And the Winner Is …
“He said take only what you need, not manna for mañana!”
—Linda Varnes, Nampa, Idaho
Thank you to all those who submitted caption entries for our Spring 2024 cartoon, based on Exodus 16:15–16: “When the Israelites saw it, they said to one another, ‘What is it?’ For they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, ‘It is the bread that the LORD has given you to eat. This is what the LORD has commanded: Gather as much of it as each of you needs, an omer to a person according to the number of persons, all providing for those in their own tents.’” We are pleased to congratulate Linda Varnes of Nampa, Idaho, who wrote the winning caption.
“Remember to mind your mannas!”
—Andy Stafford, Bloomington, Indiana
“Manna-m I hungry!”
—Bob Myers, Fleming Island, Florida
Honorable Mentions:
“It’s raining bread! Hallelujah! It’s raining bread!”
—Roland Sault, British Columbia, Canada
“Am I the only one with quail on the brain?”
—Bruce Krauth, Troy, Ohio
“Moses was right, son. Ours is a mannafeast destiny!”
—Ruth Anderson, Puyallup, Washington
“Man, that’s a lot of manna.”
—T. Halupka, Windermere, Florida
“My wife makes the best bamanna bread!”
—Nelda Reed, Caldwell, Ohio
“Whoa, looks like his ‘omer run’ was a grand slam!”
—Steve Dalzell, Washington, District of Columbia
“Bread from heaven, in a manna of speaking.”
—Michael Bulson, South Jordan, Utah
“Are you sure we can’t have eggs for breakfast?”
—Deacon Jerry Fust, Saint Johns, Michigan
“Manna? This is for the birds!”
—Jenny Grunigen, Greensboro, North Carolina
“This manna stuff is for the birds!”
—Yigal Levin, Tzur-Yigal, Israel
“A bird on the head is worth two in the bush.”
—Gary Court, Franklin, Tennessee
“No fair. That’s his third trip!”
—Marae Hornbeck, Old Hickory, Tennessee
“The early bird gets the manna.”
—Becky Clark, Warrior, Alabama
Email the editors with questions or comments on the latest issue of BAR.
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{This is for the “Moses” cartoon in Fall ’24} “HOW LONG, OH LORD, HOW LONG?”