Who Are the Nephilim?

The mysterious beings of Genesis 6

Alexandre Cabanel, CC0,, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

The Nephilim, the product of the sons of god mingling with the daughters of Adam, the great biblical giants, “the fallen ones,” the Rephaim, “the dead ones”—these descriptions are all applied to one group of characters found within the Hebrew Bible. Who are the Nephilim? From where do the “heroes of old, the men of renown” come?

Genesis 6:1–4 tells the readers that the Nephilim, which means “fallen ones” when translated into English, were the product of copulation between the divine beings (lit. sons of god) and human women (lit. daughters of Adam). The Nephilim are known as great warriors and biblical giants (see Ezekiel 32:27 and Numbers 13:33).

It was once claimed that the mating of the sons of god and the daughters of Adam that resulted in the Nephilim caused the flood, and this caused the Nephilim to have a negative reputation. This was believed because the next verse (Genesis 6:5) is the introduction to the flood narrative and because their name means “fallen ones.” It is unlikely that this interpretation is correct because Genesis 6:4 presents nothing but praise for the Nephilim and no criticism is present. In addition, the name “fallen ones” is likely a reference to their divine paternity transforming—falling—into the human condition, albeit an almost superhuman condition.

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Genesis 6, Ezekiel 32, and Numbers 13 are the only passages that mention the Nephilim by that term. So where do the names Rephaim and “the dead ones” originate? The first thing to recognize is that these are not two separate titles, but rather a name, Rephaim, and a meaning, “dead ones.” The Bible refers to two groups as the Rephaim. The first are dead people who have achieved an almost divine status, similar to the concept of Saints. The second is a term that is applied to races of biblical giants. It is this second usage that is often conflated with the Nephilim.

The Rephaim appear in Deuteronomy 2:11; 3:11; 2 Samuel 21:19 and Joshua 11:22 and almost always take the form of one member of the Rephaim (Anaqim, Og, Goliath) being in opposition with Israel or its representative. In this sense, the Rephaim live up to their name, as their purpose in each narrative is to die. The juxtaposition of the mighty biblical giants defeated by the underdog, God’s chosen, is foreshadowed in the very name attributed to these characters.

Ellen White asks the question, Who are the Nephilim?Ellen White, Ph.D. (Hebrew Bible, University of St. Michael’s College), formerly the senior editor at the Biblical Archaeology Society, has taught at five universities across the U.S. and Canada and spent research leaves in Germany and Romania. She has also been actively involved in digs at various sites in Israel.

This Bible History Daily article was originally published on November 19, 2014.

Related reading in Bible History Daily:

The Nephilim and the Sons of God

Rock Giants in Noah

The Adam and Eve Story: Eve Came From Where?

The Search for Noah’s Flood

Iron Age Gate and Fortifications Uncovered at Philistine Gath

All-Access members, read more in the BAS Library:

When the Sons of God Cavorted with the Daughters of Men

Enoch’s Vision of the Next World

Biblical Views: Giants at Jericho

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Source: Weltchronik, Germany, Regensburg, ca. 1360. Public Domain.
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320 Responses

  1. William says:

    I failed to post WHY the Nephilim mated with the daughters of Adam, specifically. It was Satan’s attempt to corrupt the seedline of the coming Christ. This was his second attempt. His first attempt was in the Garden. The Serpent/tree of knowledge of good and evil were/are Satan. The sin in the Garden was NOT for eating a piece of fruit picked from a fruit tree. Adam and Eve covered/hid the part of their bodies that they sinned with. Cain was NOT Adam’s son.

    1. Rick says:

      Please elaborate on why Cain is not Adams son conclusion/ info. Thanks

  2. William says:

    The Nephilim were/are the Son’s of God that mated with the daughters of Adam, specifically the daughters of the man Adam. The mating produced the Gibbor/Giants. Noah’s flood for the purpose of wiping the Gibbor/Giants off the earth. Noah’s flood was regional, not worldwide.

    There was a second smaller outbreak of the Gibborim. God used Israel and other Armies to wipe them out. Goliath was one of them. They are mentioned in several books of scripture after Noah’s flood. Anak is just one of the tribes.

    The Nephilim will be back when the antichrist appears. The antichrist appears BEFORE Christ returns. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.

    1. Carolyn Ellertson says:

      Well, I live in Oregon, and there are fossil beds a couple hours away that have sea shells many feet deep. In addition, there have been found in that locality, a rhinocerous skull dug from the area as well as fossilized palm leaves.. Wow.. they’re a long way from home in the holy land if the flood was as regional as you say. ..

    2. Jojokatz says:

      Gen 7:22 , 23 everything(on earth ) that breathed that wasn’t on the ark died. The Nephillim died in the flood along with every other living soul. The Fallen Angels ( the Nephillim’s angelic fathers)left their human bodies and became demons. As for the Antichrists they are defined as any opposing Christ. 1John 2:18 speaks of many antichrists. Satan tries to mislead so people will be caught unaware. Those looking for a central character to appear are being mislead. Some confuse the lawless one referred to in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-12 as the Antichrist , but if you read the entirety of chapter it clearly means a group of people that Satan uses to mislead. Just as Jesus condemned the Pharisees he will condemn the false religious leaders. These are the lawless as they and those that were/are their followers had no love of the truth.

      1. Andy Dufresne says:

        That all changes when you realize the flood account isn’t about “the earth” as in the entire planet, but “the earth” as in a particular region of land. (Probably the Tarim Basin) We refer to soil and land as earth all the time. A misunderstanding caused by inadequate translation.

        The scriptures make it clear that there were still Nephilim in the earth AFTER the flood, including within the text of Genesis 6:4 itself:

        “There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days; AND ALSO AFTER THAT…”

        “But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.

        And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature.

        And there we saw the giants (Nephilim), the sons of Anak, which come of the giants (Nephilim): and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. ” Num 33:31-33

        Impossible with a world wide flood, especially considering flood waters rising several cubits above the tallest mountain peak in a world wide flood would require almost 6 miles of water above sea level to surpass Everest and K2. Which would have killed every tree, plant, moss, and seed by its weight alone. Nevermind the lack of sunlight and oxygen for a year, or the incalculable destruction that would be caused by such amounts of water rushing to and fro, both while rising, and receding. (A tsunami only several meters high destroys everything in its path. Multiply that by a factor of thousands)

        Demons aren’t fallen angels, they’re the spirits created by the mingling of angels with Adamic women, hybrid spirits that weren’t created by God, and therefore have nowhere to return when they die. The angels that transgressed were punished by being chained up within the earth.

        The Antichrists mentioned by John aren’t just anyone, they’re a specific people, who, as John explains, went out from them because they were not of them. Meaning they weren’t Israelites. Simple research into the matter reveals that the nation of Edom was brought en mass into Judaea in 125 BC after being conquered by Hyrcanus and the Israelite remnant, and that the children of Edom can be traced back to Cain and the serpent in the garden.

        There is no individual “Antichrist”, but those who are damned have no love of the truth because they’re children of the wicked. God already redeemed Adam and all of his descendants from death, the punishment for Adam transgressing the one command he was given – a state that naturally passed to all of his descendants who were “within his loins” when he transgressed. The only exception was the children of Israel who were given the law, and therefore needed to be redeemed from the penalty for violating the law. Also accomplished already through God’s death on the cross, nullifying the legal force of his commandments which were violated.

  3. Nanette Crist says:

    You need to read The book of Enoch which clearly describes that the sons of God who made it with the daughters of men and produced the race of giants AKA nephilim… Were rapacious, cannibalistic, violent, and committed every kind of atrocity. The same stories about their behavior are in many ancient histories and mythologies. Even the native Americans. That is why God had to cleanse the world with the universal deluge because they had turned it into a hell on Earth. They were even eating their own parents and children.

  4. Chaplain B.J. says:

    While I won’t go into the history of the “giants” or comment on the theories of their origin, I would like to point out one thing. NOTICE; nowhere in the Bible do You ever see the giants being on the side of GOD’s people. Thye always opposed and fought against them. That should reveal something of their origin.

    1. J. P. Antonii says:

      It tells us nothing of their origin except that they fought against God’s people. Even the being we call Lucifer was created by God. I will quickly explain what I think is the origin of the Anakim for example, they were sons and descendants of King Anak and were described as tall and powerful enemies of the Israelites. The Anakim are also described as wearing long jewelry around their necks. King Anak is the son of Arba King of Kiryat-arba (Hebron). King Arba is the son of Japhia King of Lachish and Gezer. Japhia was also known as Horam. The word Horam is connected to “Height” or maybe a word for a person of “high” rank or status or placed at a “high” or powerful level or held in “high” regard. The Anakim were also believed to be the direct descendants of the Nephilim who are very mysterious beings or people who are described as being very large and strong and they lived both before and after the Flood. King Arba is mentioned in the Book of Joshua. Joshua 14:15, Arba is called the “greatest man among the Anakites.” In Joshua 15:13 it says that Arba was the father of Anak. The Anakites which in Hebrew is “Anakim” are described in the Hebrew Bible as giants. The Rephaim we’re going to assume is referring to a strong, tall race of people who lived in the land of Canaan. The Emim were a tall race, known to the Israelites as the Rephaim who once lived in Southern Palestine and also on the East side of the Jordan River. The Emim and Rephaim were one and the same people with different names. They were also called “Rephaites” or “Repha’im”. Ogias “Og” Amorite King of Bashan and his brother Sihon Amorite King in Heshbon and their father is called Aḥiyah “Ahia or “Ḥiya” were all described as the last of the Rephaim. Goliath and his brothers Madon, Lahmi, Saph or “Sippai” and Ishbi-Benob were also called the last of the Rephaim. Goliath’s father is a Rephaite of tall stature as were many descendants of the Rephaim and the mother is Orpah also called Princess Harafu sister of Ruth and daughter of Eglon King of the Moabites who were a tribe directly descended from Moab, son of Lot. Eglon is the son of the Moabite King Balak and Balak is the son of Zippor King of the Moabites. As you can tell Og and his brother Sihon are called Amorites so they must directly descend from Emer later known as “Amor” the son of Canaan and Canaan is the son of Ham and Ham is the son of Noah. Even Gilgamesh who is Sumerian and Hammurabi who is Babylonian are called Amorites and are direct descendants of Noah through his grandson Emer. Even the city of Jerusalem, which was once called Salem, Ur-Salem or Urushalim said to be founded by Shalem, the Phoenician God of Dusk. Orpah’s direct descendants are known to have battled with King Davids men and the tall statured humans that battled David and his soldiers were Goliath and his siblings. Chilion’s mother Naomi later called “Mara” was obviously angry at Orpah for having a relationship with another man while being married to her son. That is why Goliath, and his siblings are called bastards or born out of wedlock. Zuzim or Zuzites were a tribe who lived in the land of Ham, which was located east of the Jordan River between Bashan and Moab. The Zuzim probably a shortened name of the Zamzummim. The Ammonites who are direct descendants of Lot and nephew of Abraham called them Zamzummim but the Hebrews said they were the Rephaites. Heth ancestor of the Hittites was the brother of Emer ancestor of the Amorites. If you remember that Esau married Judith daughter of Beeri the Hittite and Basemath daughter of Elon the Hittite. This means that Elon and Beeri are direct descendants of Heth who is the son of Canaan and grandson of Noah. This is just a sample of the information that is available if one just takes the time to research the Table of Nations and world history.

      1. Russell Shaffer says:

        That was the most thorough response I’ve ever read on this topic…you completely dismantled the ridiculous notion of angles having the ability to procreate.

      2. Joseph T Simpson says:

        Well done!

    2. Lee Callaghan says:

      When God pronounced his judgment against the Watchers and their offspring, didn’t he say that their children would become evil spirits? Also the Watchers are eternal and bound to the earthly realm as punishment. I think they have been working to deceive God’s people, throughout history showing up as powerful god like beings I.e Zeus, Thor, the nine and now as alien beings who have been guiding humanity for thousands of years. Always trying to prove that we are not God’s creation but instead an evolutionary accident and now maybe a long term alien experiment.
      To be clear I believe in an almost infinite universe there may well be life on other planets.

  5. Ken Ammi says:

    This is actually just a reprint of Whie’s 2016 article and I wrote a review of it back then:
    From the very first paragraph there are various errors in this article.
    Note that by asserting post-flood Nephilim, White implies that God failed and the flood was much of a waste.

    1. DAVID CREWS says:

      Thank you Ken! I agree with you. She dismisses much that many internationally respected scholars of ancient history provide abundant evidence for.

  6. Lee H. Hoffman says:

    I disagree that Genesis 6:4 is “praise” of nephilim. It states that they were powerful and famous. That sounds like Adolph Hitleter’s reputation.

    1. Anz Cando says:

      I agree.

  7. Joseph says:

    In a study, I ended up on this page. Above I read ((Genesis 6:5) is the introduction to the flood narrative and because their name means “fallen ones.” It is unlikely that this interpretation is correct because Genesis 6:4 presents nothing but praise for the Nephilim and no criticism is present.)

    Nothing But Praise For The Nephilim?

    Who wrote this crap? Are you serious? Did the writer no look into the context?
    This sadly is a HUGE problem among Christians and the church. There is no understanding of the meaning of 2 Timothy 2:15.

    As a result many well meaning Christians seeking truth and understanding of God’s word are lead down a path of confusion.
    Sadly, these well meaning Christians don’t know the center of God’s word Psalm 118:8 and are placing their trust in man rather then The Lord who is the Word.

    1. Nathan says:

      non-denominational bump

    2. Couldn’t agree more! It’s shocking that Ellen White has not done her homework and her position. She obviously didn’t read the book of Joshua and certainly did not read The book of Enoch. They were super predators… rapacious, murderous ,cannibalistic… and so overpopulated the world thus creating hell on Earth. . God was forced to cleanse it with the flood

      1. Nick says:

        It is no wonder that so many theories are taken into the hall of reality and handed down as truth….because all of these theories besides the scripture were formed ,built upon and researched from the minds of men and not the hearts of men….when a man is humbled and his heart is open ….that is when perhaps truth is revealed to him….so I write this here because the writer of what’s before has at least some knowledge of truth

    3. Alexandros says:

      Dear Josef, Christ is risen! Is risen indeed! I red your commentary with great surprise. In the world there are meny so called churches and christians, but the Church istablished by Christ, the historical and origin Church is one – The Greek-Russian Orthodox Church. And as about the problems will Hole Scriptures texts true commetaries and interpretations there are not problems. In the Orthodoxy exist the main principle – Hole Scripture and the Holy Tradition (2 Tym. 1, 13, 2, 2). The Church in not the human organization and administration, but Body of Christ (Efes.1.23, Kol.1, 18). The Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church has carefully preserved the canon of Holy Scripture. And everything that is done in the Church, it is done charismatically, by divine grace. The appearance of many Christian confessions, and in the Orthodox terminology of heresies and schisms, is a deviation from life in the Holy Spirit, the loss of the main qualities of a Christian, about which the Apostle Paul writes in detail in his epistles. This led to misinterpretation of the Holy Scriptures and the appearance of heresies. Pay your attention to the important words of the Apostle Peter (1Peter 2:1-8), (2Peter 2:1-2). that is, the appearance of heresies and rumors of Holy Scripture is a process, as it were, natural. And it is important to know the Holy Scriptures, but it is important to understand it correctly. Therefore, in the Orthodox Church, the Holy Scripture is made an obligation for everyone to read it daily and it is read at every Liturgy, but in somewhat reduced volumes compared to the 1-6 centuries. The epistles of the Apostle Paul talk a lot about bishops and presbyters, deacons, that is, about the clergy, pastoral ministry. What should it be – (1 Peter 5, 1-3), and what should be the attitude towards them – Hebrews 13, 17 13, 7. This is the so-called apostolic succession in ordination and way of life. It is possible to correctly understand the Holy Scriptures only while living in the Holy Spirit, and therefore, on condition of a correct way of life, imitation of the life of the Apostles. Yes, there are many deviations today, but the essence of the Church of Christ has not changed. we have changed, striving to instruct others, but not educating ourselves and not correcting our way of life. Let me wish you all the best and recommend a very interesting Internet resource in English- and greek resource God bless you. priest Simeon

    4. DAVID CREWS says:

      Totally agree Joseph! Ellen White has failed to do her homework. She gliby dismisses serious scholarship which contradict her thoughts here.

    5. @JOSEPH: “…Christians don’t know the center of God’s word Psalm 118:8…” Sir, there is NO “God’s Word”. God doesn’t talk. If the Creator spoke, in what language would He speak? Who would He choose to speak to and why? I ALWAYS ASK PEOPLE WHO SEEM TO THROW THE TERMS “WORD OF GOD”, and “THE WORD IS THE TRUTH” ad nauseum. MEN of many nations thought they had the understanding of the CREATOR and if He/She/It even HAD A DESIRE to communicate with us creatures. If you believe that the CREATOR was PERFECT AND INFALLIBLE, making someone on Earth say illogical and ignorant statements wasn’t PERFECT, thereby they were not speaking any “truth” about the CREATOR.

      This is the UNSOLVABLE QUESTION, and the smart humans introduced the word “FAITH” to get believers. Humans, being animals, then turn into Trump-like narcissists to use any means possible to gain power and “god status”. Greed is a biological force. Repressing greed is also a biological force because greed prevents growth of the species by having a man or nation lust for more than they have, and do un-CREATOR actions, like destroying good and letting the bad multiply if it GIVES the narcissist the satisfaction of thinking he/she is CREATING and being a GOD. Getting people to do their bidding, blinding them to their empathy and logical thinking, throwing their morals (which protect the human species) away in order to worship this false “god”. How many people have admitted to “believing” in Trump, but then their BETTER SELVES stopped to see, hear, and watch the destruction of kindness, acceptance, understanding, empathy by their mistaken belief that TRUMP IS PERFECT IN EVERY ACTION HE DOES. I have talked to Trump apologetics who acknowledge his lack of morals and class, his love of himself and his willingness to take everyone and everything down with him if he goes down.

      So the power of finding the Truth is through patience and thought. Study and perception. Outcome of good over evil. Giving will bring you TEN TIMES more pleasure than taking. Ask any criminal who has been incarcerated for more than 10 years, that isn’t sociopathic and mentally incapable of one emotion: EMPATHY. You can’t know the CREATOR if you do not FEEL ANOTHER PERSON’S PAIN.

      Oh, I’m an Anarchist Christian. I don’t believe in any specific denomination nor the reason for the arrival of Christ. This “HE DIED FOR OUR SINS” dogma is a PAGAN-BASED theory. Pagans shed blood, including the Jews with their animal sacrifices. Because converting pagans to Christianity was so difficult, the proselithizers had to “mix” the pagan beliefs into Christian narratives, and that included “BLOOD SACRIFICE”. However, it HOLDS NO ANSWERS OR TRUTHS because if a FATHER today, told his neighbors that their parties were sinful, and he was going to “save them” by taking his “only son” (the Bible disproves that. He had many sons) and a grabbing a two 4x4s to make a pagan cross (the cross is a device made by the Romans, who were pagans), and then drive nails into his adult boy’s appendages (who, by the way, was doing all sorts of great things for the suffering humans during his life) and, have a buddy stick him in his ribs with a sharpened metal pole, and then left his boy hanging on this torture device on his front lawn for three days (I can’t continue at this point, because this wouldn’t happen in today’s “civilized society”), and then somehow let the neighbors know that his boy’s blood was “saving their souls by washing away their sins”, one of the neighbor girls, horrified, would scream out “JUST GO TO WALMART AND GET THE NEW TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT! IT SAYS IT HAS A NEW INGREDIENT THAT WASHES SINS AWAY, WHATEVER A “SIN” STAIN LOOKS LIKE.”

      So now we have this conundrum: “DYING FOR YOUR SINS” actually sounds stupid to non-believers. Today’s pagans are those who don’t know anything about Jesus and just worship really cool, tasty, comfortable, pleasant, ecstasty producing materials right here in this Earthly realm. Such confusion. Christians look at other religions and shake their heads, mildly concerned if they aren’t missionaries or preachers, that the Muslims, Hindus, Catholics (getting close), Enochism, Taoists, etc. are all going to Hell, which is never mentioned in the Bible.

      Watch for signs, “coincidences”, and use your brain to tie things together, without “MEETING THE MASTER”, the brilliantly satirical gospel anthem by the extremely talented rock group, GRETA VAN FLEET. Don’t hurt anyone or yourself. That’s what my mother told me what a sin was.

  8. ananymous says:

    I believe that the Nephilim were descendants of fallen angels and humans, because I believe the Bible for what it says, I believe the Nephilim were not sons of Cain and daughters of Seth.

    Also; what of the legends of (often) cannibalistic, savage, super-strong giants in pretty much every culture? The native American tribes have legends of corrupt giants who were animistic, and blood-lusting terrors to humans, and had six fingers and toes, and most every includes a flood that had the purpose of destroying these corrupt and evil people. One interesting thing; they are also often referred to with dread, and they were associated with the spiritual beliefs of the culture. Another thing; some of the skeletons they have found of giants are characterized not only by six digits, but by double rows of teeth.
    just look up six digit giant legends of North and South America, I also have a suspicion that these giants may have had something to do with the megaliths and stonehenges. There are stories of giants in almost every culture, and there are stonehenges/megaliths built by most every culture

    1. Marrian Stinson says:

      That is not true angels do not have genders. Plus, it makes no sense that Gen 6:3 And YAHWEH said, MY SPIRIT shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Says nothing else supposedly about the angels. Really?
      Where in the Bible does it say that angels are YAHWEH’S sons? Here is what the Bible says: Heb 1:5 For unto which of the angels said HE at any time, Thou art MY son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a FATHER, and he shall be to ME a son? The Hebrew word “nephı̂yl    nephil!” The root word is feller or fallen. All the people in the antediluvian world were giants. They were tyrants and if you read all of Gen Chapter six you would see that. Nephilim is a made-up word and is not Biblical! The Bible said they were giants then and after the flood. Goliath was a Philistine coming from Mizraim’s son-Casluhim! They came from Ham and they were Black people. Also, some of the Canaanites were extremely tall! So were the Celtic or Galatians, Germans who came from Japheth. Moses concentrated on the people that IsraEL would encounter! Finally, the book of Enoch is fake! It was written in the 2nd century BCE. Enoch was already according to the Bible in Heaven! What astonished me is how people can believe in something so ridiculous and full of lies. People will believe a lie quickly and publish it. They don’t ask questions or look at its contents to research all that it contains out and I say wow!

      1. BernDenae says:

        Numbers 13:33

  9. Jennifer says:

    Thank you Dana for this explanation.

  10. Richard says:

    Thank you for your in depth description of this subject. Got a better understanding of the Nephilim , sons of God , the giants. Thanks again.

  11. Rasil says:

    Keep excavating in Israel. Those rsiding yhere presently, are not the Binlical Israelites. They are Khazsrs from Eastern Europe who in 740 AD, inder their King Bulan, stole a heritage from the Biblical “chosen” people, converted to a Babylonian form of Judaism, studied Hebrew (Yuddish today) and have deceived theventire world. They are NOT yhe chosennpeople of YAH. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, tells us who they are…liars from the synagogue of Satan. They flaunt it in their flag which is a hexagram. These people were kicked out of 130 countries and entered Judeah/Palestine bc of the Balfour Declaration. There is no nationality or such people as JewISH. They were called ISRAELITES from the land of Judah. They know exactly what they are and the church has truly been deceived. Do the research and do read Arthur Koedtler and Henry Ford’s books. Great , great deception.

  12. Phyllis says:

    I’m glad I read your comments. I’m no scholar but I didn’t see or agree with where the writer was going.

    1. Peter King says:

      Dear Phyllis
      Dana’s article is incorrect and flawed, If I can I would like to explain why I think that this is the case:
      Jude writes of “the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place.” (Jude 6) Angels had the power to materialize in human form, and some angels did so to bring messages from God. (Ge 18:1, 2, 8, 20-22; 19:1-11; Jos 5:13-15) But heaven is the proper abode of spirit persons, and the angels there have positions of service under God. (Da 7:9, 10) To leave this abode to dwell on earth and to forsake their assigned service to have fleshly relations would be rebellion against God’s laws, and perversion.

      The Bible states that the disobedient angels are now “spirits in prison,” having been ‘thrown into Tartarus’ and “reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.” This seems to indicate that they are greatly restricted, unable again to materialize as they did prior to the Flood.​—1Pe 3:19; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 6.

      Increased Wickedness. “The mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame” that were produced by these marriages, were not men of fame with God, for they did not survive the Flood, as did Noah and his family.
      They were “Nephilim,” bullies, tyrants, who no doubt helped to make conditions worse. Their angelic fathers, knowing the construction of the human body and being able to materialize, were not creating life, but lived in these human bodies and, cohabiting with women, brought forth children. Their children, “mighty ones,” were therefore unauthorized hybrids. Apparently the Nephilim did not, in turn, have children.

  13. Joanne Scott says:

    that was interesting thanks!

  14. Dana says:

    One would think having a Phd in the Hebrew Bible that the author would detail a more accurate description of the Nephilim. It’s disappointing, yet typical, that the author is not only defending the bad guys, but misleading those whom otherwise don’t know.
    To begin w, responsibility for the flood still to date lies w the “fallen ones”. The author leads you to believe there is a more current or correct theory, although there is not. Secondly, they *earned* their negative reputation by intentionally introducing man to lust, destruction and war. According to every ancient civilization on the planet (another huge clue who they were), they were known as a threat to all mankind. Again, the author suggests they unfairly got a bad rap, which is untrue and absurd. The word Nephilim derives from Naphal, which means “to fall”, as in “abandon.” The im simply is plural. The word giant stems from naphal as well and means “bully” or “tyrant.” Considering language originated from witnessing live events, it’s safe to say they were knowingly mean, which is a far cry from some unfair, underserved, misunderstood reputation that the devil would also have you believe about himself.
    Another incorrect interpretation the author wants you to believe is that the Nephilim received “nothing but praise” and “fallen” is to mean figuratively like falling in love. I don’t know what Bible this author read, but in my bible the words “mighty men” and “old men of renown” does NOT mean “praise”. Mighty means “strong,” which comes from the word gabar, which means to “conduct himself arrogantly” and old men of renown means “old; antiquity,” “adulteress; champion, counselor,” “defamed, memorial, report, repute”. Immediately after the Bible mentions the Nephilim, we’re told how God saw great wickedness of man and was grieved. Thereafter is the flood. W all that said, it’s a wonder how anyone, let alone a Hebrew Bible scholar and professor could misinterpret any of that.
    I’ll also add that in reading many of this article’s comments, there seems to be confusion on whom exactly the sons of god refers. Some insist it’s the fallen angels while others insist it’s man. The answer is…they’re both right depending upon the verse and context, but in this context, they are the fallen angels. We know this from Job 1:6 and 38:7. It’s also been asked how the angels could mate w women as we’re told angels neither mate nor marry, but it’s the angels *in Heaven* that neither mate nor marry, not the spiritually degraded ones that now roam the earth. More importantly, we’re told that angels can shapeshift. Hebrews 13:2 and Gen 19:4-5 says they’re so perfectly human looking that we won’t know the difference. So you see…there’s answers to everything. Just allow Scripture to explain Scripture.

    1. Javier Mercado says:

      Dana, thank you for your interpretation however, can you give a clear explanation about the angels (one third) if you were referring to them that were cast down from Heaven along with Satan. My question is, if they were able to mate with the daughters of men on earth and they weren’t able in Heaven. What gave them the ability to be able to mate with the women on earth? Considering that these angels had to of have the same DNA as we humans have.

      1. Alexandra says:

        You don’t have to marry to be able to have children.

      2. Jimmy says:

        We have even seen also animals of not the same kind mating and producing different breed. Crossing breeding is a reality.

      3. Tim says:

        It was likely a time when the Creator allowed angels to take on fully human form (perhaps to ease interactions with humans on Earth) and some that did so “fell” from their high position by having relations with woman, resulting in hybred children. Afterward, I believe He took that ability away or at least did not allow fully human form that would allow reproduction.

  15. debora says:

    Ii was asked by a demon Mellissa, if I had ever read the Bible. this was in reference to a conversation about demons and their place here on this planet today. I told her no I really do not. She said “you should”.

  16. Ranko says:

    the bible is full of disgusting violence, misogyny and genocide and religion has been used for centuries to excuse human evils. This particular story was always sickening because it blatantly demonstrates that God’s so-called “holy” angels were nothing more than psychopathic rapists (lets just be real, even if this little fairy tale did happen its doubtful it was romantic, sexy or even consensual between the rapist fallen angels and their human victims). But (of course) no one cared about the lives of the innocent women, only about peddling their religion and waging war against those who (rightfully) opposed it. Religion is for ignorant people and sociopaths. Treating human beings with genuine love, respect and empathy is what matters…not following the words of violent “gods” that never existed.

    1. Ben Moore says:

      Ranko, for someone who thinks that religion is for ignorant people and the Bible is just a fairy tale you certainly have indulged in it quite a bit to have come up with your petty reasoning. One day, and the way things are going in our day and age I don’t think it is too far off, you can tell Jesus, as he judges you how petty this “little fairy tale” is. I’m sure he will enlightey you!

    2. Huston says:

      Luke 17: And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
      Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. If this sounds familiar it is the slogan for your mRNA injection. The manipulation of the human genomes. The main reason the Torah and the Holy Bible lists Noah’s and Jesus’ family history is to show that the fallen angels had not mingled their genes! Today, just like in the days of Noe these fallen angels which we can call demonic powers possessed by the devil using modern technology to come into daughters of man. Deuteronomy 20:16–17, God commanded the Israelites, “In the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do NOT leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.” A similar command is given concerning the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 15:2–3. Why would God have the Israelites exterminate entire groups of people, women and children. If the Jews mingled with these genetically impure beings then how could Jesus have been pure generations on down the line? In order to be saved to go to heaven and spend eternity with God you must be HUMAN ! I hate to tell you that when your mRNA is manipulated that you are no longer a natural human. Those people will strive to mislead remanent of humans to be deceived thus doing evil continually. God destroyed the earth to wipe these genetic hybrids out. If you can read Hebrew and know gematria well enough you can read that Noah’s daughter in law was pregnant when she entered The Arc. Hem in his frustration snuck into his father’s tent and ended up impregnating Noah’s wife with possibly Canaan thus the curse of kinking his hair, darkening his skin and sending him away South to be the slave of slaves. Leviticus: The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness. What have I yet to find is did Hem bring his wife into this drunken to somehow transfer or “shed” some of this Nephilim mRNA? If you will read the Holy Bible you can see God is clearly in love with the human that he designed and is willing to completely wipe out man, woman, child, beast, religion, ideas, practices, geography, all the way down to 2 Peter 3:10 But the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. The earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up! So do NOT listen to them who wish to scare you into altering your own mRNA and DNA !! What can you do to stay 100% human ? Believe everything in the KJV Holy Bible if you want to live forever with God, His angels, and the rest of us believers who are not “marked” with jelly-fish DNA or unholy dead baby and non-human perversely mutated “genetically engineered” by these New World Ideologists and their followers. Revelation 20:10 – And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Revelation 21 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 20 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Matthew 25 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. You will probably want to do whatever you can to get your name written into the Lambs book of Life. God would not want to wipe out every man, woman, and child unless there was a very good reason for this The Abomination of Desolation.

  17. Ewakodanz says:

    son of God here refers to men and not angels. How can you say that they are. Did God ever say to angels you are my son? Heb 1:5. Angels don’t have sex as Jesus said in Mark 12:25.

    1. ananymous says:

      but these are fallen angels/demons; rebelling against God. And angels could take human form, and who is saying that the fallen ones, going against everything God said, wouldn’t do it just to blaspheme and corrupt man, whom He made in His image?

    2. Scott Zierman says:

      Jesus did not say that angels don’t have sex; He said they do not marry.

      1. Jimmy says:

        Very true

  18. Ja'shua says:

    Thank you for your research and time in this matter. I want to add that Rephaim refers to those departed spirits who were the product of Nephilim and seed of men.

    Because they were part spirit they couldn’t die but because of their earthly origin they are spirits ot the earth looking to inflict harm,deceive, or empower the sons and daughters of Adam. This is found in 1st book of Enoch(Ethiopic) and the very demons The Christ was rebuking out of people.

    Shalom Family in Messiah

  19. Matthew says:

    I take issue with the author of this article when she states the Nephilim were not likely the reason for the flood. While I am sure the reasons were many, it is difficult to see how the existence of half angel, half human beings would have been anything but an abomination in the eyes of God. Wiping them from the earth would have certainly been a consideration.

  20. Joshua Ogere says:

    These Nephelim ‘fallen angels’ were spiritual in nature thus survived the flood

  21. Jon Iwanyszyn says:

    Joyce, apparently Ham’s wife or other wives carried the DNA. Noah was perfect in his generations or fully human. This is a ridiculous argument and article. The Bible records talking animals, people resurrecting from the dead, countless miracles and a whole slough of other paranormal events and yet we can’t take it at it’s word about the fallen angels? “The angels that kept not their first estate (form.) in the abyss.” The Book of Enoch is a good read and Jude quotes directly from it. Let’s just throw out the worldwide legends of these beings, Josephus wrote that the skeletons were still on display in his time. The natives all have legends of red haired cannibalistic giants. The bodies have been found all around the world. They were responsible for all the ziggarats (stepped pyramids) found all over as they were worshiped, demanding human sacrifice. The had a viper look to them because their fathers the fallen angels were Seraphim class angels which are reptile in form and appearance. The Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, Canaanites….. were all nephilim tribes. Which is why Joshua reported back the promised land was filled with giants and they appeared to be grasshoppers in their sight.

    1. Jon Iwanyszyn says:

      Also, if you remove the giants from the bible then God does become genocidal. The giants are the reason why the Israelites were sometimes ordered to kill everyone of a certain tribe, He didn’t want the giants and their ways to spread. Seraphim – fiery flying serpent The Aztec god Quetzalcoatl – feathered serpent God, hmmm.

      1. Faye Bayes says:

        I believe the main reason for the flood is to get rid of all the bad dna. That it was very important that Noah be perfect in his generations. God must secure the blood line that would bring forth the messiah. It had to be perfect in its generations from Adam to Seth to Noah to Shem. Evidently Ham was not perfect. The fact that is was secured makes me want to praise God that it was a true and perfect blood line that our messiah was indeed born.

  22. Prophet_Forest says:

    Because their presence is of the earth, grounded; therefore their souls never enter Heaven. They remain in the soil for eternity, to sprout forth and become giants once more.

  23. Nathan K says:

    In understanding the issue of the nephilim we must first state who the sons of God are. Luke3:38b “Adam, who was the son of God. Adam was a son of God. Many biblical scholars have stated that the race of Adam may well have been up to 15feet tall(giant?). when we read gen5:1-” this is the book of the GENERATION of ADAM in the day that GOD CREATED MAN ,in the LIKENESS of GOD made he him(emphasis applied)” then when we compare this to vs3 “And Adam…begat a son after his own LIKENESS, after his IMAGE and called his name seth” meaning ADAM was GOD’s son being in the likeness of God so to was Seth Adam’s son being in his likeness. A being in Gods likeness is the ideal son of God that is why gen6:3 states “my spirit shall not always strive with MAN for that he also is FLESH but his days shall be 120years(emphasis implied)” the nephilim aren’t exactly devine beings but rather “man” that the “spirit strives with”. Another thing when you read gen6:4 “there were giants(nephilim) in those days and also after that…” Meaning that the nephilim were a race of the giants that had come up during and afta the apostacy in verse5 of chap6. The word for nephilim means “fallen ones” :fallen from God’s image or apostate. Then if we read the verses that follow they have statements like “the wickedness of man was great in the earth” in verse 5, and “it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth”, verse 4 also “giants in the earth” all were of earth not heaven. All were human. Conclusive evidence as to the true identity of the Sons of God can be understood by what God said in verse 3b-“his days shall be 120 years”. Why so? Because chapter 5 contains people that could live up to /-950 years but after the global flood no one lives that long. This had an effect on both races from gen5-(sons of God in Gods image) and the race of gen4-(the sons of man or cain in his image). These two races are the only two mentioned and no other class of angels or devine beings are found mentioned in the chapter.

  24. Joyce says:

    What i don’t understand is this, if these Nephilim where wiped out during the flood, then how could their lines be continued? Only Noah and his family survived.

  25. Bob says:

    it is all just fantasy

  26. John says:

    They are the Annunaki.

  27. Amber Rose says:

    Looking at the context during this time, it is clearly talking about the lineage of Seth (sons of God) finding the daughters of the lineage of Cain (the fallen which is the translation of Nephilim) beautiful and intermarrying thus spreading sin to Seth’s lineage.

  28. Michael says:

    This is the word spelled הַנֹּפְלִים in that verse. The English to Hebrew translator says this is the word for giants ענקים
    The Nephilim were the heroes of old, men of renown. The people of the world were in a state of moral decay, and had fallen spiritually.

    The word nephilim is not a name title, and it should have been translated as the “fallen ones.” It is referring to those who have fallen spiritually and are in moral decline.

    The term “sons of God” is used in the bible to refer to the Elect.

  29. GeorgeBower says:

    This is a sadly narrow understanding of the Nephilim. One needs to understand that these half gods are the foundation of the Sumerian, Babylonian, Persian and Assyrian religion. Their creation story shows that the Nephilim were that actual creators of “The race of dark haired men.”
    We don’t get to know where the blonds came from but it seems that these yellow haired folk were known to the ancients. Educated guess. Both populations may well have lived in the plane around the ancient fresh water lake that became the bottom of the Black Sea. Such an understanding places everyone in the right place to make Noah’s story work perfectly. It also builds out the linkage for the other Mesopotamian peoples; non-Semite Sumerians.

    Using this basis, we also see that the calendar for all of the civilizations clicks together. The flood works, the mountains of Ararat work, the Assyrian and Sumerian stories link together. It is a good thing.

  30. “The fallen ones” are in reference to the angels that were cursed to live on earth due to their rebellion. They are also referred to as the “dead”. These spirits although evil, are eternal as well. Because of the spiritual nature of these evil angels, a.k.a demons, most people that come in contact with them assume they are the dark souls of dead humans. This is not the case, but try to explain that to someone thousands of years ago.

    1. Andrew says:

      They are also known as familiar spirits. Though you are unaware of it, they can follow your movements and spirituals who are in touch with them can present their information as though it comes from a dead loving relative. In fact, it is coming from the enemies of God. I’d rather get my instruction and wisdom from God’s Word, wouldn’t you.
      2 Timothy 3:16
      All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

    2. Tsillah says:

      Interesting to know that initiated freemasons are also called nephil ( fallen angels). The noos around neck at initiation ( gallow noose) represents death and they are then baptised into a coffin, making a covenant with death. See Isaiah 28, covenant with death which will be annulled. Antitype is the baptism in water( the symbol of His Word) bringing life!

      1. Nyarlatothep says:


        Interesting. Might I ask for the source of masons being appelated as ‘nephil’ ?

        I only know of some links with the concept of “son of the widow”; but with Nephilim none.

        Thank you

        1. Tsillah says:

          THE WIDOW AND SON (1 Kings 17 is third degree freemasonry rite, also called the rite of Hiram Abif.
          The Source of Nephil also the name of an initiated to freemasonry as shared to me by and inactive freemason himself. Also according to Gen 6:4 the gaints: H5303 in Strong’s concordance also means a feller. The symbol of the axe, Pick-Adze Handles, Spokes , is a freemasonry symbol of fellers like felling a tree with an axe to make it fall (H5307 naphal- to fall. (the fallen ones).

    3. Israel says:

      [email protected], you are wrong like a particular minister today that I enjoy listening to and although I do listen to him he is wrong in that the misinterpretation of that scripture does not refer to angels. In the Word of God, God never commands or speaks with the angels and says as he did with Adam and Eve and the generations after them: “Be fruitful and multiply”.One needs to ask this of the Holy Spirit (I did about 17 years ago) and His Holy Spirit did reveal it to me. With that being said, God’s Word also states that he created man in His image, male and female–the angels are just that–Angels and don’t get confused my sister-in-Christ when someone says of another person, “He is such an angel” meaning he or she is being very kind as if only Angels could be kind. God Bless you!

  31. Andrew says:

    Noah has spent decades inviting people inside the ark to escape the coming wrath. The bible clearly says the nobody heeded his warnings. Everybody was happy to go about their lives.
    Matthew 24:38
    For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;
    So this superhuman did not hitch a ride INSIDE the ark.
    For him to hitch a ride, it would suggest he must have somehow clung to it. Fair to say it would have been impossible to climb onto the ark and since God shut the door, it was impossible to open.
    So this superhuman clung to the side of the ark, partly treading water, partly white-knuckle holding on until the ark settled back on dry ground in 110 days. The ark was shaped like any normal boat hull, with smooth sides. It was going to encounter some rough weather!! Also, the outside was covered in tar to help seal it. So again, holding on was never going to be a long-term, life-saving venture.
    Today, we stand at the ramp of a new ark. An ark shaped like a cross. Jesus Christ himself is inviting you inside to escape the coming wrath. What will you do?
    Ignore Him and hope He shuts up?
    Eat, drink, be merry, marry, give in marriage? Although there isn’t anything innately wrong with these things, to ignore Jesus calling is to stand outside His ark and tell Him that you don’t believe Him.
    This is akin to walking off a cliff and saying,”I’m ok, I don’t believe in gravity.”
    Listen to Jesus.
    He loves you.
    He died for you.

    Except for this telling verse:
    Genesis 7:23
    Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.
    So, I guess know that the line of Nephilim was history at that point because the bible affirms it.

    1. Faye says:

      The Nephilim was not able to procreate so the ability to had to be in the genes of one of the wives of Noah’s sons.

  32. Steven Anzaroot says:

    Can the Nephalim represent a vague ancient memory of the Neanderthals? Modern humans came into contact with them when venturing out of Africa about 50,000 BC. It is believed that the Neanderthals were a more robust version of the species Homo and thus may have appeared as Anakim/giants/superhumans. The Neanderthals were eventually wiped out at about 30,000 BC rendering them ‘dead ones’ essentially. Scientists now believe that humans today have a small amount of Neanderthal DNA showing that the two species mated several times during their co-existence. This has many of the elements of the Biblical story.

    1. Israel says:

      LOL…what a false… really??? 50,000 years. You need Jesus, my friend.

  33. Percival Tanierla says:

    I suggest that the author should also consult The article found in appendix #25-26 of the Companion Bible by the late Dr. E.W. Bullinger. The author has an interesting discussion of the word Nephilim.

  34. Sarah says:

    How could Goliath have descended from the Nephalim? Everyone alive at the time of the flood drowned, except Noah and his family. Unless they were also descendants of the Nephalim, these giants would have been become extinct.

    1. Steven Anzaroot says:

      The Midrash deals with this question. According to the Midrash Og, one of the Niphalim, hitched a ride on the ark by clinging to it from outside and thus survived the flood.

      1. Israel says:

        When God judged these people, He completely wiped them out–God never fails??Hitched a ride?? TOO Funny.

  35. Ben says:

    Um…angels, fallen or not do not marry, or reproduce…. so…. its not a Greek mythology design of Gods coming down to have relations with mortal women. Its just men….

  36. Bassett says:

    what about the giant skeletons found in various parts of the world e.g. Scicily?

  37. Bob67 says:

    I agree with Blaze above. The ancient Hebrews, first millennium BCE, always connected these groups, Nephilim and Rephaim, as having similar origin and attributed evil to them. Modern scholarship constantly desires to distance the Nephilim from evil. Additionally, Hebrew thought directly attributes the Nephilim of Noah’s day as having a large role in the evil of the time.

  38. John Ronning says:

    The alleged meaning “fallen ones” is actually just an etymological guess based on the root n-p-l; one can imagine other suitable etymological meanings, so the derived guess that their divinity “fell” into humans is just second order guesswork. “Sons of God” in the Bible can refer to both humans (as God’s people, e.g. the Israelites post-exodus), or angels. There is no indication of any semi-divine status of the Nephilim of Canaan; if humans and fallen angels could interbreed the same would be true after the flood as well, no? So does the Bible indicate that those who appear as human beings around the world today might actually be children of demons? I don’t think so. Conversely, women who worship idols can be called “daughter[s] of a foreign god” as in Malachi. So the old explanation that this is simply describing intermarriage of believers with unbelievers actually makes sense. Why is it only mentioned one way (not daughters of God marrying sons of man?). May be because although both ways of intermarriage are forbidden, the disobedience of the males in practice seems to be the usual (from Samson to Ezra/Nehemiah). As for “the mighty men of old, men of renown,” perhaps an apologetic against the post-flood deification of pre-flood heroes (it has been suggested e.g. that Vulcan is a deified Tubal-Cain); the point is that they were just men, even if heroes to that wicked generation. Similarly after the flood it is pointed out that nimrod was known as “a mighty hunter before the Lrod” (it has been suggested that Nimrod is the man who was promoted to deity as Marduk, who began his career as a minor deity and eventually was promoted to ruler of the Babylonian pantheon – when he was just a mere mortal he was known as “a mighty hunter before the Lord,” the one true God who does not change.

    1. Joseph Bongiorno says:

      John, that theory has been disproven time and again. It’s only a segment of church leaders who keep insisting on the Sethite theory despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Please see Dr. Michael S. Heiser’s book Supernatural for an entry-level course into the truth about the nephilim and rephaim.

  39. Johnny Blaise says:

    The article started right. Sons of God are fallen angels. Scripture says that they mated with human women thus creating a demonized race of giants. Then the writer mistakenly interprets scripture to suit her rhetoric. #SOLOSCRIPTURA

  40. Norman Bailey says:

    The legend is recounted at great length in the non-canonical Book of Enoch. I am surprised the article doesn’t mention that.

