Ancient Tunnels Provide Glimpse of Jewish Revolts

Bible and archaeology news

Scattered across Israel are hidden entrances to elaborate cave systems, many of which were used as places of refuge during the first and second Jewish revolts against Rome in the first centuries C.E.* Inside the narrow, winding tunnels, some of which extend for miles beneath the hills of Jerusalem and Galilee, one can find ancient weapons, trap doors and oil lamps, all used by Jewish rebels who fought the Roman occupation. Long known to archaeologists and nature enthusiasts, however, these underground labyrinths filled with ancient history are little known to tourists. “These tunnels are an amazing secret that tourists unfortunately don’t know about,” said veteran tour guide Asael Lavi. “It’s possible to spend an entire day or two crawling in the different systems and experience the fear, grief and even excitement that the rebels must have felt.”

Inside narrow, winding tunnels, some of which extend for miles beneath the hills of Jerusalem and Galilee, one can find ancient weapons, trap doors and oil lamps, all used by Jewish rebels who fought the Roman occupation.

* See Boaz Zissu, “Village Razed, Rebel Beheaded” BAR, September/October 2007.

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