The Dead Sea Scrolls and why they matter
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The scrolls were written during a time of significant turmoil and strife between the Greek-influenced elite and the more traditional Jewish populations of Judea. From the time of Alexander the Great’s death to the fall of Masada at the hands of the Romans, a series of historic events would influence the authors of the scrolls and the population as a whole. This is the historical context for the creation of the scrolls and the foundations of both Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism.
332 B.C.E.
Alexander the Great defeats Persia and conquers Judea beginning widespread Hellenization of the area.
323 B.C.E.
Alexander the Great dies creating a power struggle between the Seleucids of Syria and the Ptolemies of Egypt.
250 B.C.E.
Date of the oldest Dead Sea Scrolls
197 B.C.E.
Judea becomes a province of the Seleucid Empire
175 B.C.E.
Jerusalem becomes a polis
175-167 B.C.E.
Forced Hellenization and persecution of the Jews including the banning of circumcision and religious observances such as the Sabbath, and forced paganism and consumption of foods forbidden by Jewish law.
166 B.C.E.
Rise of the Maccabees
150 B.C.E.
Nash Papyrus, oldest known Biblical manuscript fragment before discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
140 B.C.E.
Foundation of the Maccabbean, or Hasmonean, dynasty
140-67 B.C.E.
Period of unrest between Hasmoneans and Pharisees. Jews in opposition flee to Judean desert and settle at Qumran
63 B.C.E.
Judea conquered by Rome
37 B.C.E.
Herod the Great appointed ruler by Rome, end of Hasmoneaen dynasty
ca. 4 B.C.E.
Birth of Jesus of Nazareth
26-36 C.E.
Pontius Pilate prefect of Judea
ca. 30 C.E.
Crucifixion of Jesus
66 C.E.
First Jewish Revolt against Rome
68-73 C.E.
Gospel of Mark composed
68 C.E.
Date of the last Dead Sea Scrolls
70 C.E.
Fall of Jerusalem to Roman army
70-100 C.E.
Gospel of Matthew composed
73 C.E.
Fall of Masada, last Jewish stronghold against Rome
85 C.E.
Gospel of Luke composed
90 C.E.
Gospel of John composed
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Wouldn’t you say that the Gospel of Luke was composed sometime in the 60s AD?