  41. dr.peter long says:

    it would have been helpful to analyse the relevant intertestamental literature!

  42. In one of my conversations with my wife, she stated that it was mentioned somewhere that Cain had been killed. I was shocked to hear that and asked: “does it say that in the Bible?” She replied: “no, I read it somewhere”. She found the website where she read it and sent it to me. I was shocked after I read its content. It reminded me of a piece of Swiss cheese: full of holes.
    I can offer three reasons from the bible as to why Cain could not have been murdered by Lamech or anyone else.
    1. The Lord ordered that Cain will not be killed:
    Ge 4:15 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. (God made sure that no one would kill Cain).
    2. To kill Cain would have gone against God’s command as stated above. Therefore whoever killed Cain would have committed “murder”. How does God considers murder and murderers?

    3. In your excerpt by: Megan Sauter 05/23/2018, it states the following about how Lamech might have killed Cain and you (or rather the author of the article: John Byron), concluded by stating; “In this version of events, how did Cain die? Like an animal. Justice is served.”
    This is perverted justice. Justice especially for Cain, indeed for all of us justice belongs to God: therefore if Lamech or anyone killed Cain would have gone against God’s will:
    Ro 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
    Ro 12:20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
    Ro 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
    In conclusion: John Byron himself states; “in the Bible, we will not find a definite answer” and, “…but the Bible is strangely mute about his death.” (Cain’s) This should have been the total content of the Book that John Byron wrote in question as to who killed Cain.
    We are told in the Bible to focus on the written word: “De 29:29 The secret [things belong] unto the LORD our God: but those [things which are] revealed [belong] unto us and to our children for ever, that [we] may do all the words of this law.” In other words Cain’s death is only God’s right to know not ours.
    Do people actually spend time and money in buying and reading such books? They would do much better to read the Bible themselves to find the truth. As Christ Himself states:
    Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    Does Mr. John Byron believe that by stating that Lamech was ‘blind’ or accidently’ will make the killing of Cain by Lamech plausible? Where does Mr. Byron get the idea that Lamech was blind or that it was accidently?
    The excerpt itself states: Simply because Gen. 4: 23-24 states that Lamech had killed a man, v. 23 how does he make a colossal; massive; gigantic leap in assuming that, that man was Cain? Where is the evident; where are the facts to substantiate such a claim?

    Furthermore in v.23 Lamech refers to the man that he killed as a “a young man”. By this time Cain had had a son: Enoch; a grandson: Irad; a great grandson; mehujael; a great, great grandson: methushael; and a great, great, great grandson: who was Lamech! By this time would Cain still be “a young man?” Did Lamech kill his great, great, great grandfather? One must be a fool to believe and waste his/her time on such fable.
    The root question in dealing with such an imaginary tale: “Did Cain Get Away with Murder?’ is preposterous because Cain was dealing with God! Therefore, in dealing with God, no one can get away with anything, and God made sure that Cain would not be killed by man’s hands!
    Consider the fact that Cain was under a curse from God:
    Ge 4:11 And now [art] thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand;
    Ge 4:12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
    Is death any worse that his curse from God? How does Cain feel about his curse?
    Ge 4:13 ¶ And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment [is] greater than I can bear.
    Ge 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; …
    Is death any worse that his curse from God?


    1. Peter says:

      Interestingly In
      Ge 4:23 ‘And Lamech said to his wives, Ada (Adah) and Sella (Zillah): “Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, hearken to my speech. For I have killed a man to my own harm, and an adolescent to my own bruising” ‘
      It appears that Lamech knew the curse imposed on Cain for having killed Abel was to be exiled as ………..
      Ge 4:14 “……….. a vagrant and fugitive on the earth. Therefore anyone who finds me (Cain) will kill me.’
      and Lamech was stating his knowing concern.
      Ge 4:15 ‘And the Lord said to him (Cain): “By no means will it be so; rather. whoever would kill Cain, will be punished sevenfold.” and the Lord placed a seal upon Cain, so that anyone who found him would not put him to death.’
      So Lamech was voicing his concern, to his wives, that, if anyone killed Cain many generations before, then the “vengeance” or punishment would then have been sevenfold.
      Therefore, the vengeance (punishment) for killing another, especially one marked “as of Cain” Lamech had calculated could be thus multiplied/compounded in his case.
      It is unstated whether the man he says he killed had the ‘mark of Cain’, but his concern about the consequences appears to be that a murder at any time invokes a punishment. And he is fully aware of the probable or implied consequences of his actions.
      Presumably, at that time the law/lore would have been passed vocally from parent to child in the form of parable and stories.
      Unless he could show just cause for his actions, (eg self-defence) the punishment that he might have expected may well have been imposed by his own people, and not just against him, but his whole family..

    2. Richard DellaValle says:

      So God makes deals with murderers. Wow! Didn’t he write a commandment about killing someone, punishable by death?

  43. Mac says:

    Genesis 6:4 does not necessarily heap praise upon the Nephilim, aka the “men of renown.”
    A word search of the word renown in Strong’s concordance links this word with Strong’s OT1097 meaning, amongst other things ‘lacking,’ ‘base men’ and ‘corruption.’ And also, more compellingly, Strong’s OT2931 meaning ‘unclean,’ ‘defiled,’ ‘impure,’ ‘infamous,’ and ‘polluted.’
    See also Strong’s OT2930, OT2932 and OT2933.

    This reading of Gen 6:4 would be completely contrary to Ellen White’s assertion, and given the context of Genesis 6, and the lead into the flood event, is, perchance, by far the more likely.

    Try Dr Michael Heiser at, or see his work on youtube, he has many lectures on the subject of the Nephilim and the fallen angels there.
    Or try Rob Skiba, L A Marzuli & Gary Wayne.

    For what it’s worth, my opinion is that the Nephilim are the products of the rebel angels’ mating/raping/DNA experimenting with human women, against Yahweh’s will, producing gigantic hybrid men and women who where worshipped as gods and commited terrible acts of violence and desecration, and taught their human accolytes and slaves to do the same.
    They were decimated in the flood, but still held sway in parts of the world afterwards, being slowly extinguished by internecine warfare amongst themselves provoked by Yahweh, and the activities of Joshua and Israel, and other groups of men.
    Being the product of fallen angels they have no soul and thus their spirit, after death cannot pass as mankind’s but continually seeks reincarnation.
    They are the spirits which which men foolishly involve themselves with when they engage in many occult activities. They are still worshipped by Luciferians, Satanists, Idolators and practioners of witchcraft the whole world over.

  44. Veli Voipio says:

    Well, I think Genesis 1-11 is the story of the origins of the Adam’s tribe. Thus Nephilim and sons of God are just neighboring tribes.

  45. David says:

    Democrats are the sons of Satan.

    1. Richard DellaValle says:

      Post of the day! Right on!

  46. Joyce says:

    Ok, I have been confused by this subject for sometime now. If Adam and Eve were the first humans, which I believe wholeheartedly, then who did their children procreate with? Each other? According to Genesis, there was no one but Adam and Eve before having children.

    1. Peter says:

      Yes, Joyce, It would take a few/ a lot of generations to remove the chances and consequences of “inbreeding”.
      It raises the question as to whether God had indeed created beings on Earth that would ultimately be the progressive entities that God had developed to a stage where they could be perfected to be the Spiritual children of God. Albeit, less than perfect children of God.
      We are ready to accept our common dignity with the other animals at creation?? yet reject the concept that we may well have been preceded by another of God’s creatures
      I wonder sometimes when we talk about God and angels and Nephilim etc, why we must reduce God’s capacity to our earthly understanding of existence in spite of our obvious earthly limitations in the understanding of how things and events can work.
      We can say that we are created in the image of God. Must we confine the image of God to be in our physical appearance, which I hardly think in our physical form is a particularly good reflection of our Maker? Or can we accept that the image in which we were created is a spiritual image? This would seem to be within the framework of the topics discussed on this website.

  47. Daryl says:

    The Bible makes no reference to a book written by Enoch and there is no way to validate the Book of Enoch floating around these days. On the other hand; we are warned by Paul:1 Tim. 4:1 (KJV) “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” If we read the text about the “men of renown” from a Biblical perspective, that is let Scripture interpret itself, we will gain a better understanding. Genesis 6:4 (KJV) “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
    Yes, there were giants in those days and there still are today. What follows that statement is another statement or thought, as indicated by; “and also after that,”. This other thought was of the present for the author of Genesis, that would be Moses as directed by Yahushua [a.k.a. Jesus] our Redeemer. This was proven when the children of Israel were to entered the land of Canaan but were afraid of the GIANTS. The word Nephilim is Hebrew for “giants” and nothing more.
    Sadly, some authors are getting rich off of this “doctrine of devils”. Answering the Sadducees, our Saviour said; Matthew 22:30 (KJV) “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” Are we, weak and erring humans, going to call our Saviour a liar? He said angels can not procreate. So who then are the “men of renown”? Please, study Scripture and not the writings of men. Go back to the beginning. First there was Adam, Cain killed his brother Abel so we go on to their brother Seth. From Seth came Enosh, etc. down to Noah and from Noah on down to Abraham. Did you know that Noah was over 100 years old before Adam died and that Abraham was over 100 years old before Noah died? The Word of the Most High had been given to Adam and he passed it down through the line of Seth to Abraham and from Abraham to Issac and then Jacob who were the men of renown for their time. Those spoken of in the above text were, like the angels of heaven, called the “sons of God” just as all those who believe in and follow Yahushua are today.
    The children lost the Truth during their 400 years of slavery and hence the Sinai experience. Because Seth and his line followed the Word they were healthier, more intelligent and much wiser, by nature, than the surrounding heathen. Some of those walking in the Light saw that the heathen women were very beautiful and began intermarrying with them. Because they were advanced their children inherited good health and much intelligence and wisdom from them. And these became the “men of renown.”

    1. David says:

      Jude mentions the book of Enoch. The early Church believed that fallen angels raped the daughters of men. See the Jewish historian Josephus. Their is coming a UFO deception. It is rally a demonic deception being propagated through the teaching of evolution. The main thing to focus on is the doctrine of salvation. The puritans had it right. Look up Tom Horn and Lyn Marzulli for more info.

  48. Angela Mason says:

    The book of Enoch is false.So are the dead sea scrolls.This is a simple hoax.To fool even you into believing when “aliens” appear you will believe they are the God(s).They are not even real.It will all be made up.Videos,Audio and magical illusion.This is my opinion.The world is being programed into believing in UFOs and aliens.

  49. Nathaniel says:

    Read the book of Enoch! Enoch was Noah’s grandfather! He wrote all about the Giants! Not to mention the remains of Giants unearthed by the Smithsonian institute in the mid 1800’s and the ones spoken of in Rockwall, Texas as well as American Indian tribes that were being eaten by Giant tribes. Also research Sardinia. Teens of thousands have been unearthed and hidden by the government and Catholic church.

  50. Robert Rodriguez says:

    To say that the Bible is vague is to say that the heavens are empty. The problem with understanding the scriptures is. You must have insight. Spiritual insight. A person can’t read the Bible, like it is just an ordinary book. And then claim it has no value. The scriptures Beckons us to seek, ask, and it will be opened to us. God will provide if you ask Him.

  51. Agape says:

    I have a subscription to your magazine. I subscribed with the hopes of using it as supplemental material for homeschooling. I’ll make sure the homeschool coops do not distribute this crap. These are
    incredible topics that could be researched well and executed on a much higher level. I have to say I’m very shocked with the quality of your “research”. Not just this article, but several others by different writers too. your presumption isn’t based in Semitic writing, but rather assumed modern thinking.
    For other readers please refer to 2 Sam 21, Jude 1:6-7, 2 Peter 2:4. Yes, it’s even mentioned in the NT.
    This article is just another painful reminder at the dumbing down of America. Seems like this was pulled out of your ass in 10 minutes to meet a deadline. And by someone who holds a doctorate.
    I’m tired of this crap. It’s time for Christians to rise up and expose apostate teaching, the occult, and false teachings! Please read through Matthew 7 and listen to Jesus’ Word on the last days! Wolves in sheeps clothing.

  52. Agape says:

    Re: “It was once claimed that the mating of the sons of god and the daughters of Adam that resulted in the Nephilim caused the flood, and this caused the Nephilim to have a negative reputation. This was believed because the next verse (Genesis 6:5) is the introduction to the flood narrative and because their name means “fallen ones.” It is unlikely that this interpretation is correct because Genesis 6:4 presents nothing but praise for the Nephilim and no criticism is present.”

    Genesis 6:1 WHEN MEN began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, The sons of God (Elohim) saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took wives of all they desired and chose. Then the lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.” In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God (Elohim) had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times. The lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the lord was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart. And the lord said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing—all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.”

  53. Donna says:

    The bible confuses me because so much of it is brief and vague. Do we believe everything in it or not? Some believe every word of the bible. Maybe we should pick and choose by what seems appropriate? What is true and what is not?

  54. Dave says:

    No one knows ‘truly’ WHAT WENT ON BACK THEN. Claiming so based on a few brief and vague descript sentences is an infringement on any possible truth. Truth and the pursuit of it should not be embellished to serve ones own personal views or that of any organization. It is stated as a physical event and not of any spiritual agenda.

  55. Lourens says:

    Ellen thank you for your work.

    I have a question? I was wanting to determine where the Rephaim came from since all the giants were destroyed during the flood?.

    I have read about two explanations: One that Hams wife had some of the genes and this was how some of the genes survived.(leaven that was with in the arc?)
    OR that the people after the flood found inscriptions at mount Hermon -(of the angels Watchers) and started sinning again in the way before the flood?

    could you help? Thanks

    1. Bigern says:

      One more explanation is in play. Many cultures have recorded a race of whom some went beneath the earth before the calamity hit, ultimately surviving. The Hopi called them the “Ant People”. The public has no real idea what is beneath our feet, because all digs are strictly controlled environments. All funding is controlled. No one will disclose anything contrary to the scripted narrative.

  56. Mike N says:

    I do not see mention of the nephlihim in Ezekiel 32. Is it because I am using the NIV?

  57. Lizwe Ndlovu says:

    How can we scientifically determine one is Nephilim?

  58. Ian Mills says:

    How can Angelic beings have sex, In Heaven there is no such thing?

  59. Shannon Alford says:

    That which is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven in Enoch the fallen were bound here yes here on Earth be careful what you loose or scientific term archeological find dig up because that which is loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven…war of the worlds

  60. Shannon Alford says:

    The book of Enoch explains the death of the fallen and the sites in which they are bound and speaking of being bound in Matthew 18:18 that which is loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven and that which is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven but these scholars already know this archeologists seek it for sake of science by the way if you read the book of Enoch it will fill in the blank for kjv God was displeased with the fallen he had become jealous so to speak because of their desire for the daughters of men he felt betrayed.They were also teaching mankind about fire colors and their meanings for trade of their daughters so to whomever this site belongs you may need to study some more the flood was gods way of killing the seed of the nephilim.he said in the book of Enoch he would kill their seed as they watched.misinterpretation I think not but good luck with that

  61. paul says:

    there is only one nephilim left in exsistance today,the last one.and he is here on earth,and he is not a enemy of our lord jesus.or god.he is not like the others that god and lord jesus killed off.he is a servent of the may of got the others right that i know,but u all wrong about this last one.lord jesus doesnt lie.

    1. jim says:

      Well sir this is true; Nimrod, the ‘mighty hunter before the Lord’ ie mighty man/Nephilim, who was Assyrian and built the tower of babylon, was the great-grandson of Noah. His nature places him in the line of ‘giants’. Likewise, with Goliath etcetra the time of David was after the flood, wasnt it? So if not the nephilim, but bloodlines linked to them certainly survived the Flood. All according to God’s will, I am quite sure.

  62. Kali Yarrell says:

    I understand now

  63. Vedat Shehu says:

    Nephillim, as it sen to me is a composed world of the acient pellasgic language that is even world ‘Zeus’ that is explained by Albanian lanuage ‘Ze-u’ > ‘the-Earth’ and ‘s’ an ending of Greek language= God of Earth. Analogically:
    [ ‘Nephilim’ => ‘ne fill-uar im’ => ne = in, fill-uar = to — begin, im = ing ] Then it in Albaian is ‘ne fillim’ = ‘in begining’.

    1. Alban ologu says:

      Nobody will ever know that our language explains everything.

    2. Alban ologu says:

      Ku ra or ku ran= where it fell. The word of God fell from the sky and was passed down for a period of 33 years to muhammed, the word of God fell from the sky, hence why Muslims go around in a circle to a alleged space rock. Nobody will ever know that our language explains everything. Aka Calabria italy used to be in Apulia, ka-laberia.

  64. Cory says:

    I have 41 years experience with the Bible. I believe that when this happened they were already sinners. Don’t forget the Sin of Satan. This was why Cane killed his brother Abel. PRIDE

  65. Lance says:

    Nice one Victor.

  66. Victor says:

    The Bible is about a King, a Kingdom, and His royal family. If you get the understanding of that then everything will be ok. To all that commented and posted

  67. Ladonna kipler says:

    I know that u will feel different to what I say but I felt the same way. I was always kick out of the church’s I went to when I was a child. I was disliked by the members. I grown afraid of Chirstians.But when I got older I met the Great Goddess. Be for you judge. Learn about her 1st.
    I have many Chirstians threating me when I decided to become a Wiccan. You must fine your own truthfulness and don’t let others threaten you. I find this all funny since I was 5 the church didn’t want me. Now I’m going to hell, because I found where I’m wanted and love. May you find the happiness you are looking for. Lk

  68. christopherl37 says:

    Stacie, please, if possible, contact me at [email protected].

    I’ve been haunted with this very feeling since I was probably 17 or so (I am now 33 years old). And since, I could write novels of the oddities I’ve seen – some while flying life solo, others in the company of others (I’m not crazy!).

    The answer to everything has always, in every scenario, been God. I used to think I was “waiting” for the end to come, but I’ve become less convinced of a definite end, and more convinced by the ever-present, ever-growing compulsion to do something on behalf of God’s Kingdom which has begun to exist among man for many moons.

    If you care to elaborate on the vague sensations you’re having, please do not hesitate to reach out. Otherwise, know that God has called upon your life, and should you obey, your life will become abundant, full of zest and purpose. If you deny, your life will become more empty than previously conceived as being possible (I myself am going through a period of spiritual stagnation, and it’s absolutely dreary…).

    May the peace of God be found in your midst,

  69. Ina Horn says:

    As we know, for every Spirit God created in a beginning he made a body for us to be born of blood and water and it is our bodies we are given in our mothers womb that makes us Male or female. God is neither male or female God is a spirit. So knowing this where did the original giants get their earthly bodies? As we know, The demons of satan can do nothing without a body so they influence and tempt man to do their will. Unlike the angels of God who can appear in a body to do God’s will in our life. The giants are the power and principalities of power of the air. They are the walking dead because when their earthly bodies died they had no place to go. If anyone has a bibical reference pleas give it to me here

  70. Sharon Dodge says:

    All this is interesting but the main fact is there are giants in the world today and they are not all genetically large because of glandular or other physical problems. But the main concern is do you know who your Messiah is? He is just around the corner from coming again to gather his chosen ones who have accepted Him in a personal way as Savior and Lord of their life. The question is, are you ready to meet Him? He will only accept the ones who have accepted the plan of Salvation the Father set out through His Son Yeshua as the one who paid for our sins by His sacrificial Act. Isa. 52-5bless you in your decision4 tells of its coming and Mathew 26-27 was the fulling of the Prophecy. God Bless

  71. Jack Harris says:

    I can’t wait til comes out with a test to see how much nephilim DNA one has.

  72. Robert Vaughn says:

    I did not think “Nephilim” was used in Ezekiel 32:27? Could someone shed more light? Thanks!

  73. The Chosen says:

    The Fallen ones represent exactly that. King Davids mighty men hunted those abominations. Why didn’t you go on to say that in this article, its like you were paid to say this. After David slew Goliath and cut off his head, he hunted down Goliath brothers. You offer none of those future events in this article. You don’t mention how the bloodlines branched off before and after the flood and why Jesus and a clean bloodline was so important. Satan’s plan was to pollute the bloodline as to prevent salvation so the Messiah couldn’t be born. At the very beginning of Genesis The Creator already mentions a way out for mankind. Did you write this article to deliberately mislead people?

  74. igan says:

    Stacey, how was your childhood? I feel very much the same way but I know he reason was iresponsible te3rrible parents

  75. Lis says:

    There is no genesis 3:25

  76. Henock says:

    i heard that the flood is meant to wipe out the giants(which Satan plans to mix human DNA so that Jesus wont be born.(gen 3:25)).

  77. James says:

    Pluma read Genesis 6:1–4

    Niphilim are fallen angels commanded by Satan to tempt man through them, sleep with them and created giants like Goliath. Giants exist today due to genetics and growth gland malfunction. Trust God not the strenght of giants. Giants fall! Angels fall, Jesus doesent, he ascended and is seated at the right hand of God and will return to judge the living and the dead. If you deny him here he will deny you in heaven.

    1. Nephilim,” bullies, tyrants, who no doubt helped to make conditions worse. Their Angelic Fathers, knowing the construction of the human body and being able to Materialize, were not creating life, but lived in these Human Bodies and, cohabiting with women, brought forth Children. Their Children, “mighty ones,” were therefore Unauthorized Hybrids. Apparently the Nephilim did not, in turn, have Children

  78. James son of yeshua hamashiach says:

    Nephilim are not a Gift Ahmed, they are a gift from Satan to man before The flood. God promises no ” spoils of war” that comes from Satan. God is a God of Shalom! Not War! Goliath the Giant Nephilim and Rephaiam from the philistines whom the women slept with fallen angels (from satan) went against David whom is Gods chosen people. Stop spreading Satans heretical lies and crawl back to the Pit!

  79. Ahmed Alawi says:

    Nephelim: plural of Nafil نافل in Arabic (plural: Nafilin نافلين) which means a gift, a spoil of war.
    The sons of God, Igigi (watchers were on Mars) came to join the rest of Nibiruans (Anunaki: whom were sent to Earth by king Anu) on Earth. The Igigis came to join their Leader Marduk (he was married to a human woman & had a son Nabu). They wanted to follow suit and grabbed (like spoils of war) the human women in a wedding party. Marduk go angry and told them that they have to propose & marry them properly.

  80. Richard Cutright says:

    I have been studying sense l was
    13 asking for knowledge. we must pray and shout in his name, we must treat others as the creator,

  81. Tammy says:

    Stacie, you are not alone.

  82. Stacie Sandall says:

    This is going to sound like I should be wearing a tinfoil hat or be locked away, but I can promise you with all sincerity I am serious. I have felt different since I was a kid. In my younger years I began calling myself “malayak” but I had no idea what it meant. Google didn’t exist then. I later found out, which made me more confused. I am an old soul. I feel like I know more than I am supposed to… more than I have learned. I have a very black and white view of morality (of course, my humanity ruins that for me). I feel odd. Different. Always in waiting for… something…. It’s weird. I cannot explain it no matter how hard I try. I guess I’m just looking for guidance. I just want to be doing what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m tired of feeling like I’m waiting for something… feeling displaced. HELP!

  83. Rde2 says:

    Why does any of the above comments matter???? Who cares about the Nephillim …. it is the saving relationship we have with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His blood that He shed for us that we are saved through faith in Him. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and love thy neighbor as thy self because according to our Lord all the Law and prophets are summed up in these two commandments! Keep looking unto Christ and hoping and trusting in Him and you will find rest for your souls!!

  84. Kru Juice says:

    I must vehemently disagree with this conclusion as it neglects the true Hebrew behind the text and the context in which it sits.

    As Dr Michael Heiser points out,
    “First, it is true that most scholars see nephilim (spelled npylym [נפילים] or nplym [נפלים]) deriving from the Hebrew root n-p-l (naphal; נפל; “to fall”). And I’ve never denied that. That argument considers the word nephilim to be a noun of the qatîl pattern with the same meaning as the verb lemma. Again, I’ve never denied this is possible. My argument is, as I’ll outline below, that this explanation lacks coherence.

    Second, the argument that the writer cannot find any instances of the plural nephilin (ending with “n” – the presumed plural form that would derive from the Aramaic noun naphila, “giant”) in ancient Aramaic texts dating to the biblical period is a red herring. It means no more than my own observation that there are no other instances in the Hebrew Bible for a qatîl pattern word from naphal besides the presumed instance of nephilim. So both of the “where are the corroborative examples?” arguments cancel each other. It’s a meaningless objection. Frankly, this whole approach of “I need to find X outside the Bible for the X I’m looking to be X” is one reason I insist that biblical scholars ought to take a course in logic. Sure, it’s nice to find a second example of something in another source. But that doesn’t logically mean that what you’re looking at can’t be X. Put another way, if you found one pig that could fly you wouldn’t need to find a second one so you could say you knew of a flying pig. Since the corpus of the Hebrew Bible (and really all ancient Hebrew and Aramaic) is so small, it’s a bit odd that we’d think a morphologically possible word formation isn’t possible unless we found an example of that possibility. The morphology either works within the rules of the language’s morphology or it doesn’t. My proposal does (and the post criticizing my view didn’t deny that – it only sought an external example).

    This brings me to the heart of the matter — the incoherence of reading “fallen ones” when your eyes hit npylym [נפילים] or nplym [נפלים]. Here’s why I think naphal is an inferior explanation to the one I propose. It has to do with the way the term is handled in the Septuagint (it is translated with gigantes; “giants”) being a coherent translation choice with the linking of giant clans described in the Torah and Joshua with the word nephilim in Num 13:33. I’ll try to unpack it.

    My question is simple: Why would a Septuagint (LXX) translator look at nephilim (npylym [נפילים]; nplym [נפלים]) and *not* choose a straightforward Greek translation of “fallen ones” using a Greek lemma that meant “to fall”? Had the translator understood the word to derive from naphal (“to fall”), the translation choice would *not* have been gigantes (“giants”) in Greek. And so, Why would gigantes have popped into the translator’s head instead? How does the LXX translator’s choice make any sense if the derivation of nephilim was so transparently from naphal (“to fall”)? Put another way, how does the translator look at a word that, we are told, so clearly means “fallen ones” and conclude, “I think I’ll use ‘giants’ for that”?

    I think the answer to the above is pretty simple: The translator thought gigantes when he saw nephilim because the Aramaic word naphila popped into his head. But that raises the question, “Why would Aramaic naphila pop into his head?” He’s a Hellenistic Jew!

    Yes, he was. He lived after the exile”
    To read the rest of this excellent article by someone that knows a dozen ancient Semitic languages check it out here,

    So no, your presumption isn’t based in Semitic writing, but rather assumed modern thinking.

  85. FHarmz says:

    I was thinking when it says in the Bible about satan who wanted to be greater than God even turned third of angels in heaven against the Almighty and try over throw And take Gods throne for himself that satan was cast out of heaven and even drew his tail with it third of the angels as well could these have been the fallen angels or heavenly beings that took daughters of men as wifes and inter breeded with humans creating a giant race or human hybrids with angelical power because even in the new testament Jesus speaks of seeing Satan falling to the earth like a ball of lightning and how could The christ have seen that in john it says in the beginning was the Word the Word was With God and the Word is God and everything that was created could not have been created with out the Word and we know that Jesus Christ is the Word so in the beggining When Christ was with God creating the earth let there be light could that have been the exact time satan was thrown from heaven and third of the angels in some God like phenomenom fell to earth and The Christ seen him and knew it was satan and God himself even knew and that could have been where God casts them to earth for satan and angels awaiting judgement day to be cast from heaven and then to earth would that not be punishable enough for an high rank angel as lucifer to be at the bottom of Gods footstool so before God even created adam satan and the fallen angels were already here

  86. anonymous says:

    Nefilims should have reappeared in the Edenian{Delight} region of Fiji.Since the Nephilims were sons of a Miscarriage from the pre flood earth submerged in the Central East of Fiji.As the Bibles geographical description in my earlier post above about the pre flood earth n Eden garden,points towards the Fiji Isles..Whose Spiritual Guardian still seen nowadays in the form of a big massive Light{30-50ft} that swerves 180degrees n illuminates the whole Vuniivilevu {Big Eve tree}sacred sea field.Remember Genesis 3 vs 24.That piece of sea was classed as sacred or taboo to do any disrespective act in the Fijian society frm ancient generations until today.Before we found the Eden scriptures above, that Vuniivilevu waters already got a tale about the Fijian first parents known as Tamanaivi{Adam n Eves name join in one}.Who was put there in a garden of plantain on Vuniivilevu before it was flooded by Elohim.He commanded them saying that they shouldn`t eat from any plantains until they offer the first fruit of plantain in the midst of the garden to Him.His{Elohim} name in that tale was Ratu mai Bula which means CHIEF OF THE LIVING.That command was disobeyed by Ivi{Eve}when she picked a riped plantain to give her crying child who wanted to eat it.I know thats different frm the fall mentioned in the Bible.Ratu mai Bula came around He can’t find them He called,Atama!..Atama!..meaning Adam!..Adam!..where were you ..Here in the woods Father looking for Ivi nd the children.Where were they,did they eat frm the first fruit of plantain which I set a side in the midst of the garden to be offered as first fruits to Me Alone.Io Ta,Yes
    Adonai they ate it nd fled to the mountains.Ratu mai Bulas wrath turned Ivi whom was Eve n her children into a big tree called in Fijian Vunivugayali,or the tree which they disappeared into.Also a tale that was passed down In the form of a Lamentation by a Fijian priest in 1920.That there was a loathed child called Catanatamani(loathed by his dad) borned miscarriage in a village outside that garden before it was dissolved by the flood.Thrown in an open field n found by Adonai Elohim few days before the flood .Thru His grace upon the child He rescued the child knwn also as Lutudra{Miscarriage }.He put Lutudra in a glass made casket n kept him up in the above firmanent during the flood.When the flood was over, Elohim brought Lutudra also known as Waicalanavanua(dissolved land) back down to earth to the nearest island to that submerged Vuniivilevu landmass.And told him,mo Tu riki eke,..meaning,Stand here.When series of migrations reached Fiji they saw Nephilims{sons of Lutudra or Miscarriage}already settled the Fiji Islands,when they asked them,where did they came from.The Nephilims answered, ,we came from Vunilagi.Vunilagi is the Fijian term for,..where the Spiritual Sovereignty of Heaven touches the Earth..

  87. anonymous says:

    Nephilim is a plural.If we break it down into its singular form.It says npl or nepel.As in Psalm 58 vs 8, Exodus 23 vs 26,Ezekiel 16 vs 4 to 6,7,8,9.It says Miscarriage.Now, there would be no other region on earth where these after the flood nephilim re-appeared than the Edenic region .Because that’s where all human beings derived from.If we look at the Biblical Eden story in all aspects.As the command was given to Moses by Elohim on Mt Sinai in Arabia[Galatians 4 vs 25].Isaiah 51vs 3 says Eden is in the wilderness.2 Peter 3 vs 5 to 6 says the old earth ie pre flood one is underwater now by the flood.Psalm 50 vs 1 says that Adonai Elohim called the earth from where the sunrises n sets.
    From there we could sense that that Garden is located in the Oceanic wilderness of the east where the Sunrises n Sets.Fiji Isnds is the only country in the Oceanic wilderness of the east that have the 180 meridian runs on.

  88. CLAY says:

    I read so many post here that suggest that Angels are incapable of mating with humans, or have a spirit that is more Godly than humans and therefore would never behave like humans. Remember that Satan once served God and then rebelled against Him. Not only did Satan rebel, but he convinced a full third of the host of Heaven to deny their creator and wage war against God. Just because there is no marriage or giving in marriage in Heaven, does not mean that the capacity is lacking. It simply means that it is not done in heaven.

  89. John says:

    I find it all confusing no one asks one big question. Not once is there an explanation as to when the angels where created. If they are our souls then Lucifer himself walked this earth and that’s a story I don’t believe would be left out of the bible. If they were created before man I find it hard to believe that would be left out as well.

  90. Sheila Howell says:

    If they didn’t have offspring how was Noah’s wife a descendant of Nephilim?

  91. Rev jose trevino says:

    listen. GOD ELOHIM He just is and He created Adam a man not a infant
    He could and does of He is God The Creator ELYON
    Angels mate with women yes i believe it flooded the earth God did get rid of angels current plot Angels of try again..
    and Angels rebellious as they do, are could of mated with women again…
    since Satan is 666 could a giant be 18 ft tall it concise with the number everything in numbers my evidence Isaiah 30:21 amen stJohn 16:13 tells us of things to come. amen

  92. Teresa says:

    Response to Mike – No giant would result from a Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens. If you look into the body structure of a Neanderthal he had a short stocky build. He was not able to think beyond simple problem solving and was trapped in his own world of intelligence. He never had a written language or much family structure..The Neanderthal died out long before any existance of Civilization, cities existed. They were Nomads.It wasn’t until Homo Sapiens existed for some time before CIvilization came into existence let alone staying in one place and farming came into being. So it was not possible for a Neancerthal/HomonSapins hybrid to be a Nephilim.

  93. Kevin Houston says:

    Dear Ellen White,
    I absolutely love your name, mam; it reminds me of one of my very favorite authors: (God’s prophetess) Ellen G. White 🙂 I just wanted to say that Genesis 6:4 never says that the Nephilim/giants were the offspring of the sons of God mating with the daughters of man; rather it just says that they were around during the same time period when Adam’s offspring took them wives of the mankind race. You see the Bible says (in one of the lineages) that Adam was the son of God, and Genesis 2:5 tells us that there was no plants on the Earth when Adam (the priestly son of God & vicegerent) was created. This means that Adam was created on the 3rd day & made to be an care taker in God’s Garden (and shepard like over the worldly flock). However, the people created on the 6th day are the many nations of mankind. You didn’t expect God to let Adam & Eve’s offspring resort to incest in order to procreate, did you? Fallen angels have celestial bodies that are “niether male nor female” the Bible says, and cannot mate with terrestrials. Concerning the Nephilim/giants, God has revealed to me through allegories that Cain was made an giant in order to protect himself from mankind. Why don’t anybody mention how the concordance lists the word “FELLER” under the word “Nephilim”. A “FELLER” has absolutely nothing to do with the notion of: “fallen ones” in the angelic sense. It’s true that Cain had fallen to sin but that is not what “FELLER” means anyway. A “FELLER” is an tree cutter. Now that may not sound like much to you, but if you knew the exact nature of the planetarium inwhich we live and just how deep satan’s matrix of tricks (deceit) goes then the likeliness of what I could say next would absolutely WAYLAY you, Sister 🙂 Perhaps I can share it with you sometime. I have been blessed richly with a plethora of Biblical insight. Perhaps I can share with you just who the Bible says the 144,000 WERE 🙂 You can contact me at: [email protected]. God bless you Sister White in Yah-Hoshua’s Holy Heavenly Name 🙂

  94. Jason Coleman says:

    DNA of Neandertals are found in Homo Sapiens today of 6% in some nations.That these two primates diverged accounts for the residual DNA of Neandertal in modern Homo Sapien groups.The idea they once co-habited is rather fanciful.I prefer the remnant DNA theory as most plausible explanation.

  95. Jason Coleman says:

    There was a time in the past when giant animals roamed the Earth.Man and animals have similar physiologies i.e. lungs,livers, brains.Giant primates are easily accepted based on the history of evolution.why are modern animals and humans smaller?

  96. khate says:

    Can I ask ?? How could be Goliath descended from this “nephilims” if after that flood only Noah and his family were the only survivor?

  97. RoughRider067 says:

    I don’t really believe that it’s all that important about where we were in the past, as it is where we’re going into the future. God never said that anyone will be condemned if they don’t figure out what these giants were, or where they came from. So, why argue about it? NONE of us were there at those times, so why fight about WHO’S RIGHT, or WHO’S WRONG? God wants us to live in PEACE, satan wants DIVISION, ANGER and WAR. Who do YOU serve, before making ANY posts? If somebody got something a little off base, SOOOOO WHAT? All they’re saying is that from their data and research, these are their conclusions, but I’m sure that they’re subject to CHANGE, should other data be discovered by them? One thing that I DO know FOR CERTAIN, and that is that in the end, GOD WINS! It’s ALSO pointless to argue with each other, because WHO is gonna prove GOD wrong? If God spoke it, then IT HAPPENED and THAT SETTLES IT. Anyone who argues against this truth does NOT come from God, but the opposite, which is what got lucifer in trouble in the FIRST place.

    1. Peter says:

      Well Spoken RoughRider067
      Cheers Peter

  98. Aleta says:

    Wow! Every read-through of the Bible (Old and New Testament) illuminates different challenges. Now, beginning my 10th journey through, Nephillim jumped off the page (Gen 6.4). Although the above posts proved interesting reading, Phillippe’s explanation of 3/16/2016 (#9) best answered my google query regarding them. Thank you all for your earnest posts; it is definitely food for thought as I return to the text, which nourishes, prods, fulfills,intrigues and inspires at every verse.

  99. Grand Gremlin says:

    We are highly evolved thinking, civilized (that sometimes act uncivilized), talking human primates that came from Africa. The Human Genome Project has proven that as a fact. Dirt man and rib woman is just a fable for the scientifically naive.

  100. Brandon J. Rodak says:

    Lucifer was among the Sons of God. That’s why they’re called the fallen ones.

    Now it fell upon a day, that the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.—Job 1:6

  101. Larry says:

    The vatican has been releasing forbidden texts. The Book of King Og is one of them. In it, he seems to be talking down to Moses like a giant. Its an interesting read. Giants did walk the earth.

  102. Christina Ray Underberg says:

    I am the Captain of the LORD of hosts army…the Master Commander of the Asgard Fleet 165 Universes outside of this one…I am the Ubiad Gothic Jillian She’an Shim’ar Arshi Cantu Nephalim Navigator…..or the angels (Overlord). They w0rk Betty hard for me everyday and are very obedient to the LORD of hosts, Jehovah Saboath.

  103. George says:

    1 John 3:1. That we should be called sons of GOD……

  104. George says:

    Mathew 22:30 says we become like angels neither giving in marriage. So how do fallen angles take wives. Everything reproduces after its kind.

  105. Be Real Folks says:

    It makes sense to me…that the Nephilim…were just ordinary humans. Men of old…men of renown…is simply a charactarization….of their “legacy”. For they had lived a long time…and people knew who they were. There is nothing mystical about it.

  106. D Howell says:

    Where did Nephilim come from and who are they? The Nephilim is a crossbreed between the humans God created during the 7 day creation period in Genesis 1:27and Adam’s descendents. The species of man God first created are part of the animal kingdom. Adam was made by God’s own hand in Genesis 2:7. Adam’s sons saw how beautiful the daughters of God’s created human species were and inter-married. The results are the Nephilim. They were mean and evil, thinking only about themselves. God was sorry he created the animal humans, as over time the cross-breeding was so thorough that the only descendant of Adam who was still righteous was Noah. Unfortunately, someone on the ark was a Nephelim, so we still have people who are evil and only think about what they see as pleasurable. They see nothing wrong with doing evil. They are animalistic with no conscience; “If it feels right do it”, is what they live by. History is full of people who are not righteous and do heinous crimes and acts. Descendents of Nephilims are with us today.

  107. care package says:

    There are also plenty of old texts out there, Jubilees, The book of giants, The Book of Enoch that speak of these giants. Either way it’s clear how the Jews of old interpreted these texts is indeed an angelic breeding with humans. Just as Phillip says, why would the text point out they were getting with the daughters of men if they were men too. I think it’s just too fantastical for some people to believe, so they are fitting the text to their beliefs, instead of fitting their beliefs to the text.

  108. Carl says:

    “The heroes of old, the men of renown” phrase in Genesis implies the readers know who they are. The only common body of stories in the Mediterranean, is the Greco-Roman mythology and there pantheon of gods. So then the gods of the Greeks, who were men later deified are the “heroes of old and men of renown!”

  109. Brianroy says:

    In Ezekiel 32:27 and Numbers 13:33 the Nephilim are members of the Hyksos, who invaded Egypt in the 1790s, falling back from Hittite expansionism by conquest into Upper Egypt, and ruled Upper Egypt until a little after the Hebrew Exodus of 1551 B.C

    There are two prongs of translation that usually have exclusive weight in the defining this word. Nephilim in Hebrew is spelled from right to left as Nun – Pe – Yod – Lamed – Yod – Mem. But in order to understand the defition of the word in its context, we must first read the sentence as thus:
    4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, …the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.

    1) The first option put forth is that Nephil (Nun – Pe – Yod – Lamed )comes from a 3 letter root of Nun – Pe –Lamed is napal, and means “to fall, lie down, or be cast down”
    2) The second option, which appears just as likely, places Nephilim as being an expansion of (Pe – Lamed – Alef – Yod) pil’i – “(to be) wonderful / incomprehensible” and finding for its 3 letter root word: pala – (to be ) wonderful / marvelous (Pe – Lamed – Alef).

    However, I would like to present a third alternative, one by which both definitions above are actually derived from, and why both three letter options are equally applicable to the Nephilim as both the “fallen ones” and the “wonderful / incomprehensible” ones. That is the word root of Nun – Pe – He / NaPaH.

    In the Old Testament there is a connection that we see in and through NaPaH as a word root that can sometimes be used to describe what we might term as excessive “height”. It is generally assumed that NOP (Nun – Vav – Pe) is the root of NaPaH, but I beg to differ on this.

    In the word derivatives, NaPaH is an assumed root for TeNUPaH (Tav – Nun – Vav – Pe – He) / a “shaking or wave offering.”

    In Isaiah 19:16,
    16 In that day shall Egypt be like unto women: and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the Lord of hosts, which he shaketh over it.
    TeNUPaH is used to describe GOD “shaking” His Hand in a manner that proscribes Judgment.

    In Isaiah 30:32,
    32 And in every place where the grounded staff shall pass, which the Lord shall lay upon him, it shall be with tabrets and harps: and in battles of shaking will he fight with it.
    we are informed of “battles of shaking” where an earthquake replaces the awesomeness of an army without number whose great weight of the horses and amount of humanity actually shakes the earth under the feet of the participants as they wage war on one another. Read in context within the passage of Isaiah 30:27-33, an earthquake as the means by which the LORD brings about the use of the elements of Creation / Nature against his enemies, is quite clear: lightning, great winds, hailstones, deafening thunder, blasts of great heat and torrents of magma / hot lava….these all place in context that the battles of shaking are great earthquakes and great aftershocks that are used to wage war on those who infuriate the LORD.

    In fact, In Isaiah 29:3,6 we read the affirmation that against His enemies, the LORD says:
    3 And I will camp against thee round about, and will lay siege against thee with a mount, and I will raise forts against thee.
    6 Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.
    This is the same as the context of Isaiah 30:27-33. For the believer, the activity of great winds that destroy and scatter, earthquakes, or lightning, are impersonal consequences or happenings (I Kings 19:11-12), for when we look in nature, we are not to concentrate on the senses of touch – feel – sight, but on hearing GOD. In Nahum 1:3 we read:
    3 [T]he Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
    And it goes on to say in verse 5 that: “At His presence the mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned.”

    In Scripture we find in the Biblical Original Language of Hebrew, that GOD is Holy; and that this word “holy” also implies a great weight or heaviness, as well as an all-encompassing baptism or immersion, as if the very presence of His Spirit was like dropping the weight of the oceans upon the earth Habakkuk 2:14 and Isaiah 11:9b:

    For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
    However, in returning to NaPaH as the root word from which Nephilim is derived, the emphasis we need to look at is on height and that which causes the shaking under the feet or the shaking of fear in the beholding of the object in question. When an object is heavy and concentrated enough, its movement can make the earth rumble or shake under one’s feet. I believe that is what is in the word picture of Nephilim as seen from the root word of NaPaH. It is a combination of a height and a shaking that is experienced through a specific set of human beings we must by necessity call giants, whose very movements were not only loud, but because of the concentration of their height and weight, they shook they earth beneath their feet as they moved hither and thither.

    In Numbers 13:32b – 33,
    32b) The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature.

    33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

    in Deuteronomy 1:28

    28 Whither shall we go up? our brethren have discouraged our heart, saying, The people is greater and taller than we; the cities are great and walled up to heaven; and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims there.

    and Deuteronomy 2:9:c-11,

    9c) I have given Ar unto the children of Lot for a possession.

    10) The Emims dwelt therein in times past, a people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims;

    11) Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites called them Emims.

    we see that the Anaqim are not only in the land of Israel, but are the same as the Nephilim, or “fallen ones” who had just perished…i.e., the Hyksos in the Red Sea. Their cousins lived in Moab/Ammon, and were known also as the Emims, of whom we see that Og, king of Bashan, living among the Ammonites. Og’s bed remained on display well after his death, as a testament in Rabah as to what his great stature was.

    Deuteronomy 3:11

    For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants; behold his bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man.

    In the Bible, the largest human ever known to be in existence was Og of Bashan, whose bed was 9 twenty-one inch cubits long and 4 twenty-one inch cubits wide.

    In other words 189″ long = 17′ 4″ and 84″ wide = 7’. If we make an allowance of at least one foot at the head and at the feet, Og was about 15 feet tall, the tallest human that we know of to have ever walked the Earth. However, Scripture calls Og the remnant of the giants; and this means that others at least equal to, and almost undoubtedly many even taller than he, preceded him.

