Sep 5
By: BAS Staff
Read the 114 sayings of Jesus from the Gospel of Thomas as translated by Stephen J. Patterson and James M. Robinson.
Aug 29
By: Biblical Archaeology Society Staff
Until it was damaged and partially lost, the Aleppo Codex was considered to be the “crown” of ancient Biblical manuscripts, and was the version of the Hebrew Bible that was ultimately considered the most authoritative text in Judaism. Its loss was an enormous blow to Jewish scholarship. However, another complete codex still exists: The Leningrad Codex. How does it compare to its more distinguished cousin?
Aug 1
By: Robin Ngo
New Testament scholar Simon Gathercole examines what the sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas reveal about the early Christian world in which they were written.
Jul 2
By: Noah Wiener
More than 200 Biblical texts written in Hebrew were discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. How do these ancient Biblical texts compare with the Masoretic Text and the Greek Septuagint in scholars’ search for the most authoritative text of the Hebrew Bible?
Jun 20
By: BAS Staff
After losing his health, wealth and children in inexplicable tragedies, the righteous and devout man Job questions God as to what he must have done to deserve such a heavy punishment. When he can think of nothing else, Job challenges God by suing God to provide evidence of his wrongdoing.
May 10
By: Marek Dospěl
Discover the fascinating history of Coptic, the final stage of the indigenous language of Egypt. Learn about its connection to ancient Egyptian and its significance in the Coptic Church.
May 9
By: Biblical Archaeology Society Staff
The Hebrew Bible today differs from the Bible manuscripts of the first millennium B.C.E. How do we identify alterations? Learn why critical editions of the Bible are essential.
Apr 28
By: Mark Wilson
How did the Jewish name Ya’akov, properly translated as Jacob, become James in English versions of the Bible?
Apr 9
By: BAS Staff
Do insights from the Dead Sea Scrolls add to the Masoretic text, and if so, should the original Hebrew Bible text be modified based this information? Scholars from both sides of the divide weigh in on this issue.
Oct 5
By: Biblical Archaeology Society Staff
Compare differences in the Biblical text between the King James Version and Codex Sinaiticus, the oldest New Testament.