Jerusalem Begins Construction on the National Archaeology Quarter

Bible and Archaeology News

The Israel Antiquities Authority began construction of Jersualem’s new National Archaeology Quarter on Sunday, June 24, 2012. Located next to the Israel Museum, the new space will replace the Rockefeller Museum and will house the Israel Antiquities Authority as well as the Israel National Archaeology Library. The museum’s extensive collection includes over 15,000 Dead Sea Scroll fragments, but often goes unnoticed as tourists choose the Israel Museum, Bible Lands Museum and other archaeological spaces over the Rockefeller’s cramped spaces, which have not been renovated since 1938. The new space will feature special exhibitions about archaeological methodology alongside classrooms, laboratory space and other research facilities.


The Israel Antiquities Authority plan for the National Archaeology Quarter, which will inclde exhibits from the Rockefeller Museum, the Israel National Archaeology Library, IAA offices and other archaeology facilities. Image: Israel Antiquities Authority.

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