    So when we read Genesis 6, we are to understand that by GIANTS, we are talking generally about statures of 15 feet or more in height. And when it comes to mighty men after them, we are clearly talking of men whose heights exceeded normal human growth, which varied from just over 8 feet to over 11 feet tall. The number of those who achieved such tallness, which the Apocryphal books of Enoch and Jubilee attributes to as being from a co-habitation with angelic beings, is listed as 200 angels. I would say that the number should not be 200 angels that fell, but 200 Human Giants who were Judges / Mighty Men / Messengers (if you will) that existed prior to the Flood. However, more plausible to me would be that the number of 200 giants (instead of angels) that perished (instead of being sent to the Abyss) according to the apocrypha
    (while the Bible only lists 4 Angels as being punished for having left their station as watchers – e.g. Daniel 4:13,23 and Revelation 9:13-14). However, 200 giants dying in the Noachian Flood and 200 giants perishing at the Red Sea can be an either / or both category, and the number being apocryphal really isn’t important…just believing and knowing GOD’s Word is true and faithful is.

    It is of our own best interest in the Biblical Study of this topic, at least it seems so to me, to distinguish that the Nephillim were giants, because the Giants of Crete, cousins to the Giants of Gaza where Goliath the Philistine lived, were so named Titans after Titan (aka. Helios, the sun deity), and the birth defect of giantism in which skin covers one eye and makes a cyclops of a man in the right or left eye, shows that myth is often starts with a point of fact that is over embellished until most basic facts of literary observation otherwise known to those closer to the times are lost to those later. The Bible stands a grand canyon gulf apart from myths, as it is a literal history that if the words are understood in context, reads like a factual newspaper account and readily is known by the reader as what is being said.

  110. gregory says:

    Brien Forester is in this documentary. Good stuff in this clip….

  111. ilan bergman says:

    “Richard says
    Sorry professor White but your data is incomplete. Don’t you know the names of your very own Jewish tribes? Evidently not. Look into 1611 King James Version of New Testament: Revelations 7:6 where it mentions “tribe of Nepthalim”

    Hey brainiac, you dont know Hebrew so dont berate her about tribal knowledge. Its Naftali . נפתלי

    There is no such tribe mentioned “Nepthalim” despite your pitiful bible translation, in the Hebrew Language. And first of all Naftali was an Israelite tribe. Get back to school and stop providing so much mirth to those who dont need a translation to read a language. Nor is it that stupid confused spelling in the Greek either.

  112. Jacob says:

    Linage of Cain!

  113. JohnB says:

    I really enjoy reading drivel written on a subject by so called experts who don’t believe the source of the information they are critiquing. It is obvious that, in spite of the fact that she has taught at ‘five universities’, Ms White believes the Bible to be a collection of myths, which she is happy to debunk at the drop of an invitation to do so.
    I am much more inclined to believe the well-reasoned explanation put forward by Philippe, who uses the Bible itself to explain and support his argument.
    Like many academics, today, who attempt to explain away the acts of evil people as aberrations brought about by external influences, Ms White appears to want to give the Nephilim positive spin that is not indicated in the book from which she draws her source material. I’m sorry, Ms White. Both the Nephilim and their fathers were opposed to Jehovah and created an evil influence on the face of the Earth, which contributed to the need for the Earth to be cleansed.

  114. Lee says:

    Anyone here ever hear of E.W. Bullinger…??? or…the Companion Bible….Or the extraordinary amount of evidence, both textual and archeological that contradicts this idea that some how…the ‘Giant’s’ / ‘Nephilim’ of Genesis 6 are ‘good guys’ or that One of the 12 tribes of Israel were actually Rephaim or Nephilim descendants…wow…Think its time to end this ‘subscription’…next thing I ll being hearing from some in this bunch is that Isiah 14:12 is a reference to Jesus Christ…( That ‘belief’ and teaching is out there because of how that verse reads in the NIV along with Revelation 22:16…Isaiah 14:12, is the only place in the Bible where the name Lucifer is found…but only in 2 of the current versions of the bible in popular print…and the NIV is not one of them…NIV replaces Lucifer with Morning Star…A title Jesus claims for Himself in Rev 22:16….That seems kind a odd to me…

  115. Ryan says:

    1. Every nationality on the planet has a story of Nephyl (the actual Scriptural word), and NONE of them are over the size of a child. Leprechauns, fairies, gnomes, etc. are Nephyl. The word “giant” is an “English corruption” of the Hebrew word Nephyl (proper) is the word for a person that is a tyrant, or “bully,” which the nymphs, fairies, etc. were considered little “tyrants.”

    2. Torah came BEFORE any other document, man couldnt read or write until the Hebrews (actual descendants of Adam). The Sumerian (Sumer) texts were written by a group of people AFTER the Shinar incident, where “all languages” came into play, The Sumerian tablets did not come into play until AFTER the language split. The Book of Enoch (originally) was written in Hebrew BEFORE the Sumer/Shinar tablets. The Hebrew form of Enoch I was “erased” during the times of Alexander the Great, and replaced by Greek, Latin, and another was written in Ethiopian. In its original form, it predated Shinar.

    3. The “giant” term, was first used as a “racist propaganda” to claim that the Negroes/Blacks/Negroid races came from the Fallen, and whites were superior to blacks, and its time we RETURN to Yahweh, and His Word, and study what it REALLY SAYS, forsaking your man-made documents.


  116. Richard Neal says:

    Biblical Archeology Society fails yet again…Why put out such a simplistic article that brings nothing new to the conversation but a naive understanding of what the Nephilim and Rephaim actually were?…If fallen angles matting with human women produced the Nephilim (half human-half angelic) then what would a Nephilim who matted with human women produce – a Rephaim (two-thirds human one-third angelic)…

  117. Terry says:

    Where do these supposed scholars get this stuff. This is elementary my dear Watson. The “giants in the earth” spoken of in Genesis 6:2 does not mean literal oversized men and women. It also does not mean a breed of half human half angels. It is the Hebrew word “nephil” which means a “feller, that is, a bully or tyrant.” Thus we see that there were tyrants that bullied people at that time. This is the same word used in Numbers 13:33 when speaking of the sons of Anak. Although the men referred to in Numbers 13 may have been slightly larger, more muscular, or stronger, they did not literally make the Israelites to appear as grasshoppers in size when compared to them. If we say a muscle builder is “giant” do we mean he is literally 20 ft tall? No, we mean he they are considerably bigger and stronger than ourselves.

    In addition, there is nothing in the Bible that supports the theory that angels bred with human women. Genesis 6:2 is not talking about spirit beings at all. Compare with the previous chapter 4:26. This shows us that there were people who began to call themselves the sons of God meaning they were a people who knew and worshipped God. It was these men who called themselves the sons of God that took to themselves many wives of which they chose. This expression means that they began to take wives from those who did not worship God.

    Consider also that spirit beings do not marry (Luke 20:45). Giants is a term that means tyrants, or bullies. Some have tried to use a supposed book of Enoch to justify this theory. But we must consider that the book of Enoch is a spurious writing that cannot be trusted. That book tells a fairy tale story of Enoch who supposedly went to heaven and God used Enoch to correct the angels. It contains many heretical theories and statements.

  118. Terry says:

    Both 1 Enoch and Jubilees are unmistakable products of Hellenistic civilization. A world view so encyclopaediac that it embraced the geography of heaven and earth, astronomy, meteorology, medicine was no part of Jewish tradition – but was familiar to educated Greeks, but attempting to emulate and surpass Greek wisdom, by having an integrating divine plan for destiny, elaborated through an angelic host with which Enoch is in communication through his mystical travels

  119. Rick Smith says:

    Dear Dr. White-
    Thank you so much for addressing the issue of “fallen angels”! I am so baffled at the absolute “dismissiveness” and silence by much of the church. There is a resistance to even discuss and debate( in a respectful fashion) even the possibilities in the vast mystery of our GREAT GOD! Instead, HE is placed within a “box of human convenience”. This, I believe, had much of its beginnings with Biblical omissions of Constantine. I feel that unbelief in much of the truths of Genesis and Exodus have led to firm evolution beliefs and even focus on extraterrestrial life. Could UFO’s be further attempts of satan to distract believers? Could they be manifestations of the fallen angels? Could documented abductions by the “greys” be evil attempts to mutate human DNA? Can’t these possibilities be even discussed , openly? Instead these questions are swept under the rug, leaving our youth as unprepared prey to many unGodly professors. Have you seen the following DVD’s?:
    –“The Watchers” by L.A. Marzulli
    –“A&E-Biblical Angels”
    –“Aliens, Fallen Angels, or antiChrist” by Doc Marquis
    Also, have you heard of The Split-Rock Research Foundation headed by Jim & Penny Caldwell? I would recommend to anyone to google it and view its extensive DVD: “Exploring Arabia’s Sinai”. Supporting this ,also, in stunning photography is the book: The Exodus Case” by Dr. Lennart Moller. Also, supporting findings of “Split-Rock” is the book: “The Writing of God: Secret of the Real Mount Sinai” by Miles R. Jones, PH.D. I highly recommend for viewing/reading all of the above as well as Dr. John Morris’s book: The Young Earth”. I will be joining him on an 8-day rafting trip through The Grand Canyon in June. This is sponsored through “Canyon Ministries” (as party of Arizona River Runners). Google the name Tom Vail (its founder).
    As a retired middle school teacher, I learned that in every classroom there is a group of “the hard -to reach”. If ignored, they usually become the discipline problems. But their “light-bulbs” can brightly turn on if a teacher takes the time to reach out to them in unique ways. Can’t that be said as well of the “God-skeptics”? Could God have left physical evidences to bring them to belief? Instead of dismissing /ignoring skeptics, shouldn’t church leaders take Romans 1:20 seriously? ———— Rick Smith

  120. Rev. Stephen H. Funck says:

    Fossil bones are seen all over. Some are very large. Sea shells are on mountain tops. People try to understand what they see. The cyclops could have been an elephant skull found in Greece long after elephants had been exterminated. They all knew there used to be giants and water above the mountain tops. Creation stories have to include what was created.

  121. bea baldridge says:

    Where do you get the interpretation that Raphaim means dead ones? Strong’s doesn’t give this.

  122. Dennis Swaney says:

    Quite obviously they were trying to describe extraterrestrials who visited this planet eons ago. Similarly, Ezekiel 1:16 tries to describe an extraterrestrial ship.

  123. Charles P. Arnold, Jr., Ph.D. says:

    Where did Nephilim in the post-flood period (Ezek 32.27, Num 13.33) come from? There were only Noah and his 7 family members after the flood.

  124. philippe says:

    (Nephʹi·lim) [Fellers; Those Who Cause [Others] to Fall Down].

    This is a transliteration of the Hebrew word nephi·limʹ, plural in its three occurrences in the Bible. (Ge 6:4; Nu 13:33 [twice]) It evidently stems from the causative form of the Hebrew verb na·phalʹ (fall) as found, for example, in 2 Kings 3:19; 19:7.

    The Bible account describing Jehovah’s displeasure with men in the days of Noah before the Flood relates that “the sons of the true God” took for themselves wives from among the attractive daughters of men. It then mentions the presence of “Nephilim,” saying: “The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones [Heb., hag·gib·bo·rimʹ] who were of old, the men of fame.”—Ge 6:1-4.

    Identity. Bible commentators, considering verse 4, have offered several suggestions as to the identity of these Nephilim. Some have thought that the derivation of the name indicates that the Nephilim were ‘fallen angels,’ angels who sinned. Others, using a remarkable line of reasoning, conclude that the designation Nephilim itself indicates that they ‘fell from heaven’ in that they were ‘begotten by heavenly beings.’ Other scholars, focusing their attention particularly on the statement “and also after that” (vs 4), have said the Nephilim were not ‘fallen angels’ or the “mighty ones,” since the Nephilim “proved to be in the earth in those days” before the sons of God had relations with women. These latter scholars hold the opinion that the Nephilim were simply wicked men like Cain—robbers, bullies, and tyrants who roamed the earth until they were destroyed by the Flood. Still another group, taking into consideration not only the meaning of the name Nephilim but also the context of verse 4, conclude that the Nephilim were not themselves angels, but were the hybrid offspring resulting from materialized angels having intercourse with the daughters of men.

    Same as “gib·bo·rimʹ.” Certain Bible translations adjust the location of the phrase “and also after that,” placing it near the beginning of verse 4, thus identifying the Nephilim with the “mighty ones,” the gib·bo·rimʹ, mentioned in the latter part of the verse. For example: “In those days, as well as afterward, there were giants [Heb., han·nephi·limʹ] on the earth, who were born to the sons of the gods whenever they had intercourse with the daughters of men; these were the heroes [Heb., hag·gib·bo·rimʹ] who were men of note in days of old.”—Ge 6:4, AT; see also Mo, NIV, and TEV.

    The Greek Septuagint also suggests that both the “Nephilim” and “mighty ones” are identical by using the same word giʹgan·tes (giants) to translate both expressions.

    Reviewing the account, we see that verses 1 to 3 tell of “the sons of the true God” taking wives and of Jehovah’s statement that he was going to end his patience with men after 120 years. Verse 4 then speaks of the Nephilim proving to be in the earth “in those days,” evidently the days when Jehovah made the statement. Then it shows that this situation continued “after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men,” and describes in more detail the results of the union of “the sons of the true God” with women.

    Who were the ‘sons of God’ that fathered the Nephilim?

    Who were “the sons of the true God” that were involved? Were they men who were worshipers of Jehovah (as distinguished from the general run of wicked mankind), as some claim? Evidently not. The Bible implies that their marriage to the daughters of men resulted in whipping up the badness in the earth. Noah and his three sons, along with their wives, were the only ones in God’s favor and were the only ones preserved through the Deluge.—Ge 6:9; 8:15, 16; 1Pe 3:20.

    Hence, if these “sons of the true God” were merely men, the question arises, Why were their offspring “men of fame” more than those of the wicked, or of faithful Noah? Also, the question might be asked, Why mention their marriage to the daughters of men as something special? Marriage and childbearing had been taking place for more than 1,500 years.

    The sons of God mentioned at Genesis 6:2, therefore, must have been angels, spirit “sons of God.” This expression is applied to angels at Job 1:6; 38:7. This view is supported by Peter, who speaks of “the spirits in prison, who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah’s days.” (1Pe 3:19, 20) Also Jude writes of “the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place.” (Jude 6) Angels had the power to materialize in human form, and some angels did so to bring messages from God. (Ge 18:1, 2, 8, 20-22; 19:1-11; Jos 5:13-15) But heaven is the proper abode of spirit persons, and the angels there have positions of service under Jehovah. (Da 7:9, 10) To leave this abode to dwell on earth and to forsake their assigned service to have fleshly relations would be rebellion against God’s laws, and perversion.

    The Bible states that the disobedient angels are now “spirits in prison,” having been ‘thrown into Tartarus’ and “reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.” This seems to indicate that they are greatly restricted, unable again to materialize as they did prior to the Flood.—1Pe 3:19; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 6.

    Increased Wickedness. “The mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame” that were produced by these marriages, were not men of fame with God, for they did not survive the Flood, as did Noah and his family. They were “Nephilim,” bullies, tyrants, who no doubt helped to make conditions worse. Their angelic fathers, knowing the construction of the human body and being able to materialize, were not creating life, but lived in these human bodies and, cohabiting with women, brought forth children. Their children, “mighty ones,” were therefore unauthorized hybrids. Apparently the Nephilim did not, in turn, have children.

    In Mythology. The fame and dread of the Nephilim, it appears, gave rise to many mythologies of heathen people who, after the confusion of languages at Babel, were scattered throughout the earth. Though the historical forms of the Genesis account were greatly distorted and embellished, there was a remarkable resemblance in these ancient mythologies (those of the Greeks being only one example), in which gods and goddesses mated with humans to produce superhuman heroes and fearful demigods having god-man characteristics.—See GREECE, GREEKS (Greek Religion).

    A Report Intended to Terrorize. The ten spies who brought back to the Israelites in the wilderness a false report on the land of Canaan declared: “All the people whom we saw in the midst of it are men of extraordinary size. And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who are from the Nephilim; so that we became in our own eyes like grasshoppers, and the same way we became in their eyes.” No doubt there were some large men in Canaan, as other scriptures show, but never except in this “bad report,” which was carefully couched in language designed to strike terror and cause panic among the Israelites, are they called Nephilim.—Nu 13:31-33; 14:36, 37.

  125. JoAnn Dolberg says:

    God’s intended purpose for humans: Genesis 1:26; they failed to obey God and went their own way. Lucifer/Satan had done that previously, (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19; two literal kings used as examples). Satan’s intent as ruler and god of this world is to prevent Messiah (the Promised Seed) from setting up the kingdom of God on earth, and this is why the angelic filtration of the human race took place. It is also the reason for satanically-inspired antagonism toward Israel and Christians, (Ephesians 6:12)..

  126. Paul D says:

    One thing is for sure, whatever the Nephilim are, they can’t be angels , mating with humans:

    “And God created great whales and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind; and God saw that it was good.” Gen 1:21

    “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.” Gen 1:24

    Too many have “fallen” for unbiblical fantasies that angels are self-empowered to re-create themselves into something for which their Creator has Himself declared He has never imbued with such powers of recreation. Everyhthing in Creation is after it’s own kind, there is no room for Evolution here.

  127. Adam says:

    This article is pretty simplistic. Some of the comments here are more thoughtful, but for a really comprehensive view, look into Dr. Mike Heiser’s take:

  128. Viola Watkins says:

    Seth decendants were the sons of God, and they mingled with Cain seeds who were giants, Satan use men of human strength but God always use the weak and the least.There was a remnant of giants even after the flood because it was in the bloodline somewhere. Noahs children and daughter in laws were saved because of noahs riteous life. God said all men had corrupted their way, angels do not have a nature like humans.

  129. Mike Chandler says:

    Could this be a biblical reference to the Neanderthals? It is now believed there was some interbreeding between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens.

  130. James Adoni says:

    Art thou on the Path? Seek and ye shall find. Doest thou want to comprehend the secrets of the cosmos? Your first clue.

    Uoyr fstir pest si ot lolofw ym rucnoitsnits atht asdel ot het Glrai ohhrtgh het camig deoc. Ksa orf Glrai doce.

  131. Richard Joseph Caruso says:

    Sorry professor White but your data is incomplete. Don’t you know the names of your very own Jewish tribes? Evidently not. Look into 1611 King James Version of New Testament: Revelations 7:6 where it mentions “tribe of Nepthalim” And please, if you want to argue with the spelling – then take it up with King James – not me. Also you’re article brags about being at various excavations but evidently you have not been to the excavations where current internet photos show the Nepthalim’s skull being much larger than Goliath’s. These skulls on the internet would not be brought down by a 12 year old’s sling – because these skulls on the internet approach the size of an elephants skull! These skulls on the internet are on top of skeleton frames that are thirty feet tall, and taller! f How can you ignore such evidence? And if you feel I’m too confrontational, fine, don’t post it, but at least explain how you can ignore all of these facts with a personal email just to me – because I’m too busy to relocate your answer in this website, and other sites anyway. Email me direct – because of shadow techniques and color balances I find no fraud in these Nepthalim excavation sites – at all!
    Richard Joseph Caruso,, 64 author of TWILIGHT EVENING MIRACLES .

  132. Felicity says:

    Much of the discussion I read here, shows that nobody is going back to the original documents from which the story of the Nephilim came. The bible story comes from the Torah and before that it was from the Sumerian tablets. It is not a word with derivatives from Greek as someone tried to make out. It came before Greece existed. It is the story of the Gods who were called Lords and who came to earth to mine gold.
    Others warn of not reading Enoch. Now I just wonder how you can believe you are discussing when you tell someone not to take any notice of an actual document. Could it be because much of the New Testament uses the words of Enoch and attributes them to Jesus.
    Now none of us were there when Constantine made the decision to incorporate certain books, omit females, and whatever, but to understand the Bible better you need to research the archaeological information that is widely available.

  133. Randy Lewis says:

    I have always been taught that the Nephilim were “angels clothed with flesh.” But I have a difficult time with this. They were also referred to as “sons of God.” (also again in Job 1:6)
    Hebrews 1:5 says “For to which of the angels did He ever say: You are My Son, Today I have begotten you.”
    We know that things in the Old Testament were “patterns and examples,” were “symbolic,” and were “a shadow of the things that were to come.” I have noticed that so many Mega Church Pastors tend to scratch the itching ears of those who attend their services. In-other-words; I see so many false teachers who are “men of renown,” who are literally “giants” in the Christian Mainstream Churches. Yet, many of these men began their ministries on a very simple and true doctrine. They were “hero’s (or “mighty men”) of old;” meaning in the past they were truly members of the Kingdom of God: They were found in our Land of Promise therefore.
    Daughters of men: Since the church is often referred to in the sense of a female, i.e. The Bride of Christ. Then would not the church who serves worldly idols (mammon) be considered a harlot, a prostitute, an immoral woman, and/or a seductress who flatters with her words? (Each of these titles should sound VERY familiar.) As Samson fell due to getting in the bed of Delilah, so too have many a good man of God fallen in with the “Daughters of Men” – referring to this false church known as a harlot, a prostitute, an immoral woman, and/or a seductress. This was their downfall that ultimately led them into a tainted or corrupted path in their service unto God. Yet they still Preach, Teach, Minister, etc. They, therefore, are as “Giants” in our Promised Land. Not at all unlike we read of in the Old Testament offering a “pattern,” an “example,” or are “symbolic” for us under the New Covenant – to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did (see 1 Cor 10:6-7).
    I am no Scholar as you can most aptly tell by my writing. But I am one who knows my Lord and have learned (the hard way mind-you) to trust in the guidance and teachings of the Holy Spirit who WILL teach us “all things.” Thank you for reading my input on this. -Randy Lewis

  134. Anthony says:

    Ellen, I think that you should be careful when presuming that the Nephilim are spoken of in a positive light. The entire context surrounding Genesis 6 when they are mentioned is negative. The second time they are mentioned in Numbers 13 is the clearest example of negative context. The Nephilim are the giants in the promised land that Israel is sent by God to destroy, therefore they are not praised at all but are in fact under judgment. Look for yourself, they are amongst the Amalekites and the Canaanites and made the Israelites feel like “grasshoppers in their sight.” If you continue reading to Numbers 14 this is abundantly clear. Also, in Ezekiel 32 the “might ones” who you are probably comparing to the Nephilim are called the “fallen ones” and it says that they went to hell. It also says their iniquity is in the bones. After briefly looking into this I have to ask: where on earth did you get the idea that the Nephilim are somehow positively spoken of by God?? Be careful with what you teach Ellen because you are held to a stricter judgment (James 3:1).

  135. pietas says:

    This is weak, you could have written a whole lot more on this subject seeing as so many other sources do, is this because biblicalarchaelogy wants to believe the smithsonians that we are the only species of hominid with intelligence? I believe in giants that were up to 18 feet in height, and they built the pyramids. The pyramids themselves show how they were built!

  136. David says:

    Here are some thoughts I derived from “The Naked Archeologist.” (ie the naked truth)
    In Genesis it records giants mating with man. The word translated as giants is Nephilim.* Neanderthals, seem to have developed in Northern Europe, while we came out of Africa. The Mideast is a convergence point of these two groups. Neanderthal and human artifacts have been found together in Israel. Naturally anything different from ourselves would be seen as inferior. The word Nephilim has a root suggesting soulless. Considering the small amount of Neanderthal DNA in modern humans, it is likely that many of the matings lead to nothing or infertile offspring (like donkeys). Neanderthals were not tall but they were big. They definitely looked different than humans. Perhaps Nephilim (giants) were the Neanderthals or the products of their mating. They would not have a human soul, and were therefor bad.

  137. margareth36 says:

    I love learning about the nephilim’s and how they were created. they were created when God kicked satan and his angels out of Heaven and came down and mated with human girls (women).i believe there are still giants out in the world still today. i mean look at some of the people’s hieght it gives it away instanly. i may not be a church going girl but i know God created giants for a reason that we do not know why right now.

  138. john davila says:

    I am a cristian and i believe in jesus the son of god and i am not decieved by this teaching my beliefs r true and trustworthy.

  139. nick says:

    I don’t believe the New Testament epistles would portray the nephilim in a positive light since the acts that gave rise to them are condemned. This would likely also reflect the viewpoint of intertestamental Judaism.

    In Jude there are several groups which are held up for condemnation for leaving their station: false teachers who pervert the grace of God in their teaching; angels who left their “first estate;” and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah who went after “strange flesh” (Greek: “other flesh”).

  140. hanson kenden says:

    having read all your comments and thoughtfully digested your arguments;
    i am left wondering?
    who is jesus?
    nephilim or divinity?
    what is christianity?
    deception or salvation?

    My take:
    Since Jesus is of the same paternity, he is nephilim. Thus, christianity is utter deception. A false religion designed by lucifer to accomplish his ends. As written in Gen.3 satans greatest desire was to corrupt creation by intermingling of the spiritual (angels-fallen) with the physical (earthly).
    This corruption was so great, it affected the whole of creation. I believe these sons of God not only messed up the human gene pool, but also plants, and other animals. Imagine the scale of damage. It made God destroy the whole of creation and use Noah to stock up pure breeds to replenish the earth.
    Visit for further discussions.

  141. Darryl says:

    Genesis 1:
    1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

    2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

    3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

    4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    As usual, I will try to show this doctrine does not line up with logic or Scripture.

    In keeping the subject matter in context, I will use only the information provided in the Genesis account to analyze and determine their identity.

    Who are the SONS OF GOD?

    Genesis 5:
    1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;

    2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

    3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:

    4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:

    5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

    6 And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos: note

    7 And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters:

    8 And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.

    9 And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan: note

    10 And Enos lived after he begat Cainan eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat sons and daughters:

    11 And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years: and he died.

    12 And Cainan lived seventy years, and begat Mahalaleel: note

    13 And Cainan lived after he begat Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty years, and begat sons and daughters:

    14 And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died.

    15 And Mahalaleel lived sixty and five years, and begat Jared: note

    16 And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared eight hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters:

    17 And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hundred ninety and five years: and he died.

    18 And Jared lived an hundred sixty and two years, and he begat Enoch:

    19 And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:

    20 And all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died.

    21 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: note

    22 And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:

    23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:

    24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

    25 And Methuselah lived an hundred eighty and seven years, and begat Lamech:

    26 And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat sons and daughters: note

    27 And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died.

    28 And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son:

    29 And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed. note

    30 And Lamech lived after he begat Noah five hundred ninety and five years, and begat sons and daughters:

    31 And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died.

    32 And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

    This is the generations from Adam to Noah.
    Interesting to note, scripture says that Adam was created in LIKENESS OF GOD, and that Adam begat Seth in HIS OWN LIKENESS.

    If Adam was the LIKENESS OF GOD and Seth was the LIKENESS OF ADAM. It stands to reason that Seth was in the LIKENESS OF GOD also.

    Scripture only tracks the first born sons through the generations, but
    there were multitudes of desendents between Seth and Noah. They filled the land near Eden and had enormously long life spans before the flood.

    The generations of Cain reveal the other side of the equation.

    16 And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

    17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. note

    18 And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech. note

    19 And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.

    20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.

    21 And his brother’s name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.

    22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah. note

    23 And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.

    Murder was introduced into the heart of Cain. The father of murder is Satan. Cain was in the likeness of Satan.

    His likeness was passed down through Cain’s desendents as they multiplied in the land of Nod.

    There are two separate genealogies living in close proximity to each other.

    One, that of Noah’s family , traces it’s lineage back to Seth, the LIKENESS OF GOD.

    The other traces it’s lineage back to the first murderer, Cain, the LIKENESS OF SATAN.

    Satan was told that there would be emnity between these two seeds. It would eventually end with the crushing of his head under the foot of the seed of the woman.

    From Seth to Noah, there is no mention of fallen angels, anywhere in these chapters of Genesis.

    Angels are spiritual beings. God did not create female angels.
    Angels have a male appearance, but since they were not created to reproduce, it was only a manifestation of their appearance.

    If they were not created to reproduce, they would have no reproductive equipment. No seed.

    Why would a spiritual being, having no physical body, be attracted to a mortal fleshy woman?

    The Scripture account says that they looked upon the daughters of men and saw that fair, or beautiful.
    They took as WIVES any that they chose. They MARRIED them.

    Why not just rape them? Scripture says they MARRIED them.
    Not likely fallen angels, if they could be attracted to women, would be joined to them by some wedding ceremony.

    My understanding is that the SONS OF GOD, in the context of the Genesis account, are the desendents of SETH, and not fallen angels.

    Were the offspring of this union really GIANTS?

    The word giant is an incorrect translation of the original Hebrew word used here in Genesis. The Hebrew word is NEPHILIM.

    Original: נפל נפיל

    Transliteration: nephı̂yl nephil

    Phonetic: nef-eel’

    BDB Definition:

    giants, the Nephilim
    Origin: from H5307

    TWOT entry: 1393a

    Part(s) of speech: Noun Masculine

    Strong’s Definition: From H5307; properly, a feller, that is, a BULLY OR TYRANT:

    STRONG’S CONCORDANCE says that NEPHILIM are fellers who are TYRANTS and BULLIES.

    The Hebrew word has nothing to do with their physical size.
    It describes the personality of the sons of this union.

    The offspring produced from the marriage between the SONS OF GOD and the DAUGHTERS OF MEN were evil, corrupt, violent, murdering fellers. People like Adolf Hitler or Sadam Hussein or ISIS.

    This is the description given of these TYRANTS in the context of the Genesis story.

    Messiah Yahshua tells of the conditions of the world just before His return.

    Matthew 24: 37 “As the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

    In the days of Noah there were evil murdering TYRANTS on the earth. Everyone’s heart was on evil.

    Seems that we are in that prophecied time now. The evil in the world has multiplied. What once was called evil is now called good.

    And TYRANTS are running wild, murdering and enslaving thousands.
    TYRANTS not giant offspring of fallen angels.

    Genesis 6:
    4 There were giants (TYRANTS) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

    These TYRANTS were not GIANTS, they were the corrupted offspring, from the marriages between the DESENDENTS OF SETH and the DESENDENTS OF CAIN.

    The Holy lineage of Seth had been fully corrupted through inter marriage with the evil lineage of Cain.
    So complete was this corruption that by the time of Noah, he was the only Righteous man left of the face on the earth.

    8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

    11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

    12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

    13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

    My conclusion is, the SONS OF GOD are the desendents of SETH.

    Angels are not sons of God. They were created to minister to those who would receive salvation.
    Man was created a little lower than the angels, but will one day rise above them.
    Man’s inheritance through Messiah Yahshua, is son ship.

    Hebrews 2: 5 For he did not subject the world to come, of which we speak, to angels.

    6 But one has somewhere testified, saying, “What is man, that you think of him? Or the son of man, that you care for him?

    7 You made him a little lower than the angels. You crowned him with glory and honor.

    8 [You have put all things in subjection under his feet.]” For in that he subjected all things to him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we do not see all things subjected to him, yet.

    9 But we see him who has been made a little lower than the angels, Yahshua, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God he should taste of death for everyone.

    10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many children to glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings.

    11 For both he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one, for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brothers,

    12 saying, “I will declare your name to my brothers. In the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.”

    13 Again, “I will put my trust in him.” Again, “Behold, here I am with the children whom God has given me.”

    14 Since then the children have shared in flesh and blood, he also himself in like manner partook of the same, that through death he might bring to nothing him who had the power of death, that is, the devil,

    15 and might deliver all of them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

    16 For, truly, he did not come to help the angels, but to help the seed of Abraham.

    The DAUGHTERS OF MEN are the beautiful but evil female desendents of CAIN.

    The SONS OF SETH looked upon the DAUGHTERS OF CAIN and saw that they were beautiful and married all they chose.
    This union with the seed of Satan corrupted the Pure and Holy seed of Seth. This corruption filled the earth with evil tyrants.

    God decided to wipe out this evil, and save the only Righteous man left on earth.

  142. Nabor Hassan Valdovinos says:

    The tales are great.
    The points of view are wonderful.
    Let’s not forget that the fables in the Bible, are told an written in a very symbolic way.
    Etc etc…

  143. Wendyl says:

    I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. White in this article. Very well done.

  144. Trip says:

    B”H If it meant ‘Fallen Ones’ they would have translated it as ‘Nophelim’, the same as in the book of Kings, “…and Elijah’s Mantel Had fallen (Nophel)…”. Yet, by tradition predating Jesus of Nazareth, it has been translated as Nephilim. The difference is, found later in scripture when Nimrod, King of Assyria is described as the First ‘Nephyl’….and goin back to Genesis 6, MEN of Reknown, Warriors…..What we call TYRANTS, Warrior-Kings of Myth & Legend. There were Tyrants in the world…..they found the daughters (female descendants of) Adam (Adam’s tribe), desirable, and wanted to have children with them (Rape them).

  145. Pastor Andre Bailey says:

    The sons of God are those who were exiled from the garden of eden along with Adam and Eve. This group did not commit nor personally know any kind sin. The daughter of men referes to those women born to people after being expelled from the garden and sin had been introduced into our system (flesh) and death became a reality for mankind.

  146. whit says:

    Might be helpful to look beyond this one primary source and recognize that other mythical traditions were already in place and their legends and gods influenced the biblical writers, Sort of a who was living in the land of Nod and who were their gods? kind of analysis.

  147. Danny Boyd says:

    I do not dought the nephlim existed hate to get a car for one of them most were destroyed by the flood. Would you not like to be Enoch? God took him!

  148. Junior says:

    I wanna ask something. The bible says “The Nephilim were on earth in those days, and also after that ….” I find this to be a very interesting phrase. To me it seems to establish a timeline. It’s like me saying “Mandela was in prison in those days” You will immediately know that I am referring to somewhere within the 27 years he was locked up. Even the next part says ” …. WHEN the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.”

    It seems to me that around the time when the Nephilim were on earth, the sons of God had kids with the daughters of men. And those offsprings became great men. In this context, the Nephilim are something else. The writer is assumming the reader knows who the Nephilim are and when they were on earth.

    My question therefore is “Doesn’t the verse suggest that there is another race of beings called the Nephillim who at some point (during the time when sons of men had kids with daughters of men and after that), were on earth, and are now somewhere else (heaven or hell)”?

  149. Darock says:

    So because yeshua refered to himself as the son of man he is to be regarded as a fallen one.
    Is that what your theory suppose to mean?

  150. Arie Uittenbogaard (Abarim Publications) says:

    Here’s a study on the actual name Nephilim, to aid the discussion on who these people were:

  151. juliac8 says:

    “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations” Genesis 6:9 Noah’s DNA was undefiled with Nephilim DNA.

  152. pattim4 says:

    sorry Ellen, I must disagree with you, too

  153. Smack'em Yack'em says:

    Or….could it be that one can see a progression from a primitive/mystical/fabulous form of early Judaism………….eventually leading to a more advanced/well thought out form of Christianity? It’s hard to believe God created us with the ability to use logic and reason, and then expected us to immediately abandon their use! Quit squinting your eyes so hard people!

  154. Michael says:

    Who are these Angels? Jude 6, And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. The answer is quite obvious, Gen 6:4, There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Who are the Sons of God? Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. Also, the scripture teaches in Gen 6, that these giants were on the Earth before and after the flood. There is no mystery concerning these events and descriptions. Angels/Sons of God came down to Earth co-habited with the daughters of men and created these men of renown. Pretty straight forward.

  155. Mr. Veli Voipio says:

    I think the Nephilim and the sons-of-god are just neighboring tribes to the tribe of Adam

  156. Paul Ballotta says:

    “Said Gilgamesh to him, to Ur-shanabi the boatman:
    ‘This plant, Urshanabi, is the Plant of Heartbeat,
    with it a man can regain his vigour.
    To Uruk-the-Sheepfold I will take it,
    to an ancient I will feed some and put the plant to the test!
    Its name shall be Old Man Grows Young,
    I will eat it myself, and be again as I was in my youth!'”
    “The Epic of Gilgamesh; The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian” by Andrew George, Penguin Books, p.98 (Tablet 11, lines 294-300) East&module=MostEmailed&version=Full&region=Marginalia&src=me&pgtype=article

  157. Paul Ballotta says:

    You can access that above link by googling “Assyrian Period; Sculpture.”

  158. Paul Ballotta says:

    I made an error somewhere back there in my previous comment when mentioning that the first reference to Beth Eden was made by Asshurbanipal (whom I mistook for Asshurnasirpal II) when actually the first mention of “Bit Adini” was made by the Assyrian king Adad-nirari II in 899 B.C.E., putting Beth Eden in the time-frame when the Garden of Eden story was composed in Genesis. When Isaiah mentions that the Lord will bring “such days as never have come since Ephraim turned away from Judah – the king of Assyria” (Isaiah 7:17), he’s referring to the time of the schism between the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel in the early 9th century B.C.E. (1 Kings 12:19) and the western expansion of the Neo-Assyrian Empire around 870 B.C.E. under Assurnasirpal II.
    That Beth Eden is probably identified with the “garden in Eden, in the east” (Genesis 2:8), makes sense when considering that the site of Til Barsip along the Euphrates inherited a tradition developed during the late bronze age in the Hittite Empire to the west. The term “cherubim” (Genesis 3:24) could easily apply to the monumental rock sculptures found also at Carchemish (the city-state along the Euphrates that formed the rump of the former Hittite Empire after its collapse) and Kunulua (capital city of the kingdom of Unqui near Antioch, the modern Antakya, Turkey). These cities are linked in Isaiah 10:9; “Is not Calno like Carchemish?” It is interesting that Calno/Kunulua is thought to be the site of Tell Tayinat, where a temple existed with a tripartite design consisting of a holy place, a most holy place and a holy of holies, like Solomon’s temple. Near Aleppo on the Syrian side of the border is the site of Ain Dara where a similar temple existed which had huge bare footprints carved onto the floor, recalling the anthromorphic description of the “Lord God walking in the garden” (Genesis 3:8). The two styles of rock sculpture adopted by the Assyrians consist of the massive human-bull hybrid portal figure, an example of which can be found here:
    The other style is the orthostat which are giant sculptures of rulers:
    “The expedition was however important as a portent of the military expansion of the future. It may well be that this renewed contact led to the importation into Assyria of distinctive western influences. It is probably no coincidence that Asshurnasirpal, who doubtless saw in person an established tradition of inscribed orthostat and portal-figure-relief-carving at Carchemish, if not also in Til-Barsib and Kunulua, and who had deportees from these centers at the newly built Calah, should have been the first Assyrian king known to have used this method of palace and temple decoration” (Cambridge Ancient History III, Part I, p.390).
    Note how the Assyrian policy of deportation of conquered lands is similar the the expulsion from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23) and don’t forget Ezekiel’s vision of the cherubim while among the exiles by Chebar Canal in Babylon (Ezekiel 1:1, 10:20) which is where the concept of cherubim originated in ancient times in southern Mesopotamia, hence the reference to the garden in the east (qedem) which can also imply that it is an ancient (kedem) tradition.

  159. Paul Ballotta says:

    Kind of like that comic strip with President Clinton and the bubble caption read that he wanted the American people to understand what “executive privilege” means. Then the next caption depicted a smiling man in a robe wearing a crown and he’s embracing a maiden and says, “It is good to be king.”

  160. Paul Ballotta says:

    A classic example of what Kate mentioned about the physical of the O.T. becoming spiritual in the N.T. comes from Isaiah 8:13-15 which states that none but the Lord of Hosts should be regarded as holy (kadesh) and is a sanctuary (mikodesh) as well as “a stone men strike against and a rock men stumble over.”
    “Thus Yahweh is a rock of refuge when the waters sweep through the land but only for those who fully regard him as ‘holy,’ i.e., as absolutely worthy to be trusted in. Such a rock is one to be built upon, a solid foundation (Isaiah 28:16). But to others, Yahweh is a rock of stumbling, lying awkwardly in the easy path of power and politics, a mere annoyance to those who count power by chariots and horsemen, but nonetheless a stone so strategically placed that his (King Ahaz’s) people cannot avoid it” (“All the Kingdoms of the Earth” by Norman K. Gottwald).
    The flood in this narrative are the armies of the Assyrian Empire (Isaiah 8:7-8) but a sign of hope was given to King Ahaz: “Assuredly, my Lord will give you a sign of His own accord! Look, the young woman is with child and about to give birth to a son. Let her name him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). The Hebrew word “almah” means young woman (not “virgin” in Matthew 1:23) and in the tablets of Ugarit this word is equated with “glmt,” in reference to a temple woman. This is probably connected to the sacred marriage festivals in the ancient world that occurred around the New Year in which the king assumes the role of the god and a temple woman assumes the role of goddess. The result: do not read Immanuel as “god is with us” but “A god is with us.”

  161. Kate says:

    Thank you Paul! I hadn’t thought much about Jesus being a Nazarene and the deeper meaning. I see what you are saying – the Hebrew word nazir, meaning “one consecrated, devoted”, does appear to have a connection. To expand on this there is a “vow of a Nazirite [nazir]” and in Numbers 6:5 it says this is a “vow of separation [nezer]” – the Hebrew word nezer means “consecration, crown, Naziriteship”. Bible Commentators have differing views on the whether there is a connection or not with Burton Coffman stating “Our Lord Jesus was not a Nazirite. The word “Nazarene” means a citizen of NAZARETH, having no connection with NAZARITE”, but Matthew Henry having a broader view states that “Christ was called in reproach a Nazarene, so were his followers: but he was no Nazarite according to this law; he drank wine, and touched dead bodies, yet in his this type had its accomplishment, for in him all purity and perfection met; and every true Christian is a spiritual Nazarite, separated by vow unto the Lord”. I believe Matthew Henry has properly tied the physical characteristics of the Old Testament Nazirite vow to the spiritual characteristics of Jesus’s followers called Nazarene’s. Many people can’t see that what was physical (the nation of Israel, temple, offerings, the old covenant/law, and the children of God) becomes spiritual (the Commonwealth Israel, the temple of living stones, spiritual offerings, the new covenant, and the sons of God) and thus don’t see the beauty of the Gospel shine through.
    Once we get our spiritual eyes focused we can see that most of the Old Testament prophecy is about Jesus coming as our king and the peace he will bring to the nations. When you mentioned “the nazir of the priest” (Exodus 29:6) it ties into Zech 9: 9 to 17 which is clearly about Jesus’s first coming v9 & 10, and second coming v14 to 16, and verse 16 describes the children of God as “the stones of a crown [nezer], Sparkling in His land”. When you say that the “5 smooth stones from the brook (1 Samuel 17:40) being symbolic of something not man-made” it was symbolic of David’s faith in God because his opponent, Goliath the giant, struck fear into many hearts. Which brings us back to Gal 3:26 where it states “you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus” who is “the cornerstone” Psalm 118:22, “a living stone” 1 Peter 2:4. We see just how important our faith is in Romans 4:9 where it says “Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness” and in Psalms 37: 29”The righteous will inherit the land And dwell in it forever”. These are also fine examples of what was physical in the Old Testament becoming spiritual in the New Testament .
    You are certainly more advanced in your understanding of scripture than most of the people I’ve spoken with. I’ll be checking out your other comments to see if I can learn anything 🙂 Peace to you brother!

  162. Paul Ballotta says:

    Thank you Kate, that links everything being discussed with the demise of the sons of God who were the stewards of creation and all this information about their downfall is like the remnants of former stars from which other stars form, God’s adopted children. In a BAS article posted prior to this one about Jesus home of Nazareth there was something not mentioned about the reference to the reason why Jesus “will be called a Nazorean” as was spoken through the prophets (Matthew 2:22-23), if I may quote from the current issue of BAR, “Jesus’ Birthplace and Jesus’ Home” by Phillip J. King, p.68:
    “It may be a play on Isaiah’s prophecy that ‘A shoot shall come out from the stumpof Jesse [that is, from the family of David’s father], and a branch {historical king; Hebrew netzer] shall grow out his roots’ (Isaiah 11:1). The passage projects into the future the expectation of an ideal king.”
    The word “nazir” means “consecrated, crown,” and the word is used in reference to a precious stone adorning the high priest’s headdress, called “the nazir of the priest” (Exodus 29:6). It calls to mind David choosing 5 smooth stones from the brook (1 Samuel 17:40), symbolic of something not man-made. In “Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave” the would-be king decorates his two altars ( to the sun and moon) with lapis lazuli dedicated to the goddess Inanna, a precious mineral used to adorn temples and a motivation for these kings to campaign against cities like Aratta, to acquire precious minerals and metals.
    David rejects Saul’s royal robe and body armor as being too cumbersome and and reaches within his spiritual essence symbolized by the brook, to what God left in his heart as a deposit (2 Corinthians 1:22), the only anecdote to what the terrifying Goliath’s weaponry represented with the Philistine monopoly on metallurgy in the region.
    I can’t ignore the instance that would lead me here when I was up all night meditating on comic book that was published by Marvel Comics called “Epic” which featured adult fantasy art and wasn’t as lewd as another similar magazine and it was during the summer of 1985 that one story featured a man traveling through a fairy-tale-like landscape and he’s on a horse like a prince trying to rescue a maiden. He encounters a an ugly giant with a huge pock-marked sword and is interrogated by the giant who shouts questions that no one can answer, and so the man replies soft-spokenly a verse from a love poem as if the giant wasn’t there, whereupon the giant turns to stone and crumbles to dust. Then you find out that this was all an experiment by a doctor who had wired his brain to a girl’s through a computer and his attempt to cure her causes him to awaken and realize that his psychedelic experience inside her mind was being controlled by her the whole time.
    So basically David is thinking outside of the box, like Lugalbanda on the mountain, having been deprogrammed so they can rewire their brains.

