BAS Fellowships for 2018

The Biblical Archaeology Society is now accepting applications for the 2018 Joseph Aviram, Yigael Yadin, and Hershel Shanks fellowships that allow scholars to attend the annual meetings of the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) and the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), held this November in Denver. The fellowships’ stipends of up to $2,500 each are intended to cover the costs of the winners’ travel expenses.

Joseph Aviram Fellowships
The Joseph Aviram Fellowship brings Israeli scholars to the United States to participate in the annual ASOR and/or SBL scholarly meetings. The fellowship honors Joseph Aviram of the Israel Exploration Society (IES). Aviram, at the age of 102, remains president of the IES; he has been associated with the society for nearly eight decades.

Yigael Yadin Fellowships
The Yigael Yadin Fellowship enables a “retired” senior scholar to attend and give a paper at ASOR and/or SBL. The fellowship honors Yigael Yadin, Israel’s most famous and distinguished archaeologist, who passed away in 1984.

Hershel Shanks Fellowships
The Biblical Archaeology Society is offering the Hershel Shanks Fellowship for papers on the archaeology of Late Antique Judaism and the Talmudic period. The fellowship honors Hershel Shanks, BAR’s founder and editor emeritus. This prize was established by a generous gift from the late Sami Rohr of Bal Harbour, Florida, who insisted on naming this fellowship for Hershel.


To apply, please submit a curriculum vitae and a brief abstract of your paper by September 1, 2018, by email to [email protected] with “2018 Fellowships” in the subject line or by mail to:

Biblical Archaeology Society
4710 41st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20016

2017 Recipients:

Fellowships were awarded to seven presenters at the annual meetings in 2017: Evie Gassner, David Gurevich, Daniel Leviathan, Anat Mendel-Geberovich, Roi Sabar, Dina Shalem, and Yigal Sitry.

Evie Gassner, who is pursuing a degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, gave a paper on “‘Water, Water, Everywhere’—Water as a Landscape Element in Herod’s Building Projects.”

David Gurevich, also at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, gave the paper “Ancient Water Supply, GIS, and Archive: The Northern Aqueduct of Jerusalem.”

Daniel Leviathan of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem presented a paper on “New Light on the Origin of the Triglyphs in the Doric Order,” coauthored with Yosef Garfinkel.

Anat Mendel-Geberovich, a post-doctoral fellow at Tel Aviv University and a faculty member at the Israel Antiquities Authority, presented a joint paper on “Arad Ostracon 16 Rediscovered via Multispectral Imaging.”

Roi Sabar of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem gave a paper on “Ethnic Boundaries and Settlement History in the Eastern Upper Galilee during the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Periods: Results of a High Resolution Site Survey.”

Dina Shalem of Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee presented a paper on “Was There a Galilean Cultural Entity in the Late Chalcolithic Period?”

Finally, Yigal Sitry, a research fellow at University of Haifa’s Zinman Institute of Archaeology, gave a paper on “Two pivots of the 7th Century B.C. from Thebes, Egypt and the Beginning of Woodturning.”

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