah and the whale and the construction of the Tower of Babel.

Huqoq 2018: Mosaic Depicts Israelite Spies: The 2018 season revealed more Biblical mosaics, including one referencing Numbers 13:23.

Which finds made our top 10 Biblical archaeology discoveries of 2016? Find out >>


1 Responses

  1. Debi Monroe says:

    Those are beautiful mosaics!

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1 Responses

  1. Debi Monroe says:

    Those are beautiful mosaics!

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