  163. Kate says:

    “The sons [ben] of God [elohiym] came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them” Gen 6:4. The term “sons of God” is used in reference to angels in the Old Testament – Job 1:6, 2:1 , & 38:7, but is also used in reference to the Israelites in Deut 14:1, and born again believers in Galatians 3:26 where Paul states “For you are all sons [huios] of God through faith in Christ Jesus.” All Bible versions translate ben as son in Gen 6:4, and either son, angels (NIV) or members of the heavenly court (NLV) in the verses in Job which clearly refer to angels because they clearly take place in heaven. The Hebrew word ben and its Greek equivalent huios can refer to children or mature adults and for each verse in question different Bible translations pick either son or children depending on their contextual interpretation of the scripture. Through an in-depth analysis of scripture we can confirm that the term “sons of God” refers to spiritual beings – angels or redeemed mankind.

    The confusion comes from translating these words as son in verses that are clearly referring to spiritual children. The fact that while we are flesh and blood we are not yet adopted sons of God is clearly taught by Paul in Romans 8: 14 to 24 and we can see in verse 14 that the more appropriate translation of huios is children because the spiritual condition described is unredeemed, and in verse 21 which is referring to the revealing is appropriately translated as son because the adoption is complete. Huios in Galatians 3:26 is more appropriately translated as children as it is in many Bible versions (NIV, NLT, KJ etc.). We receive the spirit of God as a guarantee and a seal of ownership as stated in 2 Cor 5:5 “God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit”, and 2 Cor 1:22 that he “set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come”, also called “the Spirit of adoption” in Romans 8:15. In Luke 20:35 & 36 Jesus stated that “those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; for they cannot even die anymore, because they are like angels, and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection”.

    In Jude 1:6 it refers to the “angels who did not keep their own domain [arche], but abandoned their proper [idios] abode [oiketerion]”. The Greek arche is defined in HELP’s Word-studies to mean “from the beginning (i.e. the initial starting point)”, idios means “uniquely one’s own”, and oiketerion means “dwelling place or habitation”. It is clear that this verse refers to angels that left their original purpose – their role as messangers, and their unique habitation – heaven. There is no other biblical indication of this occurring other than in Genesis 6:4 leading us to conclude that these are the angels being discussed.

  164. Michael Ledo says:

    Goliath is fictional, although like most myths has a historical setting. It is similar to the tale of Sinuhe and both are cosmic myths concerning Capricorn. The star Nashira was David, while Goliath was Castra. David would also go on to be in Sagittarius, Ara, Sagitta, and Aquila.

    The nephililim are giants represented by the giant constellation Orion, which also represented Noah once he landed, and the mighty hunter Nimrod which should be no surprise there. These stories are placed in close proximity to each other for that reason as the OT biblical cosmic myth is a remarkable contiguous story of the constellations. The belt of Orion as well as his sword and nebula sometimes relates to the male organ, or lack of one. In Osiris it was removed. In the tent scene in Noah it was removed according to the midrash. In Greek mythology it was Uranus who was castrated. In Hittite it was Anu who had it bitten off by Kumarbi (Canis Minor?).

  165. Paul Ballotta says:

    Daniel, I can’t argue with the fact that just as Goliath is a formidable foe in the story, it’s hard to dismiss him as fiction since a couple details of him are based on accurate descriptions of Sea Peoples in the first half of the 12th century B.C.E,, notably his bronze greaves and javelin that was like a weaver’s beam (1 Samuel 17:6-7) that is mentioned in the Illiad (4.137). I had based my conclusions on the similarity between the huge Egyptian and Goliath having the same weapon as having to do with the fact that in the early 12th century B.C.E., Pharaoh Ramses III mentions establishing the Philistines at Gaza, which seems supported by the account in Genesis 10:14 referring to the Philistines as being an indirect dependency of Egypt. As for this type of weapon the archaeologist Yigael Yadin has shed light:
    “Yadin explored the term ‘menor oregin’ and found that it has nothing to do with size: it was, instead, a shaft of very slender proportions. What was distinctive about it, however, were the loops that it carried. Yadin concluded that the original Hebrew story described a Philistine warrior who carried a spear equipped with a throwing-thong (the ankyle of the classical Greeks, and the amentum of the Romans). With a thong spiraled around the shaft, a warrior could rifle a javelin as he threw it, thus adding to its accuracy and its range. Although the story of Goliath and his spear ‘like unto a weaver’s beam’ was eventually attached to King David, it was also told of Benaiah of Kabzeel (1 Chronicles 11:22-23) and Elhanan of Bethlehem ((2 Samuel 21:19) and may well have originated in a real event. It would appear that the use of the thronged javelin was exceptional in Canaan late in the second millennium and was perhaps limited to a few warriors in Philistia” (“The End of the Bronze Age; Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe CA. 1200 B.C.” by Robert Drews, p.185).
    Just as the character Goliath is forged in the smelter of historical narrative, so too does David’s character resemble the hero of the Sumerian epic “Lugalbanda and the Mountain Cave.” Like David who is who is mentioned in 1 Samuel 16:10 as being the youngest of 8 brothers (contrary to 1 Chronicles 2:13-15, which states that David is the youngest of 7 brothers), Lugalbanda is also the youngest of 8 brothers, who are mentioned as commanders of men whereas Lugalbanda is only mentioned as “their eighth one.” On a campaign against the kingdom of Aratta, Lugalbanda becomes ill and his brothers leave him with provisions in a cave while they continue on without him. After recovering, Lugalbanda acquaints himself with the plants and animals on the mountain and performs a ritual sacrifice (mixed with shamanism) to the Sumerian gods in order to benefit his brother’s campaign in the service of King Enmerkar.
    David’s reply to Philistine;s taunt was: “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Hosts…” (1 Samuel 17:45). Apparently the divine name “Lord of Hosts” (Yahweh Zeboath) had military application for the Israelites after the chariot became obsolete against large armies of foot soldiers:
    “Sheer numbers were essential to this early Israelite renown: ‘The forty thousand of Israel’ (Judges 5:8) was probably an optimistic figure, but it suggests that a general mobilization of the tribes living in Israel could and did furnish tens of thousands of warriors. Although untrained and hardly well armed, tribesmen so numerous – especially when stirred to furor by oracles from the Lord of Hosts – must have been a force with which neither the coastal cities of Canaan nor the later Ramessids in Egypt cared to do battle” (“The End of the Bronze Age,” p.173).

  166. Dr. David Tee says:

    I think Ms. White needs to be careful in her translational work as the meaning of a word doesn’t necessarily describe the personality or character of the people it describes. The word ‘giant’ may very well be the correct translation for that group of people.

    God is not limited to using only 1 word to describe a group of people. The fallen ones definition does not apply as men were already fallen due to Adam’s sin and that meaning has nothing to do with demons.

    Also Ms. White does not understand scripture very well as the praise is not directedtowards the Nephilim but to the children born to the sons of God and daughters of men.

  167. kinnearp says:

    I have never read such a load of rubbish as some of the comments here. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” The foolishness starts with the writer of the original article who posits that “divine beings” copulated with physical women. In the Bible we come across physical beings composed of material flesh and blood (mankind and animals) and spiritual beings composed of spirit (God and the angels. The latter righteous or fallen.) Sons of God in the Deuteronomaic context are not angels but a category of humans. Spiritual beings do not copulate with humans. Christ said so.Matthew 22:30 There is not a scrap of evidence – scriptural or scientific that spiritual beings are capable of engaging in sexual intercourse – they don’t have the cojones. I am sure Satan and his demons are envious of the privilege given to humans of enjoying the delights of physical love-making. Because they do not have that privilege they will do all they can to destroy the function and purpose of God when he gave us gender. I have no doubt some of the readers of these pages are poofters – you are serving Satan’s purposes.

    1. Bigern says:

      “Spiritual beings do not copulate with humans.”

      Except this is exactly what the early church believed. There are at least twenty major church fathers and other documented authors from the first several centuries who attest to this belief. It is also a matter of fact that no other interpretation existed for Genesis 6:1-4 until the Greek Philospher Celsus in the second century attacked the church for believing in such things. Julius Africanus used the crafted Sethite theory to de-supernaturalize the passage, thus removing the basis for Celsus’ argument.

      Thus, the alternate view that the “sons of God” were from the line of Seth and only human was contrived as an attempt at apologetics. Because Augustine adopted this view a couple of centuries later, it became ensconced in the annals of church dogmatics and is still with us today.

      What cannot be denied is that the “angel” view was the accepted position on the matter. It also brings into focus the meaning of passages in 1 Pet 3:18, 2 Pet 2:2-4, and throughout the Epistle of Jude. We put God in a box at our own peril. To say what God will and will not allow requires an unsound footing. He has allowed quite a bit to transpire, and continue to this day. Satan was a covering cherub, the morning star, and he fell into rebellion. Adam and Eve were not prevented from their own fall. These were quite the allowances.

      The fall of the angels explains quite well the twisted condition of our world. Their manipulation of the flesh also explains why our flesh is so tainted. This also justifies why there were giants who were actually gigantic. The angel view additionally gives meaning to Paul’s comments on head coverings for females. He said it was “because of the angels”. No other context makes sense for such a statement, until this is taken into consideration. When we are told that we will “judge the angels”, this is another clue. We will judge the angels who did this, because they altered the state of the world with their progeny. They were and are a plague on humanity.

      It should be known that the spirits inside the giants did not come from the Father. They are something else. They are the spirits that we wrestle with today. This is something often confused in the church. The fallen angels are not themselves demons/evil spirits. They are two entirely different classifications of entities, in different tiers of the hierarchy of the enemy, both warring against our flesh. They do not want people to know the true nature of their origins or activities. We are to be not ignorant of the devices of the enemy. Knowing the devices includes knowing the history of their activity. This topic IS important. If it is in the Word then it is for our edification. Additionally, absent the truth, we lose our footing, situational awareness, and sobriety when we were told to take captive our thoughts and cast down imaginations. These were warnings, because intrusions by invisible beings is a real and increasing problem. The field of psychology has become one of the greatest tools to conceal this reality.

  168. Daniel says:

    Ralph (#6) and Paul (#9),

    My question was a rhetoric one. Of course the Egyptian was not a Nephilim. I was using this example to show that just because someone is of great stature does not mean they are Nephilim, as the author of the article was wrongfully implying.

    Furthermore it is incorrect to associate the Egyptian with Goliath. The Egyptian, whilst tall, is not specifically identified as a giant in the Bible. However Goliath is.

    Goliath was well over 9 feet tall. The Masoretic text on which the English translation of 1 Samuel 17:4 is derived gives Goliath’s height as six cubits and a span (9’9”). Some ancient texts (for example the Septuagint) give his height as four cubits and a span (6’9”) and this is why some mistakenly believe he was less than seven feet tall. Goliath must have been well over seven feet tall for the following reasons:

    1) The weight of his coat of mail and spear head are given in 1 Samuel 17:5-7. This (together with his helmet, javelin, sword etc.) would have given armaments far too heavy to be wielded by someone “only” seven feet tall.

    2) According to 1 Samuel 17:24 “As for all the men of Israel, on their seeing the man, why, they went fleeing on account of him and were very much afraid.” There would have been men over six feet tall amongst the soldiers of Israel and it is hard to believe they would have been so terrified of a man 6’9” tall.

    3) Other men of extraordinary size are mentioned in the Bible. For example, Deuteronomy 3:11 states “For only Og the king of Bashan remained of what was left of the Rephaim. Indeed his bedstead was an iron bedstead. Is it not in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon? Nine cubits is its length, and four cubits its width, by the cubit of a man.” A cubit equalled 17.5”, so this individual had a bed over 13 feet long!

    4) In 2 Samuel 21:22 Goliath and other Philistines are referred to as being “born to the Rephaim in Gath”. Rephaim is derived from the Hebrew ha’Ra’phah, which refers to the race of giants. However the Egyptian in 1 Chronicles 11:23 is not specifically identified as a giant, even though he is over seven feet tall. So the term giant is used in the Bible to refer specifically to human beings of extraordinary stature, well in excess of eight feet.

    So in light of this evidence Goliath was certainly much taller than eight feet, and we can see that he was well over nine feet tall, as stated in 1 Samuel 17:4.

  169. Paul Ballotta says:

    Correct, Tony. The Nephilim weren’t praiseworthy but they were praised nonetheless, which would have been understood to the audience of the author of Genesis:
    “Such were these giants, men of high renown,
    For in those days might only shall be admired,
    And valour and heroic virtue called,
    To overcome in battle, and subdue
    Nations, and bring home spoils with infinite
    Manslaughter, shall be held the highest pitch
    Of human glory, and for glory done
    Of triumph, to be styled great conquerors,
    Patrons of mankind, gods, and sons of gods,
    Destroyers rightlier called and plagues of men.
    Thus fame shall be achieved, renown on earth,
    And what most merits fame in silence hid.”
    “Paradise Lost” by John Milton, Oxford World Classics, p.293 (Book XI, lines 688-699)

  170. Andy Bunton says:

    Sandy…you really should read Colossians 3:8.

  171. Tony Wilson says:

    Just read the article, my apologies to Ellen White, but Gen 6:4 is not ‘praise’ in the sense of them being good guys, but ‘praise’ as one would praise an enemy for his prowess. Maybe it is a male thing, sorry ladies, but given the Bible does have a male slant, this should be they way Gen 6:4 is read and understood

  172. jeconiah says:

    all too confusing this stuff you are trying to shed light you dont have. please how is knowing nephilim or whatever they are add value to your faith and walk with God?

  173. Chris says:

    The Qumran community of Essene/Nazorean certainly did not take Ellen White’s view– after all they had the book of I Enoch and the book of Giants which speaks quite literally of Nephilim (not to mention Giants and Elioud). Furthermore, encoded in the book of Genesis (Beresheeth) and Numbers/Bemidbar 5, there is indication that the first Unnamed woman (Lilith) was the progenitor of the first Nephilim, and also, Ham’s wife in the Hebrew is indicated to have been a latent Nephilim-esque stow away on the ark, which Noah accidenty discovered when he got drunk and had sex with her.

  174. Paul Ballotta says:

    Commentator Daniel (#3) brought up the issue of the huge Egyptian in 1 Chronicles 11:23 who was slain by Benaiah son of Jehoiada and like Goliath he had a spear like a weaver’s beam (1 Samuel 17:7). That’s because this giant Egyptian was the basis for the story of David vs. Goliath, since we know from 2 Samuel 21:19 that it was Elhanan, son of Jair from Bethlehem, who slew Goliath of Gath where these Rephaim were from. I’d like to congradulate Dr. White for opening this can of worms with her interpretation of Rephaim as “dead ones,” for it is from a cemetery at Deir el-Balah, south of Gaza, that an anthromorphic clay coffin was found that had features showing Egyptian influence. Also Dr. White compared the mighty Nephilim of Genesis 6:4 with “the mighty fallen (nephilim) from the uncircumcised” in Ezekiel 32:27, who descended to Sheol in all their weapons. The word for weapons here is “milchamah” and is related to the word for salt (malach), and saltwater, or sea (melach), and seaman or mariner (mallach). It was at Beth Shean, a strategic city along the crossing of the Jordan River, that an anthromorphic clay coffin was found with features that resemble Mycenaean battle gear (helmet), indicative of the presence of Greek mercenaries prior to the Israelite monarchy.
    It was at Beth Shean that the body of King Saul was impaled by the Philistines (1 Samuel 1:10), after losing a prolonged campaign against an alliance of Philistines and Northern Sea Peoples (1 Samuel 29:1):

  175. George says:

    Interesting discussion… Check out Bereshith (Genesis) 3:15. This is a Messianic reference involving the Seed of the woman (Hawah). Also, Mattithyahu (Matthew) 1:20 says Miryam’s unborn Child (Yehoshua) was conceived by the Set-apart Spirit. Shabbat Shalom

  176. curtish12 says:

    Thank you to David (17), Dan (28,48), and Terry (46). Sometimes in our quest for knowledge we forget the basics. First of all angels, whether holy or evil, are spirits. Spirits cannot die and that is why God said the lake of fire will be created for Satan and his angels. Second the seed is passed on through the male so if these angels were having children then the seed should be a spirit and not human and they should still be around today. The whole concept of intermingling between spirits and humans is ridiculous anyways. Every seed after its own kind. Do we remember that in Genesis? Terry (46) also pointed out that spirit beings do not marry and Luke 3:23-38 tells us who the sons of God were that are talked about in Genesis 6:1-4. They were simply those that believed and worshipped the true and living God and called on His name. Romans 8:14 tells us that those that are led by the Spirit (Word) of God are the sons of God. Notice in the genealogy that Cain was not mentioned as a son of Adam (or a son of God). This is because Cain was evil and did not live by the word of God. The daughters of men referred to the daughters of Cain’s line and anyone who did not worship or call on the name of God. This is why in Genesis 6:3 the LORD said His spirit will not always strive with man. This is because they were marrying women who did not know or worship God and God knew they would lead those men away from Him, just as Solomon’s many wives caused him to stray from God.

  177. ralphm17 says:

    I can understand your confusion, and can answer your question.
    As I told Olivia,The word nephilim many refer to the Greek word gigantos, which can mean giants. So they translate it giants.However, the root of the word means “earth born”, or born of this earth. Nephilim has the root ” to fall” and from this many try to stretch it to mean fallen angels. Angels are spirit beings with no physical form, but can take on the appearance of human form with out physical attributes. Nephilim has two definitions, like the word run has 2, one is to run down the street, the other a run in a stocking. The definitions for nephilim are: 1. “to fall upon others in a rapine fashion”; a bully, a tyrant. 2. “apostates fallen from true religion”. As such the verse should be interpreted (translated) as: “There were apostates fallen from true religion, in those days and after those days when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (men of two names; one they got at birth the second from their deeds, ex. John F. Kennedy (birth name) man of the people (name from deeds)), which were of old men of renown.”
    Goliath and the Philistines were idolaters, serving false gods. being in close proximity to the Israelites they had heard of God (if they had not heard of God How could they mock Him), but rejected Him and kept following and serving their false gods; as such apostates. Even if they did not hear of God, since they did not serve God, they were fallen from true religion (serving God) and served false gods.
    Goliath by 5 cubits could have been up to 7 1/2 feet tall, most put him between 6 1/2 to 6 3/4 feet tall. There are some African tribes that have people ranging from 7 feet on up to 7 feet 11 inches. There was some people in South America that got up to 8 feet tall.
    But the word nephilim has nothing to do with height, but their acts.
    There was a great falling away of people of the Earth before the Flood and were very violent.
    This can be seen in the commandment given by God after the Flood, ” if a man sheds a man’s blood by man his blood shall be shed.

  178. ralphm17 says:

    Olivia, be careful books of Enoch, because they are pseudepigrapha books written (Enoch I) 200 – 1 B.C. and (Enoch II) 200 – 100 B.C. These books and many others were rejected by Jewish priests and scholars. In Enoch II, the giants described are 450 feet tall.
    In a exegetical study of the Bible one must use 6 contexts to interpret what is being said. 1. What is the context (theme, thought) of the whole Bible?, 2. What is the context of the book Genesis, Exodus, ect.) you are reading?, 3. What is the context of the chapter you are reading?, 4. What is the context of the verse you are reading? 5. What is the context of the key words?, and 6. What is the historical (how did they think, act, ect back in their time) context?. Two examples of historical context: 1. When God named everything that he created, as well as, Adam in the Garden naming the animals, they were placing their authority on those things. In ancient times, when a king took over a city/kingdom he would rename it. Why? Because he was placing his authority on the city. 2. the genealogy line of Cain why there was no years given was due to the fact that people of that line, even though they knew of God, they did not accept God, and as such had no life; hence no years.
    The word nephilim many refer to the Greek word gigantos, which can mean giants. So they translate it giants.However, the root of the word means “earth born”, or born of this earth. Nephilim has the root ” to fall” and from this many try to stretch it to mean fallen angels. Angels are spirit beings with no physical form, but can take on the appearance of human form with out physical attributes. Nephilim has two definitions, like the word run has 2, one is to run down the street, the other a run in a stocking. The definitions for nephilim are: 1. “to fall upon others in a rapine fashion”; a bully, a tyrant. 2. “apostates fallen from true religion”. As such the verse should be interpreted (translated) as: “There were apostates fallen from true religion, in those days and after those days when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (men of two names; one they got at birth the second from their deeds, ex. John F. Kennedy (birth name) man of the people (name from deeds)), which were of old men of renown.”
    In studying Genesis, one must keep in mind that the person in the 1700’s A. D. that divided the bible into chapters and verses, did not do a good job. The story of the flood, which should be one chapter, should go from Genesis 4:17 – 9:17.
    After the fall, Genesis 3:15, is called Proto Evagenlum, due to it being a prophecy about Christ. But it has a duo stance, it, also, stands for the battle between good and evil. The first example is the story of Cain and Abel, the second is the genealogy lines merging ending in the judgement flood.
    In the bible, followers of God were called children of God and sons of God (here the first letter of the word sons is small, while when speaking of Christ it is capital) in several places.
    Just as Cain knew of God and that which He expected of man, so did his line, or else how could they use Him in a mocking jest. As such they were “apostates fallen from true religion”.
    How could the daughters of men have the babies of the sons of God before they even met? There were nephilim on the Earth already (there were nephilim on the Earth in those days and after those days when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men) when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men. Talk about a miracle birth before a man and a woman even meet they have a baby.
    The two women mentioned in the line of Cain their names meant evil and vanity. Like the white wash sepulchers beautiful outside foul inside. They pursued the Earthly pursuits rather then Godly pursuits.
    At the time of the Flood, using modern population statistical growth formulas, there could have been up to 3 billion people on the Earth, but for sake of argument say a few million, out of this only 8 still served God, and even some of these were on the fence. This was the result of the blending of the line of Cain (God rejecting, Earthly pursuing line) and the line of Enos ( the follwers of God). If God had waited an longer there would have been nothing left to save. God’s patience is long.

  179. Sandy says:

    Oh yes he could be a descendant because the gene could be through the wives of Noah sons also beware they were and still are DEMONS SATANS MINIONS as everyone else seems to thinmk they are E.T. from another planet or Nibiru whatever and people will believe anything BUT THE BIBLE however HISTORIANS Greek, Armenian, Jewish, Assyrian, celtic ETC. all have historical writings of the same period

  180. Daniel says:

    According to Genesis 7:7 Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives were the only survivors of the Flood. So Goliath could not be a descendant of the Nephilim. Goliath was an extraordinarily large and strong human being, a Philistine (descendants of Ham). In 1 Chronicles 11:23 we read of an “Egyptian man, a man of extraordinary size, of five cubits” who was killed. Was he now also a descendant of the Nephilim? There is no evidence at all to support the claims made in this article.

    1. jay says:

      Unless the nephilim genes were part of noah’s lineage; if you read the Hebrew pseudoepigraphical book of Enoch, Jubilees, or Noah, esp Enoch 106, it states Lamech saw his newborn son and believed him to be the son of a Watcher, one of the sons of the gods. Enoch persuades him this is not so, but for a reason; the nephilim bloodlines do survive the flood – hence Goliath, etc – but the degradations the world was sinking to were stopped by the Flood. So humanity regained its path and ascendancy, but the bloodlines did survive. They originated from the Anunnaki of Sumer, then the Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians, as the lineages of ‘the gods’ – hence Nimrod, Noahs gt grandon was a ‘mighty hunter before the Lord’ ie part celestial, but degraded. He was the builder of the Tower of Babylon according to Jewish legends and texts, again as a symbol of ‘human mightiness’ or ‘arrogance’ before God – so it was destroyed, and languages made different also.
      Any of the Hebrew patriarchs who MAY have had some ‘nephilim’ or ‘other celestial’ mixed genes within their lineage were able to rise above their heredity, and problems.
      The closeness of Moses ‘he who was drawn from the water’ ie hybrid to the Pharaoh shows his powerful but possibly compromised nature. This is why it is said t him ‘thou art a bloody man’. Likewise why he is not allowed ito Israel, but viewed it from a pagan hilltop site where Balaam and Balak were (Pisgah), overlooking the vale of Zophim – or the ‘field of the watchers’… Yet he was one of Israel’s patriarchs and prophets, so he was blessed despite his inner nature… so the Bible is alot more complex than people would have you believe. Read it with an open heart, and open mind.

      1. Jay says:

        Ps – if you look at Moses relatives – his cousin Koreh was swallowed alive into the pit of earth. His elder sister Miriam’s name means ‘the bitter waters’ ie ‘dark lineages’. His wife is Zillah – this means ‘bird’ or ‘doom’ – both markers of celestial genetics. Her father was one of the Kenites (who were originally metal-workers’ and thus Cainites, like Tubal-Cain, a leading ‘nephilim’). But Reuel and his family left the Kenites ie reformed morally… Reuel’s son called Hobab, his name means ‘serpent’, again linking to the Sumerian/nephilim lines. This duality goes some way to explaining the large amount of serpent imagery in Moses’ life – especially the Nachash, the brass serpent which healed the injuries of the Israelites bitten by the ‘fiery serpents’ the Seraphim. Yet Isaiah, the major prophet, describes the Seraphim as singing in holy choir to the Lord in heaven; so again there is a duality people overlook.
        Anyway, free-will means ANYONE even today can rise above their inheritance, or their situation. This I believe is why the bloodlines survived the Flood.

  181. MysticMarcel says:

    The article in question and the last 50 comments offer ample evidence why we don’t evolve and will probably die out. The Nephilim have nothing to do with giants or dinosaurs or any flesh and blood creatures other than human beings. If you want to know what the mystic writer meant you must understand why God created in the first place. Hello out there. Yehi Or.

  182. Olivia says:

    Dan, the sons of god are angels, or fallen angels. You should read the book of Enoch. He says how the angel made a treaty to do what they did, going down to the woman on earth. That they took which ever women that they wanted( that ones in Genesis). That they liked there long hair which is why they went to them. It was angels leaving heaven. The book of Enoch even says their habitation( meaning their heavenly bodies for a lesser one, flesh). The book of Enoch even mentions how they some how made a spirit of their own, so when the Nephilim died they turned into what the Bible terms as the,”foul spirits of the earth.”
    And the Jews weren’t making up fables in the Bible. They are telling us what they saw. What happened. What was right in front of them. I mean God says he is truth that his word will never fail, that he is the same yesterday today and forever, that he is not like man that he should lie. The Bible is God’s word not a bunch of Jewish fables. He is telling you the truth from beginning to end. God’s word is not to be interpreted, but read and listen too.

  183. Olivia says:

    Doesn’t it say that the Nephilim eventually turned on humans, and began to eat them(us). The Bible may have referred to the Nephilim as men of renowned, but I don’t really think it was complimenting them. The Bible is tell us how they would be seen. The Nephilim were worshipped. You can see drawing of them in the hieroglyphics in Egypt, and even in the South American. There is also Hercules, Zeus, and the greek gods. They were seen as important, as gods.
    Also the Rock giants in that new movie, Noah. All that stuff is in the book of Enoch not in Genesis. I also don’t think you should use that movie to describe the Nephilim. It is a movie meant for entertainment not facts. They didn’t really follow the story that much; for example all Noah’s son were born at the same time when he was 500 years old, and his son were 100 years old when they went on the ark. Noah also would not have taken help from Nephilim; because they book of Enoch tells you how they came down, and started to teach men all sort of evil stuff( like abortion, witchcraft, the art of seduction to women, and the art of war). The Nephilim were called the fallen ones for a reason.
    You need to research more. Your schools have left out a lot of information, and the turned the Nephilim into good fallen angels. When they are demons.

  184. Dan Baxley says:

    Terry, you are spot on, and proving there are still some clear thinking believers out there. Ellen White, is that what you actually learned in school?

  185. Dan Baxley says:

    Is anyone interested in reading exactly what Genesis 6:4 says? Read it and you will get straight.

    (Gen 6:4) There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. KJV
    (Gen 6:4) The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. NIV

    No where does it say the Giants, or Nephilim were the product of angels and humans — read it, it says that “in those days” there were giants, maybe dinosaurs, and when? “…also after that…” It never says these giants, which is what nephilim means in Hebrew — but forget all of that and make up your own fables, just as the source for this thinking has done — Jewish fables and myths — Titus 1:14 — just because those in BC engaged in fiction writing does not make it true. Another thing, about the Sons of God in Gen 6:2 — Everyone does realize our Creator said He made all mankind of ONE BLOOD, right? No intermixing with spirit beings. Why would powerful angles lower themselves to have sex with dirt clods — oh, because they saw they were beautiful, that must be it. Ridiculous, angels that have been exposed to the beauties of the whole universe and they cannot restrain themselves because of the beautiful daughter of men, really? Please, let’s get real — angel, human woman — this is laughable. And why would these angels bother with marriage? Non of it makes sense. These were human Kings that saw themselves as ‘sons of the gods’ — remember, “gods” in this verse is in the plural, meaning more than one — Sons of the gods — sounds a lot like the Greek soap opera of the gods.
    — Read these verse in various translations and see how you have to twist the verse and verses to make it say what these careless teachers say. Another scholar bites the dust

  186. Alan says:

    Jud 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
    Jud 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
    Jud 1:8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

    I’m not saying we have to take these things too literally, but the NT definitely buys into these ideas.
    Luke 17:26-30, Mat 24:37-39, Jud 6-7, 2 Pe 2:5-6, 1 Pe 3:19-20, Mat 25:41

  187. Terry Moore says:

    The “giants in the earth” spoken of in Genesis 6:2 does not mean literal oversized men and women. It also does not mean a breed of half human half angels. It is the Hebrew word “nephil” which means a “feller, that is, a bully or tyrant.” Thus we see that there were tyrants that bullied people at that time. This is the same word used in Numbers 13:33 when speaking of the sons of Anak. Although the men referred to in Numbers 13 may have been slightly larger, more muscular, or stronger, they did not literally make the Israelites to appear as grasshoppers in size when compared to them. If we say a muscle builder is “giant” do we mean he is literally 20 ft tall? No, we mean he they are considerably bigger and stronger than ourselves.

    In addition, there is nothing in the Bible that supports the theory that angels bred with human women. Genesis 6:2 is not talking about spirit beings at all. Compare with the previous chapter 4:26. This shows us that there were people who began to call themselves the sons of God meaning they were a people who knew and worshipped God. It was these men who called themselves the sons of God that took to themselves many wives of which they chose. This expression means that they began to take wives from those who did not worship God.

    Consider also that spirit beings do not marry (Luke 20:45). Giants is a term that means tyrants, or bullies. Some have tried to use a supposed book of Enoch to justify this theory. But we must consider that the book of Enoch is a spurious writing that cannot be trusted. That book tells a fairy tale story of Enoch who supposedly went to heaven and God used Enoch to correct the angels. It contains many heretical theories and statements.

  188. Alan says:

    Also Deu 9:2. Deu_1:28, Deu_2:10, Deu_3:11, Deu_9:2;

    Deu 9:2 A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of Anak!

    That didn’t come from Greece.

  189. Alan says:


    Genesis wasn’t written under Greek influence. Greece only borrowed from earlier Sumerian and Egyptian sources. Nimrod, a man of renown, wasn’t a Greek character. These things can be found in the original Hebrew and find their basis in natural theology.

    The Anakim were descendants from the Nephilim. Compare to Num 13:22-33, Josh 15:13-14. Read Dr. Michael Heiser.

  190. Kurt says:

    In considering the Greek myths, it is of interest to see how the Bible sheds light on their possible or even probable origin. As Genesis 6:1-13 shows, prior to the Flood, angelic sons of God came to earth, evidently materializing in human form, and cohabited with attractive women. They produced offspring who were called Nephilim, or Fellers, that is, “those who cause others to fall down.” The result of this unnatural union of spirit creatures with humans, and the hybrid race it produced, was an earth filled with immorality and violence. (Compare Jude 6; 1Pe 3:19, 20; 2Pe 2:4, 5; see NEPHILIM.) Like others of the post-Flood times, Javan, the progenitor of the Greek people, undoubtedly heard the account of pre-Flood times and circumstances, likely from his father Japheth, a survivor of the Flood. Note, now, what the writings attributed to Homer and Hesiod reveal.
    The numerous gods and goddesses they described had human form and great beauty, though often being gigantic and superhuman. They ate, drank, slept, had sexual intercourse among themselves or even with humans, lived as families, quarreled and fought, seduced and raped. Though supposedly holy and immortal, they were capable of any type of deceit and crime. They could move among mankind either visibly or invisibly. Later Greek writers and philosophers sought to purge the accounts of Homer and Hesiod of some of the more vile acts attributed to the gods.
    These accounts may reflect, although in greatly expanded, embellished, and distorted form, the authentic account of pre-Flood conditions found in Genesis. A further remarkable correspondency is that, in addition to the principal gods, the Greek legends describe demigods or heroes who were of both divine and human descent. These demigods were of superhuman strength but were mortal (Hercules being the only one of them granted the privilege of attaining immortality). The demigods thus bear a marked similarity to the Nephilim in the Genesis account.
    Noting this basic correspondency, Orientalist E. A. Speiser would trace the theme of the Greek myths back to Mesopotamia. (The World History of the Jewish People, 1964, Vol. 1, p. 260) Mesopotamia was the location of Babylon and also the focus from which mankind spread after the confusion of man’s language.—Ge 11:1-9.

  191. Dennis Studd says:

    Isn’t it strange how many comments this subject has produced? So many people who know what they are talking about yet all saying something different?
    Most, if not all of these comments are subjective; they are human interpretation. The Bible actually contains very little myth; the histories are historiography – just one person’s view of the situation, often written centuries later, just like people now write about the Great War, but were not alive when it happened.

  192. Giacomo says:

    Here some food for thought!

    (JPS1917 OT) Job 38:1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said: 2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? 3 Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto Me. 4 WHERE WAST THOU WHEN I LAID THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH? Declare, if thou hast the understanding. 5 Who determined the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who stretched the line upon it? 6 Whereupon were the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner-stone thereof, 7 WHEN THE MORNING STARS SANG TOGETHER, AND ALL THE SONS OF GOD SHOUTED FOR JOY?

    Whom were the “MORNING STARS”? And whom the “THE SONS OF GOD”?


    Are we in phase “B” of our existence?

  193. Jeff says:

    Thank you to Ben for your comments #22, 37 & 38. These were much more informative than the BAR article. I agree with your statement that Christians and secularist need to turn to the rabbinic writings. Much fruitless fantasizing could be thereby avoided. Learning to read Biblical Hebrew would be in order as well, especially for Christians. Doing so would reveal how far off mark translations are.

  194. AltRockAddict says:

    About time someone brought this into the light of modern conciseness

  195. bent14 says:

    The Book of Enoch is one of those first century BCE texts I referred to as “sectarian marginal” in my previous comment, so those that cite that work as evidence for the over-a-thousand-years-earlier Torah text’s meaning are really doubly off-base, both in terms of time-line and in terms of marginality and irrelevance to mainstream Judaism. Paul ‘s comments apply.

    As for the “giants,” there are several passages in the Scriptures that describe various different groups as “giants.” It may refer to their physical size (e.g., as in the case of Goliath, the hero of the Philistines), or it may refer to their overwhelming military power. In either case, it is nothing to get excited about as a descriptor.

  196. bent14 says:

    I apologize to Dr. White for using the title “Ms.,” which I simply repeated from a previous poster’s comment without examining further. However, that is the only point of validity in “MysticMarcel”‘s comment. The traditional Jewish exegesis cannot be so easily ignored as either he, Dr. White, or the other posters here suppose. It is in fact the case that elohim is used in several indisputable instances in the Torah for mighty or powerful human beings and groups like nobles, judges, or other potentates. There is no need to talk about “fallen angels.” As I mentioned, that idea emerged very late, actually in the century before the rise of Christianity itself, and only took hold in sectarian marginal groups that soon vanished from Judaism. The supposition also runs counter to monotheism. So, by the way, does the idea of a “Satan” independent of G-d’s will. The only appearance of “haSatan,” meaning “The Adversary Angel,” in the Jewish Scriptures is in the Book of Job, where he is described as dwelling in heaven and being merely the advocate against human beings and tester of their piety and righteousness, which is permitted by G-d. That is why there is next to nothing about a realm ruled by Satan in mainstream Judaism. Even though medieval Jews generally did believe there was Beelzebub, a lord of the demons, the chief characteristic of these demons is that their element was chaos, not a distinct and separate kingdom of evil, and they did not even work together effectively: the only power they had was what human beings accorded them through their own evil impulse. Therefore, human beings still exercised freedom of will and were responsible for their own deeds before G-d.

  197. dave says:

    Wow! Even still, let us sweep the giants under the rug! Tell me, are you getting grants and funding from the Smithsonian? Hmmmm?

  198. Paul Ballotta says:

    Alan, those sources you cited, aside from ANE writings, were written after the effects of Greek culture and mythology threatened to inundate Jewish tradition. So the word “gigantes” replaced “nephilim” in Genesis 6:4 in the Septuagint translation (this I learned from a commentator on another BAS article), since even the common people could identify the giants with the Titans. When the Genesis narrative we are discussing was composed, it was during the early monarchic period and so the reference to the Nephilim then occurred when average folk likely would know about “heroes of old, men of renown” such as Gilgamesh. This was, I believe, a rejection of old forms of oppression, and in speaking of the Giants, the book of Baruch (3:27-28) states: “God’s choice did not fall on these, he did not reveal the way to knowledge to them; they perished for lack of wisdom, perished in their own folly.”
    Before the influence of Hellenization, we have an admonition from the Koheleth (Ecclesiastes 10:20):
    “Do not curse the king, even in thought. Do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom, for a bird of the air will carry the news; indiscretion sprouts wings.”
    After the influence of Hellenization, the writings of this period don’t hesitate to address the imbalance of wealth distribution under control of the landed aristocracy:
    “The rich man speaks and everyone stops talking, and then they praise his discourse to the skies. The poor man speaks and people say, ‘Who is this?’ and if he staggers they push him down” (Wisdom of Ben Sirach 13:23).

  199. MysticMarcel says:

    Take a look at a Christian lay scholar’s unique take on this: “Once God Had A Voice” at

  200. Robert C. says:

    How anyone could take the obviously mythical human derived tales of the Bible seriously is beyond belief. Humans created myth stories to explain a world they didn’t understand or comprehend. Serious scholars of the Bible know that “Moses” did not write the Pentateuch. I find it’s the conservative Christian Apologists who stand alone proclaiming that their version of the Bible is historically accurate and to be taken literally. The many myth stories found in the Bible should be viewed as epic storytelling, like we do with Shakespeare, while realizing it has absolutely nothing to do with alleged supernatural events claimed by the many pseudonymous authors.

  201. Linda cull says:

    Get the book ‘on the trail of the Nephilim, giant skeletons and ancient megalithic structures’ by: L.A. Marzulli. It has 130 color photos.

  202. Alan says:

    Why does the author ignore the information from I Enoch, Jubilees, Josephus, Philo or ANE writings, as some have pointed out? Are modern scholars the only ones with opinions that count? As far as the flood, Nimrod became a giant (LXX) and a mighty hunter of renown.

  203. Michael says:

    Hold on everyone. Take a time out and read 1 Enoch.

  204. MysticMarcel says:

    It’s hopeless. No wonder hundreds of millions of people now refuse to read the Bible. Think, people, think.

  205. Dan says:

    There is nothing that says the Nephilim were the product of the sons of God/daughters of men. It says they were on the earth at the time the sons of God had children with the daughters of men (an event that also presents with too little information to be dogmatic about any interpretation). Also since they appear in Numbers (after the flood) it is likely a title or adjective used to describe large people. They certainly couldn’t exist both before and after the flood if they were a race of people outside of Noahs family.

  206. MysticMarcel says:

    You narrow-minded literalists–Ellen, Elaine, David, et all–keep humanity imprisoned in darkness. Yehi Or.

  207. Sara says:

    to the author: Your description and narrative of the giants is misleading and wrong. I am disappointed by your lack of knowledge on this subject. The second comment above, David’s is correct.

    1. Pastor Sathiyamoorthy says:

      I am going through your Articles,with studious mind

  208. MysticMarcel says:

    Ellen White, Ph.D. (Hebrew Bible, University of St. Michael’s College), is the senior editor at the Biblical Archaeology Society. Forget what you have learned so you can see, and learn, and teach truth not lies.

  209. MysticMarcel says:

    Quite unbelievable how the scholars are so indoctrinated and intoxicated by their limited traditional education that they just don’t get it. And ignorance is perpetuated. The Nephilim have nothing what so ever to do with a literal race of human beings. Think, for God’s sake (literally speaking). Think.

  210. Michael Ledo says:

    This isn’t rocket science. The Nephilim are the same as the Greek Titans. They are represented by the constellation Orion.

    “Shemhazai repented and set himself in the southern sky…head down, feet up…the constellation named Orion by the Greeks.” Graves/Patai “Hebrew Myths”

    The story of Noah is a cosmic myth as are most OT stories. “On Earth as it is in Heaven, The Cosmic Roots of the Bible”

  211. bent14 says:

    The standard Jewish interpretation of the use of the term “elohim” is that it refers to those raised over others, i.e., like rulers, aristocrats, powerful people, the pagan view of gods, etc. However, all of those powers admired and even worshipped as divine by pagans (including divinized humans such as their own very human kings and pharaohs) have no real power or divinity, only G-d does. This is what monotheism implies, and the Torah makes explicit.

    The term elohim in itself is used at times in the Torah for clearly human beings, in the sense given above. Ms. White as a scholar of the Hebrew Bible ought to know that, but apparently does not. She should consult more respectfully the ages-old Jewish exegetical tradition, but it is usual amongst Christian and modern secular scholars that they think that they can entirely ignore the ancient and still modern Jewish scholarship. Thus they end up imposing their own Christian or secular agendas on the text. Even so, just checking her Bible Concordance will show her that elohim is a term often used for powerful human beings too. The ancient Jewish tradition knew this very well.

    E.g., the great Jewish exegete, Rashi (i.e., Rabbi Shlomo ben Yitzhak, 11th century), comments on the Gen. 6:2 reference to the bnei elohim (sons of elohim) who “saw that the daughters of men were good and they took for themselves wives …” that the terms bnei elohim should be translated “sons of princes and rulers.” He grants that another explanation is that the terms apply to angels who mingled with humanity — but even he makes no reference to “fallen angels” since this would of course contradict the teaching that is standard Biblical Judaism that the angels have no separate will from G-d’s. However, Rashi does not agree that angels are being referred to. He says: “Whenever the word elohim occurs in the Scriptures it signifies authority, and the following passages prove this: (Ex. 4:16) ‘and thou shalt be his (elohim) master,’ and Ex. 7:1 [in which G-d [Tetragrammaton] says to Moses:] ‘See, I have made thee [like a] (elohim) a master’.” (I put my own comments in brackets.) The ArtScroll Series of translations and commentaries on Scripture, has in its vol. 1(a) on Bereishis: Genesis / A New Translation with a Commentary Anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic Sources, by Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Second Edition(1986), the following discussion of Gen. 6:2 (on its p. 180; I again interpolate my clarificatory comments in brackets): “There are several interpretations of the expression Bnei elohim. Our translation [‘Sons of the rulers’], as usual, adheres to Rashi and the majority of commentators who follow Targum [the 2nd century Aramaic translation], which reads ‘a master’) and understand it as referring to the judges, potentates, and the sons of nobility, basing themselves on the interpretation of elohim in Exodus 22:7 ‘and the owner of the house shall come near to elohim, the judges’, while ‘daughter of man’ is interpreted as maidens of lower rank. Ramban [Rabbi Moses ben Nachman, 13th century] cites this interpretation and comments that ‘if so, the Torah relates that the very judges who should have administered justice committed open violence while no one interfered.’ This follows, also, the view cited in the Midrash: ‘The verse indicates that aristocratic youths took as wives the daughters of people who were powerless to resist. These marriages were the outgrowth of unrestrained passion and demonstrate man’s moral descent to oppression and license, as Rav Shimon bar Yochai: ‘the sons of the nobles’.” This clarifies why this account of the brutal seizures of women by the ruling classes comes just before the account of the sins of the generation of the Flood, characterized in those sentences as typified above by hamas, violent robbery even including murder.

    The discussion of bnei elohim’s meaning continues on in R. Zlotowitz’s commentary, but this is sufficient to indicate that the usage elohim does not necessarily refer to G-d or even gods, but above all means higher powers mastering others, including social powers and natural powers attributed to gods or angels. The Torah itself affirms explicitly by terming G-d Elokim, however, that all these powers are subsumed within G-d, the One G-d, Creator of heaven and earth, which is why the term when applied to G-d takes only a singular verb: only G-d, the sum of and transcending all powers, rules supreme. There are no “fallen angels” that can escape G-d’s sovereignty. The “fallen angels” thesis only emerged in the first century BCE amongst sectarians, to explain the evil of humanity in quasi-polytheistic ways. It never occurred to earlier generations and was not taken up by mainstream Judaism and Rabbinic commentators.

  212. William says:

    To shed light on some questions: Nephilim are mentioned as those who nearly achieved divine status, but fell from grace; as the serpent was made in the full pattern of wisdom and beauty, but also fell from grace. Also, the scriptures mention eight Adamic souls who were saved from the flood thus preserving the bloodline necessary to accomplish prophesy, but the command was given to bring two of every flesh.

  213. philip heaton says:

    I found the Epic of Gilgamesh to be of the order of other mythical accounts such as the Titans bound within a mountain; that is to be based on a truth but embellished into folklore and thus hidden from the truth to many an unsuspecting and superficial enquiry.
    Nephilim are the hybrid offspring of a corrupted union of angels with humans. The 200 Watchers as described in the Book of Enoch fell from their first estate and sought to create a testimony for themselves. The Flood was to rid the world of this corruption which had extended to “all flesh”.
    In effect, the fallen angels had “created” a hybrid that was not created by God and hence the corruption of all things began.
    This corruption was not limited to angel/human hybrids but to all flesh. Now we have stem cell research creating chimeras adding a third strand of DNA to human DNA creating a “new species”. This has advanced significantly in the Universities of Newcastle and Warwick in the UK where we hold the dubious honour of being the world’s pioneers in this work.
    Do not imagine that Satan does not already possess the key to these gates and this is why we must ensure we have salvation through the Christ in order that we are protected in the coming years when the devil mounts his final assault on God’s Creation.

