Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

Ramesses II

Sep 30

Guarding Egypt during the Time of Ramesses II

By: Nathan Steinmeyer

Archaeologists with the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities have uncovered a fortress from the reign of Ramesses II (r. 1279–1213 BCE), the Egyptian pharaoh […]

Sep 27

The Amarna Revolution

By: Lila Wolk

The pharaoh Akhenaten was a shrewd political operator who consolidated his power over ancient Egypt through strategic, administrative, and symbolic changes, beginning with the movement […]

Amarna Letter EA 299, written on behalf of Yapahu, king of Gezer.

Sep 25

Missives to the Egyptian Court

By: BAS Staff

In the centuries before the rise of biblical Israel, a period known as the Late Bronze Age (c. 1550–1200 BCE), the land of Canaan boasted […]

Egyptian tombs

Aug 12

Scores of Egyptian Tombs Uncovered

By: Nathan Steinmeyer

Excavations by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, in the necropolis of Tell al-Deir, about 125 miles north of Cairo, revealed 63 mudbrick tombs and […]

Ramesses the Great

Jun 3

The Sarcophagus of Ramesses the Great

By: Nathan Steinmeyer

More than 3,200 years after the death of Ramesses the Great (r. 1279–1213 BCE), a large piece of his burial sarcophagus has been identified. Publishing […]

The Pyramin of Pharaoh Djoser

May 7

Pharaoh’s Brick Makers

By: Marek Dospěl

What does the Bibleclaim about the Israelites’ forced labor for the Pharaoh? Looking for the most plausible match in ancient Egyptian architecture.

A relief from the mortuary temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu depicting severed hands of defeated enemies. Asta, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Apr 17

Severed Hands at Avaris

By: Biblical Archaeology Society Staff 

In 2011, archaeologists excavating Avaris (modern Tell el-Dab‘a), in the eastern Nile Delta, made a gruesome discovery. In three pits just outside an ancient palace […]

Jan 8

Buddha in Ancient Egypt

By: Nathan Steinmeyer

While excavating the ancient Red Sea port of Berenike in southeastern Egypt, an international team discovered a remarkable statue of Buddha dating to the Roman […]

Great Sphinx of Giza

Nov 27

The Origins of the Great Sphinx of Giza

By: Nathan Steinmeyer

The Great Sphinx of Giza is a monolithic structure and one of the ancient world’s most iconic monuments, alongside the Pyramids of Giza. However, unlike […]

Elephantine text

Oct 27

A Jewish Curse Text from Elephantine

By: Nathan Steinmeyer

While the Hebrew Bible provides a great deal of information on ancient Israelite religion and Yahweh worship, there are very few extrabiblical texts that inform […]