Digitizing Israel’s Scientific Archive

Bible and archaeology news

All images displayed here property of the IAA.

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) Scientific Archive includes tens of thousands of extraordinary (and extraordinarily fragile) documents from the British Mandate (1919-1948). Earlier this week, the IAA unveiled the first stage of their digitization project, making over 36,000 scanned hand and typewritten texts, photographs, maps and plans available on the web. ( Preserved for generations to come, the fragile documents offer a unique insight into archaeology and urban life in British Palestine in the first half of the 20th century. Funded by the “Landmarks” heritage program in the Prime Minister’s Office and the IAA, this important project grants international public access to one of Israel’s most delicate treasures.

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1 Responses

  1. Daniella Bramble says:

    This may really help me as I have repeatedly tried to join the list and i cannot seem to obtain the confirmation codes. So hopefully this one would work for me.

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1 Responses

  1. Daniella Bramble says:

    This may really help me as I have repeatedly tried to join the list and i cannot seem to obtain the confirmation codes. So hopefully this one would work for me.

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