  214. Jane Pilson says:

    Could the Nephilim be Neanderthals? We know they mated with humans.

  215. Israel says:

    If we look at it from Evolutionary perspective the mythological Adam and Eve represent Homo Sapience and the Nephilim represent Homo Neanderthals. The verse tells us that both species mated. New genetics research shows that we have a certain percentage of Neanderthal genes in our genetic build up.

  216. John Brenz says:

    Isn’t it possible that the term “sons of God” means believers (i.e., those who believed in God’s promise to send the woman’s Seed to crush the serpent’s head) and that the term “daughters of men” refers to unbelievers? It seems to me that this was the very problem: intermarriage between believers and unbelievers resulted in a great apostasy from true faith in the God who had created all things and all people, from the God who had promised to send a human Savior from sin.

    1. I agree John. The meaning should come from the written context, not drawn from outside the Pentateuch. Context is king in Biblical hermeneutics. In order to understand what words like “sons of god” meant to the Israelites, we should look at how Moses used them elsewhere in the Pentateuch. Moses describes the Israelites as “sons (or children) of the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 14:1 & 32:3-6). I am not aware of any passage where Moses calls angels “sons of God”.

  217. Glen says:

    I am still of the view that Nephilim are historical memory of a time when humans and Neanderthals shared the Levant.

  218. mojobisquick says:

    Aliens… read it for what is is; symbolic allegory to explain what one could not explain.. aliens came down and corrupted the Homo Sapien Sapien bloodline… its always been Aliens 😉

  219. pugilist66 says:

    I would suggest that Ms White (despite her impressive–to some–credentials) reread Genesis, I Enoch, Jasher and, perhaps, Jubilees, before declaring her view as more enlightened and Biblical than what’s actually written in those texts. You seem to be just as guilty as Matthew in inventing (or, at least, espousing) an interpretation that fits your particular view of the Bible. Actually, the more that I’ve read “Bible History Daily”, the more I become convinced that its sole purpose is to refute God’s word. If you don’t believe what’s written in the Bible or if you’re somehow just too intelligent to believe in the supernatural aspect of our Creator and our past, why not become a Muslim or a Hindu or maybe just become an atheist? That would be preferable to changing God’s Word in order to fit into today’s world. As a matter of fact, what’s happening in the world today, as well as your participation in it, is specifically addressed and warned against in the Bible, as written and understood for thousands of years–even without the benefit of your “great” learning and interpretation.

  220. Paul Ballotta says:

    Correction; Genesis 6:4 for the term Nephilim which is mentioned twice, those before the,flood and those after, like Gilgamesh.

  221. Paul Ballotta says:

    The reference to Ezekiel 32:27 seems to sum up the meaning of the term “Nephilim” in Genesis 6:5 that was later confused with giants. Their legacy has “fallen” into the underworld though they are still remembered as “mighty ones who existed from of old; the men of renown.” The Epic of Gilgamesh is probably what the Jehovist author of Genesis had in mind, since the final revision was composed by the Babylonian priest Sin-leqe-unninni probably around the 13th-12th century B.C.E.: This version was given the title taken from the first line, “He who saw the deep,” which was based on an Old Babylonian version entitled, “Surpassing all other kings.”
    Interestingly, in Genesis 4:4-5 it states that “Yahweh looked to Abel and his offering. And He did not look to Cain and his offering. And Cain glowed greatly with anger and his face fell (nephil).” The philosopher Philo of Alexandria places Cain in the category of those who make only an outward show of piety and writes:
    “Accordingly, most excellently (scripture) says not that God saw the offerings but that He first saw those who were offering gifts before the gifts themselves, for men look at the quantity of gifts and approve them; but God looks at the truth of the soul, turning aside from arrogance and flattery” (Philo; Questions and Answers on Genesis, Book 1, #61).
    In the Gigamesh saga it is the death of Enkidu that causes Gilgamesh to become aware of his own mortality and to wander like Cain (after the death of Abel) who is banished from the Lord’s presence and dwelt in the land of Nod (wandering), east of Eden (Genesis 4:16). It is from the annals of Ashurbanipal II in the early 9th century B.C.E. that we have the first known reference to the city-state of Beth Eden (Amos 1:5) and its territory extended eastward and ended where the Euphrates River is linked with the Habor River. Like Gilgamesh who eventually ends up in the mythical pure land of Dilmun which is the source for the Edenic story, Cain returns to the origins of civilization, the city-state of Eridu (Irad, Genesis 4:18). The fact that Cain is mentioned as naming a city after his son Enoch (teacher) probably refers to the mythical human-fish hybrids known as “apkallu” (wise men, sages) who first brought the arts of civilization and were mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh as the seven sages who founded the city of Uruk (Erech, Genesis 10:10). Eridu is mentioned as a pre-flood city in the Babylonian King List, as is Shuruppak where Utnapistim was from:
    “Artfully woven into Gilgamesh’s own story are the traditional tale of the Deluge, the great flood by which early in human history the gods sought to destroy mankind, and a long description of the gloomy realm of the dead. From all this Gilgamesh emerges as a kind of cultural hero. The wisdom he received at the ends of the earth from the survivor of the Deluge, Uta-napishti, enabled him to restore the temples of the land and their rituals to their ideal state of antediluvian perfection” (“The Epic of Gilgamesh” by Andrew George, Penguin Classics, p. xiv).

  222. Anthony says:

    Matthew I think you should understand that Moses was the author of the first five books of the bible. During Moses time he probably would have never heard of Greece. The Hellenization of palestine brought by Alexander the Great happened many centuries later. You may be thinking well would if someone just added the stuff about the Nephilim to the text later. The thing you have to understand is that Jewish scribes who would copy God’s word did it with painstakingly scrupulous accuracy. They had to copy the text word for word jot for jot and tittle for tittle. If they messed up once they had to throw out the scroll and start over. In order to add something later they would have to gather the thousands of already copied scrolls throughout Israel and somehow edit them. Because a copy that differed in content would have been recognized and thrown out. Also, adding to God’s word is probably the most dangerous thing anyone could because of their reverence for God. They have found scrolls of the Bible that were about 1000 years earlier than more recent scrolls. They examined the content and saw that they were copied word for word. The only changes were names of cities because the old name for that city wasn’t in use anymore. Kind of like how New York was previously called new hampster or something like that. Other than that none of it has been changed. Most people would assume a slight altering or at least one added story but that isn’t the case.

  223. Anthony says:

    The Nephilim were destroyed with everyone else during the flood but since there were people from the line of the Nephilim (Goliath, there were also some in Canaan when the 12 spies went to spy out the land for Moses) there must have been more demon and human cohabitation. The flood was a result of the continual human depravity not from a direct result of the Nephilim. In Jude it talks about demons being kept in a special place locked up by chains in darkness. Since the context of that passage makes references to Genesis it is safe to say those were probably the demons that went beyond their bounds and did something so atrocious that they were locked up early (before the final judgment)

  224. Mfundo Mtshali says:

    I believe these were fallen angels, demons, which had acquired human bodies. They were destroyed by the flood yes.

  225. Matthew Nelson says:

    The Nephilim are nothing more than the biblical writers incorporation and explanation of the half human/half Greek gods they were exposed to at the time these parts of the Bible were written. Like most other stories in the OT, this one is simply retelling a tale from a different culture, annexing it as Jewish. Plain and simple.

  226. Jason says:

    These were the angels who are now imprissoned. They were impisoned for having sex with human women. The children were the giants. This was an attempt–by Satan–to taint the bloodline and prevent the Messiah being born as true humanity. His orevious attempt (Cain and Abel) had failed. The bloodline had been preserved with Seth. Noah enagelized (grace) before they were wiped out–completely. The angels–who were involved in the lot–were imprissoned.

  227. elihu robert torres says:

    Nephilim is anti-natural mixture! They were anti-diluvian giants people anti-god, and were everything buy divine! Abusive and cruel anti-diluvian ones!

  228. Robert says:

    I am unable to understand what you said. How is it possible to achieve almost divine status while being an enemy of Israel?
    “The first thing to recognize is that these are not two separate titles”
    If they are not two separate titles. used to describe two separate groups of people, then they describe the same people, enemies of Israel who achieved almost divine status.
    Cannot make sense of it.

  229. Daniel S says:

    Teófilo, You might want to look more closely at the article before insinuating that the author is a bozo. The term “sons of god” may not refer to the offspring of El Elyon “God most high.” In fact, you might agree with the author that these beings should not be taken as such. In the last paragraph, when ‘god’ indicates the God of the Bible, it is capitalized. So, your frustration and insult seem to be misplaced.

  230. Mr. Veli Voipio says:

    I think that Nephilim is just another tribe near the tribe of Adam, and sons-of-god is a third tribe

  231. David Gilliam says:

    The Nephilum were destroyed during the flood, Their spirit was taken to Sheol to wait for the Resurection . Read carefully the text of the passage Only 8 people survived the flood no one else. the devil had other angels that became the evil spirits

  232. Paulo says:

    Could be the IGIGI mentioned in the sumerian and babilonian tablets?
    Congratulations for your work.

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320 Responses

  1. William says:

    I failed to post WHY the Nephilim mated with the daughters of Adam, specifically. It was Satan’s attempt to corrupt the seedline of the coming Christ. This was his second attempt. His first attempt was in the Garden. The Serpent/tree of knowledge of good and evil were/are Satan. The sin in the Garden was NOT for eating a piece of fruit picked from a fruit tree. Adam and Eve covered/hid the part of their bodies that they sinned with. Cain was NOT Adam’s son.

    1. Rick says:

      Please elaborate on why Cain is not Adams son conclusion/ info. Thanks

  2. William says:

    The Nephilim were/are the Son’s of God that mated with the daughters of Adam, specifically the daughters of the man Adam. The mating produced the Gibbor/Giants. Noah’s flood for the purpose of wiping the Gibbor/Giants off the earth. Noah’s flood was regional, not worldwide.

    There was a second smaller outbreak of the Gibborim. God used Israel and other Armies to wipe them out. Goliath was one of them. They are mentioned in several books of scripture after Noah’s flood. Anak is just one of the tribes.

    The Nephilim will be back when the antichrist appears. The antichrist appears BEFORE Christ returns. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.

    1. Carolyn Ellertson says:

      Well, I live in Oregon, and there are fossil beds a couple hours away that have sea shells many feet deep. In addition, there have been found in that locality, a rhinocerous skull dug from the area as well as fossilized palm leaves.. Wow.. they’re a long way from home in the holy land if the flood was as regional as you say. ..

    2. Jojokatz says:

      Gen 7:22 , 23 everything(on earth ) that breathed that wasn’t on the ark died. The Nephillim died in the flood along with every other living soul. The Fallen Angels ( the Nephillim’s angelic fathers)left their human bodies and became demons. As for the Antichrists they are defined as any opposing Christ. 1John 2:18 speaks of many antichrists. Satan tries to mislead so people will be caught unaware. Those looking for a central character to appear are being mislead. Some confuse the lawless one referred to in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-12 as the Antichrist , but if you read the entirety of chapter it clearly means a group of people that Satan uses to mislead. Just as Jesus condemned the Pharisees he will condemn the false religious leaders. These are the lawless as they and those that were/are their followers had no love of the truth.

      1. Andy Dufresne says:

        That all changes when you realize the flood account isn’t about “the earth” as in the entire planet, but “the earth” as in a particular region of land. (Probably the Tarim Basin) We refer to soil and land as earth all the time. A misunderstanding caused by inadequate translation.

        The scriptures make it clear that there were still Nephilim in the earth AFTER the flood, including within the text of Genesis 6:4 itself:

        “There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days; AND ALSO AFTER THAT…”

        “But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.

        And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature.

        And there we saw the giants (Nephilim), the sons of Anak, which come of the giants (Nephilim): and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. ” Num 33:31-33

        Impossible with a world wide flood, especially considering flood waters rising several cubits above the tallest mountain peak in a world wide flood would require almost 6 miles of water above sea level to surpass Everest and K2. Which would have killed every tree, plant, moss, and seed by its weight alone. Nevermind the lack of sunlight and oxygen for a year, or the incalculable destruction that would be caused by such amounts of water rushing to and fro, both while rising, and receding. (A tsunami only several meters high destroys everything in its path. Multiply that by a factor of thousands)

        Demons aren’t fallen angels, they’re the spirits created by the mingling of angels with Adamic women, hybrid spirits that weren’t created by God, and therefore have nowhere to return when they die. The angels that transgressed were punished by being chained up within the earth.

        The Antichrists mentioned by John aren’t just anyone, they’re a specific people, who, as John explains, went out from them because they were not of them. Meaning they weren’t Israelites. Simple research into the matter reveals that the nation of Edom was brought en mass into Judaea in 125 BC after being conquered by Hyrcanus and the Israelite remnant, and that the children of Edom can be traced back to Cain and the serpent in the garden.

        There is no individual “Antichrist”, but those who are damned have no love of the truth because they’re children of the wicked. God already redeemed Adam and all of his descendants from death, the punishment for Adam transgressing the one command he was given – a state that naturally passed to all of his descendants who were “within his loins” when he transgressed. The only exception was the children of Israel who were given the law, and therefore needed to be redeemed from the penalty for violating the law. Also accomplished already through God’s death on the cross, nullifying the legal force of his commandments which were violated.

  3. Nanette Crist says:

    You need to read The book of Enoch which clearly describes that the sons of God who made it with the daughters of men and produced the race of giants AKA nephilim… Were rapacious, cannibalistic, violent, and committed every kind of atrocity. The same stories about their behavior are in many ancient histories and mythologies. Even the native Americans. That is why God had to cleanse the world with the universal deluge because they had turned it into a hell on Earth. They were even eating their own parents and children.

  4. Chaplain B.J. says:

    While I won’t go into the history of the “giants” or comment on the theories of their origin, I would like to point out one thing. NOTICE; nowhere in the Bible do You ever see the giants being on the side of GOD’s people. Thye always opposed and fought against them. That should reveal something of their origin.

    1. J. P. Antonii says:

      It tells us nothing of their origin except that they fought against God’s people. Even the being we call Lucifer was created by God. I will quickly explain what I think is the origin of the Anakim for example, they were sons and descendants of King Anak and were described as tall and powerful enemies of the Israelites. The Anakim are also described as wearing long jewelry around their necks. King Anak is the son of Arba King of Kiryat-arba (Hebron). King Arba is the son of Japhia King of Lachish and Gezer. Japhia was also known as Horam. The word Horam is connected to “Height” or maybe a word for a person of “high” rank or status or placed at a “high” or powerful level or held in “high” regard. The Anakim were also believed to be the direct descendants of the Nephilim who are very mysterious beings or people who are described as being very large and strong and they lived both before and after the Flood. King Arba is mentioned in the Book of Joshua. Joshua 14:15, Arba is called the “greatest man among the Anakites.” In Joshua 15:13 it says that Arba was the father of Anak. The Anakites which in Hebrew is “Anakim” are described in the Hebrew Bible as giants. The Rephaim we’re going to assume is referring to a strong, tall race of people who lived in the land of Canaan. The Emim were a tall race, known to the Israelites as the Rephaim who once lived in Southern Palestine and also on the East side of the Jordan River. The Emim and Rephaim were one and the same people with different names. They were also called “Rephaites” or “Repha’im”. Ogias “Og” Amorite King of Bashan and his brother Sihon Amorite King in Heshbon and their father is called Aḥiyah “Ahia or “Ḥiya” were all described as the last of the Rephaim. Goliath and his brothers Madon, Lahmi, Saph or “Sippai” and Ishbi-Benob were also called the last of the Rephaim. Goliath’s father is a Rephaite of tall stature as were many descendants of the Rephaim and the mother is Orpah also called Princess Harafu sister of Ruth and daughter of Eglon King of the Moabites who were a tribe directly descended from Moab, son of Lot. Eglon is the son of the Moabite King Balak and Balak is the son of Zippor King of the Moabites. As you can tell Og and his brother Sihon are called Amorites so they must directly descend from Emer later known as “Amor” the son of Canaan and Canaan is the son of Ham and Ham is the son of Noah. Even Gilgamesh who is Sumerian and Hammurabi who is Babylonian are called Amorites and are direct descendants of Noah through his grandson Emer. Even the city of Jerusalem, which was once called Salem, Ur-Salem or Urushalim said to be founded by Shalem, the Phoenician God of Dusk. Orpah’s direct descendants are known to have battled with King Davids men and the tall statured humans that battled David and his soldiers were Goliath and his siblings. Chilion’s mother Naomi later called “Mara” was obviously angry at Orpah for having a relationship with another man while being married to her son. That is why Goliath, and his siblings are called bastards or born out of wedlock. Zuzim or Zuzites were a tribe who lived in the land of Ham, which was located east of the Jordan River between Bashan and Moab. The Zuzim probably a shortened name of the Zamzummim. The Ammonites who are direct descendants of Lot and nephew of Abraham called them Zamzummim but the Hebrews said they were the Rephaites. Heth ancestor of the Hittites was the brother of Emer ancestor of the Amorites. If you remember that Esau married Judith daughter of Beeri the Hittite and Basemath daughter of Elon the Hittite. This means that Elon and Beeri are direct descendants of Heth who is the son of Canaan and grandson of Noah. This is just a sample of the information that is available if one just takes the time to research the Table of Nations and world history.

      1. Russell Shaffer says:

        That was the most thorough response I’ve ever read on this topic…you completely dismantled the ridiculous notion of angles having the ability to procreate.

      2. Joseph T Simpson says:

        Well done!

    2. Lee Callaghan says:

      When God pronounced his judgment against the Watchers and their offspring, didn’t he say that their children would become evil spirits? Also the Watchers are eternal and bound to the earthly realm as punishment. I think they have been working to deceive God’s people, throughout history showing up as powerful god like beings I.e Zeus, Thor, the nine and now as alien beings who have been guiding humanity for thousands of years. Always trying to prove that we are not God’s creation but instead an evolutionary accident and now maybe a long term alien experiment.
      To be clear I believe in an almost infinite universe there may well be life on other planets.

  5. Ken Ammi says:

    This is actually just a reprint of Whie’s 2016 article and I wrote a review of it back then:
    From the very first paragraph there are various errors in this article.
    Note that by asserting post-flood Nephilim, White implies that God failed and the flood was much of a waste.

    1. DAVID CREWS says:

      Thank you Ken! I agree with you. She dismisses much that many internationally respected scholars of ancient history provide abundant evidence for.

  6. Lee H. Hoffman says:

    I disagree that Genesis 6:4 is “praise” of nephilim. It states that they were powerful and famous. That sounds like Adolph Hitleter’s reputation.

    1. Anz Cando says:

      I agree.

  7. Joseph says:

    In a study, I ended up on this page. Above I read ((Genesis 6:5) is the introduction to the flood narrative and because their name means “fallen ones.” It is unlikely that this interpretation is correct because Genesis 6:4 presents nothing but praise for the Nephilim and no criticism is present.)

    Nothing But Praise For The Nephilim?

    Who wrote this crap? Are you serious? Did the writer no look into the context?
    This sadly is a HUGE problem among Christians and the church. There is no understanding of the meaning of 2 Timothy 2:15.

    As a result many well meaning Christians seeking truth and understanding of God’s word are lead down a path of confusion.
    Sadly, these well meaning Christians don’t know the center of God’s word Psalm 118:8 and are placing their trust in man rather then The Lord who is the Word.

    1. Nathan says:

      non-denominational bump

    2. Couldn’t agree more! It’s shocking that Ellen White has not done her homework and her position. She obviously didn’t read the book of Joshua and certainly did not read The book of Enoch. They were super predators… rapacious, murderous ,cannibalistic… and so overpopulated the world thus creating hell on Earth. . God was forced to cleanse it with the flood

      1. Nick says:

        It is no wonder that so many theories are taken into the hall of reality and handed down as truth….because all of these theories besides the scripture were formed ,built upon and researched from the minds of men and not the hearts of men….when a man is humbled and his heart is open ….that is when perhaps truth is revealed to him….so I write this here because the writer of what’s before has at least some knowledge of truth

    3. Alexandros says:

      Dear Josef, Christ is risen! Is risen indeed! I red your commentary with great surprise. In the world there are meny so called churches and christians, but the Church istablished by Christ, the historical and origin Church is one – The Greek-Russian Orthodox Church. And as about the problems will Hole Scriptures texts true commetaries and interpretations there are not problems. In the Orthodoxy exist the main principle – Hole Scripture and the Holy Tradition (2 Tym. 1, 13, 2, 2). The Church in not the human organization and administration, but Body of Christ (Efes.1.23, Kol.1, 18). The Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church has carefully preserved the canon of Holy Scripture. And everything that is done in the Church, it is done charismatically, by divine grace. The appearance of many Christian confessions, and in the Orthodox terminology of heresies and schisms, is a deviation from life in the Holy Spirit, the loss of the main qualities of a Christian, about which the Apostle Paul writes in detail in his epistles. This led to misinterpretation of the Holy Scriptures and the appearance of heresies. Pay your attention to the important words of the Apostle Peter (1Peter 2:1-8), (2Peter 2:1-2). that is, the appearance of heresies and rumors of Holy Scripture is a process, as it were, natural. And it is important to know the Holy Scriptures, but it is important to understand it correctly. Therefore, in the Orthodox Church, the Holy Scripture is made an obligation for everyone to read it daily and it is read at every Liturgy, but in somewhat reduced volumes compared to the 1-6 centuries. The epistles of the Apostle Paul talk a lot about bishops and presbyters, deacons, that is, about the clergy, pastoral ministry. What should it be – (1 Peter 5, 1-3), and what should be the attitude towards them – Hebrews 13, 17 13, 7. This is the so-called apostolic succession in ordination and way of life. It is possible to correctly understand the Holy Scriptures only while living in the Holy Spirit, and therefore, on condition of a correct way of life, imitation of the life of the Apostles. Yes, there are many deviations today, but the essence of the Church of Christ has not changed. we have changed, striving to instruct others, but not educating ourselves and not correcting our way of life. Let me wish you all the best and recommend a very interesting Internet resource in English- and greek resource God bless you. priest Simeon

    4. DAVID CREWS says:

      Totally agree Joseph! Ellen White has failed to do her homework. She gliby dismisses serious scholarship which contradict her thoughts here.

    5. @JOSEPH: “…Christians don’t know the center of God’s word Psalm 118:8…” Sir, there is NO “God’s Word”. God doesn’t talk. If the Creator spoke, in what language would He speak? Who would He choose to speak to and why? I ALWAYS ASK PEOPLE WHO SEEM TO THROW THE TERMS “WORD OF GOD”, and “THE WORD IS THE TRUTH” ad nauseum. MEN of many nations thought they had the understanding of the CREATOR and if He/She/It even HAD A DESIRE to communicate with us creatures. If you believe that the CREATOR was PERFECT AND INFALLIBLE, making someone on Earth say illogical and ignorant statements wasn’t PERFECT, thereby they were not speaking any “truth” about the CREATOR.

      This is the UNSOLVABLE QUESTION, and the smart humans introduced the word “FAITH” to get believers. Humans, being animals, then turn into Trump-like narcissists to use any means possible to gain power and “god status”. Greed is a biological force. Repressing greed is also a biological force because greed prevents growth of the species by having a man or nation lust for more than they have, and do un-CREATOR actions, like destroying good and letting the bad multiply if it GIVES the narcissist the satisfaction of thinking he/she is CREATING and being a GOD. Getting people to do their bidding, blinding them to their empathy and logical thinking, throwing their morals (which protect the human species) away in order to worship this false “god”. How many people have admitted to “believing” in Trump, but then their BETTER SELVES stopped to see, hear, and watch the destruction of kindness, acceptance, understanding, empathy by their mistaken belief that TRUMP IS PERFECT IN EVERY ACTION HE DOES. I have talked to Trump apologetics who acknowledge his lack of morals and class, his love of himself and his willingness to take everyone and everything down with him if he goes down.

      So the power of finding the Truth is through patience and thought. Study and perception. Outcome of good over evil. Giving will bring you TEN TIMES more pleasure than taking. Ask any criminal who has been incarcerated for more than 10 years, that isn’t sociopathic and mentally incapable of one emotion: EMPATHY. You can’t know the CREATOR if you do not FEEL ANOTHER PERSON’S PAIN.

      Oh, I’m an Anarchist Christian. I don’t believe in any specific denomination nor the reason for the arrival of Christ. This “HE DIED FOR OUR SINS” dogma is a PAGAN-BASED theory. Pagans shed blood, including the Jews with their animal sacrifices. Because converting pagans to Christianity was so difficult, the proselithizers had to “mix” the pagan beliefs into Christian narratives, and that included “BLOOD SACRIFICE”. However, it HOLDS NO ANSWERS OR TRUTHS because if a FATHER today, told his neighbors that their parties were sinful, and he was going to “save them” by taking his “only son” (the Bible disproves that. He had many sons) and a grabbing a two 4x4s to make a pagan cross (the cross is a device made by the Romans, who were pagans), and then drive nails into his adult boy’s appendages (who, by the way, was doing all sorts of great things for the suffering humans during his life) and, have a buddy stick him in his ribs with a sharpened metal pole, and then left his boy hanging on this torture device on his front lawn for three days (I can’t continue at this point, because this wouldn’t happen in today’s “civilized society”), and then somehow let the neighbors know that his boy’s blood was “saving their souls by washing away their sins”, one of the neighbor girls, horrified, would scream out “JUST GO TO WALMART AND GET THE NEW TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT! IT SAYS IT HAS A NEW INGREDIENT THAT WASHES SINS AWAY, WHATEVER A “SIN” STAIN LOOKS LIKE.”

      So now we have this conundrum: “DYING FOR YOUR SINS” actually sounds stupid to non-believers. Today’s pagans are those who don’t know anything about Jesus and just worship really cool, tasty, comfortable, pleasant, ecstasty producing materials right here in this Earthly realm. Such confusion. Christians look at other religions and shake their heads, mildly concerned if they aren’t missionaries or preachers, that the Muslims, Hindus, Catholics (getting close), Enochism, Taoists, etc. are all going to Hell, which is never mentioned in the Bible.

      Watch for signs, “coincidences”, and use your brain to tie things together, without “MEETING THE MASTER”, the brilliantly satirical gospel anthem by the extremely talented rock group, GRETA VAN FLEET. Don’t hurt anyone or yourself. That’s what my mother told me what a sin was.

  8. ananymous says:

    I believe that the Nephilim were descendants of fallen angels and humans, because I believe the Bible for what it says, I believe the Nephilim were not sons of Cain and daughters of Seth.

    Also; what of the legends of (often) cannibalistic, savage, super-strong giants in pretty much every culture? The native American tribes have legends of corrupt giants who were animistic, and blood-lusting terrors to humans, and had six fingers and toes, and most every includes a flood that had the purpose of destroying these corrupt and evil people. One interesting thing; they are also often referred to with dread, and they were associated with the spiritual beliefs of the culture. Another thing; some of the skeletons they have found of giants are characterized not only by six digits, but by double rows of teeth.
    just look up six digit giant legends of North and South America, I also have a suspicion that these giants may have had something to do with the megaliths and stonehenges. There are stories of giants in almost every culture, and there are stonehenges/megaliths built by most every culture

    1. Marrian Stinson says:

      That is not true angels do not have genders. Plus, it makes no sense that Gen 6:3 And YAHWEH said, MY SPIRIT shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Says nothing else supposedly about the angels. Really?
      Where in the Bible does it say that angels are YAHWEH’S sons? Here is what the Bible says: Heb 1:5 For unto which of the angels said HE at any time, Thou art MY son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a FATHER, and he shall be to ME a son? The Hebrew word “nephı̂yl    nephil!” The root word is feller or fallen. All the people in the antediluvian world were giants. They were tyrants and if you read all of Gen Chapter six you would see that. Nephilim is a made-up word and is not Biblical! The Bible said they were giants then and after the flood. Goliath was a Philistine coming from Mizraim’s son-Casluhim! They came from Ham and they were Black people. Also, some of the Canaanites were extremely tall! So were the Celtic or Galatians, Germans who came from Japheth. Moses concentrated on the people that IsraEL would encounter! Finally, the book of Enoch is fake! It was written in the 2nd century BCE. Enoch was already according to the Bible in Heaven! What astonished me is how people can believe in something so ridiculous and full of lies. People will believe a lie quickly and publish it. They don’t ask questions or look at its contents to research all that it contains out and I say wow!

      1. BernDenae says:

        Numbers 13:33

  9. Jennifer says:

    Thank you Dana for this explanation.

  10. Richard says:

    Thank you for your in depth description of this subject. Got a better understanding of the Nephilim , sons of God , the giants. Thanks again.

  11. Rasil says:

    Keep excavating in Israel. Those rsiding yhere presently, are not the Binlical Israelites. They are Khazsrs from Eastern Europe who in 740 AD, inder their King Bulan, stole a heritage from the Biblical “chosen” people, converted to a Babylonian form of Judaism, studied Hebrew (Yuddish today) and have deceived theventire world. They are NOT yhe chosennpeople of YAH. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, tells us who they are…liars from the synagogue of Satan. They flaunt it in their flag which is a hexagram. These people were kicked out of 130 countries and entered Judeah/Palestine bc of the Balfour Declaration. There is no nationality or such people as JewISH. They were called ISRAELITES from the land of Judah. They know exactly what they are and the church has truly been deceived. Do the research and do read Arthur Koedtler and Henry Ford’s books. Great , great deception.

  12. Phyllis says:

    I’m glad I read your comments. I’m no scholar but I didn’t see or agree with where the writer was going.

    1. Peter King says:

      Dear Phyllis
      Dana’s article is incorrect and flawed, If I can I would like to explain why I think that this is the case:
      Jude writes of “the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place.” (Jude 6) Angels had the power to materialize in human form, and some angels did so to bring messages from God. (Ge 18:1, 2, 8, 20-22; 19:1-11; Jos 5:13-15) But heaven is the proper abode of spirit persons, and the angels there have positions of service under God. (Da 7:9, 10) To leave this abode to dwell on earth and to forsake their assigned service to have fleshly relations would be rebellion against God’s laws, and perversion.

      The Bible states that the disobedient angels are now “spirits in prison,” having been ‘thrown into Tartarus’ and “reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.” This seems to indicate that they are greatly restricted, unable again to materialize as they did prior to the Flood.​—1Pe 3:19; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 6.

      Increased Wickedness. “The mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame” that were produced by these marriages, were not men of fame with God, for they did not survive the Flood, as did Noah and his family.
      They were “Nephilim,” bullies, tyrants, who no doubt helped to make conditions worse. Their angelic fathers, knowing the construction of the human body and being able to materialize, were not creating life, but lived in these human bodies and, cohabiting with women, brought forth children. Their children, “mighty ones,” were therefore unauthorized hybrids. Apparently the Nephilim did not, in turn, have children.

  13. Joanne Scott says:

    that was interesting thanks!

  14. Dana says:

    One would think having a Phd in the Hebrew Bible that the author would detail a more accurate description of the Nephilim. It’s disappointing, yet typical, that the author is not only defending the bad guys, but misleading those whom otherwise don’t know.
    To begin w, responsibility for the flood still to date lies w the “fallen ones”. The author leads you to believe there is a more current or correct theory, although there is not. Secondly, they *earned* their negative reputation by intentionally introducing man to lust, destruction and war. According to every ancient civilization on the planet (another huge clue who they were), they were known as a threat to all mankind. Again, the author suggests they unfairly got a bad rap, which is untrue and absurd. The word Nephilim derives from Naphal, which means “to fall”, as in “abandon.” The im simply is plural. The word giant stems from naphal as well and means “bully” or “tyrant.” Considering language originated from witnessing live events, it’s safe to say they were knowingly mean, which is a far cry from some unfair, underserved, misunderstood reputation that the devil would also have you believe about himself.
    Another incorrect interpretation the author wants you to believe is that the Nephilim received “nothing but praise” and “fallen” is to mean figuratively like falling in love. I don’t know what Bible this author read, but in my bible the words “mighty men” and “old men of renown” does NOT mean “praise”. Mighty means “strong,” which comes from the word gabar, which means to “conduct himself arrogantly” and old men of renown means “old; antiquity,” “adulteress; champion, counselor,” “defamed, memorial, report, repute”. Immediately after the Bible mentions the Nephilim, we’re told how God saw great wickedness of man and was grieved. Thereafter is the flood. W all that said, it’s a wonder how anyone, let alone a Hebrew Bible scholar and professor could misinterpret any of that.
    I’ll also add that in reading many of this article’s comments, there seems to be confusion on whom exactly the sons of god refers. Some insist it’s the fallen angels while others insist it’s man. The answer is…they’re both right depending upon the verse and context, but in this context, they are the fallen angels. We know this from Job 1:6 and 38:7. It’s also been asked how the angels could mate w women as we’re told angels neither mate nor marry, but it’s the angels *in Heaven* that neither mate nor marry, not the spiritually degraded ones that now roam the earth. More importantly, we’re told that angels can shapeshift. Hebrews 13:2 and Gen 19:4-5 says they’re so perfectly human looking that we won’t know the difference. So you see…there’s answers to everything. Just allow Scripture to explain Scripture.

    1. Javier Mercado says:

      Dana, thank you for your interpretation however, can you give a clear explanation about the angels (one third) if you were referring to them that were cast down from Heaven along with Satan. My question is, if they were able to mate with the daughters of men on earth and they weren’t able in Heaven. What gave them the ability to be able to mate with the women on earth? Considering that these angels had to of have the same DNA as we humans have.

      1. Alexandra says:

        You don’t have to marry to be able to have children.

      2. Jimmy says:

        We have even seen also animals of not the same kind mating and producing different breed. Crossing breeding is a reality.

      3. Tim says:

        It was likely a time when the Creator allowed angels to take on fully human form (perhaps to ease interactions with humans on Earth) and some that did so “fell” from their high position by having relations with woman, resulting in hybred children. Afterward, I believe He took that ability away or at least did not allow fully human form that would allow reproduction.

  15. debora says:

    Ii was asked by a demon Mellissa, if I had ever read the Bible. this was in reference to a conversation about demons and their place here on this planet today. I told her no I really do not. She said “you should”.

  16. Ranko says:

    the bible is full of disgusting violence, misogyny and genocide and religion has been used for centuries to excuse human evils. This particular story was always sickening because it blatantly demonstrates that God’s so-called “holy” angels were nothing more than psychopathic rapists (lets just be real, even if this little fairy tale did happen its doubtful it was romantic, sexy or even consensual between the rapist fallen angels and their human victims). But (of course) no one cared about the lives of the innocent women, only about peddling their religion and waging war against those who (rightfully) opposed it. Religion is for ignorant people and sociopaths. Treating human beings with genuine love, respect and empathy is what matters…not following the words of violent “gods” that never existed.

    1. Ben Moore says:

      Ranko, for someone who thinks that religion is for ignorant people and the Bible is just a fairy tale you certainly have indulged in it quite a bit to have come up with your petty reasoning. One day, and the way things are going in our day and age I don’t think it is too far off, you can tell Jesus, as he judges you how petty this “little fairy tale” is. I’m sure he will enlightey you!

    2. Huston says:

      Luke 17: And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
      Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. If this sounds familiar it is the slogan for your mRNA injection. The manipulation of the human genomes. The main reason the Torah and the Holy Bible lists Noah’s and Jesus’ family history is to show that the fallen angels had not mingled their genes! Today, just like in the days of Noe these fallen angels which we can call demonic powers possessed by the devil using modern technology to come into daughters of man. Deuteronomy 20:16–17, God commanded the Israelites, “In the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do NOT leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.” A similar command is given concerning the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 15:2–3. Why would God have the Israelites exterminate entire groups of people, women and children. If the Jews mingled with these genetically impure beings then how could Jesus have been pure generations on down the line? In order to be saved to go to heaven and spend eternity with God you must be HUMAN ! I hate to tell you that when your mRNA is manipulated that you are no longer a natural human. Those people will strive to mislead remanent of humans to be deceived thus doing evil continually. God destroyed the earth to wipe these genetic hybrids out. If you can read Hebrew and know gematria well enough you can read that Noah’s daughter in law was pregnant when she entered The Arc. Hem in his frustration snuck into his father’s tent and ended up impregnating Noah’s wife with possibly Canaan thus the curse of kinking his hair, darkening his skin and sending him away South to be the slave of slaves. Leviticus: The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness. What have I yet to find is did Hem bring his wife into this drunken to somehow transfer or “shed” some of this Nephilim mRNA? If you will read the Holy Bible you can see God is clearly in love with the human that he designed and is willing to completely wipe out man, woman, child, beast, religion, ideas, practices, geography, all the way down to 2 Peter 3:10 But the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. The earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up! So do NOT listen to them who wish to scare you into altering your own mRNA and DNA !! What can you do to stay 100% human ? Believe everything in the KJV Holy Bible if you want to live forever with God, His angels, and the rest of us believers who are not “marked” with jelly-fish DNA or unholy dead baby and non-human perversely mutated “genetically engineered” by these New World Ideologists and their followers. Revelation 20:10 – And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Revelation 21 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 20 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Matthew 25 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. You will probably want to do whatever you can to get your name written into the Lambs book of Life. God would not want to wipe out every man, woman, and child unless there was a very good reason for this The Abomination of Desolation.

  17. Ewakodanz says:

    son of God here refers to men and not angels. How can you say that they are. Did God ever say to angels you are my son? Heb 1:5. Angels don’t have sex as Jesus said in Mark 12:25.

    1. ananymous says:

      but these are fallen angels/demons; rebelling against God. And angels could take human form, and who is saying that the fallen ones, going against everything God said, wouldn’t do it just to blaspheme and corrupt man, whom He made in His image?

    2. Scott Zierman says:

      Jesus did not say that angels don’t have sex; He said they do not marry.

      1. Jimmy says:

        Very true

  18. Ja'shua says:

    Thank you for your research and time in this matter. I want to add that Rephaim refers to those departed spirits who were the product of Nephilim and seed of men.

    Because they were part spirit they couldn’t die but because of their earthly origin they are spirits ot the earth looking to inflict harm,deceive, or empower the sons and daughters of Adam. This is found in 1st book of Enoch(Ethiopic) and the very demons The Christ was rebuking out of people.

    Shalom Family in Messiah

  19. Matthew says:

    I take issue with the author of this article when she states the Nephilim were not likely the reason for the flood. While I am sure the reasons were many, it is difficult to see how the existence of half angel, half human beings would have been anything but an abomination in the eyes of God. Wiping them from the earth would have certainly been a consideration.

  20. Joshua Ogere says:

    These Nephelim ‘fallen angels’ were spiritual in nature thus survived the flood

  21. Jon Iwanyszyn says:

    Joyce, apparently Ham’s wife or other wives carried the DNA. Noah was perfect in his generations or fully human. This is a ridiculous argument and article. The Bible records talking animals, people resurrecting from the dead, countless miracles and a whole slough of other paranormal events and yet we can’t take it at it’s word about the fallen angels? “The angels that kept not their first estate (form.) in the abyss.” The Book of Enoch is a good read and Jude quotes directly from it. Let’s just throw out the worldwide legends of these beings, Josephus wrote that the skeletons were still on display in his time. The natives all have legends of red haired cannibalistic giants. The bodies have been found all around the world. They were responsible for all the ziggarats (stepped pyramids) found all over as they were worshiped, demanding human sacrifice. The had a viper look to them because their fathers the fallen angels were Seraphim class angels which are reptile in form and appearance. The Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, Canaanites….. were all nephilim tribes. Which is why Joshua reported back the promised land was filled with giants and they appeared to be grasshoppers in their sight.

    1. Jon Iwanyszyn says:

      Also, if you remove the giants from the bible then God does become genocidal. The giants are the reason why the Israelites were sometimes ordered to kill everyone of a certain tribe, He didn’t want the giants and their ways to spread. Seraphim – fiery flying serpent The Aztec god Quetzalcoatl – feathered serpent God, hmmm.

      1. Faye Bayes says:

        I believe the main reason for the flood is to get rid of all the bad dna. That it was very important that Noah be perfect in his generations. God must secure the blood line that would bring forth the messiah. It had to be perfect in its generations from Adam to Seth to Noah to Shem. Evidently Ham was not perfect. The fact that is was secured makes me want to praise God that it was a true and perfect blood line that our messiah was indeed born.

  22. Prophet_Forest says:

    Because their presence is of the earth, grounded; therefore their souls never enter Heaven. They remain in the soil for eternity, to sprout forth and become giants once more.

  23. Nathan K says:

    In understanding the issue of the nephilim we must first state who the sons of God are. Luke3:38b “Adam, who was the son of God. Adam was a son of God. Many biblical scholars have stated that the race of Adam may well have been up to 15feet tall(giant?). when we read gen5:1-” this is the book of the GENERATION of ADAM in the day that GOD CREATED MAN ,in the LIKENESS of GOD made he him(emphasis applied)” then when we compare this to vs3 “And Adam…begat a son after his own LIKENESS, after his IMAGE and called his name seth” meaning ADAM was GOD’s son being in the likeness of God so to was Seth Adam’s son being in his likeness. A being in Gods likeness is the ideal son of God that is why gen6:3 states “my spirit shall not always strive with MAN for that he also is FLESH but his days shall be 120years(emphasis implied)” the nephilim aren’t exactly devine beings but rather “man” that the “spirit strives with”. Another thing when you read gen6:4 “there were giants(nephilim) in those days and also after that…” Meaning that the nephilim were a race of the giants that had come up during and afta the apostacy in verse5 of chap6. The word for nephilim means “fallen ones” :fallen from God’s image or apostate. Then if we read the verses that follow they have statements like “the wickedness of man was great in the earth” in verse 5, and “it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth”, verse 4 also “giants in the earth” all were of earth not heaven. All were human. Conclusive evidence as to the true identity of the Sons of God can be understood by what God said in verse 3b-“his days shall be 120 years”. Why so? Because chapter 5 contains people that could live up to /-950 years but after the global flood no one lives that long. This had an effect on both races from gen5-(sons of God in Gods image) and the race of gen4-(the sons of man or cain in his image). These two races are the only two mentioned and no other class of angels or devine beings are found mentioned in the chapter.

  24. Joyce says:

    What i don’t understand is this, if these Nephilim where wiped out during the flood, then how could their lines be continued? Only Noah and his family survived.

  25. Bob says:

    it is all just fantasy

  26. John says:

    They are the Annunaki.

  27. Amber Rose says:

    Looking at the context during this time, it is clearly talking about the lineage of Seth (sons of God) finding the daughters of the lineage of Cain (the fallen which is the translation of Nephilim) beautiful and intermarrying thus spreading sin to Seth’s lineage.

  28. Michael says:

    This is the word spelled הַנֹּפְלִים in that verse. The English to Hebrew translator says this is the word for giants ענקים
    The Nephilim were the heroes of old, men of renown. The people of the world were in a state of moral decay, and had fallen spiritually.

    The word nephilim is not a name title, and it should have been translated as the “fallen ones.” It is referring to those who have fallen spiritually and are in moral decline.

    The term “sons of God” is used in the bible to refer to the Elect.

  29. GeorgeBower says:

    This is a sadly narrow understanding of the Nephilim. One needs to understand that these half gods are the foundation of the Sumerian, Babylonian, Persian and Assyrian religion. Their creation story shows that the Nephilim were that actual creators of “The race of dark haired men.”
    We don’t get to know where the blonds came from but it seems that these yellow haired folk were known to the ancients. Educated guess. Both populations may well have lived in the plane around the ancient fresh water lake that became the bottom of the Black Sea. Such an understanding places everyone in the right place to make Noah’s story work perfectly. It also builds out the linkage for the other Mesopotamian peoples; non-Semite Sumerians.

    Using this basis, we also see that the calendar for all of the civilizations clicks together. The flood works, the mountains of Ararat work, the Assyrian and Sumerian stories link together. It is a good thing.

  30. “The fallen ones” are in reference to the angels that were cursed to live on earth due to their rebellion. They are also referred to as the “dead”. These spirits although evil, are eternal as well. Because of the spiritual nature of these evil angels, a.k.a demons, most people that come in contact with them assume they are the dark souls of dead humans. This is not the case, but try to explain that to someone thousands of years ago.

    1. Andrew says:

      They are also known as familiar spirits. Though you are unaware of it, they can follow your movements and spirituals who are in touch with them can present their information as though it comes from a dead loving relative. In fact, it is coming from the enemies of God. I’d rather get my instruction and wisdom from God’s Word, wouldn’t you.
      2 Timothy 3:16
      All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

    2. Tsillah says:

      Interesting to know that initiated freemasons are also called nephil ( fallen angels). The noos around neck at initiation ( gallow noose) represents death and they are then baptised into a coffin, making a covenant with death. See Isaiah 28, covenant with death which will be annulled. Antitype is the baptism in water( the symbol of His Word) bringing life!

      1. Nyarlatothep says:


        Interesting. Might I ask for the source of masons being appelated as ‘nephil’ ?

        I only know of some links with the concept of “son of the widow”; but with Nephilim none.

