Female Singer’s Tomb Found in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings

Bible and archaeology news

Egyptian and Swiss archaeologists announced this week that they have unearthed the intact, undisturbed tomb of an Egyptian singer named Nehmes Bastet who lived during Egypt’s XXIInd Dynasty (c. 945-712 B.C.E.). The newly discovered tomb, identified as KV64 (being the 64th tomb found in the Valley of the Kings), was likely built several hundred years earlier but then reused to the bury the remains of Nehmes, who was the daughter of an Egyptian high priest as well as a singer at the nearby Karnak Temple. According to the archaeologists, the relatively simple, unadorned tomb included a black wooden sarcophagus decorated with hieroglyphic texts that contained the nicely wrapped, mummified body of Nehmes.

Female Singer’s Tomb Found in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings

Egyptian and Swiss archaeologists announced this week that they have unearthed the intact, undisturbed tomb of an Egyptian singer named Nehmes Bastet who lived during Egypt’s XXIInd Dynasty (c. 945-712 B.C.E.).


In the brand new FREE eBook Ancient Israel in Egypt and the Exodus, top scholars discuss the historical Israelites in Egypt and archaeological evidence for and against the historicity of the Exodus.


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