        Thank you

        1. Tsillah says:

          THE WIDOW AND SON (1 Kings 17 is third degree freemasonry rite, also called the rite of Hiram Abif.
          The Source of Nephil also the name of an initiated to freemasonry as shared to me by and inactive freemason himself. Also according to Gen 6:4 the gaints: H5303 in Strong’s concordance also means a feller. The symbol of the axe, Pick-Adze Handles, Spokes , is a freemasonry symbol of fellers like felling a tree with an axe to make it fall (H5307 naphal- to fall. (the fallen ones).

    3. Israel says:

      [email protected], you are wrong like a particular minister today that I enjoy listening to and although I do listen to him he is wrong in that the misinterpretation of that scripture does not refer to angels. In the Word of God, God never commands or speaks with the angels and says as he did with Adam and Eve and the generations after them: “Be fruitful and multiply”.One needs to ask this of the Holy Spirit (I did about 17 years ago) and His Holy Spirit did reveal it to me. With that being said, God’s Word also states that he created man in His image, male and female–the angels are just that–Angels and don’t get confused my sister-in-Christ when someone says of another person, “He is such an angel” meaning he or she is being very kind as if only Angels could be kind. God Bless you!

  31. Andrew says:

    Noah has spent decades inviting people inside the ark to escape the coming wrath. The bible clearly says the nobody heeded his warnings. Everybody was happy to go about their lives.
    Matthew 24:38
    For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;
    So this superhuman did not hitch a ride INSIDE the ark.
    For him to hitch a ride, it would suggest he must have somehow clung to it. Fair to say it would have been impossible to climb onto the ark and since God shut the door, it was impossible to open.
    So this superhuman clung to the side of the ark, partly treading water, partly white-knuckle holding on until the ark settled back on dry ground in 110 days. The ark was shaped like any normal boat hull, with smooth sides. It was going to encounter some rough weather!! Also, the outside was covered in tar to help seal it. So again, holding on was never going to be a long-term, life-saving venture.
    Today, we stand at the ramp of a new ark. An ark shaped like a cross. Jesus Christ himself is inviting you inside to escape the coming wrath. What will you do?
    Ignore Him and hope He shuts up?
    Eat, drink, be merry, marry, give in marriage? Although there isn’t anything innately wrong with these things, to ignore Jesus calling is to stand outside His ark and tell Him that you don’t believe Him.
    This is akin to walking off a cliff and saying,”I’m ok, I don’t believe in gravity.”
    Listen to Jesus.
    He loves you.
    He died for you.

    Except for this telling verse:
    Genesis 7:23
    Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.
    So, I guess know that the line of Nephilim was history at that point because the bible affirms it.

    1. Faye says:

      The Nephilim was not able to procreate so the ability to had to be in the genes of one of the wives of Noah’s sons.

  32. Steven Anzaroot says:

    Can the Nephalim represent a vague ancient memory of the Neanderthals? Modern humans came into contact with them when venturing out of Africa about 50,000 BC. It is believed that the Neanderthals were a more robust version of the species Homo and thus may have appeared as Anakim/giants/superhumans. The Neanderthals were eventually wiped out at about 30,000 BC rendering them ‘dead ones’ essentially. Scientists now believe that humans today have a small amount of Neanderthal DNA showing that the two species mated several times during their co-existence. This has many of the elements of the Biblical story.

    1. Israel says:

      LOL…what a false… really??? 50,000 years. You need Jesus, my friend.

  33. Percival Tanierla says:

    I suggest that the author should also consult The article found in appendix #25-26 of the Companion Bible by the late Dr. E.W. Bullinger. The author has an interesting discussion of the word Nephilim.

  34. Sarah says:

    How could Goliath have descended from the Nephalim? Everyone alive at the time of the flood drowned, except Noah and his family. Unless they were also descendants of the Nephalim, these giants would have been become extinct.

    1. Steven Anzaroot says:

      The Midrash deals with this question. According to the Midrash Og, one of the Niphalim, hitched a ride on the ark by clinging to it from outside and thus survived the flood.

      1. Israel says:

        When God judged these people, He completely wiped them out–God never fails??Hitched a ride?? TOO Funny.

  35. Ben says:

    Um…angels, fallen or not do not marry, or reproduce…. so…. its not a Greek mythology design of Gods coming down to have relations with mortal women. Its just men….

  36. Bassett says:

    what about the giant skeletons found in various parts of the world e.g. Scicily?

  37. Bob67 says:

    I agree with Blaze above. The ancient Hebrews, first millennium BCE, always connected these groups, Nephilim and Rephaim, as having similar origin and attributed evil to them. Modern scholarship constantly desires to distance the Nephilim from evil. Additionally, Hebrew thought directly attributes the Nephilim of Noah’s day as having a large role in the evil of the time.

  38. John Ronning says:

    The alleged meaning “fallen ones” is actually just an etymological guess based on the root n-p-l; one can imagine other suitable etymological meanings, so the derived guess that their divinity “fell” into humans is just second order guesswork. “Sons of God” in the Bible can refer to both humans (as God’s people, e.g. the Israelites post-exodus), or angels. There is no indication of any semi-divine status of the Nephilim of Canaan; if humans and fallen angels could interbreed the same would be true after the flood as well, no? So does the Bible indicate that those who appear as human beings around the world today might actually be children of demons? I don’t think so. Conversely, women who worship idols can be called “daughter[s] of a foreign god” as in Malachi. So the old explanation that this is simply describing intermarriage of believers with unbelievers actually makes sense. Why is it only mentioned one way (not daughters of God marrying sons of man?). May be because although both ways of intermarriage are forbidden, the disobedience of the males in practice seems to be the usual (from Samson to Ezra/Nehemiah). As for “the mighty men of old, men of renown,” perhaps an apologetic against the post-flood deification of pre-flood heroes (it has been suggested e.g. that Vulcan is a deified Tubal-Cain); the point is that they were just men, even if heroes to that wicked generation. Similarly after the flood it is pointed out that nimrod was known as “a mighty hunter before the Lrod” (it has been suggested that Nimrod is the man who was promoted to deity as Marduk, who began his career as a minor deity and eventually was promoted to ruler of the Babylonian pantheon – when he was just a mere mortal he was known as “a mighty hunter before the Lord,” the one true God who does not change.

    1. Joseph Bongiorno says:

      John, that theory has been disproven time and again. It’s only a segment of church leaders who keep insisting on the Sethite theory despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Please see Dr. Michael S. Heiser’s book Supernatural for an entry-level course into the truth about the nephilim and rephaim.

  39. Johnny Blaise says:

    The article started right. Sons of God are fallen angels. Scripture says that they mated with human women thus creating a demonized race of giants. Then the writer mistakenly interprets scripture to suit her rhetoric. #SOLOSCRIPTURA

  40. Norman Bailey says:

    The legend is recounted at great length in the non-canonical Book of Enoch. I am surprised the article doesn’t mention that.

  41. dr.peter long says:

    it would have been helpful to analyse the relevant intertestamental literature!

  42. In one of my conversations with my wife, she stated that it was mentioned somewhere that Cain had been killed. I was shocked to hear that and asked: “does it say that in the Bible?” She replied: “no, I read it somewhere”. She found the website where she read it and sent it to me. I was shocked after I read its content. It reminded me of a piece of Swiss cheese: full of holes.
    I can offer three reasons from the bible as to why Cain could not have been murdered by Lamech or anyone else.
    1. The Lord ordered that Cain will not be killed:
    Ge 4:15 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. (God made sure that no one would kill Cain).
    2. To kill Cain would have gone against God’s command as stated above. Therefore whoever killed Cain would have committed “murder”. How does God considers murder and murderers?

    3. In your excerpt by: Megan Sauter 05/23/2018, it states the following about how Lamech might have killed Cain and you (or rather the author of the article: John Byron), concluded by stating; “In this version of events, how did Cain die? Like an animal. Justice is served.”
    This is perverted justice. Justice especially for Cain, indeed for all of us justice belongs to God: therefore if Lamech or anyone killed Cain would have gone against God’s will:
    Ro 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
    Ro 12:20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
    Ro 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
    In conclusion: John Byron himself states; “in the Bible, we will not find a definite answer” and, “…but the Bible is strangely mute about his death.” (Cain’s) This should have been the total content of the Book that John Byron wrote in question as to who killed Cain.
    We are told in the Bible to focus on the written word: “De 29:29 The secret [things belong] unto the LORD our God: but those [things which are] revealed [belong] unto us and to our children for ever, that [we] may do all the words of this law.” In other words Cain’s death is only God’s right to know not ours.
    Do people actually spend time and money in buying and reading such books? They would do much better to read the Bible themselves to find the truth. As Christ Himself states:
    Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    Does Mr. John Byron believe that by stating that Lamech was ‘blind’ or accidently’ will make the killing of Cain by Lamech plausible? Where does Mr. Byron get the idea that Lamech was blind or that it was accidently?
    The excerpt itself states: Simply because Gen. 4: 23-24 states that Lamech had killed a man, v. 23 how does he make a colossal; massive; gigantic leap in assuming that, that man was Cain? Where is the evident; where are the facts to substantiate such a claim?

    Furthermore in v.23 Lamech refers to the man that he killed as a “a young man”. By this time Cain had had a son: Enoch; a grandson: Irad; a great grandson; mehujael; a great, great grandson: methushael; and a great, great, great grandson: who was Lamech! By this time would Cain still be “a young man?” Did Lamech kill his great, great, great grandfather? One must be a fool to believe and waste his/her time on such fable.
    The root question in dealing with such an imaginary tale: “Did Cain Get Away with Murder?’ is preposterous because Cain was dealing with God! Therefore, in dealing with God, no one can get away with anything, and God made sure that Cain would not be killed by man’s hands!
    Consider the fact that Cain was under a curse from God:
    Ge 4:11 And now [art] thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand;
    Ge 4:12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
    Is death any worse that his curse from God? How does Cain feel about his curse?
    Ge 4:13 ¶ And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment [is] greater than I can bear.
    Ge 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; …
    Is death any worse that his curse from God?


    1. Peter says:

      Interestingly In
      Ge 4:23 ‘And Lamech said to his wives, Ada (Adah) and Sella (Zillah): “Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, hearken to my speech. For I have killed a man to my own harm, and an adolescent to my own bruising” ‘
      It appears that Lamech knew the curse imposed on Cain for having killed Abel was to be exiled as ………..
      Ge 4:14 “……….. a vagrant and fugitive on the earth. Therefore anyone who finds me (Cain) will kill me.’
      and Lamech was stating his knowing concern.
      Ge 4:15 ‘And the Lord said to him (Cain): “By no means will it be so; rather. whoever would kill Cain, will be punished sevenfold.” and the Lord placed a seal upon Cain, so that anyone who found him would not put him to death.’
      So Lamech was voicing his concern, to his wives, that, if anyone killed Cain many generations before, then the “vengeance” or punishment would then have been sevenfold.
      Therefore, the vengeance (punishment) for killing another, especially one marked “as of Cain” Lamech had calculated could be thus multiplied/compounded in his case.
      It is unstated whether the man he says he killed had the ‘mark of Cain’, but his concern about the consequences appears to be that a murder at any time invokes a punishment. And he is fully aware of the probable or implied consequences of his actions.
      Presumably, at that time the law/lore would have been passed vocally from parent to child in the form of parable and stories.
      Unless he could show just cause for his actions, (eg self-defence) the punishment that he might have expected may well have been imposed by his own people, and not just against him, but his whole family..

    2. Richard DellaValle says:

      So God makes deals with murderers. Wow! Didn’t he write a commandment about killing someone, punishable by death?

  43. Mac says:

    Genesis 6:4 does not necessarily heap praise upon the Nephilim, aka the “men of renown.”
    A word search of the word renown in Strong’s concordance links this word with Strong’s OT1097 meaning, amongst other things ‘lacking,’ ‘base men’ and ‘corruption.’ And also, more compellingly, Strong’s OT2931 meaning ‘unclean,’ ‘defiled,’ ‘impure,’ ‘infamous,’ and ‘polluted.’
    See also Strong’s OT2930, OT2932 and OT2933.

    This reading of Gen 6:4 would be completely contrary to Ellen White’s assertion, and given the context of Genesis 6, and the lead into the flood event, is, perchance, by far the more likely.

    Try Dr Michael Heiser at, or see his work on youtube, he has many lectures on the subject of the Nephilim and the fallen angels there.
    Or try Rob Skiba, L A Marzuli & Gary Wayne.

    For what it’s worth, my opinion is that the Nephilim are the products of the rebel angels’ mating/raping/DNA experimenting with human women, against Yahweh’s will, producing gigantic hybrid men and women who where worshipped as gods and commited terrible acts of violence and desecration, and taught their human accolytes and slaves to do the same.
    They were decimated in the flood, but still held sway in parts of the world afterwards, being slowly extinguished by internecine warfare amongst themselves provoked by Yahweh, and the activities of Joshua and Israel, and other groups of men.
    Being the product of fallen angels they have no soul and thus their spirit, after death cannot pass as mankind’s but continually seeks reincarnation.
    They are the spirits which which men foolishly involve themselves with when they engage in many occult activities. They are still worshipped by Luciferians, Satanists, Idolators and practioners of witchcraft the whole world over.

  44. Veli Voipio says:

    Well, I think Genesis 1-11 is the story of the origins of the Adam’s tribe. Thus Nephilim and sons of God are just neighboring tribes.

  45. David says:

    Democrats are the sons of Satan.

    1. Richard DellaValle says:

      Post of the day! Right on!

  46. Joyce says:

    Ok, I have been confused by this subject for sometime now. If Adam and Eve were the first humans, which I believe wholeheartedly, then who did their children procreate with? Each other? According to Genesis, there was no one but Adam and Eve before having children.

    1. Peter says:

      Yes, Joyce, It would take a few/ a lot of generations to remove the chances and consequences of “inbreeding”.
      It raises the question as to whether God had indeed created beings on Earth that would ultimately be the progressive entities that God had developed to a stage where they could be perfected to be the Spiritual children of God. Albeit, less than perfect children of God.
      We are ready to accept our common dignity with the other animals at creation?? yet reject the concept that we may well have been preceded by another of God’s creatures
      I wonder sometimes when we talk about God and angels and Nephilim etc, why we must reduce God’s capacity to our earthly understanding of existence in spite of our obvious earthly limitations in the understanding of how things and events can work.
      We can say that we are created in the image of God. Must we confine the image of God to be in our physical appearance, which I hardly think in our physical form is a particularly good reflection of our Maker? Or can we accept that the image in which we were created is a spiritual image? This would seem to be within the framework of the topics discussed on this website.

  47. Daryl says:

    The Bible makes no reference to a book written by Enoch and there is no way to validate the Book of Enoch floating around these days. On the other hand; we are warned by Paul:1 Tim. 4:1 (KJV) “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” If we read the text about the “men of renown” from a Biblical perspective, that is let Scripture interpret itself, we will gain a better understanding. Genesis 6:4 (KJV) “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
    Yes, there were giants in those days and there still are today. What follows that statement is another statement or thought, as indicated by; “and also after that,”. This other thought was of the present for the author of Genesis, that would be Moses as directed by Yahushua [a.k.a. Jesus] our Redeemer. This was proven when the children of Israel were to entered the land of Canaan but were afraid of the GIANTS. The word Nephilim is Hebrew for “giants” and nothing more.
    Sadly, some authors are getting rich off of this “doctrine of devils”. Answering the Sadducees, our Saviour said; Matthew 22:30 (KJV) “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” Are we, weak and erring humans, going to call our Saviour a liar? He said angels can not procreate. So who then are the “men of renown”? Please, study Scripture and not the writings of men. Go back to the beginning. First there was Adam, Cain killed his brother Abel so we go on to their brother Seth. From Seth came Enosh, etc. down to Noah and from Noah on down to Abraham. Did you know that Noah was over 100 years old before Adam died and that Abraham was over 100 years old before Noah died? The Word of the Most High had been given to Adam and he passed it down through the line of Seth to Abraham and from Abraham to Issac and then Jacob who were the men of renown for their time. Those spoken of in the above text were, like the angels of heaven, called the “sons of God” just as all those who believe in and follow Yahushua are today.
    The children lost the Truth during their 400 years of slavery and hence the Sinai experience. Because Seth and his line followed the Word they were healthier, more intelligent and much wiser, by nature, than the surrounding heathen. Some of those walking in the Light saw that the heathen women were very beautiful and began intermarrying with them. Because they were advanced their children inherited good health and much intelligence and wisdom from them. And these became the “men of renown.”

    1. David says:

      Jude mentions the book of Enoch. The early Church believed that fallen angels raped the daughters of men. See the Jewish historian Josephus. Their is coming a UFO deception. It is rally a demonic deception being propagated through the teaching of evolution. The main thing to focus on is the doctrine of salvation. The puritans had it right. Look up Tom Horn and Lyn Marzulli for more info.

  48. Angela Mason says:

    The book of Enoch is false.So are the dead sea scrolls.This is a simple hoax.To fool even you into believing when “aliens” appear you will believe they are the God(s).They are not even real.It will all be made up.Videos,Audio and magical illusion.This is my opinion.The world is being programed into believing in UFOs and aliens.

  49. Nathaniel says:

    Read the book of Enoch! Enoch was Noah’s grandfather! He wrote all about the Giants! Not to mention the remains of Giants unearthed by the Smithsonian institute in the mid 1800’s and the ones spoken of in Rockwall, Texas as well as American Indian tribes that were being eaten by Giant tribes. Also research Sardinia. Teens of thousands have been unearthed and hidden by the government and Catholic church.

  50. Robert Rodriguez says:

    To say that the Bible is vague is to say that the heavens are empty. The problem with understanding the scriptures is. You must have insight. Spiritual insight. A person can’t read the Bible, like it is just an ordinary book. And then claim it has no value. The scriptures Beckons us to seek, ask, and it will be opened to us. God will provide if you ask Him.

  51. Agape says:

    I have a subscription to your magazine. I subscribed with the hopes of using it as supplemental material for homeschooling. I’ll make sure the homeschool coops do not distribute this crap. These are
    incredible topics that could be researched well and executed on a much higher level. I have to say I’m very shocked with the quality of your “research”. Not just this article, but several others by different writers too. your presumption isn’t based in Semitic writing, but rather assumed modern thinking.
    For other readers please refer to 2 Sam 21, Jude 1:6-7, 2 Peter 2:4. Yes, it’s even mentioned in the NT.
    This article is just another painful reminder at the dumbing down of America. Seems like this was pulled out of your ass in 10 minutes to meet a deadline. And by someone who holds a doctorate.
    I’m tired of this crap. It’s time for Christians to rise up and expose apostate teaching, the occult, and false teachings! Please read through Matthew 7 and listen to Jesus’ Word on the last days! Wolves in sheeps clothing.

  52. Agape says:

    Re: “It was once claimed that the mating of the sons of god and the daughters of Adam that resulted in the Nephilim caused the flood, and this caused the Nephilim to have a negative reputation. This was believed because the next verse (Genesis 6:5) is the introduction to the flood narrative and because their name means “fallen ones.” It is unlikely that this interpretation is correct because Genesis 6:4 presents nothing but praise for the Nephilim and no criticism is present.”

    Genesis 6:1 WHEN MEN began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, The sons of God (Elohim) saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took wives of all they desired and chose. Then the lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, their normal lifespan will be no more than 120 years.” In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God (Elohim) had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times. The lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the lord was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart. And the lord said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing—all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.”

  53. Donna says:

    The bible confuses me because so much of it is brief and vague. Do we believe everything in it or not? Some believe every word of the bible. Maybe we should pick and choose by what seems appropriate? What is true and what is not?

  54. Dave says:

    No one knows ‘truly’ WHAT WENT ON BACK THEN. Claiming so based on a few brief and vague descript sentences is an infringement on any possible truth. Truth and the pursuit of it should not be embellished to serve ones own personal views or that of any organization. It is stated as a physical event and not of any spiritual agenda.

  55. Lourens says:

    Ellen thank you for your work.

    I have a question? I was wanting to determine where the Rephaim came from since all the giants were destroyed during the flood?.

    I have read about two explanations: One that Hams wife had some of the genes and this was how some of the genes survived.(leaven that was with in the arc?)
    OR that the people after the flood found inscriptions at mount Hermon -(of the angels Watchers) and started sinning again in the way before the flood?

    could you help? Thanks

    1. Bigern says:

      One more explanation is in play. Many cultures have recorded a race of whom some went beneath the earth before the calamity hit, ultimately surviving. The Hopi called them the “Ant People”. The public has no real idea what is beneath our feet, because all digs are strictly controlled environments. All funding is controlled. No one will disclose anything contrary to the scripted narrative.

  56. Mike N says:

    I do not see mention of the nephlihim in Ezekiel 32. Is it because I am using the NIV?

  57. Lizwe Ndlovu says:

    How can we scientifically determine one is Nephilim?

  58. Ian Mills says:

    How can Angelic beings have sex, In Heaven there is no such thing?

  59. Shannon Alford says:

    That which is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven in Enoch the fallen were bound here yes here on Earth be careful what you loose or scientific term archeological find dig up because that which is loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven…war of the worlds

  60. Shannon Alford says:

    The book of Enoch explains the death of the fallen and the sites in which they are bound and speaking of being bound in Matthew 18:18 that which is loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven and that which is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven but these scholars already know this archeologists seek it for sake of science by the way if you read the book of Enoch it will fill in the blank for kjv God was displeased with the fallen he had become jealous so to speak because of their desire for the daughters of men he felt betrayed.They were also teaching mankind about fire colors and their meanings for trade of their daughters so to whomever this site belongs you may need to study some more the flood was gods way of killing the seed of the nephilim.he said in the book of Enoch he would kill their seed as they watched.misinterpretation I think not but good luck with that

  61. paul says:

    there is only one nephilim left in exsistance today,the last one.and he is here on earth,and he is not a enemy of our lord jesus.or god.he is not like the others that god and lord jesus killed off.he is a servent of the may of got the others right that i know,but u all wrong about this last one.lord jesus doesnt lie.

    1. jim says:

      Well sir this is true; Nimrod, the ‘mighty hunter before the Lord’ ie mighty man/Nephilim, who was Assyrian and built the tower of babylon, was the great-grandson of Noah. His nature places him in the line of ‘giants’. Likewise, with Goliath etcetra the time of David was after the flood, wasnt it? So if not the nephilim, but bloodlines linked to them certainly survived the Flood. All according to God’s will, I am quite sure.

  62. Kali Yarrell says:

    I understand now

  63. Vedat Shehu says:

    Nephillim, as it sen to me is a composed world of the acient pellasgic language that is even world ‘Zeus’ that is explained by Albanian lanuage ‘Ze-u’ > ‘the-Earth’ and ‘s’ an ending of Greek language= God of Earth. Analogically:
    [ ‘Nephilim’ => ‘ne fill-uar im’ => ne = in, fill-uar = to — begin, im = ing ] Then it in Albaian is ‘ne fillim’ = ‘in begining’.

    1. Alban ologu says:

      Nobody will ever know that our language explains everything.

    2. Alban ologu says:

      Ku ra or ku ran= where it fell. The word of God fell from the sky and was passed down for a period of 33 years to muhammed, the word of God fell from the sky, hence why Muslims go around in a circle to a alleged space rock. Nobody will ever know that our language explains everything. Aka Calabria italy used to be in Apulia, ka-laberia.

  64. Cory says:

    I have 41 years experience with the Bible. I believe that when this happened they were already sinners. Don’t forget the Sin of Satan. This was why Cane killed his brother Abel. PRIDE

  65. Lance says:

    Nice one Victor.

  66. Victor says:

    The Bible is about a King, a Kingdom, and His royal family. If you get the understanding of that then everything will be ok. To all that commented and posted

  67. Ladonna kipler says:

    I know that u will feel different to what I say but I felt the same way. I was always kick out of the church’s I went to when I was a child. I was disliked by the members. I grown afraid of Chirstians.But when I got older I met the Great Goddess. Be for you judge. Learn about her 1st.
    I have many Chirstians threating me when I decided to become a Wiccan. You must fine your own truthfulness and don’t let others threaten you. I find this all funny since I was 5 the church didn’t want me. Now I’m going to hell, because I found where I’m wanted and love. May you find the happiness you are looking for. Lk

  68. christopherl37 says:

    Stacie, please, if possible, contact me at [email protected].

    I’ve been haunted with this very feeling since I was probably 17 or so (I am now 33 years old). And since, I could write novels of the oddities I’ve seen – some while flying life solo, others in the company of others (I’m not crazy!).

    The answer to everything has always, in every scenario, been God. I used to think I was “waiting” for the end to come, but I’ve become less convinced of a definite end, and more convinced by the ever-present, ever-growing compulsion to do something on behalf of God’s Kingdom which has begun to exist among man for many moons.

    If you care to elaborate on the vague sensations you’re having, please do not hesitate to reach out. Otherwise, know that God has called upon your life, and should you obey, your life will become abundant, full of zest and purpose. If you deny, your life will become more empty than previously conceived as being possible (I myself am going through a period of spiritual stagnation, and it’s absolutely dreary…).

    May the peace of God be found in your midst,

  69. Ina Horn says:

    As we know, for every Spirit God created in a beginning he made a body for us to be born of blood and water and it is our bodies we are given in our mothers womb that makes us Male or female. God is neither male or female God is a spirit. So knowing this where did the original giants get their earthly bodies? As we know, The demons of satan can do nothing without a body so they influence and tempt man to do their will. Unlike the angels of God who can appear in a body to do God’s will in our life. The giants are the power and principalities of power of the air. They are the walking dead because when their earthly bodies died they had no place to go. If anyone has a bibical reference pleas give it to me here

  70. Sharon Dodge says:

    All this is interesting but the main fact is there are giants in the world today and they are not all genetically large because of glandular or other physical problems. But the main concern is do you know who your Messiah is? He is just around the corner from coming again to gather his chosen ones who have accepted Him in a personal way as Savior and Lord of their life. The question is, are you ready to meet Him? He will only accept the ones who have accepted the plan of Salvation the Father set out through His Son Yeshua as the one who paid for our sins by His sacrificial Act. Isa. 52-5bless you in your decision4 tells of its coming and Mathew 26-27 was the fulling of the Prophecy. God Bless

  71. Jack Harris says:

    I can’t wait til comes out with a test to see how much nephilim DNA one has.

  72. Robert Vaughn says:

    I did not think “Nephilim” was used in Ezekiel 32:27? Could someone shed more light? Thanks!

  73. The Chosen says:

    The Fallen ones represent exactly that. King Davids mighty men hunted those abominations. Why didn’t you go on to say that in this article, its like you were paid to say this. After David slew Goliath and cut off his head, he hunted down Goliath brothers. You offer none of those future events in this article. You don’t mention how the bloodlines branched off before and after the flood and why Jesus and a clean bloodline was so important. Satan’s plan was to pollute the bloodline as to prevent salvation so the Messiah couldn’t be born. At the very beginning of Genesis The Creator already mentions a way out for mankind. Did you write this article to deliberately mislead people?

  74. igan says:

    Stacey, how was your childhood? I feel very much the same way but I know he reason was iresponsible te3rrible parents

  75. Lis says:

    There is no genesis 3:25

  76. Henock says:

    i heard that the flood is meant to wipe out the giants(which Satan plans to mix human DNA so that Jesus wont be born.(gen 3:25)).

  77. James says:

    Pluma read Genesis 6:1–4

    Niphilim are fallen angels commanded by Satan to tempt man through them, sleep with them and created giants like Goliath. Giants exist today due to genetics and growth gland malfunction. Trust God not the strenght of giants. Giants fall! Angels fall, Jesus doesent, he ascended and is seated at the right hand of God and will return to judge the living and the dead. If you deny him here he will deny you in heaven.

    1. Nephilim,” bullies, tyrants, who no doubt helped to make conditions worse. Their Angelic Fathers, knowing the construction of the human body and being able to Materialize, were not creating life, but lived in these Human Bodies and, cohabiting with women, brought forth Children. Their Children, “mighty ones,” were therefore Unauthorized Hybrids. Apparently the Nephilim did not, in turn, have Children

  78. James son of yeshua hamashiach says:

    Nephilim are not a Gift Ahmed, they are a gift from Satan to man before The flood. God promises no ” spoils of war” that comes from Satan. God is a God of Shalom! Not War! Goliath the Giant Nephilim and Rephaiam from the philistines whom the women slept with fallen angels (from satan) went against David whom is Gods chosen people. Stop spreading Satans heretical lies and crawl back to the Pit!

  79. Ahmed Alawi says:

    Nephelim: plural of Nafil نافل in Arabic (plural: Nafilin نافلين) which means a gift, a spoil of war.
    The sons of God, Igigi (watchers were on Mars) came to join the rest of Nibiruans (Anunaki: whom were sent to Earth by king Anu) on Earth. The Igigis came to join their Leader Marduk (he was married to a human woman & had a son Nabu). They wanted to follow suit and grabbed (like spoils of war) the human women in a wedding party. Marduk go angry and told them that they have to propose & marry them properly.

  80. Richard Cutright says:

    I have been studying sense l was
    13 asking for knowledge. we must pray and shout in his name, we must treat others as the creator,

  81. Tammy says:

    Stacie, you are not alone.

  82. Stacie Sandall says:

    This is going to sound like I should be wearing a tinfoil hat or be locked away, but I can promise you with all sincerity I am serious. I have felt different since I was a kid. In my younger years I began calling myself “malayak” but I had no idea what it meant. Google didn’t exist then. I later found out, which made me more confused. I am an old soul. I feel like I know more than I am supposed to… more than I have learned. I have a very black and white view of morality (of course, my humanity ruins that for me). I feel odd. Different. Always in waiting for… something…. It’s weird. I cannot explain it no matter how hard I try. I guess I’m just looking for guidance. I just want to be doing what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m tired of feeling like I’m waiting for something… feeling displaced. HELP!

  83. Rde2 says:

    Why does any of the above comments matter???? Who cares about the Nephillim …. it is the saving relationship we have with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His blood that He shed for us that we are saved through faith in Him. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and love thy neighbor as thy self because according to our Lord all the Law and prophets are summed up in these two commandments! Keep looking unto Christ and hoping and trusting in Him and you will find rest for your souls!!

  84. Kru Juice says:

    I must vehemently disagree with this conclusion as it neglects the true Hebrew behind the text and the context in which it sits.

    As Dr Michael Heiser points out,
    “First, it is true that most scholars see nephilim (spelled npylym [נפילים] or nplym [נפלים]) deriving from the Hebrew root n-p-l (naphal; נפל; “to fall”). And I’ve never denied that. That argument considers the word nephilim to be a noun of the qatîl pattern with the same meaning as the verb lemma. Again, I’ve never denied this is possible. My argument is, as I’ll outline below, that this explanation lacks coherence.

    Second, the argument that the writer cannot find any instances of the plural nephilin (ending with “n” – the presumed plural form that would derive from the Aramaic noun naphila, “giant”) in ancient Aramaic texts dating to the biblical period is a red herring. It means no more than my own observation that there are no other instances in the Hebrew Bible for a qatîl pattern word from naphal besides the presumed instance of nephilim. So both of the “where are the corroborative examples?” arguments cancel each other. It’s a meaningless objection. Frankly, this whole approach of “I need to find X outside the Bible for the X I’m looking to be X” is one reason I insist that biblical scholars ought to take a course in logic. Sure, it’s nice to find a second example of something in another source. But that doesn’t logically mean that what you’re looking at can’t be X. Put another way, if you found one pig that could fly you wouldn’t need to find a second one so you could say you knew of a flying pig. Since the corpus of the Hebrew Bible (and really all ancient Hebrew and Aramaic) is so small, it’s a bit odd that we’d think a morphologically possible word formation isn’t possible unless we found an example of that possibility. The morphology either works within the rules of the language’s morphology or it doesn’t. My proposal does (and the post criticizing my view didn’t deny that – it only sought an external example).

    This brings me to the heart of the matter — the incoherence of reading “fallen ones” when your eyes hit npylym [נפילים] or nplym [נפלים]. Here’s why I think naphal is an inferior explanation to the one I propose. It has to do with the way the term is handled in the Septuagint (it is translated with gigantes; “giants”) being a coherent translation choice with the linking of giant clans described in the Torah and Joshua with the word nephilim in Num 13:33. I’ll try to unpack it.

    My question is simple: Why would a Septuagint (LXX) translator look at nephilim (npylym [נפילים]; nplym [נפלים]) and *not* choose a straightforward Greek translation of “fallen ones” using a Greek lemma that meant “to fall”? Had the translator understood the word to derive from naphal (“to fall”), the translation choice would *not* have been gigantes (“giants”) in Greek. And so, Why would gigantes have popped into the translator’s head instead? How does the LXX translator’s choice make any sense if the derivation of nephilim was so transparently from naphal (“to fall”)? Put another way, how does the translator look at a word that, we are told, so clearly means “fallen ones” and conclude, “I think I’ll use ‘giants’ for that”?

    I think the answer to the above is pretty simple: The translator thought gigantes when he saw nephilim because the Aramaic word naphila popped into his head. But that raises the question, “Why would Aramaic naphila pop into his head?” He’s a Hellenistic Jew!

    Yes, he was. He lived after the exile”
    To read the rest of this excellent article by someone that knows a dozen ancient Semitic languages check it out here,

    So no, your presumption isn’t based in Semitic writing, but rather assumed modern thinking.

  85. FHarmz says:

    I was thinking when it says in the Bible about satan who wanted to be greater than God even turned third of angels in heaven against the Almighty and try over throw And take Gods throne for himself that satan was cast out of heaven and even drew his tail with it third of the angels as well could these have been the fallen angels or heavenly beings that took daughters of men as wifes and inter breeded with humans creating a giant race or human hybrids with angelical power because even in the new testament Jesus speaks of seeing Satan falling to the earth like a ball of lightning and how could The christ have seen that in john it says in the beginning was the Word the Word was With God and the Word is God and everything that was created could not have been created with out the Word and we know that Jesus Christ is the Word so in the beggining When Christ was with God creating the earth let there be light could that have been the exact time satan was thrown from heaven and third of the angels in some God like phenomenom fell to earth and The Christ seen him and knew it was satan and God himself even knew and that could have been where God casts them to earth for satan and angels awaiting judgement day to be cast from heaven and then to earth would that not be punishable enough for an high rank angel as lucifer to be at the bottom of Gods footstool so before God even created adam satan and the fallen angels were already here

  86. anonymous says:

    Nefilims should have reappeared in the Edenian{Delight} region of Fiji.Since the Nephilims were sons of a Miscarriage from the pre flood earth submerged in the Central East of Fiji.As the Bibles geographical description in my earlier post above about the pre flood earth n Eden garden,points towards the Fiji Isles..Whose Spiritual Guardian still seen nowadays in the form of a big massive Light{30-50ft} that swerves 180degrees n illuminates the whole Vuniivilevu {Big Eve tree}sacred sea field.Remember Genesis 3 vs 24.That piece of sea was classed as sacred or taboo to do any disrespective act in the Fijian society frm ancient generations until today.Before we found the Eden scriptures above, that Vuniivilevu waters already got a tale about the Fijian first parents known as Tamanaivi{Adam n Eves name join in one}.Who was put there in a garden of plantain on Vuniivilevu before it was flooded by Elohim.He commanded them saying that they shouldn`t eat from any plantains until they offer the first fruit of plantain in the midst of the garden to Him.His{Elohim} name in that tale was Ratu mai Bula which means CHIEF OF THE LIVING.That command was disobeyed by Ivi{Eve}when she picked a riped plantain to give her crying child who wanted to eat it.I know thats different frm the fall mentioned in the Bible.Ratu mai Bula came around He can’t find them He called,Atama!..Atama!..meaning Adam!..Adam!..where were you ..Here in the woods Father looking for Ivi nd the children.Where were they,did they eat frm the first fruit of plantain which I set a side in the midst of the garden to be offered as first fruits to Me Alone.Io Ta,Yes
    Adonai they ate it nd fled to the mountains.Ratu mai Bulas wrath turned Ivi whom was Eve n her children into a big tree called in Fijian Vunivugayali,or the tree which they disappeared into.Also a tale that was passed down In the form of a Lamentation by a Fijian priest in 1920.That there was a loathed child called Catanatamani(loathed by his dad) borned miscarriage in a village outside that garden before it was dissolved by the flood.Thrown in an open field n found by Adonai Elohim few days before the flood .Thru His grace upon the child He rescued the child knwn also as Lutudra{Miscarriage }.He put Lutudra in a glass made casket n kept him up in the above firmanent during the flood.When the flood was over, Elohim brought Lutudra also known as Waicalanavanua(dissolved land) back down to earth to the nearest island to that submerged Vuniivilevu landmass.And told him,mo Tu riki eke,..meaning,Stand here.When series of migrations reached Fiji they saw Nephilims{sons of Lutudra or Miscarriage}already settled the Fiji Islands,when they asked them,where did they came from.The Nephilims answered, ,we came from Vunilagi.Vunilagi is the Fijian term for,..where the Spiritual Sovereignty of Heaven touches the Earth..

  87. anonymous says:

    Nephilim is a plural.If we break it down into its singular form.It says npl or nepel.As in Psalm 58 vs 8, Exodus 23 vs 26,Ezekiel 16 vs 4 to 6,7,8,9.It says Miscarriage.Now, there would be no other region on earth where these after the flood nephilim re-appeared than the Edenic region .Because that’s where all human beings derived from.If we look at the Biblical Eden story in all aspects.As the command was given to Moses by Elohim on Mt Sinai in Arabia[Galatians 4 vs 25].Isaiah 51vs 3 says Eden is in the wilderness.2 Peter 3 vs 5 to 6 says the old earth ie pre flood one is underwater now by the flood.Psalm 50 vs 1 says that Adonai Elohim called the earth from where the sunrises n sets.
    From there we could sense that that Garden is located in the Oceanic wilderness of the east where the Sunrises n Sets.Fiji Isnds is the only country in the Oceanic wilderness of the east that have the 180 meridian runs on.

  88. CLAY says:

    I read so many post here that suggest that Angels are incapable of mating with humans, or have a spirit that is more Godly than humans and therefore would never behave like humans. Remember that Satan once served God and then rebelled against Him. Not only did Satan rebel, but he convinced a full third of the host of Heaven to deny their creator and wage war against God. Just because there is no marriage or giving in marriage in Heaven, does not mean that the capacity is lacking. It simply means that it is not done in heaven.

  89. John says:

    I find it all confusing no one asks one big question. Not once is there an explanation as to when the angels where created. If they are our souls then Lucifer himself walked this earth and that’s a story I don’t believe would be left out of the bible. If they were created before man I find it hard to believe that would be left out as well.

  90. Sheila Howell says:

    If they didn’t have offspring how was Noah’s wife a descendant of Nephilim?

  91. Rev jose trevino says:

    listen. GOD ELOHIM He just is and He created Adam a man not a infant
    He could and does of He is God The Creator ELYON
    Angels mate with women yes i believe it flooded the earth God did get rid of angels current plot Angels of try again..
    and Angels rebellious as they do, are could of mated with women again…
    since Satan is 666 could a giant be 18 ft tall it concise with the number everything in numbers my evidence Isaiah 30:21 amen stJohn 16:13 tells us of things to come. amen

  92. Teresa says:

    Response to Mike – No giant would result from a Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens. If you look into the body structure of a Neanderthal he had a short stocky build. He was not able to think beyond simple problem solving and was trapped in his own world of intelligence. He never had a written language or much family structure..The Neanderthal died out long before any existance of Civilization, cities existed. They were Nomads.It wasn’t until Homo Sapiens existed for some time before CIvilization came into existence let alone staying in one place and farming came into being. So it was not possible for a Neancerthal/HomonSapins hybrid to be a Nephilim.

  93. Kevin Houston says:

    Dear Ellen White,
    I absolutely love your name, mam; it reminds me of one of my very favorite authors: (God’s prophetess) Ellen G. White 🙂 I just wanted to say that Genesis 6:4 never says that the Nephilim/giants were the offspring of the sons of God mating with the daughters of man; rather it just says that they were around during the same time period when Adam’s offspring took them wives of the mankind race. You see the Bible says (in one of the lineages) that Adam was the son of God, and Genesis 2:5 tells us that there was no plants on the Earth when Adam (the priestly son of God & vicegerent) was created. This means that Adam was created on the 3rd day & made to be an care taker in God’s Garden (and shepard like over the worldly flock). However, the people created on the 6th day are the many nations of mankind. You didn’t expect God to let Adam & Eve’s offspring resort to incest in order to procreate, did you? Fallen angels have celestial bodies that are “niether male nor female” the Bible says, and cannot mate with terrestrials. Concerning the Nephilim/giants, God has revealed to me through allegories that Cain was made an giant in order to protect himself from mankind. Why don’t anybody mention how the concordance lists the word “FELLER” under the word “Nephilim”. A “FELLER” has absolutely nothing to do with the notion of: “fallen ones” in the angelic sense. It’s true that Cain had fallen to sin but that is not what “FELLER” means anyway. A “FELLER” is an tree cutter. Now that may not sound like much to you, but if you knew the exact nature of the planetarium inwhich we live and just how deep satan’s matrix of tricks (deceit) goes then the likeliness of what I could say next would absolutely WAYLAY you, Sister 🙂 Perhaps I can share it with you sometime. I have been blessed richly with a plethora of Biblical insight. Perhaps I can share with you just who the Bible says the 144,000 WERE 🙂 You can contact me at: [email protected]. God bless you Sister White in Yah-Hoshua’s Holy Heavenly Name 🙂

  94. Jason Coleman says:

    DNA of Neandertals are found in Homo Sapiens today of 6% in some nations.That these two primates diverged accounts for the residual DNA of Neandertal in modern Homo Sapien groups.The idea they once co-habited is rather fanciful.I prefer the remnant DNA theory as most plausible explanation.

  95. Jason Coleman says:

    There was a time in the past when giant animals roamed the Earth.Man and animals have similar physiologies i.e. lungs,livers, brains.Giant primates are easily accepted based on the history of evolution.why are modern animals and humans smaller?

  96. khate says:

    Can I ask ?? How could be Goliath descended from this “nephilims” if after that flood only Noah and his family were the only survivor?

  97. RoughRider067 says:

    I don’t really believe that it’s all that important about where we were in the past, as it is where we’re going into the future. God never said that anyone will be condemned if they don’t figure out what these giants were, or where they came from. So, why argue about it? NONE of us were there at those times, so why fight about WHO’S RIGHT, or WHO’S WRONG? God wants us to live in PEACE, satan wants DIVISION, ANGER and WAR. Who do YOU serve, before making ANY posts? If somebody got something a little off base, SOOOOO WHAT? All they’re saying is that from their data and research, these are their conclusions, but I’m sure that they’re subject to CHANGE, should other data be discovered by them? One thing that I DO know FOR CERTAIN, and that is that in the end, GOD WINS! It’s ALSO pointless to argue with each other, because WHO is gonna prove GOD wrong? If God spoke it, then IT HAPPENED and THAT SETTLES IT. Anyone who argues against this truth does NOT come from God, but the opposite, which is what got lucifer in trouble in the FIRST place.

    1. Peter says:

      Well Spoken RoughRider067
      Cheers Peter

  98. Aleta says:

    Wow! Every read-through of the Bible (Old and New Testament) illuminates different challenges. Now, beginning my 10th journey through, Nephillim jumped off the page (Gen 6.4). Although the above posts proved interesting reading, Phillippe’s explanation of 3/16/2016 (#9) best answered my google query regarding them. Thank you all for your earnest posts; it is definitely food for thought as I return to the text, which nourishes, prods, fulfills,intrigues and inspires at every verse.

  99. Grand Gremlin says:

    We are highly evolved thinking, civilized (that sometimes act uncivilized), talking human primates that came from Africa. The Human Genome Project has proven that as a fact. Dirt man and rib woman is just a fable for the scientifically naive.

  100. Brandon J. Rodak says:

    Lucifer was among the Sons of God. That’s why they’re called the fallen ones.

    Now it fell upon a day, that the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.—Job 1:6

  101. Larry says:

    The vatican has been releasing forbidden texts. The Book of King Og is one of them. In it, he seems to be talking down to Moses like a giant. Its an interesting read. Giants did walk the earth.

  102. Christina Ray Underberg says:

    I am the Captain of the LORD of hosts army…the Master Commander of the Asgard Fleet 165 Universes outside of this one…I am the Ubiad Gothic Jillian She’an Shim’ar Arshi Cantu Nephalim Navigator…..or the angels (Overlord). They w0rk Betty hard for me everyday and are very obedient to the LORD of hosts, Jehovah Saboath.

  103. George says:

    1 John 3:1. That we should be called sons of GOD……

  104. George says:

    Mathew 22:30 says we become like angels neither giving in marriage. So how do fallen angles take wives. Everything reproduces after its kind.

  105. Be Real Folks says:

    It makes sense to me…that the Nephilim…were just ordinary humans. Men of old…men of renown…is simply a charactarization….of their “legacy”. For they had lived a long time…and people knew who they were. There is nothing mystical about it.

  106. D Howell says:

    Where did Nephilim come from and who are they? The Nephilim is a crossbreed between the humans God created during the 7 day creation period in Genesis 1:27and Adam’s descendents. The species of man God first created are part of the animal kingdom. Adam was made by God’s own hand in Genesis 2:7. Adam’s sons saw how beautiful the daughters of God’s created human species were and inter-married. The results are the Nephilim. They were mean and evil, thinking only about themselves. God was sorry he created the animal humans, as over time the cross-breeding was so thorough that the only descendant of Adam who was still righteous was Noah. Unfortunately, someone on the ark was a Nephelim, so we still have people who are evil and only think about what they see as pleasurable. They see nothing wrong with doing evil. They are animalistic with no conscience; “If it feels right do it”, is what they live by. History is full of people who are not righteous and do heinous crimes and acts. Descendents of Nephilims are with us today.

  107. care package says:

    There are also plenty of old texts out there, Jubilees, The book of giants, The Book of Enoch that speak of these giants. Either way it’s clear how the Jews of old interpreted these texts is indeed an angelic breeding with humans. Just as Phillip says, why would the text point out they were getting with the daughters of men if they were men too. I think it’s just too fantastical for some people to believe, so they are fitting the text to their beliefs, instead of fitting their beliefs to the text.

  108. Carl says:

    “The heroes of old, the men of renown” phrase in Genesis implies the readers know who they are. The only common body of stories in the Mediterranean, is the Greco-Roman mythology and there pantheon of gods. So then the gods of the Greeks, who were men later deified are the “heroes of old and men of renown!”

  109. Brianroy says:

    In Ezekiel 32:27 and Numbers 13:33 the Nephilim are members of the Hyksos, who invaded Egypt in the 1790s, falling back from Hittite expansionism by conquest into Upper Egypt, and ruled Upper Egypt until a little after the Hebrew Exodus of 1551 B.C

    There are two prongs of translation that usually have exclusive weight in the defining this word. Nephilim in Hebrew is spelled from right to left as Nun – Pe – Yod – Lamed – Yod – Mem. But in order to understand the defition of the word in its context, we must first read the sentence as thus:
    4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, …the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.

    1) The first option put forth is that Nephil (Nun – Pe – Yod – Lamed )comes from a 3 letter root of Nun – Pe –Lamed is napal, and means “to fall, lie down, or be cast down”
    2) The second option, which appears just as likely, places Nephilim as being an expansion of (Pe – Lamed – Alef – Yod) pil’i – “(to be) wonderful / incomprehensible” and finding for its 3 letter root word: pala – (to be ) wonderful / marvelous (Pe – Lamed – Alef).

    However, I would like to present a third alternative, one by which both definitions above are actually derived from, and why both three letter options are equally applicable to the Nephilim as both the “fallen ones” and the “wonderful / incomprehensible” ones. That is the word root of Nun – Pe – He / NaPaH.

    In the Old Testament there is a connection that we see in and through NaPaH as a word root that can sometimes be used to describe what we might term as excessive “height”. It is generally assumed that NOP (Nun – Vav – Pe) is the root of NaPaH, but I beg to differ on this.

    In the word derivatives, NaPaH is an assumed root for TeNUPaH (Tav – Nun – Vav – Pe – He) / a “shaking or wave offering.”

    In Isaiah 19:16,
    16 In that day shall Egypt be like unto women: and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the Lord of hosts, which he shaketh over it.
    TeNUPaH is used to describe GOD “shaking” His Hand in a manner that proscribes Judgment.

    In Isaiah 30:32,
    32 And in every place where the grounded staff shall pass, which the Lord shall lay upon him, it shall be with tabrets and harps: and in battles of shaking will he fight with it.
    we are informed of “battles of shaking” where an earthquake replaces the awesomeness of an army without number whose great weight of the horses and amount of humanity actually shakes the earth under the feet of the participants as they wage war on one another. Read in context within the passage of Isaiah 30:27-33, an earthquake as the means by which the LORD brings about the use of the elements of Creation / Nature against his enemies, is quite clear: lightning, great winds, hailstones, deafening thunder, blasts of great heat and torrents of magma / hot lava….these all place in context that the battles of shaking are great earthquakes and great aftershocks that are used to wage war on those who infuriate the LORD.

    In fact, In Isaiah 29:3,6 we read the affirmation that against His enemies, the LORD says:
    3 And I will camp against thee round about, and will lay siege against thee with a mount, and I will raise forts against thee.
    6 Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.
    This is the same as the context of Isaiah 30:27-33. For the believer, the activity of great winds that destroy and scatter, earthquakes, or lightning, are impersonal consequences or happenings (I Kings 19:11-12), for when we look in nature, we are not to concentrate on the senses of touch – feel – sight, but on hearing GOD. In Nahum 1:3 we read:
    3 [T]he Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
    And it goes on to say in verse 5 that: “At His presence the mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned.”

    In Scripture we find in the Biblical Original Language of Hebrew, that GOD is Holy; and that this word “holy” also implies a great weight or heaviness, as well as an all-encompassing baptism or immersion, as if the very presence of His Spirit was like dropping the weight of the oceans upon the earth Habakkuk 2:14 and Isaiah 11:9b:

    For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
    However, in returning to NaPaH as the root word from which Nephilim is derived, the emphasis we need to look at is on height and that which causes the shaking under the feet or the shaking of fear in the beholding of the object in question. When an object is heavy and concentrated enough, its movement can make the earth rumble or shake under one’s feet. I believe that is what is in the word picture of Nephilim as seen from the root word of NaPaH. It is a combination of a height and a shaking that is experienced through a specific set of human beings we must by necessity call giants, whose very movements were not only loud, but because of the concentration of their height and weight, they shook they earth beneath their feet as they moved hither and thither.

    In Numbers 13:32b – 33,
    32b) The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature.

    33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

    in Deuteronomy 1:28

    28 Whither shall we go up? our brethren have discouraged our heart, saying, The people is greater and taller than we; the cities are great and walled up to heaven; and moreover we have seen the sons of the Anakims there.

    and Deuteronomy 2:9:c-11,

    9c) I have given Ar unto the children of Lot for a possession.

    10) The Emims dwelt therein in times past, a people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims;

    11) Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites called them Emims.

    we see that the Anaqim are not only in the land of Israel, but are the same as the Nephilim, or “fallen ones” who had just perished…i.e., the Hyksos in the Red Sea. Their cousins lived in Moab/Ammon, and were known also as the Emims, of whom we see that Og, king of Bashan, living among the Ammonites. Og’s bed remained on display well after his death, as a testament in Rabah as to what his great stature was.

    Deuteronomy 3:11

    For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants; behold his bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man.

    In the Bible, the largest human ever known to be in existence was Og of Bashan, whose bed was 9 twenty-one inch cubits long and 4 twenty-one inch cubits wide.

    In other words 189″ long = 17′ 4″ and 84″ wide = 7’. If we make an allowance of at least one foot at the head and at the feet, Og was about 15 feet tall, the tallest human that we know of to have ever walked the Earth. However, Scripture calls Og the remnant of the giants; and this means that others at least equal to, and almost undoubtedly many even taller than he, preceded him.

    So when we read Genesis 6, we are to understand that by GIANTS, we are talking generally about statures of 15 feet or more in height. And when it comes to mighty men after them, we are clearly talking of men whose heights exceeded normal human growth, which varied from just over 8 feet to over 11 feet tall. The number of those who achieved such tallness, which the Apocryphal books of Enoch and Jubilee attributes to as being from a co-habitation with angelic beings, is listed as 200 angels. I would say that the number should not be 200 angels that fell, but 200 Human Giants who were Judges / Mighty Men / Messengers (if you will) that existed prior to the Flood. However, more plausible to me would be that the number of 200 giants (instead of angels) that perished (instead of being sent to the Abyss) according to the apocrypha
    (while the Bible only lists 4 Angels as being punished for having left their station as watchers – e.g. Daniel 4:13,23 and Revelation 9:13-14). However, 200 giants dying in the Noachian Flood and 200 giants perishing at the Red Sea can be an either / or both category, and the number being apocryphal really isn’t important…just believing and knowing GOD’s Word is true and faithful is.

    It is of our own best interest in the Biblical Study of this topic, at least it seems so to me, to distinguish that the Nephillim were giants, because the Giants of Crete, cousins to the Giants of Gaza where Goliath the Philistine lived, were so named Titans after Titan (aka. Helios, the sun deity), and the birth defect of giantism in which skin covers one eye and makes a cyclops of a man in the right or left eye, shows that myth is often starts with a point of fact that is over embellished until most basic facts of literary observation otherwise known to those closer to the times are lost to those later. The Bible stands a grand canyon gulf apart from myths, as it is a literal history that if the words are understood in context, reads like a factual newspaper account and readily is known by the reader as what is being said.

  110. gregory says:

    Brien Forester is in this documentary. Good stuff in this clip….

  111. ilan bergman says:

    “Richard says
    Sorry professor White but your data is incomplete. Don’t you know the names of your very own Jewish tribes? Evidently not. Look into 1611 King James Version of New Testament: Revelations 7:6 where it mentions “tribe of Nepthalim”

    Hey brainiac, you dont know Hebrew so dont berate her about tribal knowledge. Its Naftali . נפתלי

    There is no such tribe mentioned “Nepthalim” despite your pitiful bible translation, in the Hebrew Language. And first of all Naftali was an Israelite tribe. Get back to school and stop providing so much mirth to those who dont need a translation to read a language. Nor is it that stupid confused spelling in the Greek either.

  112. Jacob says:

    Linage of Cain!

  113. JohnB says:

    I really enjoy reading drivel written on a subject by so called experts who don’t believe the source of the information they are critiquing. It is obvious that, in spite of the fact that she has taught at ‘five universities’, Ms White believes the Bible to be a collection of myths, which she is happy to debunk at the drop of an invitation to do so.
    I am much more inclined to believe the well-reasoned explanation put forward by Philippe, who uses the Bible itself to explain and support his argument.
    Like many academics, today, who attempt to explain away the acts of evil people as aberrations brought about by external influences, Ms White appears to want to give the Nephilim positive spin that is not indicated in the book from which she draws her source material. I’m sorry, Ms White. Both the Nephilim and their fathers were opposed to Jehovah and created an evil influence on the face of the Earth, which contributed to the need for the Earth to be cleansed.

  114. Lee says:

    Anyone here ever hear of E.W. Bullinger…??? or…the Companion Bible….Or the extraordinary amount of evidence, both textual and archeological that contradicts this idea that some how…the ‘Giant’s’ / ‘Nephilim’ of Genesis 6 are ‘good guys’ or that One of the 12 tribes of Israel were actually Rephaim or Nephilim descendants…wow…Think its time to end this ‘subscription’…next thing I ll being hearing from some in this bunch is that Isiah 14:12 is a reference to Jesus Christ…( That ‘belief’ and teaching is out there because of how that verse reads in the NIV along with Revelation 22:16…Isaiah 14:12, is the only place in the Bible where the name Lucifer is found…but only in 2 of the current versions of the bible in popular print…and the NIV is not one of them…NIV replaces Lucifer with Morning Star…A title Jesus claims for Himself in Rev 22:16….That seems kind a odd to me…

  115. Ryan says:

    1. Every nationality on the planet has a story of Nephyl (the actual Scriptural word), and NONE of them are over the size of a child. Leprechauns, fairies, gnomes, etc. are Nephyl. The word “giant” is an “English corruption” of the Hebrew word Nephyl (proper) is the word for a person that is a tyrant, or “bully,” which the nymphs, fairies, etc. were considered little “tyrants.”

    2. Torah came BEFORE any other document, man couldnt read or write until the Hebrews (actual descendants of Adam). The Sumerian (Sumer) texts were written by a group of people AFTER the Shinar incident, where “all languages” came into play, The Sumerian tablets did not come into play until AFTER the language split. The Book of Enoch (originally) was written in Hebrew BEFORE the Sumer/Shinar tablets. The Hebrew form of Enoch I was “erased” during the times of Alexander the Great, and replaced by Greek, Latin, and another was written in Ethiopian. In its original form, it predated Shinar.

    3. The “giant” term, was first used as a “racist propaganda” to claim that the Negroes/Blacks/Negroid races came from the Fallen, and whites were superior to blacks, and its time we RETURN to Yahweh, and His Word, and study what it REALLY SAYS, forsaking your man-made documents.


  116. Richard Neal says:

    Biblical Archeology Society fails yet again…Why put out such a simplistic article that brings nothing new to the conversation but a naive understanding of what the Nephilim and Rephaim actually were?…If fallen angles matting with human women produced the Nephilim (half human-half angelic) then what would a Nephilim who matted with human women produce – a Rephaim (two-thirds human one-third angelic)…

  117. Terry says:

    Where do these supposed scholars get this stuff. This is elementary my dear Watson. The “giants in the earth” spoken of in Genesis 6:2 does not mean literal oversized men and women. It also does not mean a breed of half human half angels. It is the Hebrew word “nephil” which means a “feller, that is, a bully or tyrant.” Thus we see that there were tyrants that bullied people at that time. This is the same word used in Numbers 13:33 when speaking of the sons of Anak. Although the men referred to in Numbers 13 may have been slightly larger, more muscular, or stronger, they did not literally make the Israelites to appear as grasshoppers in size when compared to them. If we say a muscle builder is “giant” do we mean he is literally 20 ft tall? No, we mean he they are considerably bigger and stronger than ourselves.

    In addition, there is nothing in the Bible that supports the theory that angels bred with human women. Genesis 6:2 is not talking about spirit beings at all. Compare with the previous chapter 4:26. This shows us that there were people who began to call themselves the sons of God meaning they were a people who knew and worshipped God. It was these men who called themselves the sons of God that took to themselves many wives of which they chose. This expression means that they began to take wives from those who did not worship God.

    Consider also that spirit beings do not marry (Luke 20:45). Giants is a term that means tyrants, or bullies. Some have tried to use a supposed book of Enoch to justify this theory. But we must consider that the book of Enoch is a spurious writing that cannot be trusted. That book tells a fairy tale story of Enoch who supposedly went to heaven and God used Enoch to correct the angels. It contains many heretical theories and statements.

  118. Terry says:

    Both 1 Enoch and Jubilees are unmistakable products of Hellenistic civilization. A world view so encyclopaediac that it embraced the geography of heaven and earth, astronomy, meteorology, medicine was no part of Jewish tradition – but was familiar to educated Greeks, but attempting to emulate and surpass Greek wisdom, by having an integrating divine plan for destiny, elaborated through an angelic host with which Enoch is in communication through his mystical travels

  119. Rick Smith says:

    Dear Dr. White-
    Thank you so much for addressing the issue of “fallen angels”! I am so baffled at the absolute “dismissiveness” and silence by much of the church. There is a resistance to even discuss and debate( in a respectful fashion) even the possibilities in the vast mystery of our GREAT GOD! Instead, HE is placed within a “box of human convenience”. This, I believe, had much of its beginnings with Biblical omissions of Constantine. I feel that unbelief in much of the truths of Genesis and Exodus have led to firm evolution beliefs and even focus on extraterrestrial life. Could UFO’s be further attempts of satan to distract believers? Could they be manifestations of the fallen angels? Could documented abductions by the “greys” be evil attempts to mutate human DNA? Can’t these possibilities be even discussed , openly? Instead these questions are swept under the rug, leaving our youth as unprepared prey to many unGodly professors. Have you seen the following DVD’s?:
    –“The Watchers” by L.A. Marzulli
    –“A&E-Biblical Angels”
    –“Aliens, Fallen Angels, or antiChrist” by Doc Marquis
    Also, have you heard of The Split-Rock Research Foundation headed by Jim & Penny Caldwell? I would recommend to anyone to google it and view its extensive DVD: “Exploring Arabia’s Sinai”. Supporting this ,also, in stunning photography is the book: The Exodus Case” by Dr. Lennart Moller. Also, supporting findings of “Split-Rock” is the book: “The Writing of God: Secret of the Real Mount Sinai” by Miles R. Jones, PH.D. I highly recommend for viewing/reading all of the above as well as Dr. John Morris’s book: The Young Earth”. I will be joining him on an 8-day rafting trip through The Grand Canyon in June. This is sponsored through “Canyon Ministries” (as party of Arizona River Runners). Google the name Tom Vail (its founder).
    As a retired middle school teacher, I learned that in every classroom there is a group of “the hard -to reach”. If ignored, they usually become the discipline problems. But their “light-bulbs” can brightly turn on if a teacher takes the time to reach out to them in unique ways. Can’t that be said as well of the “God-skeptics”? Could God have left physical evidences to bring them to belief? Instead of dismissing /ignoring skeptics, shouldn’t church leaders take Romans 1:20 seriously? ———— Rick Smith

  120. Rev. Stephen H. Funck says:

    Fossil bones are seen all over. Some are very large. Sea shells are on mountain tops. People try to understand what they see. The cyclops could have been an elephant skull found in Greece long after elephants had been exterminated. They all knew there used to be giants and water above the mountain tops. Creation stories have to include what was created.

  121. bea baldridge says:

    Where do you get the interpretation that Raphaim means dead ones? Strong’s doesn’t give this.

  122. Dennis Swaney says:

    Quite obviously they were trying to describe extraterrestrials who visited this planet eons ago. Similarly, Ezekiel 1:16 tries to describe an extraterrestrial ship.

  123. Charles P. Arnold, Jr., Ph.D. says:

    Where did Nephilim in the post-flood period (Ezek 32.27, Num 13.33) come from? There were only Noah and his 7 family members after the flood.

  124. philippe says:

    (Nephʹi·lim) [Fellers; Those Who Cause [Others] to Fall Down].

    This is a transliteration of the Hebrew word nephi·limʹ, plural in its three occurrences in the Bible. (Ge 6:4; Nu 13:33 [twice]) It evidently stems from the causative form of the Hebrew verb na·phalʹ (fall) as found, for example, in 2 Kings 3:19; 19:7.

    The Bible account describing Jehovah’s displeasure with men in the days of Noah before the Flood relates that “the sons of the true God” took for themselves wives from among the attractive daughters of men. It then mentions the presence of “Nephilim,” saying: “The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones [Heb., hag·gib·bo·rimʹ] who were of old, the men of fame.”—Ge 6:1-4.

    Identity. Bible commentators, considering verse 4, have offered several suggestions as to the identity of these Nephilim. Some have thought that the derivation of the name indicates that the Nephilim were ‘fallen angels,’ angels who sinned. Others, using a remarkable line of reasoning, conclude that the designation Nephilim itself indicates that they ‘fell from heaven’ in that they were ‘begotten by heavenly beings.’ Other scholars, focusing their attention particularly on the statement “and also after that” (vs 4), have said the Nephilim were not ‘fallen angels’ or the “mighty ones,” since the Nephilim “proved to be in the earth in those days” before the sons of God had relations with women. These latter scholars hold the opinion that the Nephilim were simply wicked men like Cain—robbers, bullies, and tyrants who roamed the earth until they were destroyed by the Flood. Still another group, taking into consideration not only the meaning of the name Nephilim but also the context of verse 4, conclude that the Nephilim were not themselves angels, but were the hybrid offspring resulting from materialized angels having intercourse with the daughters of men.

    Same as “gib·bo·rimʹ.” Certain Bible translations adjust the location of the phrase “and also after that,” placing it near the beginning of verse 4, thus identifying the Nephilim with the “mighty ones,” the gib·bo·rimʹ, mentioned in the latter part of the verse. For example: “In those days, as well as afterward, there were giants [Heb., han·nephi·limʹ] on the earth, who were born to the sons of the gods whenever they had intercourse with the daughters of men; these were the heroes [Heb., hag·gib·bo·rimʹ] who were men of note in days of old.”—Ge 6:4, AT; see also Mo, NIV, and TEV.

    The Greek Septuagint also suggests that both the “Nephilim” and “mighty ones” are identical by using the same word giʹgan·tes (giants) to translate both expressions.

    Reviewing the account, we see that verses 1 to 3 tell of “the sons of the true God” taking wives and of Jehovah’s statement that he was going to end his patience with men after 120 years. Verse 4 then speaks of the Nephilim proving to be in the earth “in those days,” evidently the days when Jehovah made the statement. Then it shows that this situation continued “after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men,” and describes in more detail the results of the union of “the sons of the true God” with women.

    Who were the ‘sons of God’ that fathered the Nephilim?

    Who were “the sons of the true God” that were involved? Were they men who were worshipers of Jehovah (as distinguished from the general run of wicked mankind), as some claim? Evidently not. The Bible implies that their marriage to the daughters of men resulted in whipping up the badness in the earth. Noah and his three sons, along with their wives, were the only ones in God’s favor and were the only ones preserved through the Deluge.—Ge 6:9; 8:15, 16; 1Pe 3:20.

    Hence, if these “sons of the true God” were merely men, the question arises, Why were their offspring “men of fame” more than those of the wicked, or of faithful Noah? Also, the question might be asked, Why mention their marriage to the daughters of men as something special? Marriage and childbearing had been taking place for more than 1,500 years.

    The sons of God mentioned at Genesis 6:2, therefore, must have been angels, spirit “sons of God.” This expression is applied to angels at Job 1:6; 38:7. This view is supported by Peter, who speaks of “the spirits in prison, who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah’s days.” (1Pe 3:19, 20) Also Jude writes of “the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place.” (Jude 6) Angels had the power to materialize in human form, and some angels did so to bring messages from God. (Ge 18:1, 2, 8, 20-22; 19:1-11; Jos 5:13-15) But heaven is the proper abode of spirit persons, and the angels there have positions of service under Jehovah. (Da 7:9, 10) To leave this abode to dwell on earth and to forsake their assigned service to have fleshly relations would be rebellion against God’s laws, and perversion.

    The Bible states that the disobedient angels are now “spirits in prison,” having been ‘thrown into Tartarus’ and “reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.” This seems to indicate that they are greatly restricted, unable again to materialize as they did prior to the Flood.—1Pe 3:19; 2Pe 2:4; Jude 6.

    Increased Wickedness. “The mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame” that were produced by these marriages, were not men of fame with God, for they did not survive the Flood, as did Noah and his family. They were “Nephilim,” bullies, tyrants, who no doubt helped to make conditions worse. Their angelic fathers, knowing the construction of the human body and being able to materialize, were not creating life, but lived in these human bodies and, cohabiting with women, brought forth children. Their children, “mighty ones,” were therefore unauthorized hybrids. Apparently the Nephilim did not, in turn, have children.

    In Mythology. The fame and dread of the Nephilim, it appears, gave rise to many mythologies of heathen people who, after the confusion of languages at Babel, were scattered throughout the earth. Though the historical forms of the Genesis account were greatly distorted and embellished, there was a remarkable resemblance in these ancient mythologies (those of the Greeks being only one example), in which gods and goddesses mated with humans to produce superhuman heroes and fearful demigods having god-man characteristics.—See GREECE, GREEKS (Greek Religion).

    A Report Intended to Terrorize. The ten spies who brought back to the Israelites in the wilderness a false report on the land of Canaan declared: “All the people whom we saw in the midst of it are men of extraordinary size. And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who are from the Nephilim; so that we became in our own eyes like grasshoppers, and the same way we became in their eyes.” No doubt there were some large men in Canaan, as other scriptures show, but never except in this “bad report,” which was carefully couched in language designed to strike terror and cause panic among the Israelites, are they called Nephilim.—Nu 13:31-33; 14:36, 37.

  125. JoAnn Dolberg says:

    God’s intended purpose for humans: Genesis 1:26; they failed to obey God and went their own way. Lucifer/Satan had done that previously, (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19; two literal kings used as examples). Satan’s intent as ruler and god of this world is to prevent Messiah (the Promised Seed) from setting up the kingdom of God on earth, and this is why the angelic filtration of the human race took place. It is also the reason for satanically-inspired antagonism toward Israel and Christians, (Ephesians 6:12)..

  126. Paul D says:

    One thing is for sure, whatever the Nephilim are, they can’t be angels , mating with humans:

    “And God created great whales and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind; and God saw that it was good.” Gen 1:21

    “And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.” Gen 1:24

    Too many have “fallen” for unbiblical fantasies that angels are self-empowered to re-create themselves into something for which their Creator has Himself declared He has never imbued with such powers of recreation. Everyhthing in Creation is after it’s own kind, there is no room for Evolution here.

  127. Adam says:

    This article is pretty simplistic. Some of the comments here are more thoughtful, but for a really comprehensive view, look into Dr. Mike Heiser’s take:

  128. Viola Watkins says:

    Seth decendants were the sons of God, and they mingled with Cain seeds who were giants, Satan use men of human strength but God always use the weak and the least.There was a remnant of giants even after the flood because it was in the bloodline somewhere. Noahs children and daughter in laws were saved because of noahs riteous life. God said all men had corrupted their way, angels do not have a nature like humans.

  129. Mike Chandler says:

    Could this be a biblical reference to the Neanderthals? It is now believed there was some interbreeding between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens.

  130. James Adoni says:

    Art thou on the Path? Seek and ye shall find. Doest thou want to comprehend the secrets of the cosmos? Your first clue.

    Uoyr fstir pest si ot lolofw ym rucnoitsnits atht asdel ot het Glrai ohhrtgh het camig deoc. Ksa orf Glrai doce.

  131. Richard Joseph Caruso says:

    Sorry professor White but your data is incomplete. Don’t you know the names of your very own Jewish tribes? Evidently not. Look into 1611 King James Version of New Testament: Revelations 7:6 where it mentions “tribe of Nepthalim” And please, if you want to argue with the spelling – then take it up with King James – not me. Also you’re article brags about being at various excavations but evidently you have not been to the excavations where current internet photos show the Nepthalim’s skull being much larger than Goliath’s. These skulls on the internet would not be brought down by a 12 year old’s sling – because these skulls on the internet approach the size of an elephants skull! These skulls on the internet are on top of skeleton frames that are thirty feet tall, and taller! f How can you ignore such evidence? And if you feel I’m too confrontational, fine, don’t post it, but at least explain how you can ignore all of these facts with a personal email just to me – because I’m too busy to relocate your answer in this website, and other sites anyway. Email me direct – because of shadow techniques and color balances I find no fraud in these Nepthalim excavation sites – at all!
    Richard Joseph Caruso,, 64 author of TWILIGHT EVENING MIRACLES .

  132. Felicity says:

    Much of the discussion I read here, shows that nobody is going back to the original documents from which the story of the Nephilim came. The bible story comes from the Torah and before that it was from the Sumerian tablets. It is not a word with derivatives from Greek as someone tried to make out. It came before Greece existed. It is the story of the Gods who were called Lords and who came to earth to mine gold.
    Others warn of not reading Enoch. Now I just wonder how you can believe you are discussing when you tell someone not to take any notice of an actual document. Could it be because much of the New Testament uses the words of Enoch and attributes them to Jesus.
    Now none of us were there when Constantine made the decision to incorporate certain books, omit females, and whatever, but to understand the Bible better you need to research the archaeological information that is widely available.

  133. Randy Lewis says:

    I have always been taught that the Nephilim were “angels clothed with flesh.” But I have a difficult time with this. They were also referred to as “sons of God.” (also again in Job 1:6)
    Hebrews 1:5 says “For to which of the angels did He ever say: You are My Son, Today I have begotten you.”
    We know that things in the Old Testament were “patterns and examples,” were “symbolic,” and were “a shadow of the things that were to come.” I have noticed that so many Mega Church Pastors tend to scratch the itching ears of those who attend their services. In-other-words; I see so many false teachers who are “men of renown,” who are literally “giants” in the Christian Mainstream Churches. Yet, many of these men began their ministries on a very simple and true doctrine. They were “hero’s (or “mighty men”) of old;” meaning in the past they were truly members of the Kingdom of God: They were found in our Land of Promise therefore.
    Daughters of men: Since the church is often referred to in the sense of a female, i.e. The Bride of Christ. Then would not the church who serves worldly idols (mammon) be considered a harlot, a prostitute, an immoral woman, and/or a seductress who flatters with her words? (Each of these titles should sound VERY familiar.) As Samson fell due to getting in the bed of Delilah, so too have many a good man of God fallen in with the “Daughters of Men” – referring to this false church known as a harlot, a prostitute, an immoral woman, and/or a seductress. This was their downfall that ultimately led them into a tainted or corrupted path in their service unto God. Yet they still Preach, Teach, Minister, etc. They, therefore, are as “Giants” in our Promised Land. Not at all unlike we read of in the Old Testament offering a “pattern,” an “example,” or are “symbolic” for us under the New Covenant – to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did (see 1 Cor 10:6-7).
    I am no Scholar as you can most aptly tell by my writing. But I am one who knows my Lord and have learned (the hard way mind-you) to trust in the guidance and teachings of the Holy Spirit who WILL teach us “all things.” Thank you for reading my input on this. -Randy Lewis

  134. Anthony says:

    Ellen, I think that you should be careful when presuming that the Nephilim are spoken of in a positive light. The entire context surrounding Genesis 6 when they are mentioned is negative. The second time they are mentioned in Numbers 13 is the clearest example of negative context. The Nephilim are the giants in the promised land that Israel is sent by God to destroy, therefore they are not praised at all but are in fact under judgment. Look for yourself, they are amongst the Amalekites and the Canaanites and made the Israelites feel like “grasshoppers in their sight.” If you continue reading to Numbers 14 this is abundantly clear. Also, in Ezekiel 32 the “might ones” who you are probably comparing to the Nephilim are called the “fallen ones” and it says that they went to hell. It also says their iniquity is in the bones. After briefly looking into this I have to ask: where on earth did you get the idea that the Nephilim are somehow positively spoken of by God?? Be careful with what you teach Ellen because you are held to a stricter judgment (James 3:1).

  135. pietas says:

    This is weak, you could have written a whole lot more on this subject seeing as so many other sources do, is this because biblicalarchaelogy wants to believe the smithsonians that we are the only species of hominid with intelligence? I believe in giants that were up to 18 feet in height, and they built the pyramids. The pyramids themselves show how they were built!

  136. David says:

    Here are some thoughts I derived from “The Naked Archeologist.” (ie the naked truth)
    In Genesis it records giants mating with man. The word translated as giants is Nephilim.* Neanderthals, seem to have developed in Northern Europe, while we came out of Africa. The Mideast is a convergence point of these two groups. Neanderthal and human artifacts have been found together in Israel. Naturally anything different from ourselves would be seen as inferior. The word Nephilim has a root suggesting soulless. Considering the small amount of Neanderthal DNA in modern humans, it is likely that many of the matings lead to nothing or infertile offspring (like donkeys). Neanderthals were not tall but they were big. They definitely looked different than humans. Perhaps Nephilim (giants) were the Neanderthals or the products of their mating. They would not have a human soul, and were therefor bad.

  137. margareth36 says:

    I love learning about the nephilim’s and how they were created. they were created when God kicked satan and his angels out of Heaven and came down and mated with human girls (women).i believe there are still giants out in the world still today. i mean look at some of the people’s hieght it gives it away instanly. i may not be a church going girl but i know God created giants for a reason that we do not know why right now.

  138. john davila says:

    I am a cristian and i believe in jesus the son of god and i am not decieved by this teaching my beliefs r true and trustworthy.

  139. nick says:

    I don’t believe the New Testament epistles would portray the nephilim in a positive light since the acts that gave rise to them are condemned. This would likely also reflect the viewpoint of intertestamental Judaism.

    In Jude there are several groups which are held up for condemnation for leaving their station: false teachers who pervert the grace of God in their teaching; angels who left their “first estate;” and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah who went after “strange flesh” (Greek: “other flesh”).

  140. hanson kenden says:

    having read all your comments and thoughtfully digested your arguments;
    i am left wondering?
    who is jesus?
    nephilim or divinity?
    what is christianity?
    deception or salvation?

    My take:
    Since Jesus is of the same paternity, he is nephilim. Thus, christianity is utter deception. A false religion designed by lucifer to accomplish his ends. As written in Gen.3 satans greatest desire was to corrupt creation by intermingling of the spiritual (angels-fallen) with the physical (earthly).
    This corruption was so great, it affected the whole of creation. I believe these sons of God not only messed up the human gene pool, but also plants, and other animals. Imagine the scale of damage. It made God destroy the whole of creation and use Noah to stock up pure breeds to replenish the earth.
    Visit for further discussions.

  141. Darryl says:

    Genesis 1:
    1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

    2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

    3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

    4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    As usual, I will try to show this doctrine does not line up with logic or Scripture.

    In keeping the subject matter in context, I will use only the information provided in the Genesis account to analyze and determine their identity.

    Who are the SONS OF GOD?

    Genesis 5:
    1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;

    2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

    3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:

    4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:

    5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

    6 And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos: note

    7 And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters:

    8 And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.

    9 And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan: note

    10 And Enos lived after he begat Cainan eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat sons and daughters:

    11 And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years: and he died.

    12 And Cainan lived seventy years, and begat Mahalaleel: note

    13 And Cainan lived after he begat Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty years, and begat sons and daughters:

    14 And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died.

    15 And Mahalaleel lived sixty and five years, and begat Jared: note

    16 And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared eight hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters:

    17 And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hundred ninety and five years: and he died.

    18 And Jared lived an hundred sixty and two years, and he begat Enoch:

    19 And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:

    20 And all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died.

    21 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: note

    22 And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:

    23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:

    24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

    25 And Methuselah lived an hundred eighty and seven years, and begat Lamech:

    26 And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat sons and daughters: note

    27 And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died.

    28 And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son:

    29 And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed. note

    30 And Lamech lived after he begat Noah five hundred ninety and five years, and begat sons and daughters:

    31 And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died.

    32 And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

    This is the generations from Adam to Noah.
    Interesting to note, scripture says that Adam was created in LIKENESS OF GOD, and that Adam begat Seth in HIS OWN LIKENESS.

    If Adam was the LIKENESS OF GOD and Seth was the LIKENESS OF ADAM. It stands to reason that Seth was in the LIKENESS OF GOD also.

    Scripture only tracks the first born sons through the generations, but
    there were multitudes of desendents between Seth and Noah. They filled the land near Eden and had enormously long life spans before the flood.

    The generations of Cain reveal the other side of the equation.

    16 And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.

    17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. note

    18 And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech. note

    19 And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.

    20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.

    21 And his brother’s name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.

    22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah. note

    23 And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.

    Murder was introduced into the heart of Cain. The father of murder is Satan. Cain was in the likeness of Satan.

    His likeness was passed down through Cain’s desendents as they multiplied in the land of Nod.

    There are two separate genealogies living in close proximity to each other.

    One, that of Noah’s family , traces it’s lineage back to Seth, the LIKENESS OF GOD.

    The other traces it’s lineage back to the first murderer, Cain, the LIKENESS OF SATAN.

    Satan was told that there would be emnity between these two seeds. It would eventually end with the crushing of his head under the foot of the seed of the woman.

    From Seth to Noah, there is no mention of fallen angels, anywhere in these chapters of Genesis.

    Angels are spiritual beings. God did not create female angels.
    Angels have a male appearance, but since they were not created to reproduce, it was only a manifestation of their appearance.

    If they were not created to reproduce, they would have no reproductive equipment. No seed.

    Why would a spiritual being, having no physical body, be attracted to a mortal fleshy woman?

    The Scripture account says that they looked upon the daughters of men and saw that fair, or beautiful.
    They took as WIVES any that they chose. They MARRIED them.

    Why not just rape them? Scripture says they MARRIED them.
    Not likely fallen angels, if they could be attracted to women, would be joined to them by some wedding ceremony.

    My understanding is that the SONS OF GOD, in the context of the Genesis account, are the desendents of SETH, and not fallen angels.

    Were the offspring of this union really GIANTS?

    The word giant is an incorrect translation of the original Hebrew word used here in Genesis. The Hebrew word is NEPHILIM.

    Original: נפל נפיל

    Transliteration: nephı̂yl nephil

    Phonetic: nef-eel’

    BDB Definition:

    giants, the Nephilim
    Origin: from H5307

    TWOT entry: 1393a

    Part(s) of speech: Noun Masculine

    Strong’s Definition: From H5307; properly, a feller, that is, a BULLY OR TYRANT:

    STRONG’S CONCORDANCE says that NEPHILIM are fellers who are TYRANTS and BULLIES.

    The Hebrew word has nothing to do with their physical size.
    It describes the personality of the sons of this union.

    The offspring produced from the marriage between the SONS OF GOD and the DAUGHTERS OF MEN were evil, corrupt, violent, murdering fellers. People like Adolf Hitler or Sadam Hussein or ISIS.

    This is the description given of these TYRANTS in the context of the Genesis story.

    Messiah Yahshua tells of the conditions of the world just before His return.

    Matthew 24: 37 “As the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

    In the days of Noah there were evil murdering TYRANTS on the earth. Everyone’s heart was on evil.

    Seems that we are in that prophecied time now. The evil in the world has multiplied. What once was called evil is now called good.

    And TYRANTS are running wild, murdering and enslaving thousands.
    TYRANTS not giant offspring of fallen angels.

    Genesis 6:
    4 There were giants (TYRANTS) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

    These TYRANTS were not GIANTS, they were the corrupted offspring, from the marriages between the DESENDENTS OF SETH and the DESENDENTS OF CAIN.

    The Holy lineage of Seth had been fully corrupted through inter marriage with the evil lineage of Cain.
    So complete was this corruption that by the time of Noah, he was the only Righteous man left of the face on the earth.

    8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

    11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

    12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

    13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

    My conclusion is, the SONS OF GOD are the desendents of SETH.

    Angels are not sons of God. They were created to minister to those who would receive salvation.
    Man was created a little lower than the angels, but will one day rise above them.
    Man’s inheritance through Messiah Yahshua, is son ship.

    Hebrews 2: 5 For he did not subject the world to come, of which we speak, to angels.

    6 But one has somewhere testified, saying, “What is man, that you think of him? Or the son of man, that you care for him?

    7 You made him a little lower than the angels. You crowned him with glory and honor.

    8 [You have put all things in subjection under his feet.]” For in that he subjected all things to him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we do not see all things subjected to him, yet.

    9 But we see him who has been made a little lower than the angels, Yahshua, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God he should taste of death for everyone.

    10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many children to glory, to make the author of their salvation perfect through sufferings.

    11 For both he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one, for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brothers,

    12 saying, “I will declare your name to my brothers. In the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.”

    13 Again, “I will put my trust in him.” Again, “Behold, here I am with the children whom God has given me.”

    14 Since then the children have shared in flesh and blood, he also himself in like manner partook of the same, that through death he might bring to nothing him who had the power of death, that is, the devil,

    15 and might deliver all of them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

    16 For, truly, he did not come to help the angels, but to help the seed of Abraham.

    The DAUGHTERS OF MEN are the beautiful but evil female desendents of CAIN.

    The SONS OF SETH looked upon the DAUGHTERS OF CAIN and saw that they were beautiful and married all they chose.
    This union with the seed of Satan corrupted the Pure and Holy seed of Seth. This corruption filled the earth with evil tyrants.

    God decided to wipe out this evil, and save the only Righteous man left on earth.

  142. Nabor Hassan Valdovinos says:

    The tales are great.
    The points of view are wonderful.
    Let’s not forget that the fables in the Bible, are told an written in a very symbolic way.
    Etc etc…

  143. Wendyl says:

    I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. White in this article. Very well done.

  144. Trip says:

    B”H If it meant ‘Fallen Ones’ they would have translated it as ‘Nophelim’, the same as in the book of Kings, “…and Elijah’s Mantel Had fallen (Nophel)…”. Yet, by tradition predating Jesus of Nazareth, it has been translated as Nephilim. The difference is, found later in scripture when Nimrod, King of Assyria is described as the First ‘Nephyl’….and goin back to Genesis 6, MEN of Reknown, Warriors…..What we call TYRANTS, Warrior-Kings of Myth & Legend. There were Tyrants in the world…..they found the daughters (female descendants of) Adam (Adam’s tribe), desirable, and wanted to have children with them (Rape them).

  145. Pastor Andre Bailey says:

    The sons of God are those who were exiled from the garden of eden along with Adam and Eve. This group did not commit nor personally know any kind sin. The daughter of men referes to those women born to people after being expelled from the garden and sin had been introduced into our system (flesh) and death became a reality for mankind.

  146. whit says:

    Might be helpful to look beyond this one primary source and recognize that other mythical traditions were already in place and their legends and gods influenced the biblical writers, Sort of a who was living in the land of Nod and who were their gods? kind of analysis.

  147. Danny Boyd says:

    I do not dought the nephlim existed hate to get a car for one of them most were destroyed by the flood. Would you not like to be Enoch? God took him!

  148. Junior says:

    I wanna ask something. The bible says “The Nephilim were on earth in those days, and also after that ….” I find this to be a very interesting phrase. To me it seems to establish a timeline. It’s like me saying “Mandela was in prison in those days” You will immediately know that I am referring to somewhere within the 27 years he was locked up. Even the next part says ” …. WHEN the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.”

    It seems to me that around the time when the Nephilim were on earth, the sons of God had kids with the daughters of men. And those offsprings became great men. In this context, the Nephilim are something else. The writer is assumming the reader knows who the Nephilim are and when they were on earth.

    My question therefore is “Doesn’t the verse suggest that there is another race of beings called the Nephillim who at some point (during the time when sons of men had kids with daughters of men and after that), were on earth, and are now somewhere else (heaven or hell)”?

  149. Darock says:

    So because yeshua refered to himself as the son of man he is to be regarded as a fallen one.
    Is that what your theory suppose to mean?

  150. Arie Uittenbogaard (Abarim Publications) says:

    Here’s a study on the actual name Nephilim, to aid the discussion on who these people were:

  151. juliac8 says:

    “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations” Genesis 6:9 Noah’s DNA was undefiled with Nephilim DNA.

  152. pattim4 says:

    sorry Ellen, I must disagree with you, too

  153. Smack'em Yack'em says:

    Or….could it be that one can see a progression from a primitive/mystical/fabulous form of early Judaism………….eventually leading to a more advanced/well thought out form of Christianity? It’s hard to believe God created us with the ability to use logic and reason, and then expected us to immediately abandon their use! Quit squinting your eyes so hard people!

  154. Michael says:

    Who are these Angels? Jude 6, And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. The answer is quite obvious, Gen 6:4, There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Who are the Sons of God? Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. Also, the scripture teaches in Gen 6, that these giants were on the Earth before and after the flood. There is no mystery concerning these events and descriptions. Angels/Sons of God came down to Earth co-habited with the daughters of men and created these men of renown. Pretty straight forward.

  155. Mr. Veli Voipio says:

    I think the Nephilim and the sons-of-god are just neighboring tribes to the tribe of Adam

  156. Paul Ballotta says:

    “Said Gilgamesh to him, to Ur-shanabi the boatman:
    ‘This plant, Urshanabi, is the Plant of Heartbeat,
    with it a man can regain his vigour.
    To Uruk-the-Sheepfold I will take it,
    to an ancient I will feed some and put the plant to the test!
    Its name shall be Old Man Grows Young,
    I will eat it myself, and be again as I was in my youth!'”
    “The Epic of Gilgamesh; The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian” by Andrew George, Penguin Books, p.98 (Tablet 11, lines 294-300) East&module=MostEmailed&version=Full&region=Marginalia&src=me&pgtype=article

  157. Paul Ballotta says:

    You can access that above link by googling “Assyrian Period; Sculpture.”

  158. Paul Ballotta says:

    I made an error somewhere back there in my previous comment when mentioning that the first reference to Beth Eden was made by Asshurbanipal (whom I mistook for Asshurnasirpal II) when actually the first mention of “Bit Adini” was made by the Assyrian king Adad-nirari II in 899 B.C.E., putting Beth Eden in the time-frame when the Garden of Eden story was composed in Genesis. When Isaiah mentions that the Lord will bring “such days as never have come since Ephraim turned away from Judah – the king of Assyria” (Isaiah 7:17), he’s referring to the time of the schism between the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel in the early 9th century B.C.E. (1 Kings 12:19) and the western expansion of the Neo-Assyrian Empire around 870 B.C.E. under Assurnasirpal II.
    That Beth Eden is probably identified with the “garden in Eden, in the east” (Genesis 2:8), makes sense when considering that the site of Til Barsip along the Euphrates inherited a tradition developed during the late bronze age in the Hittite Empire to the west. The term “cherubim” (Genesis 3:24) could easily apply to the monumental rock sculptures found also at Carchemish (the city-state along the Euphrates that formed the rump of the former Hittite Empire after its collapse) and Kunulua (capital city of the kingdom of Unqui near Antioch, the modern Antakya, Turkey). These cities are linked in Isaiah 10:9; “Is not Calno like Carchemish?” It is interesting that Calno/Kunulua is thought to be the site of Tell Tayinat, where a temple existed with a tripartite design consisting of a holy place, a most holy place and a holy of holies, like Solomon’s temple. Near Aleppo on the Syrian side of the border is the site of Ain Dara where a similar temple existed which had huge bare footprints carved onto the floor, recalling the anthromorphic description of the “Lord God walking in the garden” (Genesis 3:8). The two styles of rock sculpture adopted by the Assyrians consist of the massive human-bull hybrid portal figure, an example of which can be found here:
    The other style is the orthostat which are giant sculptures of rulers:
    “The expedition was however important as a portent of the military expansion of the future. It may well be that this renewed contact led to the importation into Assyria of distinctive western influences. It is probably no coincidence that Asshurnasirpal, who doubtless saw in person an established tradition of inscribed orthostat and portal-figure-relief-carving at Carchemish, if not also in Til-Barsib and Kunulua, and who had deportees from these centers at the newly built Calah, should have been the first Assyrian king known to have used this method of palace and temple decoration” (Cambridge Ancient History III, Part I, p.390).
    Note how the Assyrian policy of deportation of conquered lands is similar the the expulsion from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23) and don’t forget Ezekiel’s vision of the cherubim while among the exiles by Chebar Canal in Babylon (Ezekiel 1:1, 10:20) which is where the concept of cherubim originated in ancient times in southern Mesopotamia, hence the reference to the garden in the east (qedem) which can also imply that it is an ancient (kedem) tradition.

  159. Paul Ballotta says:

    Kind of like that comic strip with President Clinton and the bubble caption read that he wanted the American people to understand what “executive privilege” means. Then the next caption depicted a smiling man in a robe wearing a crown and he’s embracing a maiden and says, “It is good to be king.”

  160. Paul Ballotta says:

    A classic example of what Kate mentioned about the physical of the O.T. becoming spiritual in the N.T. comes from Isaiah 8:13-15 which states that none but the Lord of Hosts should be regarded as holy (kadesh) and is a sanctuary (mikodesh) as well as “a stone men strike against and a rock men stumble over.”
    “Thus Yahweh is a rock of refuge when the waters sweep through the land but only for those who fully regard him as ‘holy,’ i.e., as absolutely worthy to be trusted in. Such a rock is one to be built upon, a solid foundation (Isaiah 28:16). But to others, Yahweh is a rock of stumbling, lying awkwardly in the easy path of power and politics, a mere annoyance to those who count power by chariots and horsemen, but nonetheless a stone so strategically placed that his (King Ahaz’s) people cannot avoid it” (“All the Kingdoms of the Earth” by Norman K. Gottwald).
    The flood in this narrative are the armies of the Assyrian Empire (Isaiah 8:7-8) but a sign of hope was given to King Ahaz: “Assuredly, my Lord will give you a sign of His own accord! Look, the young woman is with child and about to give birth to a son. Let her name him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). The Hebrew word “almah” means young woman (not “virgin” in Matthew 1:23) and in the tablets of Ugarit this word is equated with “glmt,” in reference to a temple woman. This is probably connected to the sacred marriage festivals in the ancient world that occurred around the New Year in which the king assumes the role of the god and a temple woman assumes the role of goddess. The result: do not read Immanuel as “god is with us” but “A god is with us.”

  161. Kate says:

    Thank you Paul! I hadn’t thought much about Jesus being a Nazarene and the deeper meaning. I see what you are saying – the Hebrew word nazir, meaning “one consecrated, devoted”, does appear to have a connection. To expand on this there is a “vow of a Nazirite [nazir]” and in Numbers 6:5 it says this is a “vow of separation [nezer]” – the Hebrew word nezer means “consecration, crown, Naziriteship”. Bible Commentators have differing views on the whether there is a connection or not with Burton Coffman stating “Our Lord Jesus was not a Nazirite. The word “Nazarene” means a citizen of NAZARETH, having no connection with NAZARITE”, but Matthew Henry having a broader view states that “Christ was called in reproach a Nazarene, so were his followers: but he was no Nazarite according to this law; he drank wine, and touched dead bodies, yet in his this type had its accomplishment, for in him all purity and perfection met; and every true Christian is a spiritual Nazarite, separated by vow unto the Lord”. I believe Matthew Henry has properly tied the physical characteristics of the Old Testament Nazirite vow to the spiritual characteristics of Jesus’s followers called Nazarene’s. Many people can’t see that what was physical (the nation of Israel, temple, offerings, the old covenant/law, and the children of God) becomes spiritual (the Commonwealth Israel, the temple of living stones, spiritual offerings, the new covenant, and the sons of God) and thus don’t see the beauty of the Gospel shine through.
    Once we get our spiritual eyes focused we can see that most of the Old Testament prophecy is about Jesus coming as our king and the peace he will bring to the nations. When you mentioned “the nazir of the priest” (Exodus 29:6) it ties into Zech 9: 9 to 17 which is clearly about Jesus’s first coming v9 & 10, and second coming v14 to 16, and verse 16 describes the children of God as “the stones of a crown [nezer], Sparkling in His land”. When you say that the “5 smooth stones from the brook (1 Samuel 17:40) being symbolic of something not man-made” it was symbolic of David’s faith in God because his opponent, Goliath the giant, struck fear into many hearts. Which brings us back to Gal 3:26 where it states “you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus” who is “the cornerstone” Psalm 118:22, “a living stone” 1 Peter 2:4. We see just how important our faith is in Romans 4:9 where it says “Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness” and in Psalms 37: 29”The righteous will inherit the land And dwell in it forever”. These are also fine examples of what was physical in the Old Testament becoming spiritual in the New Testament .
    You are certainly more advanced in your understanding of scripture than most of the people I’ve spoken with. I’ll be checking out your other comments to see if I can learn anything 🙂 Peace to you brother!

  162. Paul Ballotta says:

    Thank you Kate, that links everything being discussed with the demise of the sons of God who were the stewards of creation and all this information about their downfall is like the remnants of former stars from which other stars form, God’s adopted children. In a BAS article posted prior to this one about Jesus home of Nazareth there was something not mentioned about the reference to the reason why Jesus “will be called a Nazorean” as was spoken through the prophets (Matthew 2:22-23), if I may quote from the current issue of BAR, “Jesus’ Birthplace and Jesus’ Home” by Phillip J. King, p.68:
    “It may be a play on Isaiah’s prophecy that ‘A shoot shall come out from the stumpof Jesse [that is, from the family of David’s father], and a branch {historical king; Hebrew netzer] shall grow out his roots’ (Isaiah 11:1). The passage projects into the future the expectation of an ideal king.”
    The word “nazir” means “consecrated, crown,” and the word is used in reference to a precious stone adorning the high priest’s headdress, called “the nazir of the priest” (Exodus 29:6). It calls to mind David choosing 5 smooth stones from the brook (1 Samuel 17:40), symbolic of something not man-made. In “Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave” the would-be king decorates his two altars ( to the sun and moon) with lapis lazuli dedicated to the goddess Inanna, a precious mineral used to adorn temples and a motivation for these kings to campaign against cities like Aratta, to acquire precious minerals and metals.
    David rejects Saul’s royal robe and body armor as being too cumbersome and and reaches within his spiritual essence symbolized by the brook, to what God left in his heart as a deposit (2 Corinthians 1:22), the only anecdote to what the terrifying Goliath’s weaponry represented with the Philistine monopoly on metallurgy in the region.
    I can’t ignore the instance that would lead me here when I was up all night meditating on comic book that was published by Marvel Comics called “Epic” which featured adult fantasy art and wasn’t as lewd as another similar magazine and it was during the summer of 1985 that one story featured a man traveling through a fairy-tale-like landscape and he’s on a horse like a prince trying to rescue a maiden. He encounters a an ugly giant with a huge pock-marked sword and is interrogated by the giant who shouts questions that no one can answer, and so the man replies soft-spokenly a verse from a love poem as if the giant wasn’t there, whereupon the giant turns to stone and crumbles to dust. Then you find out that this was all an experiment by a doctor who had wired his brain to a girl’s through a computer and his attempt to cure her causes him to awaken and realize that his psychedelic experience inside her mind was being controlled by her the whole time.
    So basically David is thinking outside of the box, like Lugalbanda on the mountain, having been deprogrammed so they can rewire their brains.

  163. Kate says:

    “The sons [ben] of God [elohiym] came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them” Gen 6:4. The term “sons of God” is used in reference to angels in the Old Testament – Job 1:6, 2:1 , & 38:7, but is also used in reference to the Israelites in Deut 14:1, and born again believers in Galatians 3:26 where Paul states “For you are all sons [huios] of God through faith in Christ Jesus.” All Bible versions translate ben as son in Gen 6:4, and either son, angels (NIV) or members of the heavenly court (NLV) in the verses in Job which clearly refer to angels because they clearly take place in heaven. The Hebrew word ben and its Greek equivalent huios can refer to children or mature adults and for each verse in question different Bible translations pick either son or children depending on their contextual interpretation of the scripture. Through an in-depth analysis of scripture we can confirm that the term “sons of God” refers to spiritual beings – angels or redeemed mankind.

    The confusion comes from translating these words as son in verses that are clearly referring to spiritual children. The fact that while we are flesh and blood we are not yet adopted sons of God is clearly taught by Paul in Romans 8: 14 to 24 and we can see in verse 14 that the more appropriate translation of huios is children because the spiritual condition described is unredeemed, and in verse 21 which is referring to the revealing is appropriately translated as son because the adoption is complete. Huios in Galatians 3:26 is more appropriately translated as children as it is in many Bible versions (NIV, NLT, KJ etc.). We receive the spirit of God as a guarantee and a seal of ownership as stated in 2 Cor 5:5 “God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit”, and 2 Cor 1:22 that he “set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come”, also called “the Spirit of adoption” in Romans 8:15. In Luke 20:35 & 36 Jesus stated that “those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; for they cannot even die anymore, because they are like angels, and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection”.

    In Jude 1:6 it refers to the “angels who did not keep their own domain [arche], but abandoned their proper [idios] abode [oiketerion]”. The Greek arche is defined in HELP’s Word-studies to mean “from the beginning (i.e. the initial starting point)”, idios means “uniquely one’s own”, and oiketerion means “dwelling place or habitation”. It is clear that this verse refers to angels that left their original purpose – their role as messangers, and their unique habitation – heaven. There is no other biblical indication of this occurring other than in Genesis 6:4 leading us to conclude that these are the angels being discussed.

  164. Michael Ledo says:

    Goliath is fictional, although like most myths has a historical setting. It is similar to the tale of Sinuhe and both are cosmic myths concerning Capricorn. The star Nashira was David, while Goliath was Castra. David would also go on to be in Sagittarius, Ara, Sagitta, and Aquila.

    The nephililim are giants represented by the giant constellation Orion, which also represented Noah once he landed, and the mighty hunter Nimrod which should be no surprise there. These stories are placed in close proximity to each other for that reason as the OT biblical cosmic myth is a remarkable contiguous story of the constellations. The belt of Orion as well as his sword and nebula sometimes relates to the male organ, or lack of one. In Osiris it was removed. In the tent scene in Noah it was removed according to the midrash. In Greek mythology it was Uranus who was castrated. In Hittite it was Anu who had it bitten off by Kumarbi (Canis Minor?).

  165. Paul Ballotta says:

    Daniel, I can’t argue with the fact that just as Goliath is a formidable foe in the story, it’s hard to dismiss him as fiction since a couple details of him are based on accurate descriptions of Sea Peoples in the first half of the 12th century B.C.E,, notably his bronze greaves and javelin that was like a weaver’s beam (1 Samuel 17:6-7) that is mentioned in the Illiad (4.137). I had based my conclusions on the similarity between the huge Egyptian and Goliath having the same weapon as having to do with the fact that in the early 12th century B.C.E., Pharaoh Ramses III mentions establishing the Philistines at Gaza, which seems supported by the account in Genesis 10:14 referring to the Philistines as being an indirect dependency of Egypt. As for this type of weapon the archaeologist Yigael Yadin has shed light:
    “Yadin explored the term ‘menor oregin’ and found that it has nothing to do with size: it was, instead, a shaft of very slender proportions. What was distinctive about it, however, were the loops that it carried. Yadin concluded that the original Hebrew story described a Philistine warrior who carried a spear equipped with a throwing-thong (the ankyle of the classical Greeks, and the amentum of the Romans). With a thong spiraled around the shaft, a warrior could rifle a javelin as he threw it, thus adding to its accuracy and its range. Although the story of Goliath and his spear ‘like unto a weaver’s beam’ was eventually attached to King David, it was also told of Benaiah of Kabzeel (1 Chronicles 11:22-23) and Elhanan of Bethlehem ((2 Samuel 21:19) and may well have originated in a real event. It would appear that the use of the thronged javelin was exceptional in Canaan late in the second millennium and was perhaps limited to a few warriors in Philistia” (“The End of the Bronze Age; Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe CA. 1200 B.C.” by Robert Drews, p.185).
    Just as the character Goliath is forged in the smelter of historical narrative, so too does David’s character resemble the hero of the Sumerian epic “Lugalbanda and the Mountain Cave.” Like David who is who is mentioned in 1 Samuel 16:10 as being the youngest of 8 brothers (contrary to 1 Chronicles 2:13-15, which states that David is the youngest of 7 brothers), Lugalbanda is also the youngest of 8 brothers, who are mentioned as commanders of men whereas Lugalbanda is only mentioned as “their eighth one.” On a campaign against the kingdom of Aratta, Lugalbanda becomes ill and his brothers leave him with provisions in a cave while they continue on without him. After recovering, Lugalbanda acquaints himself with the plants and animals on the mountain and performs a ritual sacrifice (mixed with shamanism) to the Sumerian gods in order to benefit his brother’s campaign in the service of King Enmerkar.
    David’s reply to Philistine;s taunt was: “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Hosts…” (1 Samuel 17:45). Apparently the divine name “Lord of Hosts” (Yahweh Zeboath) had military application for the Israelites after the chariot became obsolete against large armies of foot soldiers:
    “Sheer numbers were essential to this early Israelite renown: ‘The forty thousand of Israel’ (Judges 5:8) was probably an optimistic figure, but it suggests that a general mobilization of the tribes living in Israel could and did furnish tens of thousands of warriors. Although untrained and hardly well armed, tribesmen so numerous – especially when stirred to furor by oracles from the Lord of Hosts – must have been a force with which neither the coastal cities of Canaan nor the later Ramessids in Egypt cared to do battle” (“The End of the Bronze Age,” p.173).

  166. Dr. David Tee says:

    I think Ms. White needs to be careful in her translational work as the meaning of a word doesn’t necessarily describe the personality or character of the people it describes. The word ‘giant’ may very well be the correct translation for that group of people.

    God is not limited to using only 1 word to describe a group of people. The fallen ones definition does not apply as men were already fallen due to Adam’s sin and that meaning has nothing to do with demons.

    Also Ms. White does not understand scripture very well as the praise is not directedtowards the Nephilim but to the children born to the sons of God and daughters of men.

  167. kinnearp says:

    I have never read such a load of rubbish as some of the comments here. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” The foolishness starts with the writer of the original article who posits that “divine beings” copulated with physical women. In the Bible we come across physical beings composed of material flesh and blood (mankind and animals) and spiritual beings composed of spirit (God and the angels. The latter righteous or fallen.) Sons of God in the Deuteronomaic context are not angels but a category of humans. Spiritual beings do not copulate with humans. Christ said so.Matthew 22:30 There is not a scrap of evidence – scriptural or scientific that spiritual beings are capable of engaging in sexual intercourse – they don’t have the cojones. I am sure Satan and his demons are envious of the privilege given to humans of enjoying the delights of physical love-making. Because they do not have that privilege they will do all they can to destroy the function and purpose of God when he gave us gender. I have no doubt some of the readers of these pages are poofters – you are serving Satan’s purposes.

    1. Bigern says:

      “Spiritual beings do not copulate with humans.”

      Except this is exactly what the early church believed. There are at least twenty major church fathers and other documented authors from the first several centuries who attest to this belief. It is also a matter of fact that no other interpretation existed for Genesis 6:1-4 until the Greek Philospher Celsus in the second century attacked the church for believing in such things. Julius Africanus used the crafted Sethite theory to de-supernaturalize the passage, thus removing the basis for Celsus’ argument.

      Thus, the alternate view that the “sons of God” were from the line of Seth and only human was contrived as an attempt at apologetics. Because Augustine adopted this view a couple of centuries later, it became ensconced in the annals of church dogmatics and is still with us today.

      What cannot be denied is that the “angel” view was the accepted position on the matter. It also brings into focus the meaning of passages in 1 Pet 3:18, 2 Pet 2:2-4, and throughout the Epistle of Jude. We put God in a box at our own peril. To say what God will and will not allow requires an unsound footing. He has allowed quite a bit to transpire, and continue to this day. Satan was a covering cherub, the morning star, and he fell into rebellion. Adam and Eve were not prevented from their own fall. These were quite the allowances.

      The fall of the angels explains quite well the twisted condition of our world. Their manipulation of the flesh also explains why our flesh is so tainted. This also justifies why there were giants who were actually gigantic. The angel view additionally gives meaning to Paul’s comments on head coverings for females. He said it was “because of the angels”. No other context makes sense for such a statement, until this is taken into consideration. When we are told that we will “judge the angels”, this is another clue. We will judge the angels who did this, because they altered the state of the world with their progeny. They were and are a plague on humanity.

      It should be known that the spirits inside the giants did not come from the Father. They are something else. They are the spirits that we wrestle with today. This is something often confused in the church. The fallen angels are not themselves demons/evil spirits. They are two entirely different classifications of entities, in different tiers of the hierarchy of the enemy, both warring against our flesh. They do not want people to know the true nature of their origins or activities. We are to be not ignorant of the devices of the enemy. Knowing the devices includes knowing the history of their activity. This topic IS important. If it is in the Word then it is for our edification. Additionally, absent the truth, we lose our footing, situational awareness, and sobriety when we were told to take captive our thoughts and cast down imaginations. These were warnings, because intrusions by invisible beings is a real and increasing problem. The field of psychology has become one of the greatest tools to conceal this reality.

  168. Daniel says:

    Ralph (#6) and Paul (#9),

    My question was a rhetoric one. Of course the Egyptian was not a Nephilim. I was using this example to show that just because someone is of great stature does not mean they are Nephilim, as the author of the article was wrongfully implying.

    Furthermore it is incorrect to associate the Egyptian with Goliath. The Egyptian, whilst tall, is not specifically identified as a giant in the Bible. However Goliath is.

    Goliath was well over 9 feet tall. The Masoretic text on which the English translation of 1 Samuel 17:4 is derived gives Goliath’s height as six cubits and a span (9’9”). Some ancient texts (for example the Septuagint) give his height as four cubits and a span (6’9”) and this is why some mistakenly believe he was less than seven feet tall. Goliath must have been well over seven feet tall for the following reasons:

    1) The weight of his coat of mail and spear head are given in 1 Samuel 17:5-7. This (together with his helmet, javelin, sword etc.) would have given armaments far too heavy to be wielded by someone “only” seven feet tall.

    2) According to 1 Samuel 17:24 “As for all the men of Israel, on their seeing the man, why, they went fleeing on account of him and were very much afraid.” There would have been men over six feet tall amongst the soldiers of Israel and it is hard to believe they would have been so terrified of a man 6’9” tall.

    3) Other men of extraordinary size are mentioned in the Bible. For example, Deuteronomy 3:11 states “For only Og the king of Bashan remained of what was left of the Rephaim. Indeed his bedstead was an iron bedstead. Is it not in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon? Nine cubits is its length, and four cubits its width, by the cubit of a man.” A cubit equalled 17.5”, so this individual had a bed over 13 feet long!

    4) In 2 Samuel 21:22 Goliath and other Philistines are referred to as being “born to the Rephaim in Gath”. Rephaim is derived from the Hebrew ha’Ra’phah, which refers to the race of giants. However the Egyptian in 1 Chronicles 11:23 is not specifically identified as a giant, even though he is over seven feet tall. So the term giant is used in the Bible to refer specifically to human beings of extraordinary stature, well in excess of eight feet.

    So in light of this evidence Goliath was certainly much taller than eight feet, and we can see that he was well over nine feet tall, as stated in 1 Samuel 17:4.

  169. Paul Ballotta says:

    Correct, Tony. The Nephilim weren’t praiseworthy but they were praised nonetheless, which would have been understood to the audience of the author of Genesis:
    “Such were these giants, men of high renown,
    For in those days might only shall be admired,
    And valour and heroic virtue called,
    To overcome in battle, and subdue
    Nations, and bring home spoils with infinite
    Manslaughter, shall be held the highest pitch
    Of human glory, and for glory done
    Of triumph, to be styled great conquerors,
    Patrons of mankind, gods, and sons of gods,
    Destroyers rightlier called and plagues of men.
    Thus fame shall be achieved, renown on earth,
    And what most merits fame in silence hid.”
    “Paradise Lost” by John Milton, Oxford World Classics, p.293 (Book XI, lines 688-699)

  170. Andy Bunton says:

    Sandy…you really should read Colossians 3:8.

  171. Tony Wilson says:

    Just read the article, my apologies to Ellen White, but Gen 6:4 is not ‘praise’ in the sense of them being good guys, but ‘praise’ as one would praise an enemy for his prowess. Maybe it is a male thing, sorry ladies, but given the Bible does have a male slant, this should be they way Gen 6:4 is read and understood

  172. jeconiah says:

    all too confusing this stuff you are trying to shed light you dont have. please how is knowing nephilim or whatever they are add value to your faith and walk with God?

  173. Chris says:

    The Qumran community of Essene/Nazorean certainly did not take Ellen White’s view– after all they had the book of I Enoch and the book of Giants which speaks quite literally of Nephilim (not to mention Giants and Elioud). Furthermore, encoded in the book of Genesis (Beresheeth) and Numbers/Bemidbar 5, there is indication that the first Unnamed woman (Lilith) was the progenitor of the first Nephilim, and also, Ham’s wife in the Hebrew is indicated to have been a latent Nephilim-esque stow away on the ark, which Noah accidenty discovered when he got drunk and had sex with her.

  174. Paul Ballotta says:

    Commentator Daniel (#3) brought up the issue of the huge Egyptian in 1 Chronicles 11:23 who was slain by Benaiah son of Jehoiada and like Goliath he had a spear like a weaver’s beam (1 Samuel 17:7). That’s because this giant Egyptian was the basis for the story of David vs. Goliath, since we know from 2 Samuel 21:19 that it was Elhanan, son of Jair from Bethlehem, who slew Goliath of Gath where these Rephaim were from. I’d like to congradulate Dr. White for opening this can of worms with her interpretation of Rephaim as “dead ones,” for it is from a cemetery at Deir el-Balah, south of Gaza, that an anthromorphic clay coffin was found that had features showing Egyptian influence. Also Dr. White compared the mighty Nephilim of Genesis 6:4 with “the mighty fallen (nephilim) from the uncircumcised” in Ezekiel 32:27, who descended to Sheol in all their weapons. The word for weapons here is “milchamah” and is related to the word for salt (malach), and saltwater, or sea (melach), and seaman or mariner (mallach). It was at Beth Shean, a strategic city along the crossing of the Jordan River, that an anthromorphic clay coffin was found with features that resemble Mycenaean battle gear (helmet), indicative of the presence of Greek mercenaries prior to the Israelite monarchy.
    It was at Beth Shean that the body of King Saul was impaled by the Philistines (1 Samuel 1:10), after losing a prolonged campaign against an alliance of Philistines and Northern Sea Peoples (1 Samuel 29:1):

  175. George says:

    Interesting discussion… Check out Bereshith (Genesis) 3:15. This is a Messianic reference involving the Seed of the woman (Hawah). Also, Mattithyahu (Matthew) 1:20 says Miryam’s unborn Child (Yehoshua) was conceived by the Set-apart Spirit. Shabbat Shalom

  176. curtish12 says:

    Thank you to David (17), Dan (28,48), and Terry (46). Sometimes in our quest for knowledge we forget the basics. First of all angels, whether holy or evil, are spirits. Spirits cannot die and that is why God said the lake of fire will be created for Satan and his angels. Second the seed is passed on through the male so if these angels were having children then the seed should be a spirit and not human and they should still be around today. The whole concept of intermingling between spirits and humans is ridiculous anyways. Every seed after its own kind. Do we remember that in Genesis? Terry (46) also pointed out that spirit beings do not marry and Luke 3:23-38 tells us who the sons of God were that are talked about in Genesis 6:1-4. They were simply those that believed and worshipped the true and living God and called on His name. Romans 8:14 tells us that those that are led by the Spirit (Word) of God are the sons of God. Notice in the genealogy that Cain was not mentioned as a son of Adam (or a son of God). This is because Cain was evil and did not live by the word of God. The daughters of men referred to the daughters of Cain’s line and anyone who did not worship or call on the name of God. This is why in Genesis 6:3 the LORD said His spirit will not always strive with man. This is because they were marrying women who did not know or worship God and God knew they would lead those men away from Him, just as Solomon’s many wives caused him to stray from God.

  177. ralphm17 says:

    I can understand your confusion, and can answer your question.
    As I told Olivia,The word nephilim many refer to the Greek word gigantos, which can mean giants. So they translate it giants.However, the root of the word means “earth born”, or born of this earth. Nephilim has the root ” to fall” and from this many try to stretch it to mean fallen angels. Angels are spirit beings with no physical form, but can take on the appearance of human form with out physical attributes. Nephilim has two definitions, like the word run has 2, one is to run down the street, the other a run in a stocking. The definitions for nephilim are: 1. “to fall upon others in a rapine fashion”; a bully, a tyrant. 2. “apostates fallen from true religion”. As such the verse should be interpreted (translated) as: “There were apostates fallen from true religion, in those days and after those days when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (men of two names; one they got at birth the second from their deeds, ex. John F. Kennedy (birth name) man of the people (name from deeds)), which were of old men of renown.”
    Goliath and the Philistines were idolaters, serving false gods. being in close proximity to the Israelites they had heard of God (if they had not heard of God How could they mock Him), but rejected Him and kept following and serving their false gods; as such apostates. Even if they did not hear of God, since they did not serve God, they were fallen from true religion (serving God) and served false gods.
    Goliath by 5 cubits could have been up to 7 1/2 feet tall, most put him between 6 1/2 to 6 3/4 feet tall. There are some African tribes that have people ranging from 7 feet on up to 7 feet 11 inches. There was some people in South America that got up to 8 feet tall.
    But the word nephilim has nothing to do with height, but their acts.
    There was a great falling away of people of the Earth before the Flood and were very violent.
    This can be seen in the commandment given by God after the Flood, ” if a man sheds a man’s blood by man his blood shall be shed.

  178. ralphm17 says:

    Olivia, be careful books of Enoch, because they are pseudepigrapha books written (Enoch I) 200 – 1 B.C. and (Enoch II) 200 – 100 B.C. These books and many others were rejected by Jewish priests and scholars. In Enoch II, the giants described are 450 feet tall.
    In a exegetical study of the Bible one must use 6 contexts to interpret what is being said. 1. What is the context (theme, thought) of the whole Bible?, 2. What is the context of the book Genesis, Exodus, ect.) you are reading?, 3. What is the context of the chapter you are reading?, 4. What is the context of the verse you are reading? 5. What is the context of the key words?, and 6. What is the historical (how did they think, act, ect back in their time) context?. Two examples of historical context: 1. When God named everything that he created, as well as, Adam in the Garden naming the animals, they were placing their authority on those things. In ancient times, when a king took over a city/kingdom he would rename it. Why? Because he was placing his authority on the city. 2. the genealogy line of Cain why there was no years given was due to the fact that people of that line, even though they knew of God, they did not accept God, and as such had no life; hence no years.
    The word nephilim many refer to the Greek word gigantos, which can mean giants. So they translate it giants.However, the root of the word means “earth born”, or born of this earth. Nephilim has the root ” to fall” and from this many try to stretch it to mean fallen angels. Angels are spirit beings with no physical form, but can take on the appearance of human form with out physical attributes. Nephilim has two definitions, like the word run has 2, one is to run down the street, the other a run in a stocking. The definitions for nephilim are: 1. “to fall upon others in a rapine fashion”; a bully, a tyrant. 2. “apostates fallen from true religion”. As such the verse should be interpreted (translated) as: “There were apostates fallen from true religion, in those days and after those days when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (men of two names; one they got at birth the second from their deeds, ex. John F. Kennedy (birth name) man of the people (name from deeds)), which were of old men of renown.”
    In studying Genesis, one must keep in mind that the person in the 1700’s A. D. that divided the bible into chapters and verses, did not do a good job. The story of the flood, which should be one chapter, should go from Genesis 4:17 – 9:17.
    After the fall, Genesis 3:15, is called Proto Evagenlum, due to it being a prophecy about Christ. But it has a duo stance, it, also, stands for the battle between good and evil. The first example is the story of Cain and Abel, the second is the genealogy lines merging ending in the judgement flood.
    In the bible, followers of God were called children of God and sons of God (here the first letter of the word sons is small, while when speaking of Christ it is capital) in several places.
    Just as Cain knew of God and that which He expected of man, so did his line, or else how could they use Him in a mocking jest. As such they were “apostates fallen from true religion”.
    How could the daughters of men have the babies of the sons of God before they even met? There were nephilim on the Earth already (there were nephilim on the Earth in those days and after those days when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men) when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men. Talk about a miracle birth before a man and a woman even meet they have a baby.
    The two women mentioned in the line of Cain their names meant evil and vanity. Like the white wash sepulchers beautiful outside foul inside. They pursued the Earthly pursuits rather then Godly pursuits.
    At the time of the Flood, using modern population statistical growth formulas, there could have been up to 3 billion people on the Earth, but for sake of argument say a few million, out of this only 8 still served God, and even some of these were on the fence. This was the result of the blending of the line of Cain (God rejecting, Earthly pursuing line) and the line of Enos ( the follwers of God). If God had waited an longer there would have been nothing left to save. God’s patience is long.

  179. Sandy says:

    Oh yes he could be a descendant because the gene could be through the wives of Noah sons also beware they were and still are DEMONS SATANS MINIONS as everyone else seems to thinmk they are E.T. from another planet or Nibiru whatever and people will believe anything BUT THE BIBLE however HISTORIANS Greek, Armenian, Jewish, Assyrian, celtic ETC. all have historical writings of the same period

  180. Daniel says:

    According to Genesis 7:7 Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives were the only survivors of the Flood. So Goliath could not be a descendant of the Nephilim. Goliath was an extraordinarily large and strong human being, a Philistine (descendants of Ham). In 1 Chronicles 11:23 we read of an “Egyptian man, a man of extraordinary size, of five cubits” who was killed. Was he now also a descendant of the Nephilim? There is no evidence at all to support the claims made in this article.

    1. jay says:

      Unless the nephilim genes were part of noah’s lineage; if you read the Hebrew pseudoepigraphical book of Enoch, Jubilees, or Noah, esp Enoch 106, it states Lamech saw his newborn son and believed him to be the son of a Watcher, one of the sons of the gods. Enoch persuades him this is not so, but for a reason; the nephilim bloodlines do survive the flood – hence Goliath, etc – but the degradations the world was sinking to were stopped by the Flood. So humanity regained its path and ascendancy, but the bloodlines did survive. They originated from the Anunnaki of Sumer, then the Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians, as the lineages of ‘the gods’ – hence Nimrod, Noahs gt grandon was a ‘mighty hunter before the Lord’ ie part celestial, but degraded. He was the builder of the Tower of Babylon according to Jewish legends and texts, again as a symbol of ‘human mightiness’ or ‘arrogance’ before God – so it was destroyed, and languages made different also.
      Any of the Hebrew patriarchs who MAY have had some ‘nephilim’ or ‘other celestial’ mixed genes within their lineage were able to rise above their heredity, and problems.
      The closeness of Moses ‘he who was drawn from the water’ ie hybrid to the Pharaoh shows his powerful but possibly compromised nature. This is why it is said t him ‘thou art a bloody man’. Likewise why he is not allowed ito Israel, but viewed it from a pagan hilltop site where Balaam and Balak were (Pisgah), overlooking the vale of Zophim – or the ‘field of the watchers’… Yet he was one of Israel’s patriarchs and prophets, so he was blessed despite his inner nature… so the Bible is alot more complex than people would have you believe. Read it with an open heart, and open mind.

      1. Jay says:

        Ps – if you look at Moses relatives – his cousin Koreh was swallowed alive into the pit of earth. His elder sister Miriam’s name means ‘the bitter waters’ ie ‘dark lineages’. His wife is Zillah – this means ‘bird’ or ‘doom’ – both markers of celestial genetics. Her father was one of the Kenites (who were originally metal-workers’ and thus Cainites, like Tubal-Cain, a leading ‘nephilim’). But Reuel and his family left the Kenites ie reformed morally… Reuel’s son called Hobab, his name means ‘serpent’, again linking to the Sumerian/nephilim lines. This duality goes some way to explaining the large amount of serpent imagery in Moses’ life – especially the Nachash, the brass serpent which healed the injuries of the Israelites bitten by the ‘fiery serpents’ the Seraphim. Yet Isaiah, the major prophet, describes the Seraphim as singing in holy choir to the Lord in heaven; so again there is a duality people overlook.
        Anyway, free-will means ANYONE even today can rise above their inheritance, or their situation. This I believe is why the bloodlines survived the Flood.

  181. MysticMarcel says:

    The article in question and the last 50 comments offer ample evidence why we don’t evolve and will probably die out. The Nephilim have nothing to do with giants or dinosaurs or any flesh and blood creatures other than human beings. If you want to know what the mystic writer meant you must understand why God created in the first place. Hello out there. Yehi Or.

  182. Olivia says:

    Dan, the sons of god are angels, or fallen angels. You should read the book of Enoch. He says how the angel made a treaty to do what they did, going down to the woman on earth. That they took which ever women that they wanted( that ones in Genesis). That they liked there long hair which is why they went to them. It was angels leaving heaven. The book of Enoch even says their habitation( meaning their heavenly bodies for a lesser one, flesh). The book of Enoch even mentions how they some how made a spirit of their own, so when the Nephilim died they turned into what the Bible terms as the,”foul spirits of the earth.”
    And the Jews weren’t making up fables in the Bible. They are telling us what they saw. What happened. What was right in front of them. I mean God says he is truth that his word will never fail, that he is the same yesterday today and forever, that he is not like man that he should lie. The Bible is God’s word not a bunch of Jewish fables. He is telling you the truth from beginning to end. God’s word is not to be interpreted, but read and listen too.

  183. Olivia says:

    Doesn’t it say that the Nephilim eventually turned on humans, and began to eat them(us). The Bible may have referred to the Nephilim as men of renowned, but I don’t really think it was complimenting them. The Bible is tell us how they would be seen. The Nephilim were worshipped. You can see drawing of them in the hieroglyphics in Egypt, and even in the South American. There is also Hercules, Zeus, and the greek gods. They were seen as important, as gods.
    Also the Rock giants in that new movie, Noah. All that stuff is in the book of Enoch not in Genesis. I also don’t think you should use that movie to describe the Nephilim. It is a movie meant for entertainment not facts. They didn’t really follow the story that much; for example all Noah’s son were born at the same time when he was 500 years old, and his son were 100 years old when they went on the ark. Noah also would not have taken help from Nephilim; because they book of Enoch tells you how they came down, and started to teach men all sort of evil stuff( like abortion, witchcraft, the art of seduction to women, and the art of war). The Nephilim were called the fallen ones for a reason.
    You need to research more. Your schools have left out a lot of information, and the turned the Nephilim into good fallen angels. When they are demons.

  184. Dan Baxley says:

    Terry, you are spot on, and proving there are still some clear thinking believers out there. Ellen White, is that what you actually learned in school?

  185. Dan Baxley says:

    Is anyone interested in reading exactly what Genesis 6:4 says? Read it and you will get straight.

    (Gen 6:4) There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. KJV
    (Gen 6:4) The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. NIV

    No where does it say the Giants, or Nephilim were the product of angels and humans — read it, it says that “in those days” there were giants, maybe dinosaurs, and when? “…also after that…” It never says these giants, which is what nephilim means in Hebrew — but forget all of that and make up your own fables, just as the source for this thinking has done — Jewish fables and myths — Titus 1:14 — just because those in BC engaged in fiction writing does not make it true. Another thing, about the Sons of God in Gen 6:2 — Everyone does realize our Creator said He made all mankind of ONE BLOOD, right? No intermixing with spirit beings. Why would powerful angles lower themselves to have sex with dirt clods — oh, because they saw they were beautiful, that must be it. Ridiculous, angels that have been exposed to the beauties of the whole universe and they cannot restrain themselves because of the beautiful daughter of men, really? Please, let’s get real — angel, human woman — this is laughable. And why would these angels bother with marriage? Non of it makes sense. These were human Kings that saw themselves as ‘sons of the gods’ — remember, “gods” in this verse is in the plural, meaning more than one — Sons of the gods — sounds a lot like the Greek soap opera of the gods.
    — Read these verse in various translations and see how you have to twist the verse and verses to make it say what these careless teachers say. Another scholar bites the dust

  186. Alan says:

    Jud 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
    Jud 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
    Jud 1:8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

    I’m not saying we have to take these things too literally, but the NT definitely buys into these ideas.
    Luke 17:26-30, Mat 24:37-39, Jud 6-7, 2 Pe 2:5-6, 1 Pe 3:19-20, Mat 25:41

  187. Terry Moore says:

    The “giants in the earth” spoken of in Genesis 6:2 does not mean literal oversized men and women. It also does not mean a breed of half human half angels. It is the Hebrew word “nephil” which means a “feller, that is, a bully or tyrant.” Thus we see that there were tyrants that bullied people at that time. This is the same word used in Numbers 13:33 when speaking of the sons of Anak. Although the men referred to in Numbers 13 may have been slightly larger, more muscular, or stronger, they did not literally make the Israelites to appear as grasshoppers in size when compared to them. If we say a muscle builder is “giant” do we mean he is literally 20 ft tall? No, we mean he they are considerably bigger and stronger than ourselves.

    In addition, there is nothing in the Bible that supports the theory that angels bred with human women. Genesis 6:2 is not talking about spirit beings at all. Compare with the previous chapter 4:26. This shows us that there were people who began to call themselves the sons of God meaning they were a people who knew and worshipped God. It was these men who called themselves the sons of God that took to themselves many wives of which they chose. This expression means that they began to take wives from those who did not worship God.

    Consider also that spirit beings do not marry (Luke 20:45). Giants is a term that means tyrants, or bullies. Some have tried to use a supposed book of Enoch to justify this theory. But we must consider that the book of Enoch is a spurious writing that cannot be trusted. That book tells a fairy tale story of Enoch who supposedly went to heaven and God used Enoch to correct the angels. It contains many heretical theories and statements.

  188. Alan says:

    Also Deu 9:2. Deu_1:28, Deu_2:10, Deu_3:11, Deu_9:2;

    Deu 9:2 A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of Anak!

    That didn’t come from Greece.

  189. Alan says:


    Genesis wasn’t written under Greek influence. Greece only borrowed from earlier Sumerian and Egyptian sources. Nimrod, a man of renown, wasn’t a Greek character. These things can be found in the original Hebrew and find their basis in natural theology.

    The Anakim were descendants from the Nephilim. Compare to Num 13:22-33, Josh 15:13-14. Read Dr. Michael Heiser.

  190. Kurt says:

    In considering the Greek myths, it is of interest to see how the Bible sheds light on their possible or even probable origin. As Genesis 6:1-13 shows, prior to the Flood, angelic sons of God came to earth, evidently materializing in human form, and cohabited with attractive women. They produced offspring who were called Nephilim, or Fellers, that is, “those who cause others to fall down.” The result of this unnatural union of spirit creatures with humans, and the hybrid race it produced, was an earth filled with immorality and violence. (Compare Jude 6; 1Pe 3:19, 20; 2Pe 2:4, 5; see NEPHILIM.) Like others of the post-Flood times, Javan, the progenitor of the Greek people, undoubtedly heard the account of pre-Flood times and circumstances, likely from his father Japheth, a survivor of the Flood. Note, now, what the writings attributed to Homer and Hesiod reveal.
    The numerous gods and goddesses they described had human form and great beauty, though often being gigantic and superhuman. They ate, drank, slept, had sexual intercourse among themselves or even with humans, lived as families, quarreled and fought, seduced and raped. Though supposedly holy and immortal, they were capable of any type of deceit and crime. They could move among mankind either visibly or invisibly. Later Greek writers and philosophers sought to purge the accounts of Homer and Hesiod of some of the more vile acts attributed to the gods.
    These accounts may reflect, although in greatly expanded, embellished, and distorted form, the authentic account of pre-Flood conditions found in Genesis. A further remarkable correspondency is that, in addition to the principal gods, the Greek legends describe demigods or heroes who were of both divine and human descent. These demigods were of superhuman strength but were mortal (Hercules being the only one of them granted the privilege of attaining immortality). The demigods thus bear a marked similarity to the Nephilim in the Genesis account.
    Noting this basic correspondency, Orientalist E. A. Speiser would trace the theme of the Greek myths back to Mesopotamia. (The World History of the Jewish People, 1964, Vol. 1, p. 260) Mesopotamia was the location of Babylon and also the focus from which mankind spread after the confusion of man’s language.—Ge 11:1-9.

  191. Dennis Studd says:

    Isn’t it strange how many comments this subject has produced? So many people who know what they are talking about yet all saying something different?
    Most, if not all of these comments are subjective; they are human interpretation. The Bible actually contains very little myth; the histories are historiography – just one person’s view of the situation, often written centuries later, just like people now write about the Great War, but were not alive when it happened.

  192. Giacomo says:

    Here some food for thought!

    (JPS1917 OT) Job 38:1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said: 2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? 3 Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto Me. 4 WHERE WAST THOU WHEN I LAID THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH? Declare, if thou hast the understanding. 5 Who determined the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who stretched the line upon it? 6 Whereupon were the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner-stone thereof, 7 WHEN THE MORNING STARS SANG TOGETHER, AND ALL THE SONS OF GOD SHOUTED FOR JOY?

    Whom were the “MORNING STARS”? And whom the “THE SONS OF GOD”?


    Are we in phase “B” of our existence?

  193. Jeff says:

    Thank you to Ben for your comments #22, 37 & 38. These were much more informative than the BAR article. I agree with your statement that Christians and secularist need to turn to the rabbinic writings. Much fruitless fantasizing could be thereby avoided. Learning to read Biblical Hebrew would be in order as well, especially for Christians. Doing so would reveal how far off mark translations are.

  194. AltRockAddict says:

    About time someone brought this into the light of modern conciseness

  195. bent14 says:

    The Book of Enoch is one of those first century BCE texts I referred to as “sectarian marginal” in my previous comment, so those that cite that work as evidence for the over-a-thousand-years-earlier Torah text’s meaning are really doubly off-base, both in terms of time-line and in terms of marginality and irrelevance to mainstream Judaism. Paul ‘s comments apply.

    As for the “giants,” there are several passages in the Scriptures that describe various different groups as “giants.” It may refer to their physical size (e.g., as in the case of Goliath, the hero of the Philistines), or it may refer to their overwhelming military power. In either case, it is nothing to get excited about as a descriptor.

  196. bent14 says:

    I apologize to Dr. White for using the title “Ms.,” which I simply repeated from a previous poster’s comment without examining further. However, that is the only point of validity in “MysticMarcel”‘s comment. The traditional Jewish exegesis cannot be so easily ignored as either he, Dr. White, or the other posters here suppose. It is in fact the case that elohim is used in several indisputable instances in the Torah for mighty or powerful human beings and groups like nobles, judges, or other potentates. There is no need to talk about “fallen angels.” As I mentioned, that idea emerged very late, actually in the century before the rise of Christianity itself, and only took hold in sectarian marginal groups that soon vanished from Judaism. The supposition also runs counter to monotheism. So, by the way, does the idea of a “Satan” independent of G-d’s will. The only appearance of “haSatan,” meaning “The Adversary Angel,” in the Jewish Scriptures is in the Book of Job, where he is described as dwelling in heaven and being merely the advocate against human beings and tester of their piety and righteousness, which is permitted by G-d. That is why there is next to nothing about a realm ruled by Satan in mainstream Judaism. Even though medieval Jews generally did believe there was Beelzebub, a lord of the demons, the chief characteristic of these demons is that their element was chaos, not a distinct and separate kingdom of evil, and they did not even work together effectively: the only power they had was what human beings accorded them through their own evil impulse. Therefore, human beings still exercised freedom of will and were responsible for their own deeds before G-d.

  197. dave says:

    Wow! Even still, let us sweep the giants under the rug! Tell me, are you getting grants and funding from the Smithsonian? Hmmmm?

  198. Paul Ballotta says:

    Alan, those sources you cited, aside from ANE writings, were written after the effects of Greek culture and mythology threatened to inundate Jewish tradition. So the word “gigantes” replaced “nephilim” in Genesis 6:4 in the Septuagint translation (this I learned from a commentator on another BAS article), since even the common people could identify the giants with the Titans. When the Genesis narrative we are discussing was composed, it was during the early monarchic period and so the reference to the Nephilim then occurred when average folk likely would know about “heroes of old, men of renown” such as Gilgamesh. This was, I believe, a rejection of old forms of oppression, and in speaking of the Giants, the book of Baruch (3:27-28) states: “God’s choice did not fall on these, he did not reveal the way to knowledge to them; they perished for lack of wisdom, perished in their own folly.”
    Before the influence of Hellenization, we have an admonition from the Koheleth (Ecclesiastes 10:20):
    “Do not curse the king, even in thought. Do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom, for a bird of the air will carry the news; indiscretion sprouts wings.”
    After the influence of Hellenization, the writings of this period don’t hesitate to address the imbalance of wealth distribution under control of the landed aristocracy:
    “The rich man speaks and everyone stops talking, and then they praise his discourse to the skies. The poor man speaks and people say, ‘Who is this?’ and if he staggers they push him down” (Wisdom of Ben Sirach 13:23).

  199. MysticMarcel says:

    Take a look at a Christian lay scholar’s unique take on this: “Once God Had A Voice” at

  200. Robert C. says:

    How anyone could take the obviously mythical human derived tales of the Bible seriously is beyond belief. Humans created myth stories to explain a world they didn’t understand or comprehend. Serious scholars of the Bible know that “Moses” did not write the Pentateuch. I find it’s the conservative Christian Apologists who stand alone proclaiming that their version of the Bible is historically accurate and to be taken literally. The many myth stories found in the Bible should be viewed as epic storytelling, like we do with Shakespeare, while realizing it has absolutely nothing to do with alleged supernatural events claimed by the many pseudonymous authors.

  201. Linda cull says:

    Get the book ‘on the trail of the Nephilim, giant skeletons and ancient megalithic structures’ by: L.A. Marzulli. It has 130 color photos.

  202. Alan says:

    Why does the author ignore the information from I Enoch, Jubilees, Josephus, Philo or ANE writings, as some have pointed out? Are modern scholars the only ones with opinions that count? As far as the flood, Nimrod became a giant (LXX) and a mighty hunter of renown.

  203. Michael says:

    Hold on everyone. Take a time out and read 1 Enoch.

  204. MysticMarcel says:

    It’s hopeless. No wonder hundreds of millions of people now refuse to read the Bible. Think, people, think.

  205. Dan says: